eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 139: Korean League 8


Are Men made it to the finals.

In the world-stamped Korean e-sports league, the emergence of the Chinese team is particularly exciting. But they are not dark horses, they are destined to be kings.

McGrath: Really looking forward to the finals.

Even if Gunslinger’s Weibo only has a simple sentence, fans can tell that he is paying attention to the Korean League, because the BME game has just reached the group stage, and it has never been McGrath’s desire to look forward to the final so far away style.

Since BME lost to AM, this originally unknown team has instantly become famous in the international arena, and it only needs one league to be able to hit the position of the international first-line team.

After all, from the perspective of e-sports game rankings, AM is just a small team hovering around the tenth place, without the support of large clubs, and without the brilliant record achieved in other games. It has a place in Overwatch alone, and its future development is still unpredictable.

But now, at least in the hearts of the Chinese people, Are Men has become the benchmark in Chinese e-sports Overwatch.

When Weibo and forums were full of carnival, news about Laur quickly occupied the front row of discussions. Just a minute ago, a crowd-favorite, often surprising team like Laur had beaten a rookie from Europe and was on the same level as AM.

At this time, no one will feel jealous because there is an extra Chinese team in the finals to steal Are Men's limelight, but they rejoice and want to see them make a fuss from the bottom of their hearts.

This is the territory of the Koreans, but it allowed the Chinese team to stand on top.

When Zhang Ye announced the news, the premonition he had in his heart finally came true. He said, "The good news is that we are very familiar with Laur. The bad news is that there is only one champion."

"We must win." Liu Sanping boasted confidently, "After all, I successfully predicted the Chinese team's successful reunion in the final. As an excellent prophet, I now announce that Are Men will win the championship!"

Wu Lisheng clapped his hands involuntarily, and said, "Master Liu is right."

The temporary base was full of Liu Sanping's arrogant laughter. He boasted hahaha, reproduced the debate with Wu Lisheng at that time, and carefully analyzed how much he contributed to this Korean league from a metaphysical point of view.

He wasn't the only one with the excitement in his tone, anyone would be extremely excited to meet a familiar old opponent in the meaningful final.

"I think what surprised me the most in this competition was Yin Qi. He really wanted to back down, but he could really adjust his mentality quickly and get back his touch. It's not easy."

Yun Yun recalled that Hollywood scene over and over again, which was almost a new breakthrough for AM in Korea. He did not point out many things in front of his teammates, but shared his findings with Kang Ming in private.

For example, what he said on the field.

"Maybe it's because Yin Qi is great, maybe it's because these words are really useful." Yun Yun's tone calmed down a little, with some nostalgia and emotion, "Lu Xiao'an also said this to me before, and I was very angry at the time. The enemy in his mind is Lu Xiaoan's annoying face, and he kills people with impulsiveness. But he is right."

They will never be able to recreate the same environment as the real game. The pressure and mentality will only appear on the field, which is unique.

If it was said that Yun Yun once did not understand, thinking that winning from strengths and avoiding weaknesses was the true meaning of the game, but now, he completely understood what Lu Xiaoan meant.

From that time on, Lu Xiaoan's goal was not as simple as winning a Tep Cup, he wanted to win all the big offline competitions in the future, even if he lost because of it, he had to take risks.

Kang Ming said: "You think he's right only because you won. If you lose, the situation will only get worse."

The team broke up, internal conflicts, and even attracted the ridicule of countless trolls waiting to discredit AM. Yun Yun went back to the past and made such a terrible choice again, all based on the fact that Are Men can definitely win.

However, this by no means includes the original Tep Cup.

Yun Yun was not surprised that Kang Ming would say this. He also replayed the battle countless times. AM did not have a 100% possibility of winning. His McRae performed well and shot the headshot. It really pushed the whole game to a climax, but The assistance and support of the team is the most important.

It was Lu Xiaoan's responsibility to allocate team resources. That battle was not so much Lu Xiaoan's trust in him, but rather Lu Xiaoan's confidence in himself.

From the point of view of command, he can guarantee the victory of the game.

Yun Yun smiled lightly, no matter how obnoxious or arrogant this person is, he can't deny his rare talent in e-sports.

"So, he always pushes people to a dead end, making extreme and conceited decisions." This is indeed Lu Xiaoan's style.

Kang Ming stretched out his hand to touch Yun Yun's short hair. The hair that had just been trimmed before going abroad was soft to the touch. He asked, "Are you still angry because he quit now?"

"It's not angry." Yun Yun grabbed Kang Ming's hand. The knuckles of this finger were prominent and strong, and there was a special sense of rhythm when typing on the keyboard. He will become a world-renowned conductor. Although he has a childish temper, his thinking is very clear. He never lacks theory, but lacks experience and opportunities. I just feel a little regretful, but after thinking about it, becoming a world champion is just my dream. , is not Lu Xiaoan's dream."

"Maybe, the resume says that he was a professional player, won a championship, went to college, and determined to save the world, which seems to fit his image better." Yun Yun said this half-jokingly. The anger was long gone, and now he only thinks about AM.

He looked at Kang Ming, raised his chin slightly, and said jokingly, "Boss Chen, whether you have Lu Xiaoan or not, your new team will win the championship, the Korean champion! Why am I angry?"

Kang Ming likes Yun Yun's appearance, confident and relaxed, without any persecution or pressure, even if there is Laur waiting for them in front of them, Yun Yun's determination cannot be shaken.

Lu Xiaoan's departure is the end of an era, which lasted from OP.1 to the revival of AM. Now Are Men is an international team marching towards the world championship.

Its soul comes from Yun Yun's self-confidence.

"Champion, don't think about it, go to sleep." Kang Ming has listened to him chatting about the game for more than half an hour. If it was normal, he would be very happy, but tomorrow is the final, and he is really afraid that Yun Yun will be too excited and cause insomnia.

"Can't sleep." Sure enough, Yun Yun was very energetic.

Kang Ming rushed over to hug him, and said fiercely on purpose: "It's fine if you talk about others in front of me, but now you still miss him and can't sleep?"

"Go away, go away." Yun Yun knew that Kang Ming was starting to do things knowingly again, so he could easily grab the troublesome hands and forcefully pull them out.

"Don't go." Being thrown out of his hand couldn't stop Kang Ming's scoundrel, he resolutely threw himself on Yun Yun, "It's eleven o'clock now."

"It doesn't matter, tomorrow's game is night, and Laur is not an unfamiliar team."

The opponent is Laur, and AM has never had a 100% chance of winning. But after today's Hollywood, Yun Yun is more confident in the strength of the team, even in the finals, they will not lose to Laur at all.

His teammates can break out unlimited resistance under strong pressure. Even if ZUM retreats, ZUM is not timid after the battle starts.

That momentum is the basis of victory.

Yun Yun was unaware, even ignoring Kang Ming's unhappy face, and talked freely, "Laur has always followed the remote route, but now with Alan's tactics, it has become quite satisfactory. This is a great opportunity for us. Although conventional tactics Classic but there are more ways to break the routine, from the training match... um... "

He was giving a long speech when he was kissed. Kang Ming felt that it was better to stop Yun Yun with actions than to talk to him.

"So Yun." Kang Ming was still reminiscing about Yun Yun's cooperation just now, and said with a lot of meaning: "In order to let you go to the game tomorrow full of energy, I don't mind helping you fall asleep now."

No one expected that the final of the Korean League would become a competition for the Chinese teams. The first-tier strong teams they reserved were defeated in the single-elimination format.

The attention of the finals has not diminished, and more attention from regions outside Asia, and even regions with time difference, have been attracted to this Korean league.

For AM who entered the field, this is also a game worth looking forward to.

"Laur's style has changed a lot, and he's as stable as DeGR recently." Lin Minyu slowly plugged in the keyboard and took out the mouse.

They have already sat on the players' seats and started the pre-match debugging.

"It means that we can go head-to-head in the future and don't need to play tricks with them." Wu Lisheng moved quickly, and he had already opened the client and entered the training range.

"Not necessarily." Liu Sanping gave full play to his role as a master, pretending to be calm and said: "The final is a BO7, and the opponent is still us. I feel...Laur's heart to make trouble is not dead, and he must take the final."

Yun Yun drew an arc with the mouse, and Hanzo on the camera quickly threw an arrow 180 degrees, turned around and shot his head, and said, "Then it will be easier for us to win."

The BO7 finals system allows the audience to see more possibilities. The two sides will be more flexible in the seven games and four wins. Whether it is a tentative lineup or self-discipline, they will show it in the first round.

Because everyone has enough time.

Obviously, the domestic judgment on the final is also the same.

"I bet Laur will let himself go in the first game, do whatever he wants in the second game, do whatever he wants in the third game, and in the fourth game... Fuck you, guys, stop playing!"

This sentence has received countless hahaha and replies. This kind of insight into Laur's troubles is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even Laur's diehard fans will like him when they see it.

After all, that's Laur, and the no-nonsense juvenile is their catchphrase.

The discussion atmosphere in the finals of the Korean League was very cordial. No matter which team's loyal audience, they all showed the excellent quality of the audience at such a critical moment. At this moment, the year-round battle for the title of "Kang Ming's True Love Team" has come to an end, and everyone is waiting for Laur and AM to compete on the Korean territory.

However, for the people who eat melons, whoever wins is a good thing.

"I watched this game, and the Chinese team won in the end." They judged the result of the Korean League in one sentence, and it was very reasonable and irrefutable.

It was a long time waiting for the start of the game. Toma analyzed Laur's style from the league group stage. He believed that the biggest contribution Allen made after joining Laur was to suppress their trouble-making style.

"In several games, I felt that Laur was going to take Sombra, and Laur was going to take four damage, but they didn't have it. Instead, they took Allen's Soldier 76, and the whole team took a double damage or three tank lineup." Toma His tone was exaggerated, "Laur was able to resist doing nothing for so long, I think there is a conspiracy."

"Maybe they want to have a big fight." Dongyue felt that Laur should have changed players and had coordination problems, so he was not as casual as in the past, and played every game with extra caution.

This kind of judgment is reasonable, since Laur debuted, he has never been so obedient and obedient.

The map of the first round of the game was Hanamura. This map can no longer be predicted simply by the winning percentage of the two teams, but from the situation where the Shimada brothers swept the battlefield, AM's voice was the highest.

As the defensive side, Laur was ready when the screen cut, and walked out of the rebirth room with the determined lineup.

When he was about to mention Laur's defensive lineup, Dongyue's laughter echoed in the live broadcast room. He said, "Even if Laur changes output, it's still the same Laur."