eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 138: Korean League 7


DL's Ana is like a legendary hero. Everyone knows that it may be very powerful, but it has not been witnessed in a big game.

The AM team has XiaoAn in the front and ZUM in the back. Other teams have never been able to find support in their team. In addition, DL picked up the treatment rifle, and AM is already a magical team with three top Anas.

"Now AM's lineup is the dog-releasing lineup. Start rushed to the high platform on the second floor again. Let's see his counterattack." Dongyue looked at Tracer's perspective on the screen. Rush into the enemy's line, completely ignoring the artillery fire coming from the front.

Because of DL.

Anna's biological grenade starts directly, focusing on covering Genji and Tracer from a long range. Start, who was so crispy that he was killed with a light touch, shuttled through the enemy line alive and well with the support of DL. Dva, Genji, and Tracer jointly attacked. It actually forced the four defenses on Takahashi back!

"Pil-Seung retreated to the rear, their Ana went directly to the rear L-shaped high platform through the mine, the second defensive formation was ready, and now the AM's delivery target is still moving slowly, this battle will continue on the flat ground at point A. "The wide range on the flat ground is the best place for team battles. Often the attacker and the defender will have fierce collisions. The focus of AM is to protect the target and advance, and does not let the teammates chase the retreating enemy.

Dongyue said: "DL's Anna is not as aggressive as we imagined, he is more inclined to command and support, heals his teammates well, and guarantees the victory of the first assault."

In a firefight, being able to seize a favorable advantage is the key to victory. After the start of DL's biological grenade, the bullets have been healing to ensure that the HP of the three open-path teammates in front is higher than that of the opponent.

In the public impression, DL always prioritizes kills, and his Anna should also be murderous and show off the audience. Although the short fight just now did not have the full attention of the OB camera, the audience can also feel Anna's meticulous care.

"Yunyun is actually doing a treatment instead of causing trouble", such a surprised exclamation appeared, which aroused endless echoes.

It's been a long time since they saw such a gentle and harmless DL, the shot is healing, the crosshairs are all aimed at the teammates, and it looks like they put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

During the competition, Yun Yun was not as sad as the audience. He followed Liu Sanping's movements in his eyes, fearing that Tracer would die suddenly on the spot if he took a bite.

"Yin Qi will go first later." Yun Yun walked up the high bridge from the side stairs, and was greeted by Gim when he poked his head slightly. Anna didn't have any headshot damage, but Yun Yun felt that the shot must have hit the head accurately.

If they want to pass point A smoothly, they must deal with this old friend who is ruthless. He said: "Team Lin is with him, catch Gim. Liu Sanping, stay on the ground."

The two Annas have never stopped attacking each other since they met. As the core of the team, the two sides have always been the focus of the exchange of fire. Yun Yun took Anna to command the whole process, and the first one to kill was Gim.

Anna was extremely jealous when they met, and the threat of core support was stronger than any output. Yun Yun's tactics are very simple. ZUM's Genji rushes upwards, cooperates with the Lin team's Dva to cover, and he snipe support from behind, forming a dense capture net.

Pil-Seung doesn't have Dva, Gaotai only has Ana and Soldier 76, and their aid to Gim is definitely not as fast as their attack.

When the delivery target entered the lower slope of the high bridge, the defenders on the ground had already launched an attack.

Yun Yun raised his gun and said, "Be careful to avoid anesthesia, go ahead."

"AM has entered the position under the slope bridge. Pil-Seung's defense is concentrated on the platform. Soldier 76 is standing on the L-shaped platform for long-range attack. Judging from the degree of fighting, the two sides are still in a state of mutual testing. Pil-Seung has not yet The meaning of stepping forward to the truck should be waiting for AM to show up."

The Pil-Seung team likes the high platform tactics very much, and AM has a lot of experience in dealing with such tactics. Whether it is from the mine to the high platform attack collectively, or the direct face-to-face attack, there are countless successful cases.

When the commentator and the audience stared at the screen expectantly, AM's Dva flew up as expected.

"Answer is on the face!" Toma seemed to have received the signal of the battle, and his tone became extremely passionate, "ZUM's Genji also quickly broke into the high platform by taking advantage of the time limit of the defense matrix. In terms of hero configuration, Tracer vs. Tracer, Lucio vs. Lucio, Reinhardt vs. Reinhardt, the competition is who can survive to the end!"

Soldier 76, Ana against Genji and Dva on the high platform, and Tracer, Reinhardt, Lucio, Zarya, and Ana on the flat battlefield. The two marked heroes of red and blue are constantly attacking, belonging to Ana The cracking sound of the biological grenade and the sleep effect of the anesthetic needle zzz appeared on the field almost at the same time.

This is a melee, which has turned into a stalemate survival confrontation between the two sides. There are no deaths or retreats, and some are constantly rising energy values and decreasing remaining time.

Then, DL made the first kill in the game!

"Tracer is dead!" Toma looked very excited, "DL's Anna is very stable, after all, this hero needs strong marksmanship to play an important role. Whether it is the anesthesia injection just now or the biological grenade at the critical moment, continuous The skills of the team are very smooth, and they protect Genji and Tracer in the front row very well."

Immediately afterwards, AM's Lucio was killed and returned to a state of equal numbers.

It is rare for Dongyue to see such a long stalemate, because the two sides have very similar styles of Ana, focusing on healing and auxiliary output. Although the precise attack of the crosshair can be seen when the camera shakes, DL has not won another head. It seems that the two Annas hide the ferocity of the attack in their hearts, and assist their teammates wholeheartedly, making the output position their sharpest blade.

AM's output bits always try to target Pil-Seung's Ana, but their opponents are pretty tricky. Gim has been targeted all year round, and has long been used to avoiding various situations.

Coupled with the team's Tracer and Zarya's cooperation, Gim has always survived on the field, and at the same time, because of his geographical advantage, he has killed several AM's cut heroes.

"Pil-Seung's Zarya is indeed used to cooperate with teammates. Tracer's high bombs and the lethality of Gravity Surge are completely capable of destroying the group." The condition is that their Zarya can accurately grab all the opponent.

In this kind of battle, the ultimate skill can take away more than two opponents, which is a successful cooperation, because the two sides in the semi-finals have been fighting in this unexpected battlefield for too long.

AM has poured more and more resources into reviving and competing for the L-shaped high platform battlefield again and again, but there is not much time left for them.

"This is bad news for AM, their payload has not yet reached point A, but there is only thirty seconds left to attack!"

When Dongyue said this, her tone was dignified. The start of the semi-finals was not good enough for AM. They neither killed the enemy quickly and pushed all the way, nor showed wonderful cooperation to wipe out the opponent.

DL has always given people the impression of being radical, but now he has become a bit overqualified.

He didn't achieve a beautiful solo kill, he supported the whole process, attacked the opponent a lot of times, and harvested countless residual blood, but he always gave priority to treatment, calm and professional, unlike him.

However, no one can ask Anna to be a real assaulter who kills six with one. From a command and treatment perspective, DL is already a qualified Anna with accurate anesthesia and decisive shots.

Unfortunately, this did not bring victory to AM, and their payload unfortunately ended the attack outside point A.

"Then, this is a tragedy at point A." Toma said this with embarrassment. It was the first time he saw AM's delivery target stuck outside point A, and he didn't get any points.

Such an unexpected scene is something they never imagined. Most of the teams' offenses ended in such a short time, which is enough to explain the final result of this round.

AM will lose.

Such a sign appeared in the first game of the semi-finals, which was undoubtedly a very frustrating blow.

Even the joyful and invincible barrage began to reflect on how he had hurt his beloved team with too much milk, and those half-true, half-false voices praising and touting Pil-Seung sounded again, becoming the mainstream voice on the screen.

When the offense and defense were switched and AM confirmed the lineup and walked out of the respawn room, Toma's surprised voice accompanied the familiar yet unfamiliar hero on the camera.

"DL is still Anna!"

The meaning in his words was completely different from the previous surprises. In the first round, DL Naana was full of trust in DL Qiang Wu invincible, but that trust disappeared with the failure of the attack, and there were more voices of protest. They believe that without DL as an output, Are Men is deliberately giving Pil-Seung points.

Because, with DL as the output bit of AM, it is impossible for such an embarrassing tragedy at point A to occur.

There was a lot of discussion in the barrage, and even took the initiative to consider the possibility of AM studying new tactics in the semi-finals. After all, the semi-finals are BO5, with a best-of-five game system, which is enough for AM to spend a lot of time.

"We can't rule out this possibility. After all, AM does have such a tradition." Toma seemed to find a reasonable explanation, and suddenly felt relaxed.

This unconventional team used to test their lineup in the finals, and used the official game as a rare actual combat training. This kind of state of training with the game can often bring out novel tactical effects in important games.

After the point of view turned to training, everyone's attitude was much more relaxed. Seeing Pil-Seung's offensive rushing under the high bridge, they can also accept that they have not encountered any resistance.

"Takahashi is a very important defensive point for AM. After AM abandons it, it means that he will have a showdown with Pil-Seung on the ground." Dongyue's tone was full of disapproval. This is a very dangerous decision. AM slightly If you are not careful, you will be defeated by a wave.

Even the dog release tactics of DL Anna, ZUM Genji, and Start Tracer that AM used with a training attitude does not mean that the audience really hopes—

"ZUM and Start rushed to the front row, and the carrying target directly stagnated. Such a defensive method... Gimjeodao was killed!" Dongyue shouted that Gim was killed, and he almost slapped the table and screamed loudly. He was alive in the first round of attack. Anna on the road actually died the instant they met, and it was Start, who had always seemed mediocre, who killed him!

The OB will always pay attention to the protagonist after the wonderful scene appears. Tracer, who was just a foil to Genji, immediately attracted the attention of tens of thousands of people. Start's survival rate is quite high, no matter how many battles he goes, he can stand firm on the field.

"Pil-Seung's battery life is obviously inferior to that of AM, and now their resistance has become weak. Soldier 76 is half blood, beautiful! Soldier 76 was harvested by Genji!"

After two casualties appeared on the field, a large area of casualties would be triggered. Pil-Seung's attack was blocked, and the carrier left their escort and waited for ten seconds before slowly starting to retreat. "Because the end point is too close, as long as Pil-Seung wins the next round, it will be difficult for AM to continue to defend." Toma was extremely nervous. There were too many attackers in the defense's respawn room. Pil-Seung can be a good deal even if it is two for one.

Members of AM cannot die in battle, even if they die, they must die behind Pil-Seung.

Fortunately, DL's Anna is very stable.

Even if Genji was hit by the dual output of the opposite side to the state of residual blood, DL and WingKy can cooperate with the healing bonus and strong sound of the biological grenade to instantly raise the blood.

As long as the two assistants are alive, the output of the AM will not die.

When charging for the second time, Dva, who was directly replaced by Pil-Seung, flew up to the high platform to harass Anna, trying to kill AM's ground members first during the treatment gap.

However, even if DL stands on a high platform alone, he is not so easily blocked.

He fell Dva down with anesthesia injections, and didn't attack at all, which was equivalent to missing an off-tank for the ground attacker.

It only took them five seconds to make Pil-Seung really down to five people!

"This is a very beautiful set of fire. For the attacker, it is cost-effective to change one more, but for AM, they can easily kill any enemy." Dongyue finally saw the meaning of AM asking DL to pick up Anna , Start's growth is very obvious. With the full support of DL, this professional player who can only be regarded as a first-class professional player has played the momentum of the world's top output position-not afraid of death.

Whether he was attacked from behind or went around alone to make a surprise attack, he showed the fearless spirit of top output, and the self-confidence brought out by that kind of strength made him the biggest winner of the game.

"Liu Sanping, come on."

"Liu Sanping, kill Gim."

"Liu Sanping charge directly!"

Yun Yun's roll call voice kept appearing on the voice channel, calm and firm, Liu Sanping had no time to think about retreating.

He is very afraid of death, but when his teammates need his contribution so strongly, that state of fear will disappear as if it never appeared before.

ZUM rarely calls names directly, but Yun Yun's style is as sharp as Lu Xiaoan's. He will call names and ask teammates to respond, and the whole team will support and coordinate.

Their attack in the first round seemed to be looking for a rhythm. After discovering the weakness of the enemy supporting Gim, the focus of the attack changed. They wanted to all rush to Gim, right in the attacking queue where Anna could not leave the team. .

A battle that was close to the end, played back and forth like the first round, every violent attack gave the attacker hope, and the remaining defenders made the opponent realize what despair is.

The curse of the tragedy at point A reappeared at the moment when the overtime fuse burned out, and Pil-Seung, who was only two meters away from the finish line, could not overcome that little distance of victory.

"AM actually won, congratulations AM!"

Toma's "actually" was used very impolitely, but no one thought that Pil-Seung would not be able to reach such a close end point, and no one thought that this would be a tragedy for both sides.

There is no doubt that the defeated Pil-Seung was worse than AM.

In the first round of BO5, AM has raised the audience's expectations for Anna. Although DL always exists behind the main perspective of teammates killing, it is the kind of tacit assistance and just right attack, which perfectly interprets Anna's dedication to the team. significance. The barrage shouted for another round and asked the OB to give Anna a complete shot.

If this is a game anchor, it will definitely satisfy their voices.

However, this is the Korean league, and it belongs to AM's semi-final scene.

"Now the score is 1:0, and AM is temporarily leading. I have to say that Anna in DL just now is quite beautiful. He is not obsessed with damage output, and he will not make people feel dispensable. The enemy's death is almost always assisted by him. Whether it's Anna's bullets, biological grenades or anesthesia needles, they all showed a strong sense of presence on the field." Toma seemed excited as if he had discovered a new attribute of DL and was about to start bragging, " If AM is changed to the configuration just now, it is especially suitable for DL to exert its command ability. In the few counterattacks before point A just now, the selection and focus of the entire team are very obvious, with a sharp team style. I seem to have returned to the original IOP finals At that time, the scene where AM is invincible.”

After all, AM has changed players. Their style has become more flexible since the appearance of ZUM, but they have lost part of their style. This is caused by the observation and decision-making of the command position. If the command is DL, when he takes up the output position, It is difficult to deploy teammate skills, but now, AM has undoubtedly solved this problem.

The scene of Nepal appeared in the second game. The commentator was still analyzing the benefits of using Anna in DL, and saw McCree appearing in the queue of AM.

In AM, there is only one top McCree.

"DL is using McCree." Dongyue was not surprised by AM's choice. They never used the same methods against the same opponents, let alone such a strong confrontational site map as Nepal.

Compared with Gibraltar in the first game, Nepal is much more satisfactory. With the regular output lineup of AM, the powerful oppression on the field gradually emerged, but the thrilling sense of attack and defense did not disappear, because the Nepal site entered the overtime field

Pil-Seung has become stronger after changing players. The perfect coordination and stronger configuration are more obvious in the intuitive site map. AM fought more and more bravely under such pressure, and extended Nepal into an infinite overtime state. , although allowing the opponent to get two points, in the end still won the victory of Nepal with a small score of 3:2.

AM won two games in a row, Pil-Seung's condition was not very good, and he directly pulled the semi-finals into the match point.

"Pil-Seung's Anna and the front row have always been very strong. Even in the overtime stage of the last game, their two members actually resisted a wave of attacks." Will be stingy with words, although that wave of offense was just the dying struggle of AM's two assisted forwards.

However, being able to quickly kill the same number of support positions within a few seconds of the AM team members coming to support, can also see the horror of Gim and his teammates.

Yun Yun also discovered this.

"The state of the opponent has changed." Even if they win, it is not easy to win. Whether it is the A-point tragedy in Gibraltar or the infinite overtime in Nepal, Pil-Seung's tenacity exceeded the initial expectations. "Their resistance became more intense, Pil-Seung's off-tank is more difficult than expected, and the next game may be a bit difficult."

Game 3, Volskaya Industrial Zone. When this map appeared, Yun Yun was not in a relaxed mood. AM used super film Symmetra and Torbion tactics to play a good defense on this map. Unfortunately, the former Symmetra user, Not on the field.

If you switch to other regular lineups, it is indeed possible to resist Pil-Seung's attack, but according to what he felt before, the stronger the enemy's cooperation, he hesitated.

"If we use an ordinary lineup, it's easy to be flattened by them." Yun Yun said truthfully about his worries, "Gim's Ana and Zarya have reached a terrifying killing speed just now, and this cooperation will only increase. more."

Judging from the two rounds, Anna of ZUM is not familiar with Gim's shooting style, and it is easy to cause mistakes in coordination. Under such circumstances, Liu Sanping is much better.

At least, Liu Sanping had fought this team enough times for him to develop the conditioned reflex to survive.

"Yin Qi, change Genji, and I'll take care of Gim." Yun Yun's words were affirmative, and the bow and arrow belonging to Hanzo appeared in his hand, as if returning to the time when Gim was suppressed countless times in the past.

He had to, before Gim caught the AM's weak point, quickly eliminate this enemy.

Every time Hanzo appeared, it was a carnival of barrage. AM has won two games in a row. Hanzo seems to be a symbol of the end of the semi-finals, causing OB to pay attention to this rare professional player who can be good at both McCree and Hanzo.

Fuyutsuki said: "AM has come up with Hanzo, Genji, and the combination of the Shimada Brothers so far I have only seen Are Men can come up with it."

The Hanzo of most teams is used to draw prizes at the beginning and detect the enemy's hero configuration. This is the only team in the world that dares to use Hanzo throughout the entire process, and will use Widowmaker and Genji to deploy various surprising tactical configurations.

AM went from being a professional Hanzo at the very beginning, to Talon rebuilding the empire, and finally becoming the Shimada brothers on the stage. The heroes are so comprehensive that people feel that there is no limit to the hero pool, and they can change unexpected routines at any time.

The first meeting in the Volskaya Industrial Zone was a shocking live broadcast routine. When DL's arrow hit Anna's head accurately, the audience felt that they had returned to the live broadcast room belonging to DL.

Hanzo was killed with a headshot, and the peak moment of the whole process came again, as if Pil-Seung's tenacity had never appeared before, and he was ruthlessly swept by AM at the beginning of the game.

Toma, who was still worried about AM, suddenly felt happy because of those simple and rude kills. He shouted: "DL aimed at Gim, and shot fiercely to destroy the opponent's support, disintegrating the core of the battle. This straightforward attack is like It's like declaring war, I have seen Pil-Seung change the lineup, I believe that the next wave of offensive DL will face cruel targeting again."

The attacking side replaced three tanks. If it wasn't for a high-explosive output position to harvest residual blood, the audience felt that they might become four tanks in order to prevent being shot in the head by an arrow.

After all, DL's Hanzo is too terrifying. He climbed on the bridge at the main entrance of the Volskaya Industrial Zone. Even if Dva rushed up, he would be accurately fell asleep by Anna. Fever sees the terrible state of blood sealing the throat.

When Winston and Dva on the offensive side jumped into the defensive line, ZUM fought in close quarters as before. He kept shuttling and weakening the blood volume, just like the previous opening.

Although there is an extra sub-tank, from the perspective of watching the battle, the audience does not feel any threat. Even if DL cannot kill the enemy with one arrow, his younger brother Genji is enough to assist him in completely harvesting the mission.

The audience was waiting for the Shimada Brothers to sweep Pil-Seung. Unexpectedly, ZUM, who rushed into the enemy line as usual, would fall asleep in front of Gim. possibility.

ZUM was killed in battle. This battle situation was unexpected by everyone. When the two off-tanks and Reinhardt raised their shields to protect Gim and McCree to kill Genji, the action was too fast, and there was no time for them to react.

And AM is helpless.

"Liu Sanping retreat!" Yun Yun quickly commanded their Anna to retreat. The five-on-six state was really not suitable for aggressive play.

He wanted to save Genji, but the opponent reacted too quickly, like a program planned at the beginning, and there was no reaction time at all.

After Genji was single-killed by Anna, AM's combat power dropped too fast, and they couldn't stop Pil-Seung from charging forward at all. The advantage they maintained by relying on Genji's harassment and Hanzo's harvesting tactics disappeared due to the opponent's HP increase.

Once the weakness is caught, it is easy to lead to a one-sided battle. AM's previous arrogant state was suppressed by Pil-Seung, and the impenetrable defense was ruthlessly dismantled.

Point A of the Volskaya Industrial Zone broke through very slowly, but Point B was unexpectedly fast. Pil-Seung actually only used a set of ultimate skills to win the first round of the Volskaya Industrial Zone.

"Now AM will attack." Dongyue said this result in surprise. Just now point B belonged to AM's mistake too obviously, the resources of the whole team were tilted to DL, but ZUM became more and more marginalized.

This is not a problem of DL hero selection, but a problem of coordination when changing players. At first, because of the coordination of DL, the problem was not prominent, but after Pil-Seung quickly changed to ZUN according to the target, it became particularly noticeable.

Just now, the defensive front collapsed only twice because ZUM was targeted. Dongyue still felt that oppressive collapse.

The most amazing thing about Overwatch is the tactics, once the tactics are disassembled, it is difficult to work again.

Now, the inertial cooperation between ZUM and the team is a shortcoming. AM, who seems to be perfectly coordinated and seamless, is not used to ZUM's output method!

After AM's defeat, the game went to Hollywood.

The barrage is still talking about the unbelievable defeat of the Volskaya Industrial Zone, and not many people have discovered Dongyue's deep feelings. From the perspective of the hero's blame, their views generally tend to be that AM has played off.

"I just said, why play the Shimada Brothers in the Volskaya Industrial Area", some people even complained that AM has an unstable lineup on non-strong maps, and some people think this is a battle of Genji's blame.

After all, ZUM is the first to die every time, and ZUM is a new member of AM.

Just when everyone thought that AM was going to come up with a strong lineup to regain his face, they turned out to be the Shimada brothers again!

Even Toma sighed: "I don't know how AM has become so capricious."

"I'll change it when I die later." ZUM knew the number of times he was killed in battle. Although he was targeted by the enemy, he died too undeservedly. AM's support for him could not reach the level of supporting Yunyun. Habits that can be easily changed over time.

"No, just brother Shimada." Yun Yun was very sure, "We can't shrink back just because we are caught weak. The weaker we are, the more we need to get rid of him."

"Even if this is a match, even if we win, if your Genji can't beat their target, we still lose."

If there are any weaknesses, they should be dealt with directly on the field. This has become the principle of AM. If they blindly avoid it, it is easy to ignore it in the training game, resulting in irreparable regrets on the field.

So, they have to keep bringing out the Shimada Brothers.

Yun Yun saw that the battle timer entered the final countdown, and the door to attack was about to open. He said, "Now, all members give priority to supporting Yin Qi, and I will take care of myself."

Hollywood was the game that AM played most like themselves. Even with a lineup as remote as the Shimada Brothers, they played surprisingly well.

Pil-Seung caught Genji, and all the staff responded quickly and forcibly saved it. Pil-Seung caught Hanzo, but was taken away by DL with an arrow and counter-killed infinitely. AM, who really showed weakness at the beginning, made a perfect comeback in Hollywood with the same configuration.

When that splendid "victory" appeared, the audience burst into thunderous exclamations. Such a stubborn and miraculous team deserves to be cheered by all audiences regardless of nationality or position.

Dongyue's tone was full of pride, and said: "Congratulations to Are Men for defeating Pil-Seung 3:1 and entering the final!"