eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 131: The first show is over


"Liu Sanping rush!"

After Yun Yun killed the soldier 76 on the opposite side, he decisively led the team forward. The Dva used by Liu Sanping directly rushed into the enemy's line.

"Zarya's remaining blood on the left." Yin Qi, as Anna, stood behind to provide support. Moon and Allen were still on the way to resurrection. It was still difficult for the four of them to fight against the five top 500.

Because this group of opponents is not playing the game as they imagined.

Whether it is breaking through the defense line at point A or focusing fire and turning fire, they can reach the professional level. The Koreans are best at the front row to kill a bloody path in the Hanamura melee. Their temporary professional team was defeated in the first match. I was caught off guard.

It’s not that Moon or XD are too rough, but that the combat style of the two is completely different from the way AM is used to. Without a break-in, they can leave XD as Laur’s only seedling living in the corner waiting for support, and they still have to praise XD for being smart And witty.

"Is the opposite side a professional!" Liu Sanping's Dva had a trace of blood left, and took advantage of the strong sound of acceleration to escape quickly, "The gun hurts so much!"

"I haven't seen it." Allen was able to find time to say a few words, rushed to the battlefield and directly used Xiaomei to erect an ice wall to block the fire on the opposite side, "It may also be a high-scoring passerby."

Overwatch's high-scoring game has a large number of masters. They may be other e-sports game professional players hidden under ordinary accounts, or they may be retired professionals. With continuous training, even passers-by can reach the semi-professional level.

Although AM and Laur are strong, they are in a tense arena. They can always force out the roar of their souls at critical moments, and their explosive potential counters the trend. Now, they are half of the troublemaker team and half of the academic school, and they don't have the ability of the whole team to coordinate against a well-trained six-black team.

"This is the imminent disaster, each according to his own ability!" XD cooperated with Moon's acceleration, and decisively made a savage impact, accurately hitting the opponent's Lucio, but unfortunately, was protected by Zarya's red shield. The capture progress at point A was loading, but they had no reason to give up struggling. What's more, Liu Sanping recovered half of his blood and took Allen directly to kill him.

Unforeseen accidents can happen even at the last second of capturing a target point.

Within ten seconds, Yun Yun took the second head. The disadvantage of being pushed all the way by the attacker was instantly reversed, and the main battlefield returned to the target area from the passage from point A to point B.

Those gunshots shot across the dodging figure of the enemy, and struck the ancient clock, making a crisp sound, as if it was a signal to pause, and stuck the attacker's capture progress at the last frame.

"They have faster energy than us, so try to waste as much time as possible." Seeing the last attacker's body disappear into the courtyard, Yun Yun climbed up to the side wall decisively.

Point A is definitely impossible to defend, but they must prevent the enemy on the opposite side from pushing two points with the ultimate skill. If they can spend more time at point A, it will be more powerful for them.

Allen walked towards the main entrance of the target point, and there was only one-third of the capture progress left. Depending on the strength of the opponent, it was just a team battle. He said: "At least, I can save enough big moves before I die."

The live broadcast continued, but not everyone who entered the discussion thread had the conditions to arrive at the scene. After all, the speed of the Internet was so high, and many people tried various methods, so they could only return to the forum and silently type "seeking text broadcast".

Another barrage method turned the temporary discussion posts into high-rise buildings. Those excited onlookers resisted the urge to go to the Korean live broadcast website to brush 233 and 666, and spread their love for AM and Laur on in forums and Weibo.

Originally, Kang Ming's Weibo homepage, where everything was calm and cute, suddenly popped up a message about Yunyun, describing clearly from the beginning to the development of the matter, not only expressing surprise, but also wanting to know the inside information.

Kang Ming: ... What's the inside story, that is, they ran to the competitive wave and hit the armor.

He responded quickly to the news, and by the way, quickly scanned the popular science, and instantly understood that the members of the team had once again caused a frenzy. This is completely different from face-to-face with the Korean team on the field. On other people's live broadcast sites, it is too embarrassing for the anchor to regain a foothold in a counterattack.

It's a pity that he bought drinks at the supermarket two streets away from the apartment, so he couldn't see the whole scene with his own eyes.

Kang Ming Coming: Please be kind and beautiful, please record this live broadcast and send it to me. Thank you.

After he sent the message, the translator had just finished changing the money, and he could finally go home. In fact, Kang Ming didn’t have much admiration for South Korea. He didn’t like going abroad very much. He was born in a place where he was not familiar with the language, so he finally learned English. It’s better to let him die if he adds Korean.

The streets of South Korea are still a little cold at night, but fortunately they are very quiet. Those vehicles passing by the road in front of him rarely hear the sound of their horns. What's more, the people passing by don't look sideways, and they don't even talk or chat. They all lowered their voices.

Quiet, especially suitable for him and Yun Yun to wander around hand in hand.

However, one of the protagonists is obsessed with games and has no free time for him.

"Brother Chen, where are you going?" the translator who was caught by Kang Ming to run errands asked sincerely.

Even though Kang Ming really wanted to turn around and go back now, but he was on a mission, and he would be worried if he couldn't see the reliability of the things he bought. After all, it was his first time to lead a team abroad, and the daily medicines, snacks and snacks that the team lacked had to be ensured.

He thought for a while and said, "Look for a nearby clothing store, I need to buy some underwear."

Yun Yun didn't bring much clothes this time, and the team uniforms were necessary every day, so they were still wearing a little thin. Kang Ming felt that he should buy a few sets of warm clothes to fully cover Yun Yun for his family.

There is a kind of cold, called your man thinks you are cold.

"Big move, big move!" Allen seemed to have suffered from the echo of Liu Sanping's speech, "Don't take a bath if you're frozen! Don't take a bath if you're frozen!"

The battle has become so fierce that all members are incoherent. After point A was occupied, they showed 120,000 points of vigilance to the defense of point B. If they were ruthlessly crushed and lost, they would lose. A battle full of hope of victory like this , will arouse the infinite fighting spirit of all members.

The attacker in the target point tried to stand firm, but was frozen out of two ice sculptures. Dva who rushed from behind brought support, and resisted and opened the defense matrix for cover. Liu Sanping jumped downstairs and directly entered the target point to fight with Dva on the opposite side. At the beginning, the player who used Soldier 76, after replacing Dva, increased the thickness of the attacking side by several times, and the popular lineup of three tanks appeared again , It is very useful to crush the past trend with armored tanks.

"This Jva is a bit scary!" Moon rarely laments his opponents on the battlefield. "Just now, the residual blood circled in mid-air, and the tricky angle made him dodge!"

"No." Yun Yun felt the tremendous pressure. After releasing Hanzo's Shenlong, he replaced it with the more mobile Tracer. "Their support is very strong."

As the front row, Jva can always maintain high-frequency harassment and aggression, which is inseparable from the strong support of the back row support. Although there is ZUM in their team, Moon's Lucio is too unfamiliar with them, and the rhythm of XD is consistent. .

Yun Yun shuttled among the enemy lines, constantly switching targets in an attempt to weaken the enemy's blood volume, but most of the damage he dealt was converted into the energy of the opponent's support.

The energy of the opponent is faster than them, and the management of the ultimate move is more cooperative. They almost exert their personal abilities to the extreme and hold on until the end of the defense.

When the offense and defense were switched, Moon finally gave up on Lucio and said: "Aaron is here to get DJ, and I will make a front row. It's time for the opponent to see King Zarya!"

Although Moon's words are exaggerated, the offense is much easier when it becomes three tanks. Allen's Reinhardt, Moon's Zarya, and Liu Sanping's Dva directly use the same configuration to face the enemy. The weakness caused by the hero cooperation just now , can be covered up by Dotan's high fault tolerance rate.

Their offense was more intense than their defense in the first round. In the end, Liu Sanping and Moon combined with a big move, and the nuclear bomb exploded to clear the audience.

"Win! Ha!" Liu Sanping yelled, "Come again!"

"No appointment, no appointment." As the first person who proposed to compete with AM volleyball, Allen was the first to object, "This intensity is so painful, I want to double row with Yun Yun."

Competitive competitions are meant to be used for leisure and entertainment to brush up the rankings. Playing like a training match is not worth the loss. After all, AM and Laur are not like DeGR and Laur. Mixed teams can also see the potential of personnel transfer.

Yun Yun thought for a while and said, "Let's row in double tomorrow, I'm a little sleepy today."

A game lasted for more than forty minutes. However, the person who went out half an hour before the game had not returned.

Kang Ming received the good news from the radiator in the Korean mall, and the sound of ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding crazily made him have to free his hands to check the news. Those jumping fans were as excited as if AM won the championship in Korea. When he learned that Yun Yun was on camera, he didn't think he would lose, but his mood was very consistent with that of the audience.

That is the player he is proud of, and every victory is worthy of his celebration. Now, he wants to see how he can praise Yun Yun.

Kang Ming refreshed Weibo, and the hottest comment that was pushed to the front row appeared under the previously posted request for video.

Yuanzang party who eats melons: There is no beautiful and kind young lady, do you want a beautiful and kind big brother? [doge]

Kang Ming Coming reposted: Submit it to me.