eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 46: DL's McCree


Hanamura, as the family seat of the Shimada brothers, has always been an active stage for Hanzo and Genji.

When Hanzo’s profile picture appeared on the game interface, MAKI’s voice was much more sensible than the barrage in the live broadcast room. He said: “AM’s hero configuration is not common, and the combination of Hanzo and Xiaomei as the output is basically Except that AM has never appeared, not only because there are very few professional players in Hanzo in China, but also because the output of the two heroes does not have explosive damage, which is not reasonable for the team configuration. But AM is obviously very easy to use .”

AM’s Xiaomei is sometimes easier to survive than his Reaper, perhaps because of his strong desire to survive. His refrigerator restores blood and ice wall escapes, and he uses them very skillfully, especially the ultimate skill Blizzard that can freeze the enemy. Dot plots can always play an unexpected control role.

"RTK still uses Genji and McCree as output. I have to say that this team's Genji is better than Reaper. RTK's Genji is said to have a special coach, imitating South Korea's training requirements for Genji, and forming a system of its own. The style of the team is different, and in many cases, the strategic meaning is different from Genji's own way of grabbing output, and it is more brutal to cooperate with Ana or Zarya."

Toma, who is eloquent and eloquent, is discussing Genji of RTK with a smile on his face, and the OB camera cuts to Genji very cooperatively, waiting for the start of the game.

"They are proficient in using the hormone knife to be active on the field, and they have always been..."

At the beginning of the game, the sound of the bowstring piercing the sky, accompanied by Genji's wailing, interrupted Toma's flattery—

"Gen, Genji is dead!"

The peaceful live broadcast room lost control in an instant. Hundreds of thousands of people witnessed Genji's death with their own eyes. The shocking perspective before death was like an arrow hitting the eyebrows.

The barrage was silent for a second, and voices full of question marks and doubts filled the sky, expressing the feelings at this moment—who am I, where am I, how did Genji die

"Genji was killed by Hanzo." MAKI looked at the kill list and clearly saw the news that DL had killed RTKYUE, explaining this fact, "In the first second of the game, AM's Hanzo killed RTK's Genji."

"Congratulations to DL for taking the first blood!" Toma, who was able to calmly listen to his partner's explanation of the facts, was instantly agitated. At the moment of opening the door without warning, Hanzo killed Genji from a long distance. Shoot splitting arrows straight into the enemy camp, a cloud-piercing arrow will meet thousands of troops, DL alone is an army, killing RTK by surprise with Hanzo, now RTK's offensive pace can only stagnate, I have already felt their hearts Tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloped past."

MAKI wants to find the commentary voice in Toma's loss of principle. He said: "RTK's first wave of attack was fatally attacked at the beginning, and the main output was killed, so they could only stop and wait for Genji's resurrection. This is a It's a terrible start, and it's the first time I've seen such a precise way of rubbing energy."

Throwing skills into the enemy's rebirth room at the beginning of the game is a method used by many teams to accumulate energy. Generally speaking, Genji of RTK will raise the short blade at the moment the rebirth room door is opened, and bounce the arrow out easily. But he didn't, and was killed straight away by DL.

Such a picture may be common in the quick mode, and there may be a lot in the competitive mode, but this is the scene of an offline professional game!

Everyone in RTK is a professional player who has experienced big scenes all the way to victory. It is not unheard of to be killed by the enemy with one move on the battlefield. But the teammate died in the first second. Not only the audience is boiling, but also in the RTK competition room. A piece of shit.

"Hey, AM's people are sick, take Hanzo?!"

"I said it." Behind the computer screen, ZUM showed a rare indifference among young people, calm as if the one who died in battle was not a teammate, "Be careful with Hanzo."

Even if the opening reminded the front row to hold up the shield to stabilize the opening, and Genji was about to rebound the enemy's skills, no one responded. These most basic things were covered up by those disdainful chats, and the boastful voice filled the voice channel, all of which were garbage messages. The teammates on the field did not have the modesty and prudence that professionals should have. They underestimated their opponents psychologically. However, with a score of 2-0, RTK was deemed to have entered the finals, and AM was not sufficient.

Ana of ZUM avoids the AM who is constantly attacking from the front, and watching Genji's quick comeback in the rebirth room, sometimes feels that her teammates are really stupid.

No matter how the two sides of the competition think about such an arrow, the audience in the live broadcast room can no longer control their hands, and the inner explosion is faithfully fed back on the barrage. Top 10 for Overwatch.

"The younger brother is the younger brother after all", "The scene of Hanamura's tutoring", "The battle for the head of the Shimada family", "Stupid Odoudou", this kind of slogans with cheers of 666, 233, swiped across the screen in unison, like flowers Money bought navy.

Kang Ming was in a happy mood to see that the Shimada Cult occupied half of the barrage, and those cynical sunspots were suppressed at the bottom without even a bubble coming out.

"I think you're really tired." Gu Chensheng couldn't help saying when he watched him open and close the barrage and pay attention to the whole audience.

Kang Ming was in a good mood and didn't have the same knowledge as him. He turned off the barrage and watched the OB cut to Yun Yun's perspective, accompanied by the commentary's screaming and shouting, and couldn't bear to leave his sight. He said: "After all, I am the boss of the semi-final team. I have to be a little tired, and I have a lot of honor."

"Twenty seconds into the game, DL's Shenlong is about to be ready. I don't know if he will choose to force a move, or cooperate with his teammates to clear the field."

The OB perspective understands the psychology of the audience best. They like to watch the battle between the Shimada brothers, so the camera stays on Hanzo and Genji for a long time. RTK Genji, who was killed before going out, is far behind Hanzo in energy. Even if RTK regroups, they will spend a long time at the gate.

"Their rhythm is very slow." MAKI can clearly feel RTK's combat style, "Whether it is a cart map or a point map, RTK will only launch an attack if it has a set of big moves. habit, after all ultimate skills are more stable."

But RTK will never have a chance to gather six big moves and rush together.

"McRae is gone." Yun Yun killed McCree with the ultimate skill with one arrow, and the number of survivors in RTK has been lower than four. "How long does Team Lin have?"

"Okay." Lin Minyu's Zarya just gathered up a gravity spurt, and directly leaned back and approached the gate of Hanamura to release.

The ultimate skill with adsorption force, grabs the enemies wandering at the door into a ball, and eventually becomes the prey of the dragon.

"Shenlong is satisfied." Said Hanzo's vicissitudes of voice.

Yun Yun saw the triple kill flashed on the screen, and felt that Hanamura would never lose in this match.

"RTK has changed to Reaper." Liu Sanping's Xiaomei decisively hid behind the gate, preparing to divide the battlefield in the next attack.

"They may charge directly." Lu Xiaoan stood on the second-floor platform and could see his teammates within sight.

RTK has tried to jump into the target point many times, but was intercepted by Yun Yun alone. It sounds like an unbelievable thing, but it actually happened.

He could see the silent Hanzo standing on the small window with his bow drawn. Whether it was an RTK attack or a temptation, Genji would not survive more than twenty seconds every time.

Lu Xiaoan threw a biological grenade in the attacking direction, and when it fell to the ground, it just hit Liu Sanping, who was chased to the brim by the enemy, and the moment he opened the mirror to aim at Genji, the crimson jumping enemy was already forced to death by the bow and arrow. Get out of the defense.

He knew that Yun Yun was doing his best to get rid of Genji.

Some heroes are like a thorn in the heart of teammates, as long as they see it, they will cause anger and lose their minds.

In the game, you must keep a clear mind.

"Liu Sanping is ready to intercept." Reinhardt, who belongs to RTK, held a transparent and red shield, and stepped forward slowly, "The sledgehammer is about to charge!"

This defense was really difficult. Even Kang Ming, when he saw RTK's Reaper rushing into the target point and making a big move, felt that the defense at point A would end here.

However, the god of death on the screen rose from the third perspective when the death bloom was opened, and cheers for clearing the scene were about to sound, and a sound wave appeared beside him.

It was Wu Lisheng's DJ who rushed over to push this extremely threatening enemy further away.

This is a matter with a very low success rate, but the moment he stepped forward, he was assisted by Lu Xiaoan's biological grenade, and the god of death spun and jumped, ending in the last progress bar of the target point.

RTK didn't even occupy point A.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was full of cheers, as if seeing hope and victory, celebrating a new round of comeback. Those viewers who feel excited are not necessarily fans of Are Men. Most of them just think that such tenacious resistance is more interesting than the 3:0 semi-final push.

"It seems that the DL in Hanamura is invincible. After all, it is Hanzo's home, and no one can occupy it. Now the offense and defense are swapped. If AM can win point A in one go, then this game will end soon."

Sometimes, miracles always appear in the match point game. Those teams that seem to be about to lose suddenly rise up, and those teams that seem to be winning are defeated all the way. Hanamura in the Tep Cup is such a miraculous game Contest.

Everyone is looking forward to the miracle of an offensive Hanzo reappearing, but an unexpected hero appears on the DL profile picture.

Genji, was killed by him countless times, his younger brother who was exactly like the enemy.

"It seems that DL is more mischievous than we imagined." Toma used such a relaxed vocabulary, "After playing the Shimada brothers, do you want RTK to know who is the master of Hanamura?"

In any case, AM's Genji, Dva, and Tracer flashed past Hanamura's main entrance in an instant, and the moment they rushed into the target point, the commentator's mentality was exactly the same as that of the audience.

Surprised with relief, he lamented that DL is really a sea of heroes.

This professional player who is good at Hanzo, Genji is not inferior in front of RTK. MAKI recounted the battle situation truthfully, and said: "Then everyone in AM has made quick progress, and RTK obviously reacted a little flustered... Ana killed McCree!"

When these words came out, with an exclamation at the end, the RTK McCree who was attacking from a distance was fell asleep and killed by XiaoAn's anesthesia needle. Killing the headshot of the list undoubtedly gave the commentator such a judgment.

The flames of war had just ignited, and RTK was the first to kill a main output.

"AM has an absolute advantage now, and Genji has almost no enemies to stop him, and has been attacking violently in the RTK crowd. Beautiful! DL was slept by ZUM!"

Genji, who had been jumping and attacking at the target point, was finally restrained by Anna. The Dva held by Lin Minyu immediately opened a defense matrix to protect the sleeping Yun Yun. Their battle situation is very advantageous. Liu Sanping's Tracer shuttles around Anna, and can harvest him at any time. When he was short of the last knife, Peng Xiaozhou directly swung a flame strike, accurately killing the most threatening person in RTK .

Lying on the ground and seeing this, Yun Yun was very emotional. Although Liu Sanping was a little afraid of the 200 blood hero attack, he played very smoothly with Tracer, a 150 blood crispy skin with a backtracking skill.

Kang Ming's theory is not entirely correct. Yun Yun got up from his deep sleep, and went directly to the bloody Lucio. RTK's DJ still insisted on stepping on the target point, delaying time.

RTK doesn't want to lose, and neither does AM.

When Yun Yun's attack was at the last 80% energy, he heard "You have been strengthened, go up!"

With Anna's damage reduction and acceleration, he rushed among the remaining RTK enemies, and quickly accumulated his ultimate skills.

Accompanied by the sound of "竜神の剣を喰ららえ", Yun Yun, who was eager to kill, drew out his long sword. When a shadow attack chased Reinhardt, he only saw the enemy's corpse on the ground.

All RTK members were killed, and no one can occupy the point.

Yun Yun looked at the progress bar of the target point loading, Genji's fluorescent green long knife was in his hand, but he didn't pick up any heads.

He said: "This is really called drawing a knife and looking around in a daze."

"Congratulations to AM for winning the next game!"

In the cut-in shots of the live broadcast room, we can see the smiles on the faces of the AM players. That kind of smile from the heart brings a brisk rhythm to the serious competition room.

"Why does it feel like they are all 2:1, as if I got two points?" Gu Chensheng felt that those people laughed inexplicably, and commented next to him, "It feels like RTK has the opposite expression from your team, a group of sad faces."

The atmosphere in RTK was heavy, as if it had experienced a heavy defeat.

It is true that Hanamura did not lose well in this round, but as long as they win another round, RTK will be able to enter the finals, which is completely inconsistent with their dignified expressions.

When the camera cuts out, Kang Ming can still see the young man with the name "ZUM" on the back of the computer screen, frowning and turning to look at the teammate beside him who was talking.

"Who knows?" Kang Ming didn't care about these changes on the field. He felt that the atmosphere in AM was very good. "Anyway, we will win."

Gu Chensheng glanced at him and said, "You really have confidence in your man."

Kang Ming looked at him with disgust, and replied, "It's because you treat the team so casually that they are only the top eight."

Gu Chensheng sneered, snorted disdainfully, and said, "Anyway, I don't care about winning or losing."

In fact, Kang Ming didn't care, but for a professional team, no one was willing to lose. Even though those young people comforted themselves by saying that they were satisfied with such a result, they still yearned for the championship trophy and wanted to be the number one.

AM is like this, Yun Yun is like this, so he is also like this.

He hopes that his team will sing all the way and win, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles they encounter on the way, they will not stop moving forward.

In this battlefield, the winner is king.

"Let's talk?" During the short intermission, Lu Xiaoan intercepted Yun Yun in the bathroom.

This is really not a good place to talk. The simple four words aroused the curious eyes of passing teammates, and the staff only gave them a five-minute break, which was shorter than the class break.

Yun Yun felt that Lu Xiaoan was not a troublemaker during the competition, so he avoided the corner with him and said, "It's only three minutes."

"Your McRae, obviously played very eye-catching in the training match, and was even very aggressive in the competition, but his style changed drastically during the game. If you want to say that you are stage fright, I don't accept such perfunctory."

Yun Yun frowned, but quickly recovered, and said, "It's agreed, you won't pick on your teammates during the game?"

This is what Lu Xiaoan once said. He said that he would never point out the mistakes of his teammates during the game, because it would make the teammates more nervous and cause unnecessary consequences.

"But you are different. You have a clear understanding of the game and objective planning. I am not picking a problem, but need an answer."

Yun Yun really wanted to cut open Lu Xiaoan's brain and see what was inside him. They were teammates on the same front, and they were going through a tense and intense semi-final match, but he had to be in such a place at such a time. , press a fact. Even if they stand on different opposite sides, they are all for the same goal, and they cooperate seamlessly.

Contradictory yet harmonious.

No matter what style his McCree is, it will not affect the overall style of the team.

So Yun Yun said, "I don't think there is any problem with my McCree."

"Yes, you are afraid."

Yun Yun always felt that Lu Xiao'an's growth must have been very smooth, with an arrogant and domineering personality, and no scruples in speaking, at first glance, he seemed to be pampered and used to it, and few people would object to him.

If it weren't for the fact that he led the team without any major mistakes, Yun Yun would really like to solo with him and defeat his blind conceit.

However, Lu Xiaoan was right, even if he resisted and refuted inwardly, there was no way to avoid this fact.

"Yun Yun, when the situation is safe, you can rely on our assistance to show McCree's offensiveness, but in most critical situations, you choose to retreat. In my opinion, this is meaningless avoidance, you clearly You can choose to move forward, why do you have to turn around and help us.” Lu Xiaoan’s words explained the McRae he had always felt in the game, “You are afraid of facing the gun.”

A true warrior will not be afraid of death in battle. Yunyun's Hanzo is very aggressive, and Genji trusts his teammates enough. Even if it is a fortress that only played for one round, he will not be afraid of the enemy's artillery fire and dare to be tough.

However, McCree is different. Yun Yun's McCree has lost the style of training and competition mode. Apart from being able to play aggressive marksmanship when the team is superior, the disadvantaged team can never turn the tide of the battle as beautifully as Hanzo and Genji.

But disadvantages can better reflect a person's understanding of heroes.

"Yes." Yun Yun admitted decisively. He didn't think it was something difficult to say. He didn't answer Ke Jia directly at that time, just to prevent Ke Jia from worrying meaninglessly. But Lu Xiaoan, this person is conceited, calm, and able to lead the team. Apart from being so narrow-minded that he only relies on his own knowledge to contact the world, and being too extreme to be annoying, he has no other problems.

"I just think that pure bravery does not contribute to the team."

"Being able to kill the enemy is the greatest contribution." Lu Xiaoan retorted decisively, "Are you afraid of 08?"

Yun Yun frowned when he heard this ID. This was the first time someone said that he was afraid of something. This kind of unfounded words, but the moment he heard it, stirred the dark thorn in his heart.

08 is strong, but I am as strong as him. Yun Yun has always maintained such confidence and entered the top eight of the Taipu Cup.

In the first game, his McRae faced 08. Even though he convinced himself that teamwork is more important than individual strength, he still couldn't match the shock brought by 08.

Very strong, he may not be able to compare.

The competitive spirit that was dormant in Yun Yun's heart gradually awakened when the whole team was in decline. He tried to recover the situation by himself, but the speed of killing could never catch up with the speed of his teammates' death, so he chose to back down.

This is not a Secret Task, as long as he is left alone, no matter how many enemies there are, he can still come back with a headshot. Overwatch has never been a battlefield for a lone ranger. He needs the cooperation and support of his teammates. No matter how strong Yun Yun is, facing several enemies The ultimate skill is still ineffective.

His teammates don't have the habit of protecting McCree like GodR. They can keep up with Genji's fast pace, but they are not familiar with Yun Yun's McCree.

On the same battlefield, his McCree will never be better than 08.

Therefore, Yun Yun likes Hanzo, who can catch the opponent with the arrow in his hand, so that the enemy can never return. You don't need your teammates to fill up your guns, and you don't need too much support. It's like returning to a battlefield alone, a wandering and rebellious lone wolf.

"Yun Yun, if you can't play better than 08 with McCree, even if you win the game, you still lose."

After losing the game, Yun Yun felt very uncomfortable and had an urge to make a move. They worked so hard to get to the semi-finals and just pulled back a game from Hanamura. If they can take advantage of the victory and chase after it, it would not be a dream to enter the finals.

"Lu Xiao'an, I think you're annoying." Yun Yun frowned, "It's really annoying to say such things during a game."

"Yes, I can completely avoid this question, and wait quietly for you to pick up Hanzo, Genji, or even this crippled McRae to lead us to win this round, and then enter the finals, against DeGR who is invincible in marksmanship or Laur with flexible style, After a beautiful defeat, Are Men happily went home with the runner-up to celebrate. Then they missed this opportunity to correct. This is the battlefield of the offline game. You can use McCree to restrain the opponent’s Genji, but you chose Hanzo. Yun Yun, not all of our games can be lucky enough to reach the semi-finals, and the single-elimination system of the Taipu Cup is unique in the cup." Lu Xiaoan finally seized the opportunity and poured out his inner thoughts, "We can't rely on Hanzo forever carry, and your Genji will never match McCree."

"Even if we lost to McCree, I'd like to hear the commentator say 'this McCree is better than 08'. You can be such a proficient player in delayed ballistics and instant ballistics, but you keep your own all the time. Strength. Your fear manifested in McRae is a meaningless retreat. I don’t want AM to be short-lived, just to win this game.” Lu Xiaoan’s speech speed became faster and her voice was low, “You said Are Men will be stronger. Okay, but you've been avoiding your greatest weakness."

Yun Yun stared at Lu Xiaoan, suppressing the emotions that surged up in his heart, and said, "Actually, I hold grudges very much."

"If holding grudges can keep winning, I don't mind being on your blacklist."

"You are really..." Yun Yun said, "I hate you."

After a short break, the fourth map of the semi-finals appeared on the screen.

"I think the following situation is very dangerous for AM." Toma's assertion appeared when he saw the map selected by RTK. "After all, AM has won a zero-block defeat on this map."

Numbani is still the composite cart map that RTK is best at. But judging from the performance of AM all the time, it is undoubtedly terrible. A team like GodR, which is not comprehensive, only relying on McRae's single tactic, can beat AM to 0:1. Now this RTK, which is pushing all the way on King's Road, will only be a stronger opponent.

"You can't say that." MAKI joked with a smile, "Others say that you should treat each other with admiration for three days. Although there are not three days now, miracles are likely to happen. After all, different teams, no matter how strong or weak, his target It's not the same at all, maybe after AM experienced zero seals against Numbani, he made up his mind, studied all night, and researched Numbani's tactics?"

Toma's smile was still exaggerated, and he said: "Then I will boldly predict that Numbani will still win with RTK, unless DL takes Hanzo."

"I found that you have become Hanzo Fuki." MAKI felt incredible about his partner's supplement, "If AM is going to lose, Hanzo can't save him."

Even though the casters were eagerly discussing Hanzo, DL brought out McCree.

They have seen DL McCree too many times, and they are already a bit tired of aesthetics. It's not that McCree is too bad, but DL's McCree is not as exciting as his Hanzo. Judging from Hanamura's attack in the last round, it might not be as dramatic as Genji's.

Toma's tone was very flat. He had seen McCree as much as Genji in the previous version, and said: "Nubani is the first attack of AM, so let's take a look at RTK's defensive lineup. I have to say that the changes in RTK are not the same. It’s a lot, but it’s a steady win, so it’s still Genji. I found that the two teams have a bit of telepathy. When RTK takes McCree, AM takes Genji, and when RTK takes Genji, AM takes McCree. "

Of course, this is just a kind of ridicule that ignores the replacement of heroes midway, which triggers a program effect.

Most of the time, these popular heroes will give people a feeling that every team is similar, the only difference is victory and defeat.

RTK's defense squatted directly on the second floor, and they took out Mei to cooperate with Genji.

When AM appeared in sight, Reinhardt, who was almost cut off by the ice wall, stepped back decisively and swung out a flaming strike.

"I have to say that AM's luck is relatively good. Just now, Xiaomei's ice wall should be able to catch the single person, but they were actually observed in advance." MAKI saw clearly the battle situation, AM has returned to the original attacking place, changed tactics.

Instead of the small room on the second floor, they enter the objective point from the first floor.

"AM is going to go directly to the point?" Toma saw that the team changed their usual offensive style and did not try on the second floor. "No, they passed through the target point and quickly circled to the rear!"

This is a very dangerous tactic. Any mistakes in the transfer process will lead to the failure of this attack. With the acceleration sound effect, AM quickly passed the stairs behind the target point, entered the long passage, and came to the second floor facing the defender.

From the second floor to the second floor, this place has become a battleground for marksmanship.

When AM stood firmly on the long bridge on the second floor, Genji of RTK decisively passed the target point, preparing to disrupt AM's formation under the cover of his teammates. He shuttled freely in the enemy's formation. After all, DL used McCree with a weak marksmanship.

Then, RTK Genji fell.

"One shot!" Toma's exclamation reappeared, and even his tone became urgent, "Just now DL shot Genji in the head with the assistance of his teammates!"

Five guarantees and one.

At the scene of the semi-finals, the audience saw the simple and rude five guarantees and one.

Anyone can see through AM's purpose at a glance, they are protecting McCree at all costs.

MAKI disagrees with AM's tactics very much. He said: "If GodR uses such tactics, I take it for granted. McCree like 08 can deal as much damage as a fortress, but DL, although his Hanzo is very powerful, but It also means that his McRae can't be the top player."

Because Hanzo's delayed ballistics and McCree's instant ballistics belong to different styles, it's understandable for those who play Hanzo well, Genji can play well, but McCree can only do what DL has always shown: mediocre.

His judgment was decisive, and he said: "AM's gain outweighs its loss."

The battle situation always goes against the decisive commentary. After DL killed Anna with a headshot again, OB's perspective was tightly stuck to him, and he refused to leave for a moment.

DL's McCree, just like when he picked up Hanzo, is amazingly aggressive.

"It's a great shot, and the swing is quite beautiful!" Toma exclaimed.

DL's McCree kills a lot, and no one can stop his intention to swipe the screen. The entire kill list is the last hit he picked up.

"... I'm so amazed that I want to know what happened?" After seeing AM successfully occupying the point, MAKI couldn't believe the DL on the field. No one knew who the gun he threw would fall on the next second. .

Accurate and beautiful, the skies of Numbani ring with McCree's gunshots, and the ground is full of enemies he's killed.

"At least somewhere, it's noon now." McRae, who was quietly staying on the interface, waiting for the RTK attack, said these words easily.

Yun Yun was very silent. He didn't even need to report to get Lu Xiaoan's assistance.

"Give Yun Yun a shield."

"Yun Yun was put to sleep, and Peng Xiaozhou opened up."

"Raise the shield! All the staff move forward, and Yun Yun moves from the back."

Obviously it was a five-guarantee one that was picked up temporarily, as if it had been practiced many times. Looking at the victory on the screen, Lu Xiaoan said: "GodR's tactics are quite easy to use."

Yun Yun said: "What is there to learn from GodR, you are really annoying."

Complaints from the heart sounded like flirting to the teammates to adjust the atmosphere after the battle, which caused a lot of connotative laughter.

"RTK..." Gu Chensheng touched his chin, watching the camera cut into the commentary screen, "Are you arguing?"

Kang Ming only looked at AM smiling happily, and didn't pay much attention to RTK at all. He only glanced at what the people around him said, and asked, "Why, your mentality has collapsed?"

Gu Chensheng stretched out his index finger and pointed at Toma, who was talking on the screen, and said: "The camera was cut very quickly just now, it seems that the faces of people who saw RTK turned red."

It was a very short scene, shorter than the time spent in the AM glass room. Someone was blushing and shouting at the people next to him, and it was quickly cut out.

"It's good to have a fight." Kang Ming liked this kind of speculation, "The last game is coming soon, if RTK's mentality really collapses, it means we are stable."

"What are you doing?" Gu Chensheng watched Kang Ming move away from the chair and stood up, as if he was about to go out.

Although he wanted to stand here and watch AM win in peace, Laur's commentary was not far behind, and he had to be there early.

It's a pity that he can only stand outside the commentary and let the team play by themselves.

"Look slowly, old man, it's time for me to go to work."

Gibraltar Monitoring Station.

When AM learned that the final match point was this picture, they all had relaxed smiles on their expressions. They scored from 2:0 to 2:2. They have created too many miracles.

"Are you still playing five guarantees and one?" Yun Yun's words were full of provocations. AM's approach in Numbani was very dangerous. No matter what detail was wrong, it would lead to their complete collapse.

"Since it is easy to use, why not continue to use it." Lu Xiaoan's consistent point of view.

Five guarantees and one is not a good tactic, but Yun Yun is strong enough to cover up the shortcomings of this tactic.

RTK was killed when they couldn't get close, and Lu Xiaoan dispelled the ultimate skill when it was released. The only way they could defeat AM was to gather their ultimate moves and press forward.

Yun Yun said, "Then, let's continue."

"McRae." When Toma saw that DL was McCree, his voice was no longer flat, "I am even looking forward to DL's McCree. The last game is like a different person. If this is not an offline game, I will I will definitely report a substitute attack."

His self-consciously humorous speech triggered the rhythm of the barrage again. Those who blindly followed the commentary topic discussed the changes of DL McCree without distinguishing right from wrong.

Shoot decisively and lead the charge.

Like 08.

There are only a handful of McRae who can be said to be famous in the domestic arena. Those beautiful moves and critical strikes, appearing on the field, will always have a thunderous momentum.

08 is amazing, and DL is amazing. A player who is good at Hanzo, under the protection of the team, can actually produce a no-nonsense McCree.

Not to mention that it is unique in the national server, it is also one of the few in the world. Delayed ballistics and real-time ballistics are eternal conflicts. If it is said that Hanzo brought DL into the public eye, then today's sharpshooter McCree makes him irreplaceable.

"I can already imagine how I will boast about the DL player in the future. The first Hanzo in the national server, the top McCree in the national server, and the first-class Genji in the national server. Four words to describe: unfathomable."

Such exaggerated praise is not in line with reality, but in the chaotic Overwatch, the appearance of DL is undoubtedly a bright mark.

RTK's Gibraltar is not as loose as the previous invincible team. Maybe DL's performance is too exciting, maybe AM's momentum is getting stronger and stronger. Push flat to the end.

AM successfully entered the finals of the Tep Cup with a big score of 3:2.

Yun Yun saw ZUM.

The winner went to the loser's game room, and when he shook hands as usual, he saw a tall and thin young man with calm eyes and a kind smile.

"I'm ZUM." He stretched out his hand, shook Yun Yun quickly, and said with a smile, "Shadow Blade, so you've been hiding McCree all along."

For the first time, the voices about Are Men on Weibo did not require Kang Ming to take the lead, and it triggered a frenzy of discussions. Kang Ming looked at those topics, and familiar or unfamiliar people praised his team on such an open platform. Any boss will feel happy.

"I didn't expect Yunyun to be so cute, it's exactly the same as what I imagined qwq! A picture drawn for my beloved Kangbao and Yunyun~[picture]"

Because when something went wrong in the middle of the game, Yun Yun's anxious face appeared in the live broadcast room, so these enthusiastic gay groups took a screenshot of his face and accompanied it with a simple fanart.

A few cute lines, coupled with gentle tones, fully reveal the temperament of Kang Ming's big bully and Yun Yun's cuteness, and also bring the selfishness of the fans Shimada brothers.

Kang Ming forwarded it, and circled Yun Yun's account. After thinking about it, he called out to the cohabitant next to him who was immersed in the game video.

"Yun Yun, open Weibo."

Yun Yun paused the video, took out his phone, didn't quite understand what he meant, and asked, "What's wrong with Weibo?"

"You turn my circle around yours, it's all fans' love."

It was the first time Yun Yun received such a portrait. The Q-like portrait was completely different from him and Kang Ming, but with the dolls of Hanzo and Genji, he could tell who was who at a glance.

Very cute, the comments and retweets are full of kindness, just like the viewers who haunt his live broadcast room every day, expressing their simple love in their hearts with cute kaomoji.

After the Taipu Cup started, Yun Yun, who had seldom broadcasted live, felt warm in his heart when he saw those cheering in the chat group after watching the game.

He is not a good anchor, he can only try his best to play every game well and give the audience some expectations. Although it is a completely different viewer experience from using Hanzo every day during his live broadcast, the victory brought by the game also made the fans in the chat group feel full of joy.

"I'll manage Weibo for you. If you don't update it for three million years, you're lazy." Kang Ming watched him repost slowly, and then immersed himself in the time-wasting thing of replying to comments, so he had to shoulder the responsibility of supervision , "I'll help you comment, and you watch the video."

Yun Yun smiled and said his account number.

This is a fairly simple Weibo, and there is no useful news posted at all. Kang Ming disliked this simple interface, and set the previous fan picture as the avatar, and checked whether the fans who twittered together had sent any extreme remarks.

Another private message reminder appeared on Weibo.

User123456: Daylight? [picture]

This is Weibo's default ID, which is no different from those machine-made zombie fans.

What he sent wasn't any photo of Yun Yun, that kind of old-fashioned hair salon style, so unfamiliar that Kang Ming didn't dare to recognize it.

In simple white fonts, it reads: Anyone who wins against me is hanged.