eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 140: Korean League 9


Hanamura, a map with only one entrance and exit, is very suitable for the lineup of Symmetra, Junkrat, and Torbjörn.

Of course, this is the case when there is a relatively large gap in combat power. In normal matches of comparable strength, there are rarely lineups with unique heroes. Even if most teams know that this lineup can achieve good results, they still will not adopt it. Because of the instability, even if it is a BO7 match, they will not take risks even if they have a lot of time to play tricks.

Now, the final of the Korean League, the first round was so exciting and exciting, which made countless Korean audiences who regretted that the team they supported did not enter the final were full of interest.

"Will Laur take the three tanks or release the dog? How does Hanamura feel so fluffy to me?" Liu Sanping said as he flew up to the upper levels of the game room with the Pharah's eagle, destroying the game console.

"This is our home court, do you think it's flimsy?" ZUM's Genji sent three darts at once, swept the army, and played the game console neatly. After dealing with the targets on the first floor, he directly moved to the second floor.

AM has chosen the heroes in the respawn room, but the Pharah, Genji, Sombra, and Angels in the room are running around. It seems that they have not made a good decision, and they are just messing around and following the default metaphysical rules.

The inexplicable theory of "smashing game consoles can bring victory" is more popular than the golden rule, and as common as wishing on birthdays. AM has always maintained the fine tradition of believing in metaphysics, waiting for Yun Yun, the only one who did not appear in the rebirth room, to speak.

If it is said that AM's hero allocation is mostly determined by the whole team, then they will trust Yun Yun unconditionally in such a major competition as the Korean League Final.

However, Yun Yun's interface was still stuck on hero switching, with a row of avatars side by side, waiting to be selected. McCree in the center of the screen still had a relaxed appearance of a western cowboy, with a cigarette butt in his mouth slowly rising.

"Three tanks." He hesitated in his decision, and then took out McCree. Laur is indeed a team they are familiar with, but he is even more uncertain about making decisions because of his familiarity.

It's normal for Laur to make troubles, and the entire Korean league didn't even create a big scene of crying ghosts and gods. According to Yun Yun's understanding of them, this group of guys will never let it go.

Now, Hanamura in the first game has to use unpopular tactics to make trouble. There are countless options. Three damages and fortress blocking the door are commonplace for Laur, because they are too evasive, so it is difficult to determine what to come up with. The same starting hero configuration to compete with it.

Yun Yun thought for a while and said, "Liu Sanping will use Dva to go around and see what they got."

Dva has a thick skin and is really the first choice for pathfinding. Liu Sanping is used to this kind of life-threatening scout treatment. With his experience of wandering on the edge of crisis many times, he pins his hope of survival on ZUM.

Liu Sanping chattered endlessly on the way to attack, "Yin Qi, you have to take good care of me. If a road hog comes out and catches me, hurry up and forcefully keep him with a bio-grenade. If I survive, everyone can gather to charge!"

After all, he still wanted to be a living pioneer.

All members of AM gathered outside the gate of the first line of defense, feeling the tranquility before the gunpowder. Laur, who would usually come in and out of the edge of the gate to coquettishly seduce, suddenly squatted obediently and guarded the defensive line abnormally, which made AM even more afraid to act rashly.

"Liu Sanping, go quickly."

With Yun Yun's order, Liu Sanping quickly rushed up to the platform of the gate and window.

The small window next to the gate of Hanamura has always been a favorite foothold for heroes who can fly and crawl. It is often used as a shortcut for Genji, Hanzo, Pharah, Angel, and even Mei.

Now, Dva's huge body rushed forward, Liu Sanping had already considered how to shoot two shots handsomely, turned around and ran after seeing the lineup, but the moment he landed, he screamed: "I'm caught!" Junkrat on the screen The special effect reminder of the clip capture was very conspicuous, but it was too late when Liu Sanping found out, and the sentry cannon with Symmetra pierced his mech with laser light, so he had to raise the defense matrix and shout: "Junkrat, Order, Torbjörn! Help me!"

Even the rough-skinned Dva was caught on the platform without warning, and was directly flanked by three sentry guns and the long and thick Torbjörn turret, as well as the oncoming Junkrat's random bombs, the highest level of welcome treatment , no one can stand it.

The defender, who was still quiet just now, seemed to have been stepped on by Dva, and all the artillery fire was directed towards Liu Sanping.

AM wants to save the person trapped on the high platform, so he can only attack forward.

Yun Yun's attention was on the turret, and the few seconds when Liu Sanping was trapped was an excellent attack period. The turret was completely aimed at Dva, and he only needed to hide behind Reinhardt's shield and shoot. Get rid of this distant threat.

Unexpectedly, the king of melee combat - Symmetra was ushered in!

And Allen with the rivet gun!

"Kill Order first!" From the perspective of ultimate skills, Symmetra is the most threatening, "Liu Sanping meets!"

A fierce battle broke out directly at the main entrance of Hanamura. The shells scattered all over the sky allowed Lin Minyu's Zarya to absorb enough energy. The laser he used was thick and dangerous. However, when he was focusing on attacking order, he was caught by such a crazy The melee attack to disrupt the target.

With Torbjörn and Symmetra's melee attacks and Junkrat's crazy bombing ability, even if AM is a three-tank lineup, most of his HP will be knocked out. Two harvesting outputs, plus increased area-of-area damage , There were bombs at any time, and the whole scene was extremely chaotic. Yun Yun finally killed Junkrat and solved the crazy bomb attacks in all directions, but Wu Lisheng was killed by a sudden self-explosion because he stepped on a trap in the melee.

It was the body bomb left behind after Junkrat was killed. Although AM avoided the range of the explosion, no one expected that Wu Lisheng would be caught in place.

This could be regarded as Yun Yun's first time killing a teammate with his own hands, but the battle situation was so chaotic that there was no time to lament such a mysterious death.

Torbjörn is more suitable for Laur with such a lineup after a short-term enhancement, because Allen's marksmanship is enough to control this hero. Even if the turret is destroyed, he can quickly drop a new first-level turret to interfere, and then boldly use Torbjörn Bion as McCree.

The real McCree is in big trouble, and Symmetra is always alive on the battlefield. Even if Laur's Ana is bloody, he must do his best to keep this crazy close hero.

"Back, back, back!" Yun Yun yelled three times in a row.

Liu Sanping's little Dva was honorably killed, and Laur's Junkrat was about to rush to the scene, but they couldn't successfully harvest Symmetra or Torbjörn in a battle of the same level.

This was a very bad experience, at least Yun Yun didn't want to see Junkrat joining the battle not far away.

They quickly retreated from the defensive line, and Laur's hero was not suitable for pursuit, allowing AM to escape safely.

Yun Yun's McRae rushed towards the respawn room with a tactical roll, "Quick, go back and change!"

The picture in the live broadcast room is clear, but no one can tell who used what skill in the melee just now. The audience can only see the death of Junkrat, Lucio, and Dva, and then hear Toma shout passionately: " AM quit! Laur actually forced AM to retreat!"

In this moment of heroic chaos, except for DL, who was paying attention to the OB camera all the time, even the commentary couldn't retell what happened just now.

All they know is that AM retreated.

Dongyue said: "It's still too late for AM to change the lineup. The first game was really shocking. Junkrat paired with Torbjörn is amazing. Especially Junkrat, who likes to get close like Moon, is completely Pharah riding on the face." version of the

Moon's combat style has always been aggressive. I didn't expect that after switching to Junkrat, there would be a weird sense of harmony. Junkrat's setting has neurotic madness. When Moon was killed, he took away AM's in less than a second. Lucio suddenly gave the audience a feeling of "a well-deserved death".

"I think WingKY was tricked." Even though there is no camera showing that Lucio was killed by the bomb, the picture of him being caught by the clip is very clear. In such a melee, it is embarrassing to die with Junkrat.

"The moment I was caught, I was still thinking that Junkrat must not die in front of me, Yun Yun, you actually clicked him to death, and I was in despair, as if I was abandoned by the world." Wu Lisheng, who was killed by unreliability at first sight, spoke with grief-stricken laughter. He wanted to complain when he was killed, but his teammates were still fighting fiercely, so it was really not suitable for him to express his emotions.

Now, they reunited in the rebirth room, and he finally had a chance to tell the truth about his inner feelings.

"I hate Junkrat..." Yun Yun felt extremely frustrated. Not only did he not learn how to skillfully use Junkrat to cause trouble, but he also made a huge own goal to kill his teammates on the field. "I suspect that Moon came here on purpose!"

He really couldn't control his hand, seeing Junkrat's head shaking in front of his eyes, how could he not shoot!

The voice channel of the revived team is full of laughter. This rare event can be used to laugh for a year. They are not angry at all being sent back to their hometown by Laur.

After all, it's a daily routine against Laur.

"Okay." Lin Minyu was very kind and didn't laugh out loud, "Let's set off quickly. By the way, Yun Yun, you have to hold back, and leave Junkrat to us."

AM's team change was quick, but within ten seconds, this team appeared on the field with a completely different hero.

"Pharah, Angel, Winston, Dva, Ana, Genji." Toma quickly read out the configuration of AM, "They want to go directly!"

When facing the fiercest first line of defense, it is the wisest choice to sprint directly to the target point. Their lineup can completely clear the obstacles ahead to stop the opponent, and protect Anna to point A unscathed.

DL replaced McCree with Genji. Although it is a pity that there is no shadow of Hanzo, this hero who once dominated is also the true love of the audience in Hanamura.

Of course, Laur also saw their configuration. The players who were huddled together just now spread out to form a defensive formation around the target point.

The OB lens made a wise choice between the two teams. Allen's Torbjörn gave up the close-up position just now and chose the high platform on the second floor. The second-level fort was ready for side support at any time, and suddenly he saw five people in the distance. When the behemoth hit the target point in a straight line, an orangutan came riding on his face, and it was accompanied by Winston's super large hemispherical shield.

"Winston riding in the face!" Toma was quite excited. "Ding is trying to single out Alan. As far as I know, Winston and Torbjörn can easily become a new type of mobile electric ape!"

DING has always appeared in the image of Reinhardt, but every time he takes out Winston, he is a mobile killer. He swoops at Allen like an angry orangutan, and the appearance of electrotherapy attack is almost It allows the spectators to clearly hear the sound of Torbjörn being shocked by the electric shock.

His blood volume can remain stable and he can always use his body to isolate Allen's attacks on his teammates, which cannot be separated from Anna's treatment behind him.

"The player ZUM can be said to be terrifying." Dongyue watched all the players rush into the target point for the scuffle. The OB's perspective cut out ZUM's perspective. He quickly and accurately threw the biological grenade at the target point, and the crosshairs shook and returned to Ding in less than half a second, almost dizzying the audience watching.

"He is not only an excellent Ana, but other heroes can also play unexpected effects. Perhaps it is precisely because of his proficiency in output that he can provide the most timely protection for teammates." ZUM can quickly support teammates in the melee at the target point at any time , or free up his hands to assist DING in harassing Allen. He should have made a trade-off, but he was able to take care of it.

The price is that the constantly shaking screen pulls back and forth between the target point and the second floor on the side, shaking like the picture is stuck in a twitch, and the OB has to jump the camera for visual effects and game viewing, turning into a God's perspective.

The audience can clearly see the battle situation of the entire arena, the chaotic target point is occupied by artillery fire, the double-flying Pharah disassembles Torbjörn’s turret remotely, and the angel draws his gun to attack when his teammates are safe. The whole scene is AM intense Returning fire, Laur's defense is particularly weak in the goal point.

When Laur's Symmetra was first harvested by DL, Toma commented during the commentary interval: "Laur's trouble-making attitude hit the iron board again. Of course, I remember that this is not the first time."

The lineup of Symmetra, Torbjörn and Junkrat is really good, and they also played a surprising effect when they met in the first round, but once they are seen through by AM, it is difficult for them to guarantee that the obstacles they laid can be effective again.

The Pharah can fly out of the attack range of Torbjörn's turret to attack from a distance. Winston's large-area electric shock directly cleans the camera of order. Coupled with Genji's high-mobility harvesting and harassment capabilities, AM directly won point A.

"Congratulations to AM for winning point A, Laur probably won't come to dabble again." Dongyue's voice was full of smiles. With Laur's crispy and troublesome lineup, it's just a thousand miles away to delay time by dabbling at the target point.

The focus of Hanamura's melee was within point B. The wide platform and the multiple choices of three invasion routes increased the difficulty of the task for the defender.

Just when everyone thought that Laur would return to his previous steady image, their Symmetra and Torbjörn hadn't changed yet.

"Junkrat replaced Dva, and Laur finally has an off-tank. Now they want to wait until Symmetra and Torbjörn's ultimate ability appears?" Even Toma found it incredible, even if it was Laur who was doing trouble every day.

This is not a wise decision. Although these two heroes can increase the maximum blood volume of the team members, in the melee, it is not difficult for AM to quickly harvest the enemy as long as he forcibly focuses fire.

The discussion outside the game has never stopped. This kind of game is neither unilaterally crushed nor mechanically boring. OB's perspective understands the audience's expectations for the game. When waiting for AM to move forward, he puts his perspective on Toby Ang body.

Allen's turret is placed opposite the entrance on the second floor. This is a position that can form crossfire with the frontal exchange of fire. Even if the AM suddenly hits, it will be affected to a certain extent. As a professional player with accurate marksmanship in McRae, it is not difficult to use Torbjorn.

"Maybe, they are reluctant to part with Symmetra's 80% energy value." Dongyue's tone was calm, feeling that Laur had made a risky move, "Actually, Hanamura's 75 points of blood at point B are not very useful."

However, AM did not take point B.

It should be said that after Symmetra's ultimate skill appeared and Laur's whole team's blood volume increased significantly, they unexpectedly stood at point B inconceivably.

"The applicability of this tactic at point B of Hanamura is obviously not as strong as that at point A, but luckily for Laur, AM didn't attack with three outputs."

From Dongyue's point of view, AM can completely use the three-output violent focus fire to crack this super blood volume survival tactic, but it is very difficult to actually fight.

"Because it's not easy to attack at Hanamura Point B with three damages." Even after the first round, Yun Yun didn't think of how to get rid of this tactic. Symmetra's photon shield generator was placed near the respawn room, and they could only attack from the front. Only by entering can it be crushed. However, the blood volume of the third output position is too low, and it is very easy to be targeted by the opponent.

The terrain of Hanamura Point B will be wiped out by the high platform if it is attacked from the front, and it will face the attack of the Torbion Fort if it enters from the side.

"Maybe we should use Sombra." Yun Yun frowned and said, he never thought that point B would not be able to be taken down. Although there was a problem when attacking point B for a round of assembly, it is quite reasonable to only score 1 point like now. rare.

The players' room in the final has become a discussion within the AM team. While studying Laur's sudden tactics, they are thinking about which heroes they should take next.

It has to be said that the final is a best-of-seven game system, which relieved their pressure a lot.

When the defensive image appeared on the screen, Yun Yun looked at the row of red IDs on the opposite side, thought a lot, and said, "Then what will Laur take now?"

There is no pressure on Hanamura's defensive AM, but for the sake of caution, they still have the most secure lineup.

"Xiaomei, Hanzo, why do you think it's been a long time since I saw this classic Are Men lineup?" Toma's voice was filled with an excited smile. This has always been the lineup he was looking forward to the most. Take Laur half a step into point A.

After all, this is the most powerful Hanzo, and every arrow is to protect his territory.

OB seems to be very fond of this hero. After he appeared, the camera was not willing to leave until the battle started.

Because, he found a more novel configuration.

Toma's voice was always exaggerated and surprised, "Laur actually used Zenyatta while attacking!"

OB's thoughts coincided perfectly with his. The pair of mechanical palms on the camera clasped together, feeling the peaceful mechanical sound as if appearing in all corners of the live broadcast room with Zenyatta's floating.

Laur's configuration is the three tanks of Reinhardt, Winston, and Dva, but Zenyatta appeared in the support position, which made people feel a little surprised.

"They want Zenyatta to hang the ball for Genji, and then go solo?" Because there is no Tracer in Laur's lineup, only Genji. And a precise marksmanship player like Allen actually uses Dva.

When everyone thought that Laur was going to play the dog Genji in a satisfactory manner, they showed an attitude of not taking the usual path in the first round of the charge.

Zenyatta is not for Genji, but for DL.

The red and black "chaotic" state, from the very first moment of the meeting, has never left DL's body, and all Zenyatta's attention is focused on the action of "chaos" on Hanzo.

Enemies affected by the "chaotic" state will receive a 50% damage bonus.

Then, Laur's high-mobility sub-tank acted directly, harassing him all the way, without giving him the environment and opportunities to output. The entire OB shot was full of fierce targeting, and the DL screen was full of enemy figures.

"It's not the first time I've seen DL being targeted, but it's definitely the first time I've seen him helpless."

Even when he was crazily targeted, DL has never faced such a persistent hero. As long as he takes the lead, he will get the negative damage bonus effect of Zenyatta, plus two behemoths with rough skin and thick flesh, but three Ten seconds would kill you instantly.

Then AM hits five against six, and Anna also faces the same siege tactics.

Simple and crude, unsolvable.

"Three output!" Yun Yun shouted directly when he saw ZUM's death, "If point A can't hold it, go to three output."

Laur's advance speed is not fast, and it still caused great troubles to AM. Faced with such helpless meat wall tactics, even if the opponent's output ability is insufficient, you can rely on Zenyatta's damage bonus effect to deal double damage .

This is absolutely deadly for squishy heroes.

When ZUM picked up Genji, Wu Lisheng replaced Anna, and Liu Sanping chose Pharah, Yun Yun's shadow was at the forefront.

He said: "Everyone disperses, spreads out the battlefield, and kills Zenyatta first."

"Chaos"'s damage bonus is the biggest threat on the field, they can't let him live long enough to use his ultimate skill.

"This is the final game with the most hero changes I've ever seen. It looks like it's in the chaos mode." Even if AM was breached at point A, Dongyue's tone was unhurried, "The first game is like two Teams test each other and use various heroes to try to break through."

"Torbjörn, Symmetra, Junkrat, Hanzo, Zenyatta, Sombra..." Toma cooperated with several heroes that are rarely seen in the current version, "Maybe we can look forward to Widowmaker."

Amidst the jokes, Laur, who had just occupied Point A, did not stop and charged forward, but from Zenyatta's perspective, they chose two attacking routes.

The hero without the ability to fly took the frontal road, and Winston and Dva, who had the ability to fly, directly crossed the high platform of the Hanamura cliff and reached the outer side of the target point first.

"Maybe they want to attack back and forth." Even Dongyue, who has experienced many battles, has never seen such a strange routine. If the deputy tank does not mix into the crowd to provide support and protection for his teammates, it will be difficult to win the battle. Heroes are all acting together with the output position, but Laur's output and support stand outside the gate, and the sub-tank squats on the side, obviously not looking to join the attack.

OB's angle of view cuts directly to AM's side when he confirms that Laur has arrived outside the battlefield. DL's black shadow stealthily walks to the small window on the second floor, and clearly sees the entrance where Laur's foursome gather on the second floor.

This battle was initiated by Reinhardt. When he led Laur to the target point, the black shadow invaded directly from behind, making him unable to support the shield.

However, the time belonging to DL didn't last long, and the familiar "chaotic" state was once again nailed to his head.

Laur's target is really obvious, and AM directly launched an attack the moment he found Zenyatta, and must end this hero in the early stage of the battle.

AM on the second floor is a group of four, and Laur is also a group of four, but there is no winner.

Because Dva and Winston flanked the objective point, AM had to have someone dislodge them.

Under the dilemma, DL jumped into the target point with the red and black "chaos". Even if he was invisible, he would be found by Winston, and the prototype was sent out.

This is a battle commanded by Zenyatta. Even if "Ran" disappears for a short time because of Sombra's invisibility, it will not hinder his damage bonus effect.

Laur is determined to kill DL.

"Whether DL's Sombra can quickly accumulate ultimate skills is the key to the defense in this field. After all, once Zenyatta's blue shield is canceled by the electromagnetic pulse, his blood volume will never survive on the field."

However, this requires ultimate skill.

AM's resistance made Laur's first round of attack a failure, but the ultimate skills of both sides are ready, and the next attack will be controlled by the ultimate move.

According to the general sombra routine, as long as DL sees the attacker breaking through the defense line, he will send out an electromagnetic pulse, dragging everything into the hacker field, and making the opponent unable to use any skills.

Laur's entry, however, comes with a splash of gold—

"XD actually entered the arena!" Toma didn't know how to evaluate this team. Zenyatta unleashed his ultimate skill, his body was shining with holy light, and he ran fast. His teammates quickly entered the arena under the acceleration of Lucio. Melee with AM directly.

This kind of reckless use of skills has no coordination at all, you can use them as you like!

When XD's ultimate skill is about to end, DL's electromagnetic pulse controls the audience, easily sending this group of ignorant enemies back to the rebirth room.

This is simply a farce.

Although Zenyatta's ultimate ability is powerful, but the time is short, and it can't help teammates offset Sombra's ultimate ability. Too much time wasted when they entered the field with the opening sage, and it has no effect at all.

Dongyue said: "Laur should choose this way to change heroes."

He just forced an explanation, even he didn't believe it. Sure enough, after the resurrection time ended, there was still Zenyatta in Laur's team, but it wasn't XD, it was Allen.

Toma said: "Maybe I should praise them for their courage, but why do I have an impulse in my heart, wanting to explain to the audience watching the finals all over the world: I'm sorry to laugh, our team often suffers intermittent convulsions on the field. "

Laur's characteristic is to make troubles, and there is no precedent for such a situation where he unswervingly changes individuals and continues to make troubles with the same hero.

Most people even thought that Laur felt that he had no chance to win point B, so he completely gave up the treatment and carried the madness to the end.

Their attack again was not smooth, until the team's ultimate skills were fully accumulated again, they only occupied one-third of the target points. For such a combination of both sides and heroes, Laur's ultimate skill is no match for DL's electromagnetic pulse.

After all, Sombra made a move to directly ban all ultimate skills, and only AM can take the opportunity to wipe out Laur.

When Laur rushed into the target point, a shout belonging to the shadow just sounded, but a golden light appeared on the screen unexpectedly.

"Shadow Zenyatta is fully activated at the same time!" Toma's roar drew everyone's attention to the golden light.

If Sombra ults before Zenyatta, Zenyatta will be destroyed.

Sombra starts after Zenyatta, and Zenyatta's teammates will be crippled because the time limit for the ultimate skill expires.

But now, Aaron and DL opened up almost at the same time. According to the rules of Sombra's ultimate ability to silence everything, Aaron's hand is faster than DL's!

AM is unable to harm Laur's team members at the stage of Zenyatta's holy opening, because the holy healing ability can protect them unscathed. Soon after the expiration of Zenyatta's ultimate skill, it belongs to Sombra's first-hand advantage Also disappears completely.

In the end, it changed back to an ordinary team battle, all relying on the ultimate skills of both sides to smash each other, fighting to the death.

Zenyatta's "Chaos" is everywhere, which greatly strengthens Laur's output ability. He has never let go of his target against DL, and there is no one-hit-kill hero in AM's lineup to stop Aaron's threat. .

In the end, Laur took the target point with a slight half-blood Dva advantage.

In the Battle of Hanamura at Point B, Allen made a contribution.

The mechanical monk leisurely gesturing with scissors on the victory screen seemed to be declaring their victory innocently and leisurely.

"Congratulations to Laur for scoring a point."