eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 42


Kang Ming has been silent. Since Lu Xiaoan's Anna was killed by McCree, he has not said a word.

Because McCree in 2008 was no different from the group match he had seen, even the outstanding Laur did not dare to easily expose the hero with 200 HP to this undisturbed revolver.

"Although I really want to yell 'Yunyun hurry up and take Hanzo', I think this round is very hanging." Kang Ming rubbed his temples with a solemn expression. It was the first time that he felt so painful watching the game, and it was the second time that AM initiated Offensive challenge, they did not change the lineup, and still got the same ending as before.

The attacking side didn't have much time to spend outside Eichenwalde's first line of defense. The countdown numbers kept getting smaller and AM's situation became more and more dangerous.

Zhang Ye has always been relatively calm about winning or losing. As long as the team makes progress, no matter the result, it is a good development. He said, "I finally understand why you don't comment on AM. Looking at your expression, you are more nervous than me. "

Kang Ming glanced at him and said, "Of course, this is the team I paid for!"

Zhang Ye laughed out loud. He thought his childish speech was very funny. He was obviously worried about AM, but he wanted to act like he was investing in profit, deliberately singing the opposite tune. Zhang Ye said: "As long as they can limit 08's performance, they should not lose this match. Although they have the same configuration, they almost caught 08 in the second round of attack."

This is a slight change in AM. Their offensive formation is completely different from before, and the route they choose is also completely opposite. Even though the battle is still losing steadily, the 08 in the OB shot, if not for Zarya's sacrifice to protect him, would have been destroyed long ago. Yun Yun on the opposite side killed him.

Almost all GodR members are centered on 08, and they always keep their positions beside this McCree, keeping him firmly in the protective circle. It is quite difficult to use the current firepower to break through.

"It's too slow to break the shield." Lu Xiaoan can see the gap between the two sides. Every time they rush into GodR's defensive front, teammates who break away from Reinhardt's shield will be easily locked by 08. It is terrible to reduce the number of people before the enemy. The reality means that their firepower is completely insufficient.

Because GodR's three tanks, as long as there is one breath left, will do their best to keep McCree.

After spending two charges outside the defense line, the opponent has definitely accumulated his ultimate skills, and he is only waiting for AM to throw himself into the net again. They can only quickly cross the first door and directly enter the target point, otherwise they are just making unnecessary sacrifices.

He said: "Let's switch to dog release." AM doesn't have many tactics that are good at, but in terms of high mobility, there are also dog release tactics to choose from. .

"It's too dangerous." Yun Yun understands that releasing the dog can quickly break the current deadlock, but the opponent is GodR, so it may not be able to gain an advantage. McCree like 08, since he has the ability to kill NIN's Genji with two shots, then in such a situation In the face of marksmanship, any team's dog release is useless.

McRae can easily eliminate the crispy Tracer with one shot, and the remaining Genji, unless he draws his sword under the hormone, it is absolutely impossible to turn the tide of the battle.

However, they only had one last chance to try, Yun Yun's Genji, it was impossible to accumulate an ultimate skill under the gun of 08 McRae in such a short time.

Yun Yun cut out the hero selection interface and said decisively, "Gamble."

"The time left for AM is running out. They only have one chance in the last 50 seconds of the attack countdown." Dongyue can clearly see the current situation of the two teams. GodR has four big moves, no matter which one can make AM instantly The group was destroyed, but he still commented on AM's situation according to the commentary principle, "On AM's side, XiaoAn's Anna has a big move, and it is very likely that she will choose to cooperate with Start's Reaper...Start is replaced by McCree."

The first McCree in AM was DL, the avatar of the hero above the DL that everyone was looking forward to, suddenly changed to a fortress, giving McCree's position to his teammates. This is the most common choice for changing heroes on the battlefield. Choose a hero at random, and let your teammates take it, and then make up the rest of the configuration.

Toma looked very excited, and said: "DL seems to want to change heroes, so it seems that we can see Hanzo create miracles again—"

Before the word "miracle" could be finished, DL walked out the door with the head of the fort shining brightly. When the OB camera switched to him in an instant, with the unique mechanical walking sound of the fortress, it reverberated in the live broadcast room, and the barrage exploded as if seeing Hanzo at the beginning, and everyone agreed with the tone of the commentary Surprised.

"Fortress?" Toma read out the hero's name, and even felt that AM gave up fighting and embarked on the road of comedians.

Dongyue is more experienced than him in facing such an abrupt situation. Dongyue said: "Yes, AM's Hanzo God took out the fortress. In fact, the tactics of the fortress are not particularly rational. After all, AM, as the attacker, does not have the inherent advantage of planning the layout of the fortress. Because this hero is bulky and fragile, even if he Has the most lethal power in Overwatch, but it's incomprehensible to use it when the offense is running out of time."

But then, GodR's defense was severely shattered by the fortress. Their Reinhardt couldn't raise his shield, and was directly stunned by the flash bomb thrown by Start who rushed out from the flank. At this moment, all AM members accelerated to break through the defense line, The strong fighting fire formed by the fortress and Reinhardt is their powerful shield.

The ultimate skills of both sides are all handed over at this moment, and no one dares to keep anything. The battlefield is full of the voices of each hero's ultimate move. The chaotic and complicated battle situation shows the final result on the constantly refreshing kill list in the upper right corner.

Bastion kills Roadhog.

Bastion kill Reinhardt.

Bastion kill Zarya.

No matter how many big moves GodR handed over, they were all resolved by AM's skills, and the defender's battle line was defeated by the ferocious Hormone Fortress. In the end, this big killer like a fixed turret suddenly released the ultimate skill in tank mode, beeping happily With the red cannon fire, under the acceleration sound effect of Lucio, while attacking, he quickly advances.

"屮, Bastion Pioneer!" The rhythm of the barrage was extremely consistent, and the audience finally recalled the shadow of being dominated by Bastion in Overwatch. Such a terrible hero gradually retired from the arena after the rise of Genji, and they did not expect to appear in the professional arena.

The fortress is strong, but in front of the equally powerful Genji, it is like a pile of scrap iron, which has no effect except to speed up the charging speed of the enemy.

Now, the AM team stepped on the enemy's corpse all the way and used the fortress to attack the target point, and GodR only had McCree and two supporters and three survivors.

"It seems that GodR was completely unprepared for this move. Just now, Roadhog in 2004 fired a chicken flying dog jump that could have perfectly smashed AM's formation. As a result, Anna gave an anesthesia injection, which directly changed the situation behind." Toma decided GodR will definitely not continue to resist when there are only three members left. The progress bar of the target point has been read to 60%, and the fact that AM occupies the delivery target is already a certainty. The Reinhardt shield didn't last long at all, and then AM swarmed up and broke up the defensive formation. This trick is very effective, but it can only work once. Congratulations, AM first occupied the target point, and the subsequent battle has just begun. "

The OB's camera stays on the DL standing on the delivery target. He seems to be thinking about whether to set up the fort or stand up to replace the hero.

"It's noon!" The enemy's ultimate skill appeared on the second floor. As the camera jumped, 08, who could already see the corner, successfully locked on all the enemies present.

DL, who was marked by the red crosshair on the camera, did not choose to hide, but sat down decisively and switched out of the turret form, ignoring the threat of this skill, and directly attacked.

Such a change happened in an instant, and when 08 was only half a second away from rewriting the situation of the battle, an anesthesia injection came oncoming.

"Sleep!" When Dongyue yelled these words, 08 had been directly wiped out by the fortress. Anna's anesthesia injection was accurate and timely, and none of the AM team members chose to dodge because of the ultimate skill.

They believed in XiaoAn's Anna, who could sleep down the big enemies in the first time.

"I have to say that this is the second time I've seen XiaoAn's unbelievable pre-judgment in advance. The moment 08 made his big move just now, the anesthesia needle was thrown out, and McCree fell asleep just before the judgment took effect at noon." Toma I saw Anna sleeping with the Pharah in the Lijiang Tower, and XiaoAn’s miraculous prediction left a deep impression on him, “The first time can be said to be a coincidence, but the second time can only be said that the strength of the AM team cannot be underestimated. Look, from support to output, it can almost be said to be at the top level in China."

When Kang Ming heard this sentence, he snorted softly and said, "Anyway, if you win the team battle, you can brag about it anyway. An LED light the size of 08 flashes on the second floor, so blind people can't see it!"

He doesn't like commentators' flattery with personal emotions. The audience's cognition is completely taken away. If the commentator is madly boasting about which team, the barrage will believe it and follow the trend to boast, as if that team is really No. 1 in the national server Similar; if the commentary points out the team's so-and-so's mistakes, whether it was caused by team cooperation or forced by the enemy, it will eventually become a special event for the named players to take the blame.

Things that are too personal, once they appear on the field, they will cause endless troubles.

No matter how high you hold when you win, you will only fall even worse when you lose.

"I still hope you can explain it. I think that's what the kids in the team think." Zhang Ye took the opportunity to fan the flames, trying in vain to persuade Kang Ming to take another job.

Kang Ming resolutely refused, saying, "No, I like to stand on the sidelines and criticize the commentators, and then cheer for AM."

"By the way... I wish GodR a slippery position, frequent mistakes, and a heroic defeat!"

AM's escort did not go for too long, and it took too much time to occupy the target point, which is their disadvantage. When the bell of the end rang before Eichenwalde Castle, the mood of the team members was not too good.

Because they found that although GodR is not strong, McCree in 2008 really cannot relax his vigilance at all.

"I know why you killed 08 at the beginning." Liu Sanping stretched his waist and moved his stiff neck, "This guy must have taken stimulants. I can't beat him at all."

"Fortunately, GodR's tactics are simple." Lin Minyu agreed with Liu Sanping's point of view. As long as 08 appears in the field of vision, his Zarya will definitely chase after this McCree and attack, "If they are still good at Genji, we may still go Not so far."

GodR is not good at Genji, or should I say, they are only good at McCree.

This is almost impossible in the professional circle of the previous version. It is rare for a team to not use Genji as an output position. A more common phenomenon is that the main output of Genji is full of streets, and they cooperate with McCree. Can advance or retreat.

GodR, on the other hand, has always insisted on three tanks, McRae and two supports. Even if he is defeated by Yun Yun's fortress, he will only smash countless ultimate skills and pile up victories with big moves.

"Defense..." Lu Xiao'an didn't want to talk, he hated 08's marksmanship, which made him have to use more brainpower to calculate every position, "Let's make a little beauty."

Liu Sanping picked up Xiaomei decisively. He no longer wanted to use McCree and 08 to hurt each other. What was even more frightening was that 08 was hurting him unilaterally, but he could only hide by Yunyun's side and rely on Reinhardt's shield. Protect, by the way, protect the fort.

Yun Yun was silent on the hero selection interface, staring at the countdown countdown, but he still didn't choose his own hero.

In the fortress tactics in the previous round, he never expected such a smooth attack. There were at least three ways in his mind that GodR could easily kill, but they didn't appear at all. 08's McCree is very strong, but GodR's protection has many flaws, breaking through the defense line is not as difficult as imagined.

In the last ten seconds of the countdown to hero selection, Yun Yun's gaze swung back and forth between McCree and Hanzo.

Then, he picked up Hanzo.

His McRae had three chances to catch 08, but each time he was escaped by the opponent's blood. This feeling of powerlessness lingered in Yun Yun's heart, an unspeakable regret.

"Kill McCree first." This sentence was exactly what Lu Xiaoan ordered, and was repeated by Yun Yun again, "08 will only take McCree."

When the portrait of Hanzo appeared on the screen, the madness caused by the fortress tactics was pushed to a new peak again. Toma turned into a fan of Hanzo on the spot. He was very excited for a while, and said: "DL has taken out his own life again. Hero Hanzo! When the map of Eichenwalde first appeared, experts from all walks of life predicted that this place would become the home field of sniper positions. To win a new victory, I believe the audience present are as excited as I am, waiting for Hanzo to create a miracle."

Kang Ming looked indifferent. Although it was a good thing to praise his family's Yunyun like this, he was not happy at all, and even hoped that Toma would shut up and let Dongyue control the field.

"It's the first time I know that Toma can boast so much." Kang Ming commented on this unrestrained behavior of praising Hanzo, making Hanzo really become the savior of the new version, "Zhang Ye, did you stuff him with money and treat him to eat?" After dinner."

Zhang Ye laughed out loud. Toma's personality is actually not suitable for being a commentator. The exaggerated praise on the field has become his unique commentary style. For professional players, it is not the commentary that is important, but every The results and insights of the battle.

"Kang Ming, not every commentary can be neutral and objective. Toma is just catering to the curiosity-seeking psychology of the audience and saying what they want to hear."

What does the audience want to hear

They want to hear that Hanzo is invincible, they want to see Hanzo kill and kill, just like watching those Hanzo's sharp anchors, they can get a sense of satisfaction that has been missing for a long time in the constant killing and headshots.

In the entire Tep Cup, there may only be DL Hanzo who can firmly catch the audience's attention. How could Toma miss the opportunity to boast.

Kang Ming didn't answer Zhang Ye's words. He stared at the screen, looking at the Hanzo who was favored by the OB camera. The appearance of the evil spirit was tinged with soot, appearing in Eichenwalde in broad daylight. No one understood his worries, and he dared not say a word of the words that echoed in his heart, for fear that the words would appear and become a prophecy.

Yunyun, don't lose. At least, don't lose to the opponent when taking Hanzo.

"Do you block the door, block the door?" Liu Sanping's Xiaomei swayed back and forth on the first line of defense, staring at the attacker's respawn room in the distance, and kept asking.

"Damn." Lu Xiaoan's words were concise and clear, just as she said it, she saw Xiaomei jumping forward with her orchid fingers up.

Their defensive situation was very unfavorable, and they failed to push the payload to the end in the last round, which gave GodR a lot of breathing space.

Even if AM is not good at mixed maps, it doesn't mean they are willing to lose.

Lu Xiaoan's Anna stood with Liu Sanping. When the countdown to the attack was about to end, he decisively threw a biological grenade. The moment Xiaomei's ice wall sealed the door, it hit the enemies crowded together after the rebirth room opened. Their cooperation with this move has been used quite skillfully. Not only can they gain a lot of energy at the beginning, but they can also delay the enemy's attack.

not bad. Lu Xiaoan watched her rising ultimate skill energy, and quickly returned to the defensive line with Liu Sanping.

"They're coming." Lu Xiao'an faced Lin Minyu's covering artillery fire, and when he heard Anna's wailing, he knew who had hit him.

08, will only be GodR's 08.

This is the most accurate McRae he has ever encountered in his short career. He shoots without hesitation, which can be clearly seen in the replay of the death. 08 is like a madman shooting a target, aiming arrogantly and confidently in front of him. The target, will never stop, and will never let anyone go.

GodR's offensive was more intense than they had imagined. Perhaps it was because AM had not pushed to the end of the last round and gave him enough confidence. At the moment the two sides met, Reinhardt, who raised his shield, suddenly led the whole team to charge.

And behind him, the teammate who should have followed closely became the first innocent soul killed in battle.

"DJ is dead." Yun Yun's voice calmly appeared on the voice channel, and when his eyes caught 08 looking up, he decisively chose to retreat and give up this excellent sniper position.

He can't show his face where 08 knows, otherwise 08, who is attracted by his teammates, will immediately turn around and chase after his figure.

This is a terrible paranoia, and Yun Yun can feel the strong targeting through the hero modeling of the game.

08 hoped that he would pick up McCree again, and then, as before, like two cowboys dueling openly, and then escaped with a trace of blood in front of Yun Yun, sneering and continuing to survive.

However, Yun Yun just didn't want to.

He quickly returned to the commanding heights on the other side, aimed at the group of red names fighting with teammates under his feet, and made every kill well. He didn't want to confront opponents like 08 head-on.

Until the victory, Yun Yun's McRae did not show it again.

"The current 2:0 victory method, I believe many viewers have not thought of it." Dongyue summed up this quarter-finals match, "AM's disadvantage was very obvious at the beginning, but after they changed heroes to target, GodR's McCree The decisiveness is a bit weak, and Eichenwalde was devoured by the giant dragon three times. I believe it can bring more thinking to this team. The routine of being obsessed with a single hero is certainly effective, but it is by no means a panacea."

Dongyue's words are very polite. In a professional game, being cleared by the opponent with the same method three times in a row is simply an incredible mistake.

It's a pity that GodR can't get Zenyatta.

Even if Zenyatta is only needed to counteract Hanzo's ultimate move and does not require him to make other contributions, GodR has always maintained the configuration of three tanks and McRae with two supports, and has not changed a position from beginning to end.

It's like practicing iron head skills, you must use this tactic that the enemy will see through, and fight your way to the bottom.

"Thank you." When the match ended, Lu Xiaoan suddenly said.

Yun Yun knew that he was talking to himself, but when he glanced at the camera that started to move in the distance, he began to return to his posture facing the camera, silently leaning on the computer desk, without saying anything.

He doesn't think there is anything to thank for his performance, but he has done what an output position should do.

After Lu Xiaoan's thank you, Lin Minyu answered, "Thank you for your hard work! Ask Brother Zhang for an extra meal tonight!"

"Then shall we go eat seafood?" Wu Lisheng was not very active in the whole game, and he was very excited about this topic. "I searched for reviews before I came, and the seafood feast near the hotel is super delicious!"

The topic of the team moved from competition to eating, and they could list ten menus. They chatted excitedly about it, and then the staff came in to guide the members out.

After them, there is another eight-final match, but these have nothing to do with AM.

They won. After Eichenwalde broke through GodR's defense line, they were like masters who suddenly gained peerless internal strength. They took advantage of the victory and pursued. Even facing the Volskaya Industrial Zone selected by GodR, they still played a beautiful 2 in the quarterfinals: 0, the shadow and threat brought by McRae seemed to no longer exist, and the team was full of cheerful discussions.

But Yun Yun was not happy.

He seemed to have returned to the original strange circle, stuck in circles, unable to find an exit, when 08's figure disappeared from the glass room next door to him, the chill suppressed in Yun Yun's heart did not dissipate.

08 is very strong. If GodR cooperates better, they will never win so easily.

"Hahaha!" Kang Ming's apprehension finally turned into cheers of victory. He grabbed Zhang Ye's arms and laughed exaggeratedly, "I said I will win! The final four!"

He was about to express some mindless praise to testify his wise judgment, when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Kang Ming was in a good mood. The members of the team had just won. He thought of those words of congratulations, opened the door with a smile on his face, and then saw the person he least wanted to see in the near future.

"Hi, little Lingdong." A gentle scum face appeared in the preparation room, "Congratulations to your man for entering the final four."

That was Gu Chensheng, Chen Xunjie's best friend. Highlighted and blackened Notes: E-sports GAY circle is the leader.

Kang Ming hated this person since he was a child. He once felt that he coveted Chen Xunjie's body, and after being beaten up by Chen Xunjie, he didn't bother to care about their affairs.

"Oh, thank you." Kang Ming maintained his usual indifference, but Gu Chensheng didn't like this at all. People who can get along with Chen Xunjie have long been accustomed to the Chen family's cold outside and hot inside.

What's more, in his eyes, Kang Ming is now his ally!

Gu Chensheng said: "If you have time, let's get together, or tonight, after Le Ye finishes this game, let's celebrate."

This "we" can be converted into various meanings in Kang Ming's ears, and the ones that most suit Gu Chensheng's mind are definitely Gu Chensheng, Le Ye, himself, and Yun Yun.

"No, I'm going to take the team to a big dinner to celebrate. It's not suitable for outsiders to appear." Kang Ming bit the word "outsiders" hard, hoping to awaken Gu Chensheng's remaining rationality, and go back and forth with knowledge and interest, preferably for a lifetime They all draw a clear line, and never communicate with each other.

Gu Chensheng completely ignored his refusal, and chatted with Zhang Ye, saying, "Zhang Ye, it's not easy for you to help him lead this team. When I was looking for someone to help me manage the team, you should have come here. I think you It's more suitable for our team, a popular anchor like Ling Dong doesn't need you to help him cover up at all."

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "Actually, I formed this team first. Lingdong is really just an investor."

"That's not good for the two of you, even me and Xun Jie have to hide it." Gu Chensheng looked like an elder caring for the younger generation, "You don't need to help him block the gun, Xun Jie already knows. Anyway, what does Ling Dong want to do? His personality has been like this since he was a child, even if he comes out publicly, it will not have any impact, and the fans behind him will probably only shout 'so cute, so awesome', and they won't say a word of disgust."

"I told you, I'm a straight man, okay?" Kang Ming was almost pissed off. Gu Chensheng is a self-talker and doesn't listen to objections at all. The more he said, the more he exaggerated, as if Kang Ming was really bent. Same.

Gu Chensheng, a gay friend, said: "Don't lie to me, it's spread all over the world. Chen Lingdong spent a lot of money for Hanzo, and bought a club for Hanzo. Congratulations."

Kang Ming felt that he had nothing to say to this guy!

"Brother Gu, I think you should worry about your own family. Before Le Ye went around saying that he wanted to change jobs, and asked me if I would accept someone." Kang Ming picked up his hands and made up such a basic skill. Gu Chensheng's necessary means of communication, "It just so happens that our team still lacks an output, so it's not bad to replace someone as a substitute."

Le Ye's quarrels are eternal, the only difference is whether the quarrel is big or small, and the gossip that Le Ye wanted to find another employer began to spread half a month ago.

It looks like an ordinary job hopping, but Le Ye is Gu Chensheng's little lover.

Other people's local tyrants buy cars, houses, and land for their lovers, but Gu Chensheng's family is particularly noisy. They want to become professional players and win championships. Fortunately, Leye's skills are good, and he was so lucky that he won many runners-up and third runners-up in the small cups, so that everyone chose to ignore the nurturing nature of this pair. Although everyone is used to their petty fights, this time Le Ye may not have been in trouble for too long, it was simply a signal to break up.

"Need your concern?" Gu Chensheng was immediately unhappy when he was poked to the bone, "I tell you, if you dare to promise him, Chen Xunjie will come to your door tomorrow and dismantle your team. Then don't cry! Goodbye!"

Kang Ming smiled, maintained his superficial indifference, and laughed in his heart. People in love really have no IQ. They just had a gossip-like face, and they couldn't hold back when they turned their heads.

snort. Kang Ming thought, Le Ye will always be Gu Chensheng's weakness, it's too early to fight with me.

He was happy to see Gu Chensheng turn around and leave, and then he heard the rumor-monger with a playful smile say outside the door: "Hi, are you Yunyun from the Lingdong family?"

"Hello." Yun Yun, who just came out of the competition room, is always very polite when facing strangers' roll call, "I am Yun Yun from Are Men."

He seriously corrected, but did not get the other party's support. The man laughed, with a kind of kindness unique to a businessman, and said, "I'm Gu Chensheng, you can call me Brother Gu."

"Go as far as you can!" Kang Ming rushed out of the preparation room, and he was furious when he heard these words, "This man is just passing by, so ignore him."

Gu Chensheng shrugged, waved with Yun Yun, and said, "Yunyun, see you later."

The members of the AM team stood aside and watched this short episode. Without Zhang Ye's reminder, they decisively changed the subject, as if nothing had happened.

After all, they are a group of people who are well-informed and know who Gu Chensheng is. Faced with such an embarrassing situation, chatting is more effective than silence.

"Or just eat seafood." Peng Xiaozhou agreed with Wu Lisheng's previous point of view, and walked into the preparation room with a keyboard and mouse.

"Well, the seafood is good." Lin Minyu nodded, bypassing the people blocking the door, and walked in.

The team's nonchalant appearance made Yun Yun feel abnormal.

Gu Chensheng knew that the big sponsor who signed up the team had greeted him kindly and friendly half a minute ago, and added the restriction of "Spiritualist".

"That person has this kind of personality, you don't have to worry about talking nonsense." If conditions permit, Kang Ming will definitely emphasize on the spot that he is an upright straight man, and a GAY guy appears in the circle of friends, it is purely because his brother is out of his mind It caused an accident, but now, Lu Xiaoan and Liu Sanping are still standing aside, staring at him closely.

Liu Sanping looked at Yun Yun, then at Kang Ming, and said, "Why don't you guys think about what to have for dinner?"

Lu Xiaoan directly pushed Zhang Ye who was blocking the door, and dragged him back to the preparation room.

Yun Yun of the Lingdong family, everyone understands this kind of appellation.

The seafood feast that Wu Lisheng had been thinking about was written in Zhang Ye's itinerary. However, in case there were problems before the game, the dinner was still finished at the hotel's standard restaurant tonight.

Because they had to rush to the scene tomorrow and conduct simple training in the preparation room, everyone's proposals for night activities were not approved by Zhang Ye.

Even Yun Yun, who had a regular schedule, thought it was too early to go back to bed at eight o'clock in the evening.

"In the end, we still live together?" Yun Yun looked at the roommates in the standard room of the hotel, and felt that he should be surprised, but he also took it for granted.

Since the second floor of the base was occupied and he and Kang Ming lived alone on the third floor, Yun Yun felt that he had accepted the setting of "being excluded by the team".

The members, including Zhang Ye, all had good roommates, but no one lived with him in a standard room with a double bed.

Except Kang Ming.

Even if this is a reasonable arrangement, after Gu Chensheng disrupted the situation, Kang Ming would feel that Zhang Ye had ulterior motives, but he looked relaxed and said disapprovingly, "Otherwise, who do you want to sleep with? The dignified anchor Kang Ming shared a room with you, and I've wronged you." Yet?"

Yun Yun stared at him and said, "I'm afraid of disturbing you, I tend to wake up at night when I sleep."

"I sleep well." Kang Ming began to throw out the suitcase one by one, "I won today, how do you feel?"

He thought that this small talk would get a flat reply from Yun Yun, but the people behind him didn't make a sound at all.

Kang Ming turned his head to look at him, with a thoughtful look, completely immersed in his own world, shielding himself from outside disturbances.

Yun Yun raised his gaze, and when he met his gaze, he subconsciously let out a breath, like a sigh, without any pessimistic emotions, just suppressed thoughts in his chest, which needed a way to vent. He said: "Even I don't know how to evaluate today's game."

"We won, but I don't feel happy." Yun Yun frowned, disturbed by disturbed thoughts, "I feel that something is not right, but I can't tell."

Kang Ming approached Yun Yun, the light in the room seemed to be blocked when he approached, and then Yun Yun saw him stretch out his hand.

"What are you hiding?" Kang Ming suddenly laughed when he saw Yun Yun's resolute avoidance.

"Don't pinch your face! Don't do anything!" Yun Yun protested and kept a distance from him.

Kang Ming laughed without hesitation, his hearty laughter showed his happy mood at the moment, and he said, "Come here, I won't touch you."

Yun Yun, who was assured, returned to his original position obediently, and then his cheek was pinched severely.

"If you dare to continue to look at me like this, I will pinch you. Resistance is useless. I am the boss, and I have the final say!"

"You big liar!" After Kang Ming made such a fuss, the heaviness in Yun Yun's heart eased a lot, but he still sat angrily on his own bed, packed the things in his backpack, and refused to communicate with Kang Ming.

I don't know why Kang Ming always likes to touch his face. After a few times, Yun Yun always felt the touch of his fingertips on his face, so he paid special attention to Kang Ming's attack again. In the end, he still got it.

"Oh, Master Yun, the competition is over, so don't think about it. This is the top eight. Every time you finish the competition, you have to put on an expression of thinking about life and exploring the mysteries of the universe, aren't you tired? You can't Take a good rest, watch a movie, chat, and spend the day with a smile on your face?"

Yun Yun didn't speak.

"Should I go out for a stroll so early? There is a water bar on the sixth floor of the hotel, a video game center on the seventh floor, and an open-air garden on the ninth floor. How about going out to have fun?"

Yun Yun ignored him.

Kang Ming thought for a while and said, "I have the latest video of BME's game here. It just ended in the early hours of yesterday. Do you want an appointment?"

Yun Yun finally looked up at him, and Kang Ming couldn't help feeling sad and happy, the male god strategy is really useful, but Yun Yun's male god is not him.

But now, Yun Yun only wanted to watch one game.

"Kang Ming, I want to hear your explanation." He said sincerely.

Yun Yun wanted to know what Kang Ming would say in today's game.