eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 135: Korean League 4


DL, DPS and commander of the Chinese Are Men team, good at Hanzo, McCree, Ana.

These official things have been taken out and copied and pasted countless times, along with the team makeup photos and screenshots of players scanned in the live broadcast of the game have become permanent content in the hashtag.

The sentences in those discussions revolved around the heroes that DL is good at and the speed of Sombra's ultimate move just now, full of admiration and surprise.

"AM's DL is a professional god, having defeated BME's McGrath."

This sentence is like a thunderbolt in the discussion thread. Those keyboard critics who use coincidence and luck to analyze the speed of Sombra's opening speed are instantly attracted.

All the previous disdain disappeared completely because of this sentence. After all, nine out of ten Korean professional players have McGrath as their idol. They often use McGrath as a benchmark to study BME's tactics and recent McGrath's movements, whether it's live broadcast or social interaction. Even supporters who don't know much about the e-sports circle have heard of this name .

Passers-by who don't know the final situation of the Korean team going to the cup match started to complete the information of the China Cup match again. In addition to the vague impression of "the champion of the Chinese match is the Chinese team", they added the phrase "defeated KingPlay, Pil-Seung, BME". A terrible qualifier.

There are very few professional players who can use McCree, Sombra, and Ana proficiently and sharply in the professional arena. Plus Hanzo, it can be said that there is only one person in the world.

Those ignorant attitudes towards the Chinese team suddenly turned 180 degrees. The audience who thought KingPlay's appearance in the semi-finals was an established fact, worried from the bottom of their hearts: "KingPlay won't stop at the quarter-finals, right?"

If the quarter-finals of the league is not a bad result for the anchor team and the newly established team, it is undoubtedly bad news for KingPlay, which has defended the championship and has always appeared in front of the public as the top three.

The estimation of KingPlay's winning percentage will be reopened again. The previous optimistic attitude of KingPlay fans has completely disappeared, and even the mood of paying attention to the current situation of the game is extremely nervous.

"Then, KingPlay has finally won the target point and entered the cart stage." Dongyue, who knew nothing about the heated discussions in Korea, announced the status of KingPlay's capture of the target point, "They have enough time to push it to Point B shouldn't be a problem."

AM's defense strategy of using Sombra Double Fly to deal with Tracer Double Fly is very effective, but after KingPlay's death, he directly changed the lineup, took out the lineup of 76 soldiers and three tanks, and rushed into the defense line at a steady pace.

Then, stopped again by AM.

When KingPlay changed the lineup for the second time, even the commentators could feel the thinking of this team. They didn't dare to use the same tactics to deal with AM's defense, as if the Volskaya Industrial Zone had caused them great damage. The psychological shadow, constantly changing the lineup, became their breakthrough in dealing with AM.

In the end, the team won the target point with Genji and Tracer's dog release lineup.

Even in the current AM, there are times when there is no 100% guarantee of defeating the opponent. When the dog release lineup appears on the field, the audience can feel their mistakes. That kind of small problem is the weakness of defeat in a fierce game. Genji pierced through the defensive formation and stuck close to Ana, and even accompanied by Dva's defensive matrix escort, it was really difficult to kill in one blow.

Unless, DL is for Hanzo.

Everyone was waiting for a Hanzo to save the world, but DL replaced Tracer.

"It's still too late to change Hanzo" and "If you don't take Hanzo, you will lose", voices like this emerge one after another, representing the urgent expectations of the audience, hoping that DL will teach the opponent how to behave.

However, he didn't.

Dongyue's voice was calm, and said: "Now the delivery target has entered the castle area. Compared with AM's attack, KingPlay seems to be faster."

The game is still going on, KingPlay's cart process has reached the final stage, and AM seems to have no stamina, always trying to use Tracer's tactics to target Genji and Tracer's two-dog routine.

Start replaced McCree, DL was Tracer; Start replaced Pharah, DL was Tracer. DL seemed to be an obsessive person who wouldn't change heroes even if he died, unswervingly standing on the field with Tracer's image.

Even Toma, the usual "DL blower", said somewhat incomprehensibly: "The only thing that can be explained is that DL has not been killed since Tracer played until now. Maybe his tactic is to change heroes when he dies."

DL's Tracer is very eye-catching, and he can shuttle back and forth freely in the enemy's formation, but the result of the game is very regrettable.

The offense and defense were switched again, AM had 1 minute and 35 seconds left, and KingPlay had 1 minute and 10 seconds left. Although the difference in time was not big, AM clearly had a greater advantage.

But when repeating offense and defense, KingPlay took out the same lineup to deal with their enemies. The harvesting abilities of Tracer and Genji are as strong even in the current version. Sora, Mimi, and Sombra no longer satisfied the audience's Hanzo needs.

Regardless of whether he is sure that Hanzo can't cure KingPlay's Genji and Tracer, or he has new ideas, the fact that Hanzo didn't play again makes the audience feel regretful.

"Congratulations to KingPlay for scoring the first point."

For a three-game two-win format like eight to four, KingPlay scored one point first, and AM was in a very dangerous situation.

The second game is Lijiang Tower.

When this map appeared, domestic audiences always had that black shadow show in their minds.

Obviously, Toma's memory is still fresh, "KingPlay witnessed AM's king tactics in the Lijiang Tower, and now AM is going to reproduce the classic in this picture?"

His tone was relaxed, but he was not sure in his heart.

AM lost one point first in this game, causing Lijiang Tower to become a match point game, and it is very likely to determine the final winner. Although no one in Overwatch can predict the final result until the final overtime, such a crisis situation is still frightening.

Because this is a Korean league game, every move of the Chinese team is under the attention of the world. The view on the screen slowly moved across the giant squid and into the small square where the melee would follow.

The Lijiang Tower in the night is quiet, and the neon lights around it are flickering, waiting for the battle to start.

"KingPlay uses Tracer and Genji. It seems that after they found that this set of hero lineups is effective against AM, they favored this routine. Genji and Tracer broke into the back row to interfere with support, and Dva assisted in blocking Ana's anesthesia needle. Once the AM formation shrinks, it will fall into their net." Dongyue watched KingPlay's players continuously strafing and jumping in the rebirth room, seeming to have the momentum of revenge.

Once KingPlay was high-spirited, but encountered Waterloo at the Lijiang Tower, and then imagined this round as a battle of revenge, which is a natural thing.

Toma said: "AM's lineup should be the regular three tanks, and DL chose Tracer."

The AM lineup became a breakthrough for KingPlay in Eichenwalde. The team's output ability was insufficient and the rhythm was procrastinated. Keyboard critics can always be convincing when analyzing the doomed losers and winners.

Now, the synchronous discussion of the outside world seems to be spreading, as if seeing that AM's defeat originated from Tracer.

"... AM's Ana is Start." Toma seemed hesitant when he said this, he made sure that Ana's portrait was on Start's head, and ZUM had an unexpected hero, "ZUM used Genji, and now AM's lineup Exactly the same as KingPlay!"

This is an unexpected mirror image lineup, because the AM team is often DL to pick up Genji!

"This is really surprising and surprising. In my impression, AM's Tracer and Genji are always the exclusive heroes of DL alone. When they want to release the dog, Start exists as Tracer. How much It was rumored that the Shimada brothers merged into one on DL, but now they can come up with a new double dog, and Genji is not DL!"

No wonder Toma was shocked, this is also the first time that AM has handed over an important hero like Anna to Start in an official arena, and it is also the first time that ZUM has appeared in the image of Genji.

"As far as I know, ZUM was born as a sniper and used to use Widowmaker in the arena, so his Genji is a brand new perspective." Dongyue explained the situation of ZUM calmly. Know nothing.

Except for the members of AM, no one knows what Genji is like in ZUM.

"Yin Qi goes straight up, I'll cover." Yun Yun, who is often the core of the team, said this without any burden, waiting for ZUM to show his might.

In Eichenwalde, they have fully figured out the habit of KingPlay's dog release tactics. Genji is keen on catching Ana in the back row, and Tracer is keen on molesting the front row. The enemy's attack status is also their opportunity.

Compared to fighting alone, of course it is safer to destroy them with concentrated fire.

ZUM's Genji can't reach the level of one against ten, but there is no problem at all to become the core on the field.

"Tracer is dead."

"Anna has residual blood."

"Left back Lucio, I'll catch it."

His tone was calm, not like a finger quickly tapping the keyboard and flexibly flipping up and down to attack the enemy's output position, but the dart drawn by his hand hit the enemy's head with precision, as stable as a sniper rifle.

"I'm bloody, hide for a while."

"Yin Qi, come back!" Liu Sanping was extraordinarily noisy as Anna. His treatment field of vision was as short as Winston's electrotherapy, and a slightly wilder movement would exceed his support range.

"It's okay." ZUM walked over the wall and jumped into the arms of the big blood bag in an instant, "I eat the blood bag."

"But I need energy!"

As a low-energy Anna, Liu Sanping was very sad inside. ZUM's Genji is too flexible, not only able to avoid the enemy's attack, but also dodge his own support, let such a mobile power supply run away, he is ashamed of Lu Xiaoan's careful teaching.

AM's Lijiang Tower played exceptionally well. After winning a round of small points in the night market, KingPlay no longer dared to use the dog release strategy, but returned to the most stable three-tank lineup.

Looking at AM again, I found that this team has entered the casual state of the king of the Lijiang Tower.

"They actually took the Shimada Brothers..." Even Toma, who usually blows Zang, felt that their lineup was too much this time. No one believed that Genji, Hanzo, and the Shimada Brothers appeared on the stage for nothing.

Unfortunately, they mean it.

The battlefield in the control center is particularly weird, DL's Hanzo is behind the cover, ZUM's Genji is in front of the harvest, KingPlay's three tanks are fighting against AM's squishy brothers, and they are actually in a weak state.

However, the gratifying picture didn't last long, and AM's weak successor was reflected.

"Actually, Anna from Start can be more powerful. Maybe AM can really take the Shimada Brothers to take over the control center." Dongyue said objectively, but also regrets that AM has brought too many surprises to the public. There will always be an involuntary demand for more.

He hopes to see an invincible cosmic team, and the heroes played by each team member can make the opponent frightened.

AM is no longer a team that is simply obsessed with the core of DL, nor is it a team with obvious weaknesses.

Dongyue can feel that they have to face all their weaknesses, so that those who think they can easily defeat them can see that the Are Men are indestructible.

Even if the control center was given up for a point and the AM who changed the lineup, the battle still ended with a beautiful score of 3:1.

Toma's voice was arrogant and light, and he shouted: "AM, you are indeed the owner of the Lijiang Tower."

This is how many times AM has won the surprise attack on the Lijiang Tower, and each time brought infinite surprises. It was clearly KingPlay's advantage, and it returned to a one-to-one tie in the Lijiang Tower battle.

"Next, is the real match point."

Dongyue's tone became serious. The map chosen by KingPlay will determine the hotspot of the last round of the eight-to-four match. The two teams return to the same starting point, and the winner will be determined in one round.

AM supporters are very confident. They have witnessed countless miracles, and they look forward to AM's continued progress.

The last game is Dorado.

"They will take Shuangfei." The moment Lin Minyu saw this map, he said, "They will definitely take Shuangfei."

Dorado is one of KingPlay's strongest maps, and it is also a map that they will definitely use Shuangfei at the beginning. Maybe many teams like to make unconventional tactical choices, but there must be no KingPlay among them.

Not only Lin Minyu, but almost the whole team had such a strong premonition.

Holding the hidden weapon, Yun Yun manipulated Genji to slash from the ground to the clock tower on the second floor. He stood at the door of the attacking party's rebirth room, looking intently into the distance from the gap in the door.

The crimson figure that appeared in the night sky of Dorado, one front and one back, one up and one down, can clearly see the pharaoh and angel flying in the distance.

They landed slowly on the roof, looking provocatively at the enemies in the rebirth room.

This is KingPlay's routine. At the beginning, the roof directly suppresses the ground and attacks the opponent from high altitude.

The method is dangerous, but the rewards are huge.

Yun Yun thought for a while, and said, "It's time, it's time for routine to routine."

The live broadcast room was full of discussions and speculations about the outcome of the two parties. The scene of a harmonious and friendly bet on AM's victory was long gone. It was full of shouts and nervous exclamation marks.

Dongyue looked at KingPlay's Shuangfei bouncing and floating, and said: "This team has a very persistent and firm tendency to choose heroes. On their strong maps, they will never give up using Shuangfei to crush opponents, whether it is King's Avenue Dorado, on the map at night, you can often see the figures of Shuangfei and Shuangfei pairing up and abusing dogs."

A scene from AM's respawn room appears on screen, and DL's Genji has just switched to Hanzo, his hero of fame.

"It seems that DL is going to start playing offensive Hanzo again. KingPlay's double-flying crisis has reappeared. It seems that when Korean teams came to China in the past, they also encountered DL in competitive mode..." Toma began to boast again Blowing off the heroic deeds of Hanzo shooting the eagles, the queue of AM gradually changed into a corresponding combination with the hero switching of DL.

"Why did Start take Anna again?" The barrage just ran across the screen, and before there was an answer, a strange head appeared on the list of heroes on the game screen.

"Widowmaker!" Dongyue's tone was extraordinarily excited, inserting forcefully into Toma's memories, "Black Claw rebuilds the empire!"

The heroes used by the Are Men team are: Reinhardt, Dva, Ana, Lucio.

Also, Talon rebuilds the Empire duo - Hanzo, Widowmaker.

The player ZUM is no stranger to Widowmaker audiences. In the RTK period, he once left a deep impression on everyone with the image of Widowmaker at the start of King's Road. After he came to AM, almost everyone was waiting for this Talon to rebuild the empire.

"It's almost a lifetime", the barrage expresses the audience's tearful emotions. Although they love the super sharp Anna, they love such an unscrupulous lineup. Rising, and then directly photographed by the AM Victory Party.

In fact, ZUM did not disappoint them from the very first shot.

OB seems to have heard the voice of thousands of fans of Black Claw rebuilding the empire, and fixed his perspective firmly on Widowmaker. When the door on the second floor opened, the sniper rifle that quickly opened the mirror opened the first battle.

"ZUM hit RYU's Pharah!" Toma shouted as excitedly as if ZUM had killed RYU with a single shot. "Although the shot didn't directly kill the opponent, KingPlay's Shuangfei retreated directly and gave up the roof!"

In fact, after that shot, Yun Yun could harvest RYU, but he felt that stealing ZUM's limelight at the beginning of the game didn't seem very good, and it was too disrespectful to Korean friends.

"Sorry, I'm a bit unfamiliar." After ZUM finished speaking, he directly threw the grappling hook from the second floor and jumped onto the roof. He should have taken away the Pharah with two consecutive shots, but because the first shot missed the chance of a headshot, RYU had a chance. Time to escape.

But, his apologies, it was too early.

This is just the beginning of the attack.

Yun Yun followed the team, ZUM's Widowmaker needed little support, and they could safely let him find cover and attack.

But after three or four shots, ZUM regained his touch. His sniping with Anna was exactly the same as Widowmaker's habit, and the extra grappling hook made him more flexible. When Liu Sanping threw out a biological grenade, and the moment he touched the enemy's energy with peace of mind, the gunshot belonging to Widowmaker resounded through the sky.

"ASD is dead!" Toma's voice was close to shouting.

He couldn't help being excited, the appearance of the Black Talon Rebuilding Empire duo on the field was simply a joke, as if it was a continuation of the Shimada brothers' joke in the previous round.

However, when KingPlay had its first victim and AM was unscathed, everyone could see that this was no AM's joke.

They mean it.

Countless accurate gunshots and the unique crimson rays of the sniper rifle refreshed the sense of existence, and enemies that Widowmaker couldn't take away with a single headshot would die under Hanzo's hands. Such a perfect cooperation is absolutely impossible without tacit understanding and running-in. What's more, KingPlay has no obvious mistakes.

KingPlay is concentrating on defending, while the remaining Pharahs are attacking cautiously. The defenders on the ground hide under the shield of Reinhardt, and there will still be news of new deaths.

This is where AM's Talon rebuilding the empire is scary.

Some people in the barrage even lamented the story of the failure of the Grim Reaper and Widowmaker missions in the animation: Hanzo is the best partner for Widowmaker.

When the payload entered point A, AM finally switched back to the lineup familiar to the audience, but the excitement brought by Widowmaker and Hanzo did not dissipate for a long time.

Seeing Anna reappearing on the screen, Dongyue said, "ZUM has found the most suitable position."

A player who is good at Widowmaker, Ana, and Genji has found the most suitable team for him, and also met the most suitable teammates for him. In the eyes of infinite anticipation, they pushed the delivery target to the Dorado terminal without any pressure.

Then, when it was AM's turn to defend, Toma saw their starting lineup, already in disbelief.

"It's Black Claw rebuilding the empire again!" He said with a surprised smile, "AM seems to have fallen in love with this lineup, but I have to say that the defensive effect of Black Claw rebuilding the empire is not very good .”

No one knows whether AM thinks it is good or not, but the audience thinks that KingPlay must think it is very bad.

When the South Korean team started the game with double flight as usual, just turned around the safe passage and came under the first high bridge, Widowmaker's crimson ray came along with the huge gunshots.

"RYU died in battle!" Dongyue was killed instantly when she saw the Pharah of the Shuangfei group, not only ZUM's Widowmaker, but even DL didn't show mercy, "Now AM has become a three-sniper team, although most of them Everyone believes that Hanzo is not a sniper, but in this melee, the grand occasion of Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Anna aiming at the Pharah has reached the terrifying level of three snipers."

The Are Men team has the calmness of a champion and the madness of making troubles. They are like a combination of BME and Laur, unexpectedly crushing each other with strength.

Because KingPlay is obsessed with betting on Shuangfei, they deliberately compete against each other, and they want to use Black Claw to rebuild the empire team to counter this persistence.

Although such a favorite scene has disappeared after KingPlay replaced Shuangfei, it still can't stop the audience from laughing and discussing the excellent dramatic effect of AM Talon rebuilding the empire and bringing Pharah and her mother to bully her daughter together.

Dorado has a wild start and a tough end.

In the final overtime, before the finish line, AM, as the defender, almost frantically prevented KingPlay from taking a step forward.

Every time there is a distance of half a meter, there will always be a terrible enemy blocking the progress of the delivery target again. Even the supporters of AM, seeing KingPlay struggling hard at the last moment, start to suffocate nervously, for fear that the ending will become a competition. A flat attack and defense exchange.

After all, AM's Eichenwald was defeated because of the offensive and defensive swap.

From the perspective of the spectator, the enemy is as tenacious as a fortified wall, always pushing the delivery target forward, as if all the efforts of this defense will be reset to zero in the next second.

Finally, DL appeared at the gate and took away the last survivor of KingPlay. The overtime lead quickly burned out, and the golden subtitle of victory appeared in the center of the screen.

The suffocating feeling of being oppressed by overtime instantly turned into enthusiastic cheers.

"Congratulations Are Men!"