eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 40: engage in GAY


Since joining the team, except for Kang Ming who took the initiative to catch him and insist on exercising, Yun Yun rarely talked to Kang Ming alone, because this was his boss, and the relationship between them was completely different from the relaxed relationship between the Shimada brothers at first. Yun Yun's bottom line has always required him to distinguish between public and private.

Yun Yun knows the profit model of professional teams, either to get the top three in the competition to get the official bonus, or to seek sponsors to attend endorsement activities to get promotional fees.

And these are far away from the start-up AM. No matter how you look at it, the status quo of AM has not yet made Kang Ming profitable.

As a member of the team, Yun Yun always felt a little guilty, not only because of the team, but also because as soon as he started broadcasting, the little fans of Kang Ming's family would sneak over and give him crazy gifts.

Those IDs related to Kang Ming appeared on the gift list, Yun Yun thanked him one more time, and made a note of Kang Ming in his heart. In his eyes, these are Kang Ming's things, and the more data in his background increases, the more he owes Kang Ming.

"What's wrong?" Kang Ming stretched sleepily after hearing what Yun Yun said. In front of Yun Yun, he always did whatever he wanted, and he didn't have the airs of a popular anchor at all.

In order to prepare for the commentary of the offline game last night, he analyzed the video until late at night. His mind was full of showy routines and high-level operations. All night, his dreams were full of gunfire and gunshots, and he couldn't sleep peacefully. Recently, Kang Ming's live broadcast time is very short, and he often shuts down the broadcast in advance. During the preparation stage of the offline competition, he would retreat to practice and explain Dafa, and then his beloved audience cried to the ground. Even the live broadcast room was requisitioned as a chat room, condemning Kang Ming every day Insane pigeon.

However, even if he was cursed by fans to be single for the rest of his life, Kang Ming resolutely shut down the broadcast. He is a very serious person, even if it is just a joke, he will be fully prepared for the next commentary work. It is also one of his principles not to lose face on the commentary stage.

Kang Ming's exhaustion made Yun Yun regret that he came to disturb him too early. With a glance, he could see that the notebook spread out on the table was densely filled with annotations. He was doing an explanation, not casual chatting like a live broadcast. Can control the audience. Everyone's excellent performance has silent preparation and practice behind it.

Yun Yun said: "I have thought about something for a long time, and I feel that it will cause you trouble if I say it. I heard a piece of news recently, and I think I should tell you."

information. When Kang Ming heard this word, his drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and the alert signal rushed from the soles of his feet to his head, and his scalp was about to explode. Now the outside world seems to be calm, but these acquaintances in the professional circle have been spreading the GAY atmosphere crazily recently, especially GAY Gu Chensheng, the world leader, happily announced that he also took care of a professional player, showing that he was not fighting alone.

Conscience of heaven and earth, this is really just a coincidence.

Kang Ming looked at Yun Yun's hesitation at a loss, and felt that something was wrong. What do you mean by saying something that would bother him

At first glance, it looks like a young boy with a spring heart is ready to confess his love.

Thousands of words in Kang Ming's mind merged into one sentence: How can he refuse so as not to hurt the boy's heart

He is a straight man, even if he spreads the GAY atmosphere of GAY in the live broadcast room all day long, he is still a big straight man who is indomitable. He likes long-haired gentle and beautiful girls. He has been secretly loved by girls with various styles since he was a child. There are countless gossip and gossip that are pulled out, which can cause several fights with Chen Xunjie when arguing about the truth.

Now, Yun Yun, a young, simple and serious guy, put on such a serious attitude, it was really hard for Kang Ming to resist.

"Kang Ming." Yun Yun looked at him with firm eyes.

Kang Ming stood at attention. When dealing with this kind of situation, he always acted as if he was playing with flowers, but now, he was extremely tense from head to toe, and even began to reflect on whether he was used to molesting in the past, which led to the biggest crisis in his life!

"Actually, I played professionally in ST before, and my ID is Daylight."

Yun Yun's tone was serious, and the direction of the news he uttered was completely different from what Kang Ming expected. Kang Ming froze in place, his romantic and affectionate thoughts were shattered one by one by these words, and his brain, which was looking for a solution, could not straighten out such a turning point , as if the voice was tuned to the wrong channel and walked into another dimension.

"Ah?" Kang Ming responded to Yun Yun's words with a blank face.

"Two years ago, when I played against my opponent in an offline match, I felt that someone was cheating. I was irrational at the time and told the referee directly, which caused the news to spread. I was very young and naive. What I did at the time was very Stupid, but I also paid the price for my stupidity. I retired for two full years, and now I choose to continue my career. At that time... I knew many people, so the ID Daylight has a dark history of slandering opponents, although Now I'm a DL, but it's hard not to have acquaintances from back then."

Yun Yun talked about the past lightly, and told Kang Ming sincerely: "I'm sorry, I should have told you about this earlier."

The air stagnated for a while, and Yun Yun could hear his flustered and tense breathing while pretending to be calm. The room was very quiet, and Kang Ming's eyes were wide open, with a look of surprise and a touch of disappointment on his face.

Such an expression made Yun Yun feel uncomfortable, as expected, he would still be disgusted...

Kang Ming rubbed his temples, and asked irritably, "What else?"

Yun Yun was stunned for a moment, then continued: "I met my former teammate today, and he told me that I suspect that the team that started the offline match disbanded before the official clearance of the cheating, and the public opinion became calm. From the current state Look, no one cares about the facts back then. However, I am still afraid that someone who knows about this will attack AM with fabricated rumors."

"anything else?"

Yun Yun looked up at him, with doubts in his eyes, and said, "What else?"

Kang Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and pinched Yun Yun's cheek to vent his anger. Seeing Yun Yun's eyes wide open, the tension in his heart completely dissipated. He said viciously: "I thought you were going to come out to me early in the morning! It scared me to death."

"What, what?" Yun Yun looked at him in surprise, his white teeth were exposed when his cheeks were pinched and deformed, "What did you say came out?"

Ever since he discovered that Yun Yun's face was particularly easy to pinch, Kang Ming couldn't stop his hands and said, "You said you heard a piece of news, and I just heard a piece of news. It's just that your news happened back then, and my The news is now, do you want to listen to it?"

Yun Yun finally got rid of Kang Ming's clutches and rubbed his cheeks. His innocent appearance made Kang Ming want to laugh.

"You said, what news?"

"I heard that I bought a luxurious team to support you and directly promoted you to the championship throne. I played with the rules and won the Taipu Cup."

"Wanting..." Yun Yun's expression was indescribable, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, "This is not the entertainment industry, how could it be possible to win the championship."

Kang Ming saw that he was only obsessed with the championship, so he suddenly laughed and said, "Why are you so focused, isn't the focus on the golden house?"

"Ha." Yun Yun let out a chuckle, thinking that the news itself was a joke, "The person who spread the news has never seen you before. To be honest, you are more in line with the standard of Jinwu Zangjiao."

No face control can find fault with Kang Ming's appearance. Even a person like Yun Yun who doesn't pay much attention to appearance feels extremely amazing when he sees Kang Ming at first sight. Now, even Yun Yun, who is accustomed to it, will take them into the city when Kang Ming takes them for granted. When taking makeup photos, you can feel Kang Ming's uniqueness from the reflections of the people around you.

They passed through the crowd on the side of the road, and Kang Ming seemed to have a spotlight, firmly attracting everyone's attention. Both men and women will cast their eyes on Kang Ming, as if caught by an irresistible attraction, unable to move their eyes away. Yun Yun, who had witnessed all this, felt that Kang Ming's image was tall and glorious, and he was treated like a star.

Kang Ming didn't understand Yun Yun's compliment at all, and said: "...Although you are praising me, I don't feel happy at all."

Yun Yun said sincerely: "You are so handsome and unrestrained, it's because sister Qian wants to keep you."

"It's against you!" Kang Ming chased Yun Yun's face and stretched out his hand, squeezing his face until it deformed. Kang Ming enjoyed this kind of ravage without resistance. Seeing Yun Yun's frowning expression, he was in a good mood, "Seriously, Are you just saying sorry?"

Hearing this sentence, Yun Yun immediately broke free and said, "I'm afraid that my black history will affect the team's reputation, lest you regret recruiting me into the team, it will be too late by then!"

Kang Ming smiled flamboyantly, as if there was never any haze on his face, and said: "It's not that you cheated, what are you afraid of? Being a person with a clear conscience, you feel that it is your right to report directly to the opposite party. If you want to blame, you can blame it." Those loose-mouthed referees did not follow the principle of confidentiality and leaked this matter. What can the rumors do to you? Will the official ban you because of the gossip, or will you shake your hands and shake Parkinson’s hands when you hear these dark stories? Can't keep the mouse? The credibility of the rumors is only 10%, and the rest of the truth still needs to be restored by evidence."

"But I..." Listening to Kang Ming's words, Yun Yun recalled his initial impulse, "Actually, there is no evidence. If that person is innocent, I really, really slandered him."

Kang Ming looked at the gloomy expression of the person in front of him, squeezed his fingers, and still couldn't resist disrupting the serious conversation, and asked, "Then why did you identify him on the spot?"

Yun Yun said: "Feeling. People will laugh at me if I say it, but I just rely on my feeling. The abnormality of the battle at that time was the scene I was most familiar with in the game for so many years. People locked the places that should not be exposed, and completely blind spots appeared. Early shooting, the rumors that appeared in the game and the completely consistent operation of this plug-in overlapped, which made me suspicious."

When Yun Yun said this, he showed a bitter and regretful expression, he said: "Because I haven't lost for a long time, the anger of being hit after the defeat, coupled with those rumors that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, made me lose my normal judgment. I should follow the procedure and apply for a thorough investigation after the game, but I am really, very irrational."

"Things have happened, what else can we do?" Kang Ming touched Yun Yun's head behind him, and even shook the guy who was stuck in the past and couldn't help himself, "But your irrationality is not necessarily wrong. There are many reasons for the disbandment of the team, but what you said is really a bit guilty. Didn't the official check their account?"

"I don't know." Yun Yun told the truth. He couldn't even find any professional players in ST's official suspension list that year, but Ke Jia said with certainty that some people had already been announced to be suspended, but they searched for them on the Internet. There was no specific news, "Maybe their team really has no problem, I was wrong."

Yun Yun's tone was very low. He didn't care whether RH was disbanded or not. What he wanted was the truth at that time. Whether it was cheating or slander, he wanted the authorities to produce convincing evidence.

If it was his unreasonable slander, Yun Yun was willing to apologize, but the other party's blind avoidance or even the use of public relations methods was never the solution he wanted. This peaceful way of handling things will only arouse the most stubborn resistance in his heart.

Sometimes, he would rather be wrong than to get a reasonable excuse from his opponent.

However, nothing.

There is only a compromise between the competition organizer and the team, and the overwhelming ridicule on the Internet, as if no one cares about the truth behind it.

"Young man, be happy." Kang Ming couldn't see the sad expression on Yun Yun's face. Yun Yun was only suitable for a serious face and a cute face. I tagged you as the champion of the Tep Cup, your career is going smoothly and you will reach the pinnacle of your life every minute. Give your sponsor a little smile?"

Yun Yun knew that Kang Ming was narcissistic, but he didn't expect that Kang Ming was so narcissistic.

He cast a helpless glance at this tall and handsome man, and complained, "Kang Ming, you're really gay."

Kang Ming laughed loudly, his light brown eyes were full of arrogance and arrogance, and he said, "Yunyun, if I were gay, all the girls in this world would cry like hell, why don't you show any pity?"

"Then why are all these messy things in your mind!"

Kang Ming stretched out his hand to pinch Yun Yun's face again, and said, "I'm not afraid that you will be spoiled by someone at such a young age. I'll give you a drill to strengthen your resistance first, so that you won't be kidnapped by a GAY guy and have no intention of competing!"

Yun Yun's cheeks were puffed up by Kang Ming's fingers, and he resolutely struggled to break free from control, howling: "Your drill is meaningless at all! I won't be abducted!"

Kang Ming stared at his running back, and said with disgust, "Hmph, I don't know what's good."

Ever since it was known that Kang Ming's Are Men was going to an offline competition, all kinds of rumors and predictions spread on the Internet.

"I don't care, AM is invincible, if I win a game, I will give you roses!" "I can see me again, Kang Ming, and I can't help myself." CP", these voices emerged one after another, almost occupying Kang Ming's Weibo comments.

However, when Kang Ming was in seclusion, he opened Weibo every day to glance at it, and all of them were thrown into limbo and ignored.

Yun Yun often goes on Weibo recently. It's not that he logs on to Weibo to pay attention to something, but Ke Jia always sends messages saying that you see my Weibo circle, you see what I repost... It's very enthusiastic.

He even began to wonder why Ke Jia always had time to check Weibo when the MI team started a stocking policy, compared to ZUM's complete isolation.

As a result, every day, Yun Yun simply replied to Ke Jia's expectations, and then began a long question-and-answer session.

Today's Weibo is still full of Kang Ming's fans. When Yun Yun opens the message interface, he can see countless messages crowded together, some supporting the game, some cheering, and some weird ones who can't understand the meaning of the sentence .

Most of the comments were filled with questions. Since fans of Kang Ming's family discovered that DL, a good boy, answered all questions, they started the routine of saving the country with curves.

"Why doesn't Kang Ming explain AM! I want to see the brother in Genji's eyes!"

This question was liked by dozens of people and made it to the front row. After Yun Yun saw it, he thought it made sense.

He still wanted to hear Kang Ming explain the Are Men's game in a serious manner. From the domestic recordings he watched, most of the commentators were describing the battle situation and exclaiming indiscriminately. There were still many problems in the analysis of tactics and the prediction of the battle situation.

In contrast, Kang was obviously much more professional. Regarding Laur's move of changing heroes, apart from lamenting that they were making trouble, he was able to come up with a corresponding analysis. Most of the time, he judged Laur's motives and it was in line with the next moment of the battle.

Yun Yun replied: Let me ask.

"Is the cohabitation life good, etc.?"... Good.

"Wait for a selfie."... Look at the team's makeup photos.

"Did Kang Ming eat well, sleep well, and play well recently?"... Good.

"What does Kang Bao like to do when he's not live streaming?"

When Yun Yun saw this, his replying hand stopped suddenly. He stayed in the computer room all day, obsessed with Overwatch all day long as in the past, either training with his teammates or watching game videos. He really rarely saw Kang Ming.

Apart from being caught to exercise regularly every morning, he really didn't know what Kang Ming would do besides live broadcasting.

Yun Yun couldn't help touching his cheek, thinking of Kang Ming's narcissistic words, he was instantly worried about the future of the female fans, so he carefully reminded him: be gay.

He looked at his reply, it was really simple, clear and appropriate, so he continued to reply to the next one.

"Why don't you explain? You're afraid." Kang Ming answered Yun Yun's question as a matter of course, "I wasn't nervous at all when I explained Laur. Anyway, whether they win or lose depends on their own destiny. It has nothing to do with me. At that time, their arrogant hero configuration, I would rather see them lose."

Kang Ming sat on the comprehensive training device, still in the old position, and was used to monitoring Yun Yun's exercise, and replied slowly: "But AM is different, these are my men, I only hope you win, believe it or not I am on the commentary platform The method of opening the altar is desperately cursing the opponent's mistakes and defeat."

Yun Yun let out a breath of exhaustion, panting lightly and said:

"I don't believe it. As a professional commentator, you will definitely remain neutral."

Kang Ming asked in surprise, "Do you think I'm a saint? I also have a favorite team and extreme views."

Kang Ming, who was in charge of the commentary, was no different from a sage in Yun Yun's eyes. He was usually easy to talk and tease the audience, and occasionally he liked to slap him in the face. When it came to the commentary, he was so serious .

It's like a different person.

Yun Yun said objectively: "I feel that the profession of commentary is magical. Usually, your frivolousness will disappear once you reach the commentary stand. Even if you now say that you want to open the altar and curse our opponents, when you appear in front of the camera, it will be another one." A good commentary that is objective and fair.”

After hearing this, Kang Ming was very moved. He didn't expect that he would be such a tall person in Yun Yun's heart, and said, "Even if you praise me desperately, I still don't know how to explain AM."

Yun Yun stopped, changed his praise style, and said, "But I like listening to your explanations, and I can learn things most of the time."

Hearing this kind of praise made Kang Ming feel at ease. He understood Yun Yun's mentality, and wanted a professional commentator to comment on the battle situation. At least he would say something meaningful when Hanzo appeared on the field instead of flattering him. He replied with a smile: "Wait!" After you finish the game, I'll show you the commentary video, how about a special VIP seat?"

Yun Yun didn't answer and ignored him. It seemed that Kang Ming had made up his mind not to take this job, and he was too lazy to continue to be a lobbyist and earnestly complete today's fitness torture.

He felt that Kang Ming still felt that AM was too weak, so there was no need for him to analyze it himself.

It's a pity that Yun Yun really wronged him. Even if he was as objective as Kang Ming, when he saw the Are Men's bravery on the field, he would be so excited that he would shout for cheers without image. Even more serious than Fuyutsuki and MAKI.

Kang Ming erased the imaginary picture of ruining the image, and said, "I will cheer for you off the court."

After finishing speaking, Kang Ming picked up his mobile phone and continued to play. Recently, he was in a serious retreat, so he had time to check Weibo in the morning. Even if he couldn't read every article, he could collect the hottest news.

Then, the hottest topic in the near future leaped to his eyes with cheers, and even the sender could see it clearly.


Kang Ming stared at Yun Yun who was humming and pedaling, and suddenly asked sullenly, "Yunyun, what do you think I like to do when I'm not live broadcasting?"

Yun Yun stopped to take a deep breath, then quickly jumped off the pedal and ran, shouting: "I'm done, it's time for the team to train!"

Kang Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and forwarded the original text saying: Don't run away if you have the ability.

The venue for the Taipu Cup offline competition is not as big as Yun Yun imagined. Although the quarterfinals of this cup competition belong to the offline competition mode, spectators are never invited.

He is an offline game, not strictly an offline game.

When AM arrived at the scene, the first game was about to start. Members of many teams stood scattered in the Tep Cup competition room to watch the match.

"We are in the third round. After this round is over, we will go to the back and prepare." Zhang Ye said, "Look, Kang Ming."

The scene of the live broadcast platform appeared on the screen in the competition room. Kang Ming and his partner Dongyue appeared on the camera, officially announcing the start of the quarter-finals.

Laur and the MI team members slowly entered the arena for equipment adjustment. Before everything is ready, the commentator will serve as the warm-up work for this game.

It was the first time Yun Yun saw Kang Ming wearing a suit with a vest, sitting formally on the commentary stand. He has watched a lot of game videos, and every game with Kang Ming's commentary has been edited out of the commentary.

Seeing Kang Ming's work in person, Yun Yun actually found it very novel, and he couldn't tell at all that it was the guy who spoke impertinently and occasionally had a Northeast accent, even in Mandarin, he looked serious and professional.

"I didn't expect you to still love Laur, and refused to comment on your own team." The commentator Dongyue was Kang Ming's partner, and he casually brought up the topic during team preparation.

Kang Ming had a faint smile on his face, and he looked very gentle on the screen. He said, "It's not love, it's just that if Laur makes any mistakes, I don't have to criticize Lao Zhou mercilessly. Are Men, it’s too late to boast, how can it be possible to preach.”

"Why does it feel like a loving father?" Dongyue smiled exaggeratedly, which brought out Kang Ming's calmness.

But every sentence of Kang Ming's words reveals the passion from the heart, and he smiled evilly on his face, and replied: "Yes, anyway, I love them to death, I just want to pamper them."

Yun Yun thought, it turns out that Kang Ming likes Are Men so much.

Dongyue asked: "Do you want to make a prediction?"

"No. No poisoned milk."

"So you're also afraid of poisonous milk?" Kang Ming, who has always been able to predict the general results with accurate judgment, surprised Dongyue with his cautious attitude this time.

Kang Ming said: "This is the doting from the heart of a loving father."

"Come on." Lin Minyu said suddenly, "You can't disappoint Boss Chen's doting." His words caused the team to laugh.

Lu Xiaoan looked up at the people on the screen, and said to Zhang Ye: "Let's go to the preparation room, the monitors there are clearer, and now this one is not clear at all."

"I'll stay a little longer." Yun Yun said so, still waiting in this competition room.

Except for the not-so-clear screen, there is no more view of the game, but he can see Ke Jia. MI is strong enough, but not strong enough to shake Laur's dominance.

Yun Yun still didn't want to see Ke Jia lose.

Because this is his comrade-in-arms, they have struggled to win countless games together, and they know the meaning of winning and losing for professional players.

Yun Yun could clearly see Ke Jia on the player's seat. He was wearing a yellow and white team uniform, sitting in a place belonging to MI, concentrating on pre-match preparations.

He has really changed a lot, his appearance has become mature, and his eyes are firm. Ke Jia, who sat extremely calmly on the stage, overlapped with the people in Yun Yun's memory, both familiar and unfamiliar.

Surrounded by MI's teammates, they communicated in low voices and took off their earphones to adjust the equipment from time to time.

The atmosphere of the MI team was as serious as Ke Jia said, but Lili, the captain sitting next to him, still kept a caring look and asked something before the game. After Ke Jia nodded, he put a bottle of water next to the screen.

Ke Jia's situation is not as bad as he described.

Yun Yun understood Ke Jia's habitual exaggeration. Exaggerating the warmth of the past and the misery of the present, just like his character, he is always unable to evaluate things objectively.

The atmosphere of MI's entire team is quiet and solemn, which is in stark contrast to Laur next door.

The Laur team, wearing blue and black team uniforms, has always been a wonderful flower of Overwatch. When it was so serious before the game, there were six people hooked up shoulder to shoulder, as if they were mobilized before the game. You can see their excitement from their expressions .

The atmosphere is cheerful and relaxed, not at all like the upcoming game.

He watched the six people disperse as if shouting slogans, laughing and applauding, some even jumped and cheered, and then all sat in their seats under the referee's reminder.

Kang Ming and Dongyue briefly discussed and introduced the situation of the two teams, and analyzed and predicted their commonly used tactics from time to time. During this time, when the two teams were ready, the match would officially start.

The live confrontation between Laur and MI, where various cameras can be seen shooting, received great attention as the first round of the match.

For some teams whose games are late, many members will also choose to come here to experience the atmosphere of the scene. After all, it is an offline game, and the feeling of the online game is still very different.

The perspective of waiting for the game was displayed on the huge screen, and Yun Yun could clearly see from the upper right corner that the first map was the altar of Nepal.

The opening is the site map, which is indeed a bit exciting.

The site map can best test the strength of both sides of the team. We all have the same starting point, compete on the same site, and fight head-to-head.

The picture on the screen began to slowly show close-up shots of the players as the photographer advanced.

"The members of the MI team are relatively young, but their main C has been in the industry for the fourth year, and he is a seasoned professional player. Before entering Overwatch, he played ST." Kang Ming's voice clearly conveyed. Come on, after seeing the people in the camera, I gave a brief introduction to the players who transformed from ST, "The professional players who came out of this game are quite good, such as McGrath, Tring, and many more, so MI's The rise is also traceable, before Keven's McCree was like a killer weapon, once it was used, it was a big killer, more aggressive than his Reaper."

Yun Yun felt that he heard a little bias from Kang Ming's words, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

Then, he heard a chuckle.

He is not the only spectator in this game room. From the place where the laughter came out, he could see a team player wearing a black team uniform with gold trim. This person looked very low-key, but Yun Yun could still see clearly the Eye-catching God.

As soon as Yun Yun cast his gaze over, the man met his gaze.

With puzzled eyes, the man said, "Hi, I'm GodR's 08."