eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 34: to win


Since there is Toke, the RTK second team will definitely use Genji.

Genji Ana's strategy of opening big at the same time is very useful, and the legend of the hormone sword-drawing king happens in every domestic game of Overwatch.

The courtyard of the Lijiang Tower was brightly lit in the night, and the first meeting between the two teams saw the red Genji attacking head-on.

When Lu Xiaoan noticed the red light, she said decisively, "Catch him."

AM's battle flames were burning around Genji, and Toke instantly became the target of the fire. No matter how violent the attack behind him was, AM was ready to make him come and go.

The team battle is imminent, the open space outside the courtyard target point, the light box of the round column is the best place to start the battle, Yun Yun is holding McCree, Genji jumping up and down is like the prey in his eyes, and is easily forced back behind the cover by the gunfire .

On the battlefield, as long as one side retreats, it will inevitably represent the other side's pursuit of victory. Within a few seconds of the start of the battle, AM will advance the battle line to the arch bridge where RTK played.

"The target point has been activated." The system's voice prompt appeared, and Lin Minyu, who was standing behind, led Wu Lisheng to step back and enter the target point, quickly occupying the courtyard of the Lijiang Tower.

This was the victory of the first wave of team battles. When Toke tried to attack the target point from the side of the courtyard, he was caught by Liu Sanping's Road Hog with a hook and killed him with a single shot.

"Genji is dead!" Liu Sanping said this with joy from the heart. The resentment accumulated because of Wang Tianrui's unauthorized departure from the team turned into fighting spirit at this moment.

He shook Road Hog's body excitedly and returned to the frontal battlefield. Peng Xiaozhou's shield was finally shattered by the enemy, but the 312 lineup without Genji would never be able to break through their defense.

The two sides stood in a stalemate at both ends of the arch bridge, and Liu Sanping once again successfully hooked the enemy's Lucio. The heroic performance is very encouraging.

RTK did not choose to continue advancing, they quickly retreated behind the arched stone gate, preparing for the next wave of assembly.

Lu Xiaoan quickly called up the battle list, and the enemy quietly adjusted the lineup. He said, "Let the dog on the opposite side, Peng Xiaozhou retreat."

Reinhardt held up the shield and slowly retreated from the bridge. When he threw the Flame Strike, he saw the red flash with the long tail on the opposite side, and said, "Tracer circles around... and Wang Tianrui."

It's the longest sentence he's ever spoken on the field.

The enemy Reinhardt was replaced by Winston, and together with two highly mobile heroes, he jumped directly into the objective point from the back of the courtyard.

"Northwest Genji!" After Yun Yun finished speaking, he immediately attacked the place where Genji appeared. His gun would go through the window and hit Genji's point. Just when he was about to continue chasing, a sudden electric shock accompanied by a semi-spherical shield Shields fell from the sky.

"Give me the shield!" As soon as Lu Xiaoan finished speaking, the biological grenade in his hand hit the place where Yun Yun was, and Lin Minyu Zarya's shield was decisively put on Lu Xiaoan.

Tracer, who was harassing at close range, could only watch helplessly as Ana, wearing a spherical shield, escaped from his attack vision.

The target point has entered the final countdown, and RTK can only try its best to delay the time. The teammates were overjoyed, and even Peng Xiaozhou smiled, but Lu Xiaoan remained calm. He said: "The opponent should still release the dog. The next game will definitely be against Yun Yun. Liu Sanping pay attention to Tracer."

Yunyun's McCree has placed great restrictions on Toke's Genji. When the opponent finds that they cannot kill either Anna or McCree alone, they will definitely kill them together. When Genji jumped behind Peng Xiaozhou, he was not the only one who came. The enemy's fire smashed everything in front of the narrow passage outside the target point. During the melee, Winston's huge shield became a powerful barrier for them.

"Catch Anna first!" Lu Xiaoan said, and was suddenly entangled by Tracer who appeared behind him. The enemy did not choose to kill Yun Yun first, but made the same choice as him - to kill Anna.

Lin Minyu yelled: "Genji's remaining blood!" His Zarya chased after Genji's figure until Toke was completely healed by Ana who was behind him with a bio-grenade.

This was a terrible signal. Everyone followed his footsteps and pressed forward. Winston covered Yun Yun with a shield and split the battlefield into two parts. The front row was blocked in the narrow stairwell. Lu Xiaoan and Wu Lisheng lost touch with the team. They didn't even take the Toke.

"Back." Lu Xiaoan's anesthesia needle fell Winston to sleep, but Tracer remained close behind him, "Winston has fallen asleep, shrink the formation."

Just as the team was about to pull the battle line back to the platform, Genji and Tracer came out from the flanks and easily killed Lu Xiaoan.

Lu Xiaoan cut into Yun Yun's perspective, the situation without him was not optimistic, Wu Lisheng was obviously out of line as the last support, and the formation they maintained was loose and chaotic by Winston. He said: "I'm dead, Wu Lisheng will follow the team."

"Accelerate our progress." Yun Yun answered immediately. The five-on-six disadvantage on the field gradually became even after he killed the bloody Tracer with one shot. Fighting in a wide area of the target point is more beneficial to their configuration.

Toke no longer dared to be alone. After losing Tracer's restraint, he chose to go with Winston. One tank and one output rushed directly to where Yun Yun was, and with the support of the red artillery behind him, Yun Yun was overturned directly. Even if Liu Sanping hit Genji, he was saved by Zarya's shield.

Yun Yun was killed in battle. AM had no chance of struggling in the first wave of team battles, and immediately chose to withdraw from the target point.

This was the beginning of a failed round. After Lu Xiaoan's death, AM's formation was clearly broken up. Even if Yun Yun led the enemy into the target point and killed the enemy Tracer, it did not change the disadvantage on the field.

Ana is vital on the battlefield. Lu Xiaoan clearly realized that her priority was higher than Yun Yun's.

"Be careful not to divide the battlefield by Winston." Lu Xiaoan did not call names, but simply reminded, "We still have a chance."

The second time he hit the target point, AM was full of morale, with the acceleration sound effect of Wu Lisheng, coming menacingly, Lu Xiaoan's anesthesia needle fell asleep the charging Reinhardt, preventing his teammates from being killed by him with one blow.

Then, they heard the sound of Genji drawing his sword! This is like the beginning of a collapse, the blades that can be avoided are slashing at the enemies one by one, and Genji's profile picture on the kill list keeps swiping the screen, even Lu Xiaoan finds it unbelievable.

What's even more frightening is that after the failure of this team battle, they can no longer step into the control center.

Seeing the defeat in the first round, AM's previous encouragement became heavy. They can lose, but they cannot lose to Toke. It's a delicate state of mind, and no one wants to lose at the hands of a betrayer.

Yun Yun looked at the silent teammates standing in the flight cabin, only Liu Sanping and Lu Xiaoan were still shaking, as if there was nothing unusual, destroying things in the cabin as usual.

He looked out from the window of the cabin, and he could see the quiet food stalls. The third round was the night market. The small score was only 1:1. It was far away from the match point that decided the outcome, but the atmosphere in the computer room was surprisingly silent. asphyxia.

"I'll take Genji, and cooperate with me fully." Yun Yun's tone was not a discussion, not a request, he directly picked up Genji, and waited for the battle to start in this narrow flight cabin.

If AM can be easily discouraged by Toke, so can he. Toke's Genji has had a short fight, and he knows very well that if he loses his absolute advantage, he will definitely make mistakes one after another.

Before coming to AM, he thought it was a matter of cooperation, but now he thinks it is a matter of character.

ZUM once said that this person had a bad temper. Such a person is often unable to withstand provocation. A McCree who kills him can make Toke take Winston to target, so changing to another Genji will definitely make him angry.

Lu Xiaoan asked in a low voice, "What do you want to do?"

Yun Yun didn't look at him, and said with firm confidence, "My Genji is stronger than Wang Tianrui."

Lu Xiao'an looked at him, and even Liu Sanping at the next table looked at him. Yun Yun accepted these gazes without fear, without flinching in the slightest. His voice was calm, melodious, and unforgettable, "We fought from the front of the square, killing them by surprise."

This was an arrogant remark, but Lu Xiaoan responded. He pretended to be relaxed and said, "Sure enough, let the dog fight. Liu Sanping, take the Tracer, and we will win."

From the beginning of the battle, Lu Xiaoan, who did not make a judgment on the battle situation, clearly said the word "win". Liu Sanping's reaction was quite quick, but he changed to Tracer in a second, and his tone escaped from the low-pitched defeat. Come out, jumping with joy, like a first-round victory.

Liu Sanping said: "How could we lose to Wang Tianrui, come on, dog bites dog!"

This round, they must win.

It wasn't the first time Yun Yun saw Liu Sanping's Tracer, but this was the first time he used Genji to cooperate with him in the dog release tactic. When the door of the night market's flight cabin opened, two highly maneuverable heroes rushed to the front.

"Liu Sanping from the east." Yun Yun simply instructed, seeing him cooperating to avoid the front.

When Toke appeared in the field of vision with a red light, Yun Yun decisively pierced the sky with a shadow strike to meet him. Genji, who was fighting in mid-air, turned into half blood at the moment of the collision. Yun Yun's blood volume was quickly recovered by Lu Xiaoan .

His purpose is simple, to kill Toke.

Overwatch is never a one-person battle. When everyone is united and fighting for victory, unlimited potential will be brewed. First of all, Yun Yun wanted to kill this hidden danger that could destroy the morale of his teammates.

Yun Yun's Genji shuttled through the enemy's queue, his eyes were fixed on Toke, that reddish mechanical ninja was even more irritable than Yun Yun imagined, when he was killed by the same Genji for the third time, once The mistakes seen in the game recording and broadcasting gradually expanded into abnormalities.

When Yun Yun saw that he still chose to draw his sword without Anna's support, he knew that Toke's mentality had collapsed. This Genji tried in vain to save the world with a long knife on the playing field.

However, he absolutely cannot.

"Lu Xiao'an, give me hormones!" Yun Yun said this, jumped directly onto the column of the control center, condescendingly, the long knife was unsheathed, and the sound of "竜神の剣を喰ららえ", accompanied by the blue Anna's hormones, was like a sharp blade. Cut through Chihong Genji's body, and kill all the enemies who stayed behind to support him one by one.

He has Ana, Toke doesn't.

The morale ignited by the victory in the third round was more enthusiastic than Yun Yun had imagined. When he appeared in the control center again in the fourth round, everyone stepped forward to support Genji spontaneously.

Even the taciturn Peng Xiaozhou would shout: "Don't back down, I'll go big!"

Yun Yun drew his sword faster than Toke, and every time he killed the famous Genji on the spot, it was a ruthless killing of RTK.

RTK has no chance and ability to come back again.

"Win!" Liu Sanping was the first to shout this sentence. He dropped the earphones and made a heartless voice, and stood up to hug Lu Xiaoan. Then, he was calmly avoided by this calm conductor.

Lu Xiaoan was very quiet, and slowly put away the slender coils of the earphones. She would usually make some concluding speeches, but now she didn't say a word.

Lin Minyu stood up and patted him gently.

"I won." As if repeating the facts, the emotions in the sentence could be accurately conveyed to Lu Xiaoan. Lin Minyu's voice was very calm, "Thank you everyone, we will have a summary meeting when Brother Zhang comes in later."

Yun Yun just sat there, watching the custom end interface, the scene where the opponents quit one after another, and then the organizer closed the custom arena.

This is just the beginning, he will set foot on the Tep Cup arena and get close to his dream world.

Zhang Ye quickly opened the door and came in. Seeing their happy faces again, he also laughed happily. He built the team by himself and watched it grow with his own eyes. There were many problems in this audition, but the rise of the team under the disadvantage made him feel terrified.

The mentality of the game will affect the whole game. They were beaten by Genji Tracer's dive lineup and won back with the same lineup.

Kang Ming walked quickly to Yun Yun who was sitting blankly, and he intuitively realized that something was wrong, being so quiet was not at all what Yun Yun should be.


Yun Yun's face was pale, but he didn't realize it. He was held down by Kang Ming in surprise, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Kang Ming frowned and said, "Do you know how bad your face is?"

These words echoed in the computer room, and even Liu Sanping, who was talking about his heroic deeds of Tracer, fell silent and looked at Yun Yun in surprise.

This Genji, who led the team to win against RTK, was as pale as if he was seriously ill, but his eyes were particularly energetic.

Yun Yun didn't know why Kang Ming made such a fuss, he said, "I'm fine..." When he tried to stand up to show that he was healthy, his eyes suddenly went dark, and he panicked and weakly supported the table.

The state of losing consciousness for a moment quickly slowly regained consciousness, and quickly subsided like the lack of oxygen and blood supply to the brain.

"Genji, Kang Ming?" Yun Yun was half-embraced and dragged away by Kang Ming before he was clear-headed. He was thin and thin, and he was easily picked up by a big man from the Northeast, and he couldn't even resist.

In the end, he was still pressed on the bed without any resistance.

Yun Yun stared at the shining chandelier on the ceiling boredly, and listened to Kang Ming's phone call.

"Well, yes, dizziness, pale face, and clear consciousness. Do you want to send him to the hospital for observation? Well, if you still have problems later, I will trouble you to come to Lingxin Garden, Dr. Lin."

"I'm really fine." Yun Yun felt very ashamed. Now should be the best time for everyone to hold a summary meeting and immediately review the situation of the qualifiers. However, he was asked by the team boss to lie down and recuperate. The image of the wise and mighty in front of him instantly turned into a trembling little pitiful, such a gap made him want to hug his head and howl.

He swore that he was definitely just a little dizzy, probably because he didn't eat breakfast seriously, resulting in hypoglycemia, coupled with the excitement of the game, and the lack of oxygen caused by the sudden surprise.

Kang Ming resolutely refused to listen to his excuse, and decisively ordered: "Lie down."

Yun Yun still has a lot of things to do, he wants to send a message to find ZUM, he wants to tell his old audience in the chat group that he has entered the competition, and he also wants to tell Gim that he won with Genji today.

The audition gave him a wonderful feeling. He planned and rehearsed countless times in his heart, and it was nothing like today. The AM who was almost discouraged by Genji, and the AM who suddenly cheered up, Yun Yun felt that his teammates relied too much on Lu Xiaoan's judgment, and he would appear timid when facing his former teammates, and there were often better choices.

These are things that can be shared with Zhang Ye. They can only be deduced in the mind repeatedly. Unfortunately, even if Yun Yun replays the offensive tactics ten times, he still has to lie on the bed and accept the supervision of the boss Kang Ming.

"Tell me, did you do sit-ups?" Kang Ming finished the call and settled the score after autumn.

"I did it... ah!" Yun Yun, who opened his eyes and said nonsense, was cruelly pinched by Kang Ming.

"Still lying?" Kang Ming pinched Yun Yun's cheek with his index finger and thumb, and pulled his slender face, as unceremoniously as if he was teaching a junior, "I told you to exercise, have you fed what I said to the dog? Ah ? It’s an honor to faint after the battle. Can you play professionally with this body?”

Yun Yun said aggrievedly, "I'm not dizzy, it's just that the blood supply is insufficient when I stand up after sitting for a long time."

Kang Ming let go, raised his chin and pretended to praise: "That's right, you don't know what it means to be sedentary and have insufficient blood supply. Do you dare to lie to me?"

"I was wrong."

"Wake up and exercise for 40 minutes every day, even a second less."


"Huh?" Kang Ming was not satisfied, "Where's the voice?"

"Yes! Boss Chen!"

Yun Yun's face was pinched again, this time the force on his face was stronger than before, Kang Ming looked like a bully, and threatened fiercely: "What about the courage to call my brother back then, why did you get scared?"

"Brother Chen!" Yun Yun's tears were about to be pulled out by him, and he said softly, "Be gentle, it hurts."

Kang Ming quickly let go, leaving his fingerprints on Yun Yun's face. He was annoyed that he didn't know how to strike, and angry that Yun Yun didn't cherish his body. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Yun Yun's pinched cheek, and complained: "Who told you to lie to me first. You can't do thirty sit-ups. What's the difference between you and an old man in his seventies and eighties? His body is still strong , how about you, sitting for hours and standing up dizzy, are you sister Lin?"

Yun Yun wrapped up the quilt and turned over, refusing to listen to his random accusations.

Kang Ming stared at his back, almost laughing out loud, he stretched out his finger, poked the guy facing the wall, and said, "Why, so ashamed?"

"Sleepy." Yun Yun opened his eyes. He was definitely not as delicate as Kang Ming said, but he was still a little embarrassed. This was the first audition, and he was so dizzy that he almost fainted. The excitement and excitement of the game, the peak state like a stimulant, suddenly slackened, and a feeling of exhaustion came to his mind.

This was the first game they won, and even if they were only qualified to enter the professional arena, Yun Yun couldn't help but think about more.

"Then you don't want to do the post-match summary?"

Yun Yun immediately turned over, put on his shoes, and said, "Of course we have to do it, so there is no need to lie down!" When he got up suddenly, he suddenly fell back on the bed.

Kang Ming, who was about to go downstairs with him, turned around to see him slumped back to the bed, angry and wanted to laugh, and said, "Would you be slower to get up?"

Yun Yun, who was hit by the lack of blood supply to the brain again and his eyes went black, slowly stood up, and said in a low mood, "Be careful next time."

The AM's summary meeting was interrupted and canceled. In the discussion room, Zhang Ye led everyone to replay the game video. Although this round was won, many details were far from the ideal cooperation.

For example, facing the enemy Genji's ult, Wu Lisheng's reaction was always half a beat slow; before Reinhardt's ground-shattering slam was released, Peng Xiaozhou completely miscalculated the timing of the opponent's shield retraction.

Mistakes appeared in every shot, Zhang Ye paused to speak one by one, and was interrupted by Yun Yun who came late.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yun Yun was full of apologies, completely forgetting that it was Kang Ming who made a big fuss and forced him to be absent.

Zhang Ye was a little surprised, and said, "Is your health alright?"

"It's okay." Yun Yun shook his head and firmly found his place.

The summary of the audition was very short, only four short rounds, Zhang Ye stayed for a long time in the second round of losing. His focus was on Toke. Every time Genji led Winston into the crowd, Zhang Ye would press pause, pointing out everyone's mistakes in reaction.

Yun Yun found that when he said Genji, he tried to avoid using his real name, and Toke became a synonym for Genji.

After all, it was a victory, and the summary was quite easy. When Zhang Ye said they were disbanding, everyone cheered and prepared to leave.

Yun Yun said, "Lu Xiaoan, I want to talk to you."

The discussion room was very quiet, only Lu Xiaoan and Yun Yun were there. Lu Xiaoan stood a little far away, did not take the initiative to ask, and waited for him to speak.

"I found that the people in the team trust you very much." Yun Yun thought about the words, and faithfully repeated his feelings during the game, "But why can't you give yourself confidence?"

During the match, until Yun Yun picked up Genji, Lu Xiaoan didn't give a morale-boosting analysis on the battlefield. This wasn't like his usual style, that kind of self-confidence with a prophecy, which became a bit bleak when he was playing against RTK.

Lu Xiaoan leaned against the wall, with deep eyes, and said calmly, "Because I don't think we can win."

This sentence was said after the audition victory, like a joke. They won, and they won quite beautifully. Although RTK 2 is a new team, their speed of changing formations and rhythm of cooperation are not much inferior to AM. Except for being easily occupied by the opponent in the second round, they won consecutive victories after a tie. Two rounds, for any team, can boast a record.

Now, Lu Xiaoan said that at that time he felt that he would not win.

"Wu Lisheng has been a little timid since he made a mistake in his position and was killed. It is very abnormal that Peng Xiaozhou didn't take the initiative to report his big move." Lu Xiaoan just pointed out some things he found, and talked to Yun Yun alone, "I never Not commenting on their mistakes during the game, it will make teammates lose confidence and panic."

Yun Yun said, "You didn't mention it just now."

Lu Xiaoan opened the stool in the discussion room and sat down, and said in an unusually serious tone: "They don't usually have such problems, I know very well. Although I have always emphasized to you that Wang Tianrui - that Genji who left is an extremely bastard and a scum, but He is not worthless. Wu Lisheng is Wang Tianrui's former game friend. Although Peng Xiaozhou is taciturn, his preferences are similar to Wang Tianrui's. Strictly speaking, their relationship is very good, at least on the surface. That's why we didn't make it public. what he did."

Yun Yun, who had always been amazed by the team's kindness, finally found a reasonable explanation. In the world of professional e-sports, a friend is a creature worth cherishing, whether it is meeting by chance or congenial, just like he tried his best to protect Gim and worried about ZUM all the time. Faced with betrayal, this group of young professional players still chose to give their former teammates a way out.

Lu Xiaoan said: "Maybe I did something wrong to cause this result, but I will never forgive Wang Tianrui for what he did."

"From my point of view, I think it's your fault." Yun Yun said bluntly.

Lu Xiaoan looked up at him, and did not choose to defend himself. He was silent for a while and said, "From your point of view, I can indeed say that everything is my fault. If you can really lead the team to victory, I don't mind quitting the team."

Yun Yun suddenly smiled and asked, "Change to another team, the same as Wang Tianrui?"

Lu Xiaoan shook her head and said, "I will only choose to retire. I don't want to go anywhere except here."

retired. This word that once occupied Yun Yun's life was actually heard in another place. Yun Yun asked: "Lu Xiaoan, how old are you?"


Yun Yun let out a contemptuous snort, with an unbelievably exaggerated mocking voice, and said: "Why do I feel that you are only seven years old, arrogant and willful, weak in will, fragile in heart, and will retire at any time. Any mature young man It shouldn't be you, you are more like bluffing to avoid your own weaknesses, except for self-righteousness, you really don't have any courage."

"Don't preach!" Lu Xiaoan frowned, "I admit that my previous behavior was very immature and caused a lot of conflicts, but..."

"I wasn't like this at the beginning." His voice was very low, and he even turned his head to avoid Yun Yun's sight, "OP.1 was really perfect, Genji's tactics were impeccable at the time, we can fully support Wang Tianrui to easily win by himself , no matter how the auxiliary and sub-T are switched, the position of the output will always be Genji."

"Maybe you won't believe what I said. The team at that time was laughing and laughing every day without any conflicts. Wang Tianrui's temper was grumpy, but most of the time he didn't explode. The only time we quarreled was when I called Eichenwalde .”

An Eichenwalde due to Wang Tianrui's refusal to carry out the command was the beginning of all omens.

Lu Xiaoan's words were full of nostalgia, and he never dared to speak out the thoughts hidden in his heart, "At that time, I was thinking that if Wang Tianrui's commanding opinions to me really hindered his performance as he said, I would change it."

"But the reality does not give people a chance to correct it. Wang Tianrui is just a bastard who is blind to money. He takes all the victories as his own credit, and treats everyone in OP.1 as he likes." Lu Xiaoan's depression seems to be a battle Hallucinations, his voice was cold and hard, "Yun Yun, you don't know the feeling of looking for someone all over the world, but he stands in the dark and watches coldly. We went to all the places where he would appear, Internet cafes, restaurants, shopping malls , and even at the police station, while negotiating with the organizers of the Rainbow Cup to postpone the game, Lao Zhang was anxiously worried whether Wang Tianrui had an accident. He is more ruthless than us, until the parents who care about him the most worry with us When his safety was in danger, Wang Tianrui made a phone call and said that he had changed teams and was in RTK."

Lu Xiaoan's hatred was suppressed in her chest, but her eyes were unexpectedly calm, as deep as an ancient well, and she said: "Even if I miss the OP.1 in the past, I can't wait. This person has never appeared in the team."

After Yun Yun listened to his story quietly, the feeling of being betrayed would never be good, especially by the person he trusted the most. The only thing Lu Xiaoan did wrong was to engrave this hatred in her heart and face a brand new life full of hostility. He said: "So, this is why you targeted me. Because you are afraid that I will become the second Wang Tianrui?"

Lu Xiaoan didn't speak. His words and deeds in the past expressed the repulsion in his heart. His hostility towards Wang Tianrui was perfectly transferred to the innocent Yun Yun. With his childish words and deeds, he tried his best to maintain a team that no longer existed.

Yun Yun felt that he was ridiculous and pitiful. Although life had continued, he was still living under the shadow of the past. Just like the former self, stuck in the quagmire of the past, hesitating towards the future, if it weren't for Overwatch, if it weren't for McGrath, he might still be a small 18th-line anchor with no popularity and prospects, indulging in the glory of the past In the troughs and troughs, I tortured myself over and over again.

Yun Yun had no sympathy in his heart, and his chest was full of contempt for this cowardly escape. He said, "Lu Xiaoan, you love OP.1, but Are Men will be better than it."