eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 35: my name is……


After the victory in the audition, the momentum of the AM team has obviously changed, like breaking the shackles of the body, the originally silent computer room, the atmosphere has become active and friendly. Lu Xiaoan still bullies the talkative Liu Sanping, and Wu Lisheng and Peng Xiaozhou watch this year's new show while eating. Lin Minyu and Yun Yun earnestly studied how to register the Asian server, and finally from a young man enjoying the national server, he devoted himself to the big environment of the Asian server and bravely fought against the enemy.

Then, the team received the news of the training match they had dreamed of: Laur, the domestic first-line team, really made an appointment with them!

"When we were playing games, I also wanted Ling Dong to ask Laur out, but as the World Cup approached, Laur and DeGR were preparing for the battle, so there was no chance." When Zhang Ye brought the news, his tone was undoubtedly joyful. Yes, "During the audition, everyone cooperated very well, so I mentioned it to Lingdong again. Today, their coach agreed."

At this time, Yun Yun discovered the advantages of Kang Ming being the boss. He has a wide range of people, and even Laur can make an appointment.

The training match was scheduled for ten o'clock the next day. When Yun Yun got up in the morning, he was caught by the sleepy-eyed Kang Ming, who took him to the training area to practice hard. clean and dry.

"Don't be lazy." Kang Ming said so, sitting on the chair of the comprehensive training device, yawning all over the sky, it is really difficult for him to get up early to match Yun Yun's time, "I will help you check the time."

After Yun Yun emphasized that sit-ups caused him abdominal pain and affected his performance in practice, Kang Ming mercifully changed him to pedaling. Yun Yun quickly adapted to this kind of training of sitting on the chair cushion to drive the legs to move, and perfunctory in a rhythmic manner.

"Kang Ming, can you do me a favor?" Yun Yun asked while pedaling.

"Say." Kang Ming didn't mind his perfunctory at all. Being able to force an otaku to exercise is already a feat worthy of praise. "It's not about murder and arson."

Yun Yun said: "Do you know anyone from RTK? I'm worried about ZUM."

Kang Ming was a little surprised. Since Yun Yun joined the team, he hasn't seen ZUM for a long time. Kang Ming asked, "What happened to him?"

Yun Yun still hadn't heard from ZUM, and RTK's manager Jiang Sen had already deleted him. He couldn't find any way to contact ZUM, and the panic he suppressed before the game finally spread, so he could only seek Kang Ming's help.

Kang Ming is a well-known anchor, and he is a commentator linked to the professional circle. It shouldn't be difficult to inquire about the members of the team.

"ZUM hasn't contacted me for a long time." Yun Yun seriously recalled the offline data on the game, "I haven't logged in to the game for eight days, and I'm worried about him."

"Yes. I have conditions." Kang Ming agreed decisively.


"Pedaling is not allowed to be perfunctory, practice hard for me honestly!"

Yun Yun, who was exercising hard, finally escaped from the painful exercise and returned to his beloved computer desk. He quickly boarded the Asian server with his fingers, and immediately saw Gim who had been waiting for a long time.

The Asian server in the morning often failed to match competitive opponents. After a long wait for their two-person car, Captain Gim gave up the competitive game and started a custom mode. The customization of Overwatch has a lot of fun, and it can set up any unimaginable game modes according to the different needs of players.

[Team] Gim: This is Smash Bros. Heroes will be randomly replaced once killed.

When Gim was setting up, he didn't adjust it to the assault mode. Yun Yun, who was the defender, watched the countdown on the interface slowly return to zero, and he looked forward to it. He rarely played Overwatch's weekly brawls, which were full of fun and consumed his curiosity during the first season. Now, when Gim reopened this mode, Yun Yun actually found it very novel. Brawls played with friends are no longer ordinary brawls.

However, when the hero selection interface ended, on the screen in front of him was a familiar bow and arrow.

Hanzo's system voice said appropriately: "Honor is in life and death, and redemption is in honor."

[Team] Gim: I'm Tracer, what are you

[Team] Daylight: I am me.

Yun Yun smiled and went out with a bow and arrow, and walked through the long streets of the King's Avenue. His steps were brisk, and he was destined to be Hanzo even in the chaos. This is really his natal hero.

The defense's preparation time was long and boring. Yun Yun ran to the door of the attacker's side where Gim was, and he could see Tracer's red figure dangling in the respawn room.

He thought that in the next round, Gim must change the mode to Assault, otherwise it would be boring to wait for such a long time every time.

The countdown sounded, Yun Yun decisively ran back to the first line of defense, stood on the high platform and waited for Gim's Tracer.

The moment the door was opened, the scarlet Tracer with a rainbow-like phantom was shot dead by Yun Yun with an arrow.

[Team] Gim: = =

Seeing the expression sent by Gim, Yun Yun couldn't help laughing. He once met an opponent who was also Chinese in the Asian server. After they communicated with simple emoticons in the chat channel, Gim asked at that time: "= ="What does it mean

Yun Yun happily jumped off the platform and walked to the back of the bus. He remembered that he said at that time, "= =" means helpless and at a loss.

In a few seconds, Gim's Lucio, accelerated and ran out shaking his head. He focused on the front and hurried on his way, but Yun Yun shot him to death from the side.

Then, there's Gim's McCree.

This time Yun Yun no longer bullied Gim who died when he went out, at least let him walk to the target point alive and sound. Hanzo was hiding in the window on the second floor. He clearly saw Gim's McCree squatting while walking, constantly hiding in the corner, observing the movement ahead at any time.

Yun Yun decisively shot a detection arrow at him, and McCree, who could see the crimson shadow, squatted in the small room and tried to probe out.

When Gim had just seen the outside situation clearly and raised his gun to shoot, Hanzo's arrow shot at him and he was easily killed.

Yun Yun died laughing. McCree's attack had been prepared for 10,000 years, but he was killed in a second.

[Team] Gim: What a disaster!

[Team] Daylight: It feels so fresh, and the random hero is so interesting. It was the first time I played against you, but I didn’t expect that you wouldn’t even give me the chance to change heroes.

Yun Yun recalled the appearance of Gim just now, the cautious overlord McCree, who didn't know that he had been spotted by Hanzo long ago, still lingering in the corner, was really cute and pitiful.

[Team] Gim: Not the first time.

[Team] Daylight:

Yun Yun casually typed a question mark, he didn't know what Gim meant. The chat box fell silent, and Yun Yun waited quietly for Gim's answer, but there was no further text. He dropped out of the battle list and found that Gim's random hero had appeared on the head portrait, an angel with a healing halo on his head.

However, there was no sign of Gim at that door.

[Team] Daylight: Gim

Just when he started to think that Gim had left the computer to attend to other business, he saw the angel coming out of the respawn room. Wearing the default white combat uniform, he stretched his wings and ran out slowly with a small pistol.

Yun Yun watched him bouncing up and down, his wings were bright orange-red that belonged to the enemy, he didn't attack Hanzo, he just raised his gun and shot casually. The sound of the angel's high-heeled shoes echoed in the night sky of the King's Avenue, and they walked around Yun Yun with cheerful steps. Then, he stopped.

[Team] Gim: Have you forgotten Daylight, my original ID is

Those were three Korean characters that looked familiar but were actually unfamiliar. Yun Yun racked his brains and couldn't distinguish it from the IDs with circles and vertical lines in the passers-by. Impressions, after all, are not native speakers, will always appear strange.

[Team] Daylight: ... I don't remember seeing it

Gim was silent, and even the angel stopped where he was. The angel in the default skin held a gun, neither attacked nor fled, and was as quiet as a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded should be.

A string of URLs appeared in the chat box, which were video websites that could not be directly logged into in China. Even if Yun Yun didn't know what Gim meant, when he saw that the last personalized domain name was yunyun96, he suddenly remembered it.

That was the homepage of his video. Yun Yun came to the Asian server in the first season. At that time, the whole season was about to end, and the competitive mode became the last carnival of the cheating team. His account level is low, and his career situation is simple. Whether he picks up McCree or Tracer, he will be recognized as a hang by his opponent.

Yun Yun always tried his best to explain to the other party, but no one would believe empty excuses. Therefore, he chose to record the real situation of each game. If he encountered someone who would not listen to the explanation and mess around, he would upload it to this international video website and let the opponent judge for himself.

This is a very clumsy way of self-certification, which is time-consuming and may not satisfy the opponent. Yun Yun had to give up after only trying four times.

Those who are willing to believe his defense will choose to believe it when Yun Yun proposes to upload the video; those who still don't believe it will not agree even if the link is really presented in front of them, and those people will not waste precious time at all. Time to wait for a passer-by to upload a video proving his innocence. He scolded heartily for a moment, but he forgot all about it when he turned his head.

Yun Yun switched to the browser and climbed to this international video website after a long absence. He entered his ID and found his own page. In his video list, there are four videos with simple titles lying alone, and they are also the only records he has uploaded.

The titles of these four videos indicate the time and the ID of the questioner. Most of the titles end in English letters, and the Korean characters that appear in the titles are particularly conspicuous.

The video titled "2016.07.29 &¥#" is the second from the top on the page, ending with a string of Korean characters. Even now, Yun Yun knows that they just represent "three Korean characters" This means, because he can't use the input method to type out the Korean ID belonging to Gim.

He clicked on the video to play it, and saw his most familiar hero—Hanzo on the screen. The default skin, familiar pre-war preparations, when Dorado was preparing to attack, he kept swaying back and forth along the open semi-circular platform on the second floor. Leisurely and cheerful, just like a hunter who is ready to go, he is full of confidence in this hunt.

The voice channel and chat window are extremely quiet, just like he has played hundreds of competitive games, his teammates cooperated silently, and then left quietly, harmonious and peaceful.

Until Yunyun killed the opposite McCree with a headshot for the third time, the chat channel seemed to be boiling, and the circles and vertical lines belonging to Korean scrolled rapidly throughout the chat box, and even his teammates began to focus on typing, Forget about attacking.

In the swiping list, he saw himself sending out a "what?".

Then, the three-character ID McCree who was killed by him used English while communicating with people in Korean.

[Team] &#: You are cheating.

When this affirmative word appeared in the chat box, it was like a wave of wind and waves, setting off a stormy sea. Those players who only communicated in Korean began to use the English vocabulary they understood to swear.

Even the dullest person should understand what happened.

At that time, Yun Yun's Asian server account was only level 32, but he reached the top score of the Asian server. Yun Yun looked nostalgicly and strangely at the questions that were constantly popping up in the chat channel, which were no different from those he had experienced.

Gim is like a pompous Korean, tersely pointing out his flaws in broken English.

Yun Yun defended.

But every explanation he made was accompanied by Gim's sneer. The laughing English "LUL" quickly follows the dialogue he typed, like an arrogant player, taunting people who use cheats.

Gim didn't believe Yun Yun's simple defense, and told Yun Yun: There will never be a master with such a low level as you. I know more professional players than cheaters, you cheater.

Then Yun Yun saw his chat box and slowly typed out that familiar sentence, word for word.

— "If you don't believe me, I will upload the video to the video site later, my ID is yunyun96."

Yun Yun switched back to Overwatch, and there seemed to be the sound of the night wind blowing in the earphones, and the system interface clearly displayed "Gim quit "Overwatch".

Conversations left in the chat window are so clear.

[Team] Gim: The team has a meeting, so I'll go first.

On the empty and deserted King's Road, even the lights were dimmed, and he was left standing alone under the statue of Meng Data holding a bow and arrow.

Kang Ming felt that something was wrong with Yun Yun. Even though the team's communication in YY's voice was very harmonious, he always felt that Yun Yun's voice was listless.

This is the first time that AM has used Hanzo as an output position in a training match, and it is a site map. According to common tactical analysis, Hanzo should not appear in any battle at all.

But Yun Yun not only took it, but also performed very well.

"Genji is dead. Go directly." Yun Yun's arrow did not give LaurXD any time to react, and killed him on the spot. AM's attacking queue came out of the small room and quickly controlled the battlefield.

This wave of attack was better than the previous maps. The Lijiang Tower, who had played countless times, finally became a winner because of his proficiency. When he should have been happy for the team, Kang Ming felt that Yun Yun was not happy.

His voice was deep and his words were short, with a feeling that "if it wasn't for reporting something, he wouldn't want to speak at all". Kang Ming was familiar with Yun Yun's formal style, and such a situation was extremely rare.

The soy milk fritters that I ate in the morning didn't add sugar, or was it because he forced Yun Yun to pedal hard and exhausted his energy? Kang Ming thought wildly, and then heard Yun Yun's urgent voice: "The southeast god of death is big!"

In just two seconds, the members of AM had just dispersed when they saw Laur's god of death coming out of a blind spot, opening a death bloom, and then fell asleep on the spot reflexively by Lu Xiaoan's anesthesia needle.

"DL is Shadow Blade, right?" Kang Ming clicked on the chat window that was bouncing on the lower left, and saw Lao Zhou saying so.

Kang Ming felt strange, if Lao Zhou was in the team YY, it would be no big deal to recognize Yun Yun's voice directly, but Lao Zhou was on Laur's side, all he knew was that AM's main C was called Yunyun, and he was good at Hanzo.

With a face full of surprise, Kang Ming typed and asked, "You can see this?"

"...because I'll be looking at friend lists and career details."

Shouldn't the team be given a special account for the game? Thinking about it, Kang Ming raised his hands and typed frantically, full of his own children's brainless show off: "How about it, such a slippery Hanzo is the head of my family, play with McCree Genji, envy or not, envy or not?"

"I know him before you, thank you." Old Zhou replied.

Kang Ming snorted softly, and ignored it. It's not about buying things and paying attention to first-come, first-served arrival. Yun Yun belongs to his team, and will be known and loved by more people in the future. He can also be regarded as the first group of people with discerning eyes and knowing pearls.

He indifferently replied to Lao Zhou with a full stop, ignoring what the other party said.

When Numbani announced the end of the training session, Lao Zhou's dialogue box flashed again: "Your team's cooperation is not bad."

The training match progressed to the Numbani pushcart map, and AM only occupied the target point near the overtime, struggling on the critical line of overtime, pushing the carrying target to the second target point, and the game was declared defeated.

Obviously every wave was ruthlessly beaten back by Laur, but Lao Zhou actually said it was okay.

As the orange vest of the team YY, Kang Ming directly pulled Lao Zhou who was staying with Laur into the small channel.

He said without exaggeration: "My friend, you are so flattering and praising my men against your will, it looks like you have something to talk to?"

Lao Zhou's laughter came from the channel and said, "Kang Ming, we are going to hold an international competition. I wonder if you are interested in joining."

With a soft snort, Kang Ming knew that Lao Zhou, who was good at operations and hype, would definitely not agree to spare time for training matches with AM for no reason, and even praised the team's cooperation every now and then. Even he can see that AM has a big problem now, and even a slightly flexible formation seems stiff. At least he has to fight three or four games in actual combat before he can barely catch the eye.

Kang Ming replied: "I'm just an anchor and a half-toned commentator. How can I join without paying for it?"

"I've talked with Mr. Chen, and he doesn't seem to be very interested." Old Zhou pointed his finger at the point.

"So you're... saving the country with a curve?" Kang Ming knew his brother's character, and his attitude towards e-sports was like seeing a dropout teenager sinking into Internet addiction. , it’s all because of seeing him flourishing on other live broadcast sites, and he has the tendency to become a lucky cat. On a whim, he gathered a group of friends who like to play horns. Kang Ming can be sure Said: Apart from him, Chen Lingdong, there is no other pillar on this platform.

So, when Lao Zhou went to talk about e-sports competition cooperation, he could understand Chen Xunjie's attitude with a little thought, but he just frowned, said to think about it, and then threw the proposal into the shredder without even a trace will stay.

"If you haven't set up a team, maybe I won't come to you yet." Lao Zhou's voice was very calm, "We have laid out a lot for this competition, and it is difficult for the project team from Delin Group to prepare for it. It is difficult to hold it successfully. , South Korea, the European Union, and the United States, every detail requires professional personnel to be responsible for it. The set of the Shuguang Cup is still too small, and we need a broader platform.”

"Are you going to start an international league?" Kang Ming didn't think much of it when he heard the international competition. After all, in the current cup competition, some teams from Japan and South Korea are invited, and they dare to play the name of the international competition. When he heard the name of the first-tier international region, he suddenly became alert and asked, "Have you obtained the authorization from Blizzard to engage in such a big battle?"

"Authorization is not a problem." Lao Zhou's voice was still so confident, "We only lack talents for cooperation."

When it came to this sentence, Kang Ming almost wanted to applaud Lao Zhou's domineering president's speech, and he wanted to speak so nicely even though he was short of money. Then he said very uncooperatively: "Chen Xunjie will not agree to cooperate, even if I sign a contract of sale with you, he will not use money to redeem me."

Maybe he will laugh out loud, and then resell his anchor contract for a good price by the way. How could Kang Ming, who was pinched three inches by Chen Xunjie, could defeat this old fox.

"However." Kang Ming said, "If you can let him see the future benefits, he will definitely hook up with you and call you a brother."

After all, who would have trouble with money.

In the afternoon, it was supposed to be time for the team members to move around freely and watch the game video, but suddenly they were taken out of the base by a minibus and entered the urban area.

As the boss, Kang Ming's rich and powerful style did not appear in the luxury car, and he basically chose to use the car rental company for every trip.

"Motion sickness, no driver's license, and troublesome exams." Kang Ming's reasons were perfect and impeccable, and he didn't think there was any problem with not owning a car as a big boss in modern society.

In a commercial building located in the city center, there is a photography studio that occupies a large area.

The white set of the studio is very monotonous, and the six young men in red and white uniforms are at the mercy of the photographer.

"Hold it up, OK, the one on the left should stand closer. Hmm."

When the team entered the group stage, the first thing Kang Ming thought of was the promotional photos.

Ever since Yun Yun joined the team, he started planning the team uniforms, and finally confirmed the delivery yesterday. Kang Ming saw the customized team uniforms on Yun Yun's body, with a zipper collar, red and white, and the word AM clearly written on it. Very pleasing to the eye.

The only thing that dissatisfied him was that Yun Yun was too thin. Obviously the tailor-made clothes fit the other members of the team just right, but Yun Yun always felt a little bigger when he wore them.

"I thought you would write 'it's a man', 'a man' or something." Zhang Ye didn't have any special requirements for the team uniforms. No matter how good-looking things are, the final battle is the strength of the team, so he didn't participate in the team uniforms at all. in the design.

Kang Ming glanced at him and said, "Even if I don't understand the team, I can understand Chinese, well, who doesn't have a logo on their clothes, our family doesn't have a logo, and it's always right to use abbreviations."

Moreover, writing something masculine on the team uniform, plus two exclamation points, is simply a rebellious personality youth in the second dimension, declaring to the outside world that he has escaped the shackles, which is not harmonious and beautiful at all.

The publicity photos are just a few simple fixed modes, single or group, even if you add on-site styling, a group of short hair and some foundation and highlighting, it won't take long.

The photographer pointed out the original film on the camera for Kang Ming to review. The big boss of the team looked at most of the photos casually, and then studied the few silly photos of Yun Yun with critical eyes.

In the photo, Yun Yun's supple bangs were fixed to the top of his head with hairspray, and his exposed forehead looked younger than in reality. Although the posture of hugging his chest tried to highlight maturity and firmness, no matter how he looked at it, Kang Ming felt like a Child labor under starvation and cold.

"Here, P is fatter." Kang Ming said with a frown.

The photographer's assistant immediately made a note next to the photo number. It's strange to say that in other photos, P is required to be thinner and handsomer, and this boss just said that P is fatter.

"If you are fatter, your appearance and appearance may be a little distorted." The photographer suggested based on his own experience, "After all, it is a fixed-makeup photo, so there is no need for it."

Kang Ming didn't appreciate it, and said, "Don't worry about it, get fatter."

The photographer looked at him, suggested seriously, and said, "How about I take some angles where he looks fat?"

Yun Yun was dragged back to the dressing room of the studio, and the photographer asked the stylist to redesign him before a new round of shooting.

In fact, Yun Yun doesn't like this kind of posing like a commodity, but he has always cooperated with the team's requirements.

This time, he was the only one doing makeup, and Kang Ming stood beside him playing with his mobile phone like a supervisor. Kang Ming suddenly spoke up, relaying the news he had just received, saying: "It turns out that ZUM has entered the first team of RTK, and they are training camp."

"Don't move!" The stylist fixed Yun Yun's head that turned suddenly, "It's only a little while away."

"Because of the training camp, you can't communicate with the outside world?"

Kang Ming didn't know much about RTK. Ever since he didn't have a good impression of the club, he didn't like to listen to gossip about it. He recalled the chat with his commentator partner Dongyue a long time ago, and said: "It's like retreating, except for emergency All personal freedoms are canceled except for contact, just like the college entrance examination. Don’t worry too much, the group match will be broadcast live, and you can see ZUM appear alive and kicking in a few days.”

Yun Yun breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you."

Kang Ming looked at him, and the stylist flicked his bangs down for him. It was completely different from the old-fashioned look just now. He still looked young, but with the bangs and makeup on his cheeks, he really didn't look as sallow and thin as before.

After receiving the news from ZUM, Yun Yun was obviously much more relaxed, but it was still a bit different from his usual carefree appearance. Kang Ming asked, "You don't seem to be very happy in the training match?"

Yun Yun said: "It has nothing to do with the training match, I'm in a bad mood today."

"Ha." Kang Ming chuckled, and sure enough his feeling was right, "Why don't you tell me what's unhappy about you to make me happy?"

Yun Yun raised his eyes and glanced at him, but didn't speak. He met a lot of people in the game, some he hated, some admired, some met by chance, he had seen all kinds of players, and there were very few friends that Yun Yun took seriously in his heart.

Overwatch brought him more joy than sadness.

But, he really didn't remember that Gim would be that McCree. That was the most impressive match he had in the first season of the Asian server, and that McCree was also the only one who made him feel anxious.

Isolation, helplessness, and being questioned in an environment with an unfamiliar language will never make him feel good.

If at the beginning, Yun Yun knew that Gim was the McCree, he would definitely not continue to communicate with him.

The stylists finally finished their work and let them come out for the shoot when they were ready.

Yun Yun was about to go out with the stylist when Kang Ming stopped him. The door was gently closed right in front of him, and he heard Kang Ming's voice, saying, "It doesn't look good to take pictures when you have something on your mind, you might as well say it, don't keep it in your heart."

Yun Yun exhaled slowly and asked, "If a friend you like very much has done something that you find annoying, what should you do?"

"Hate... There are many kinds."

"The kind that feels irritable. We don't actually have a conflict of interest, and he didn't do it on purpose. Even when he did this, we weren't friends."

"Since you were not friends when it happened, what are you struggling with?"

"Because his behavior... made me feel very anxious." Yun Yun thought about his words and described his inner feelings, "After I knew this happened, I now feel that he is not really willing to talk to me. friend."

Kang Ming smiled, and suddenly understood what Yun Yun was struggling with. He was afraid that it would be a hypocritical temptation to exchange his sincerity. Kang Ming asked in a low voice: "Do you know that I hated you too, Yunyun?"

Yun Yun was stunned, and couldn't hide the surprise in his face. He knew that Genji Shimada liked him, and everyone's emotions would become quite straightforward in the game. There is no need to be in a game with no interests involved. Show intrigue in the competition.

But Kang Ming, this popular anchor with Shimada Genji's vest, is completely different. They met by chance in the competition mode. Kang Ming did not show any harmony from the beginning to the end. Most of the time, he refused to communicate.

"Oh." Yun Yun was a little depressed. It turned out that Kang Ming hated him.

Then his cheek was gently pinched by two fingers.

"I think you are conceited and frivolous, and you dare to play Hanzo in the passerby game. You always target me, causing me to die when I go out, and I die when I go out. You always make me lose face in front of the audience." Kang Ming stretched out his hand and gently pinched Yun On Yun's face, he was still very thin, and with the help of makeup techniques, he could finally see blood. He said, "However, I like you now."

Kang Ming watched Yun Yun's stunned sadness slowly melt away, and couldn't help but poke his cheek with his fingers into a smile, and then was gently waved away by Yun Yun who was belatedly aware.

This person is optimistic and positive, even in the face of extremely annoying people, he will never give up competition because of negative emotions.

He won't pick on his teammates, but he cherishes his friends very much. Incredibly stupid and tenacious, like never being defeated—

"Yun Yun, you are a proud little Hanzo who won't admit defeat. I really, really like it."