eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 5: Talon rebuild your empire


Yun Yun, who got up on time at eight o'clock every morning, sat firmly in front of the computer after finishing his breakfast.

This hopeless state of Internet addicted teenager lasted for four full years.

Whether it was the national server or the Asian server, there were no players online in the morning, and Yun Yun just opened the training range to practice his McCree.

Delayed ballistics and instant ballistics heroes are difficult to maintain state at the same time, most people call it easy to destroy the feel.

Yun Yun's McCree didn't have much of a problem, he was used to holding a gun, and Hanzo, who always used it every night, took up the other half of his game time.

Yun Yun is used to switching between the thinking modes of two heroes with different ballistics, and he can even clearly distinguish the different sides of the two heroes.

What should McCree and Hanzo do? Their bullets and bows fly at completely different speeds, but Yun Yun seldom confuses their prediction criteria.

The only thing that bothers him is that Yun Yun often forgets that McCree can't climb walls, but when he is frantically running for his life, he stupidly faces the wall and knocks on the blank space.

After almost waiting for the players on the Asian server to wake up, Yun Yun finally started the first competitive game of the day.

[Team] wiyo: we need 2 sup

A teammate asks for a "double healer" and the team already has a Lúcio.

Yun Yun picked up Anna without hesitation.

As an auxiliary hero with dual functions of sniping and healing, Ana is very popular in the Asian server, and she can be seen in almost every competition.

Widowmaker, Hanzo, and Torbjörn, these three heroes are no longer rare in the Asian server, and sometimes he will feel very happy when he sees them appearing.

The winning and losing of the game is normal, and what he values more is the improvement of each game.

Anna was a hero he liked very much, but Yun Yun had no chance to show it. There were too many people robbing her in the Asian server, and it was not his turn to fill in for her in the national server.

He stood at the rear, not daring to stand with the crowd. There were too many people who could easily kill Anna. If in a melee, the enemies he fell asleep with an anesthetic needle would be easily woken up.

Ana in the passerby is best to hide in the back position, if Genji comes to harass her...

Yun Yun's anesthesia needle easily hit Genji, who was jumping out, and he put away his rifle and ran towards his teammates.

He still doesn't have such a strong self-confidence to deal with a Genji who doesn't know his strength alone.

In just a few minutes, Yun Yun found that Genji on the opposite side was very interesting. Since he was slept on once, every time he came to cut him, he would give priority to raising the short blade to prepare to rebound.

Yun Yun pinched the needle in his hand and watched him quietly put away the knife, ready to jump on his head.

Another stitch.

Yun Yun, who has been fighting Genji for a long time and has accumulated countless experience in killing Genji at close quarters, discovered something more interesting.

sleep source.

Yun Yun, who once again put Genji who drew his sword to sleep, was already laughing out loud. He saw the "zzz" appearing from the top of Genji's head fell asleep by the anesthesia needle, and thought this game was so interesting.

Healing teammates and killing enemies has become unimportant. He pinched the anesthesia needle, and only had Genji jumping up and down in his eyes.

Yun Yun, who happily spent the whole day on the Asian server playing the "Anna Sleeping Source" mini-game, turned on the live broadcast contentedly.

He logged into the account, and within a few seconds, he received a private chat.

[ZUM]: Hanzo, are you driving

ZUM is the Anna that Yun Yun met before.

The stubborn and sharp player of Widowmaker in the first season and Anna in the second season.

For this kind of persistent paranoid, Yun Yun has a good impression of him. He is capable and doesn't talk nonsense. He still does the supporting tasks he should complete in the face of his teammates yelling at him.

"Okay." Yun Yun decisively invited him to form a team, "But I want to play Anna today!"

My Kangbao: I think Kangbao is crying tonight.

Then Kang Ming, who was killed in battle, left the keyboard with both hands, grabbed the mouse next to him, and gave the barrage sender a ten-minute silence package.

The big red words in the live broadcast room reminded "Wo Kang Bao was banned from talking for ten minutes by the anchor coming". Hahaha, Kang Ming didn't bother to watch it. He felt very tired and wanted to play Genji very much.

But after he became a master, his Genji was simply unplayable.

And in his master team, there is already a very powerful Genji. Even if Kang Ming is unwilling to admit it, Lao Zhou's Genji is the kind of Hokage that he will never be able to catch up with in his life.

"Xingze, someone is here." Lao Zhou reminded him of his family's exclusive treatment.

"It's okay, I'm going around." When Xingze heard footsteps, he had already fled around the wall.

"Five seconds, give me hormones."

Then Genji Hormone drew his sword and made a big kill with a wave of group annihilation, winning.

After Kang Ming's tuba successfully returned to the master rank, he basically drove. After all, he didn't want to go through the hell where his cute teammates led him to kneel again.

However, the regular members exude an air of love and affection, which makes him seem lonely.

Entering Ilios.

"Hey, Shadow Blade." Old Zhou's Xingze Kaimai said.

Kang Ming remembered this name, Hanzo (the paranoid, stubborn, sweet talker who loves headshots and cat paws).

[Competition] Shadow Blade: 00

[Competition] Xingzhe: -w-

"Where do we not meet at the end of the world." Yun Yun chose Anna, and read the happy atmosphere of the barrage, "Yes, the former professional angel, the very powerful Genji is also there."

Also, coming.

There are so many people who are popular, even Yun Yun, who stays behind closed doors and basically does not involve in the Overwatch communication network, can still see Kang Ming's name in the discussion group.

He is handsome, skilled, good at analysis, and fair in his evaluation. After commenting in the first offline game, his fans have skyrocketed from a simple live broadcast room to the entire Overwatch e-sports circle.

After all, the predictions he made have not yet failed.

When his partner Dongyue vowed that "Str.7 already has six big moves, the next wave of team battles will definitely not lose", Kang Ming asserted without shame: If they don't make any mistakes, so I choose to be cautious .

At that time, everyone believed that the queen commentator who was subjectively inclined to Laur was just not convinced by the absolute advantage of Str.7, and deliberately sang an anti-tune to please the public. The next moment, Str.7 played against Laur's Volskaya Industrial Zone B, which made people see How a mistake led to a comeback and a counter-kill.

So far, Kang Ming, who is rumored to rely on his appearance for a living, has reached the highest peak in history, and the sentence "be cautious and optimistic" has become a rhythm, lingering in the barrage.

From that moment on, Kang Ming was touted as the most handsome professional commentator in Overwatch, and the commentators of various game discussion posts were pulled out for comparison. He was no more professional than what he could say, no more professional than him He is handsome, and if any merit is discussed separately, Kang Ming can remain invincible.

But this person, who only appeared on Laur's field, was arrogant and unwilling to pay attention to others. He was politely rejected no matter how many competitions he was invited to.

Yun Yun recalled that Genji at that time, he really had this kind of feeling, noble and glamorous, apart from the noisy crowd, he would never call for help even if he was killed by the hostile Genji, even if he succeeded in killing him.

The tricycle on the opposite side is simply armored.

Xingze, professional assistant.

Lao Zhou (Laurent), five hundred Genji.

coming, five hundred strong McRae.

"Is Kang Ming going to take Genji?" Yun Yun looked at what the barrage said, dubious, "Kang Ming's Genji is not good enough in front of Laurent."

This euphemistic expression of "Kang Ming Yuan's Taicai" did not make the barrage aware of Kang Ming's true level, and they were still discussing Kang Ming's feat of four kills without drawing his sword. If it was replaced by the 300,000 die-hard fans of the super big anchor, he would be able to blow up the screen directly, crying and crying, "Yes, my Kangbao's baby source is less than one-tenth of the old Zhou's." Endure the real distress of teammates showing affection."

"Genji is here to look for you." ZUM saw Genji's figure in the sniper scope, and Kaimai reminded him.

When the first red light flashed in front of his eyes, Yun Yun quickly threw out the anesthesia needle, and a white mechanical body lay on the ground with a big character.

[Competition] coming:...

"Sleeped, fell asleep" "I caught Hanzo and fell asleep with Anna" "Hahaha, isn't this the same Hanzo?" The bullet screen roared past, and Kang Ming could only see Anna crouching and looking at him. he.

"Don't, don't, don't!" Even if he yelled like this, it couldn't stop Shadowblade from shooting him and taking him away with another punch from the biological grenade.

Kang Ming lay on the ground for a full five seconds, but what he was waiting for was this ending.

"But you managed to hold Anna's attention, we won the fight head-on." Old Zhou comforted.

But Kang Ming doesn't feel happy at all, so why can't he change to a young and beautiful skin? The picture of being beaten to death by the old chicken mother is too discordant and unbeautiful!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yun Yun apologized to his teammates who were killed and returned to the resurrection room, because during the few seconds when he left the battle circle to pay attention to Genji, the teammates who lost the auxiliary support could not beat the opponent at all.

"Give me Anna." ZUM, who had already chosen Widowmaker, said decisively, and vacated an output slot for him.

"It's destined to be Hanzo." Yun Yun said to the audience, "But Kang Ming's Genji is really far behind Laurent."

Yun Yun turned over and climbed up to the second floor to occupy the high spot.

After being solo killed by Anna, Kang Ming resolutely gave up cutting into the back row and chose to assist his teammates in harvesting the frontal battlefield.

But—"You have been wiped out by the Shadow Blade"!

"Grass." Kang Ming's short sigh echoed in the live broadcast room along with the death.

It was still Anna just now, why did Hanzo come out again? Before Kang Ming could clearly see the enemy's specific configuration, he saw a familiar figure.

"I'll take care of Hanzo." Kang Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Old Zhou, take the source."

He replaced McCree, regardless of whether Lao Zhou agreed or not, he rushed out immediately.

"Kang Ming, don't fight Shadow Blade alone."

Kang Ming ignored this reminder, he had taken away this Hanzo countless times with two shots anyway, so could he still be afraid!

He rushed directly to the front line, and that Hanzo was already standing on the ground, paying attention to the battle ahead, shooting arrows as a cover.

Kang Ming chose to go around, turned around the corner and launched an attack immediately. However, he had just dropped the flash bomb and was about to shoot when Hanzo was stunned, but found that Hanzo deftly jumped out of the range of the flash bomb, turned around and took himself away with an arrow.

"I told you not to single out..." Lao Zhou sighed, and his Genji flew over directly, cooperating with Xingzhe's biological grenade, and killed the harassed Shadow Blade from behind.

The barrage was full of distress, "I am still so young, Kang Ming", "I will suffer if I don't listen to the old Zhou's words", "I will tell you if you are talking nonsense and you will be banned".

Kang Ming was no longer in the mood to pay attention to the barrage. Hanzo gave him a completely different feeling from before. The shadow blade that could be easily taken away was like an illusion that he had played too much.

The dodging of the flash bomb just now was not Kang Ming's mistake, but Shadow Blade's positional judgment based on the sound of footsteps.

Even Kang Ming might not have the confidence to do this way of avoiding damage and skills.

"Old Zhou, do you know Shadow Blade?"

"Yeah." Old Zhou's Genji took Xingzhe on a killing spree, and another exclusive hormone charged into the battle, "Playing Hanzo, in fact, Zarya and McCree also played well."

Lao Zhou, Laurent, the coach of the first-class team in China, he said well, basically equal to "Training and training to be a professional player is not a big problem".

And his evaluation of Kang Ming Genji is always "Come on".

Kang Ming worked hard for a full three months, but he could only raise Genji to a level that could barely handle the Diamond Bureau. He still had a poor understanding of delayed ballistics.

It's like being stuck in a certain bottleneck and can't find a breakthrough.

Especially, when seeing Lao Zhou's Genji Triple Kill opponent.

Among them, there is that Hanzo.

Although he hadn't driven with Laurent for a long time, Yun Yun was convinced by his skillful Genji.

What Laurent is good at is not the source itself, but the role that each hero should play in different battle situations. Just now, when Yun Yun was confident that he could end the sword and open the big Genji, he took an anesthesia injection from Anna unpreparedly .

Anna of Xingze.

The boss brought his own exclusive treatment and cooperated seamlessly.

"Didn't sleep." Anna from ZUM threw out the anesthesia needle at the moment Genji pulled out the knife on the opposite side, but failed to hit it.

Yun Yun fell asleep on the ground and was shot away by McCree. Looking at the chaotic scene in the death replay, he said, "This is normal."

After all, it was Laurent on the opposite side, so it was a breeze to avoid the anesthesia needle.

[Competition] Shadow Blade: Thigh, please bring it!

After one game, the winner will be seen immediately.

Yun Yun and ZUM joined the team, and asked directly on the mic: "Boss Laurent, Anna Xingzhe is so slippery, can ZUM and I play Black Claw and rebuild the empire?"

The team captain, Kang Ming, was very upset when he heard this.

Isn't his McCree good

"Wait a minute." Lao Zhou invited new teammates and instantly upgraded to a six-man team. "I just want to try the effect of Black Claw on rebuilding the empire."

If you want to play some routines, a six-person car is the best choice. After all, the cooperation and ideas of passers-by may not be able to rise to the same height.

And "Black Claw Rebuilds the Empire", placed in any passerby game, will make teammates' mentality explode.

When a Widowmaker and a Hanzo appear in the same team, a special system voice will appear—

Widowmaker: Talon can rebuild your father's empire.

Hanzo: But at what cost

The price that countless players have tried with their lives is - 50 (points) will be deducted from this game.

LaurXD, who just joined the team, is a player of Team Laur.

After Kang Ming was invited by Lao Zhou to become a full-time commentator for the Laur team, he is no stranger to the team members, especially everyone's behavior style, he is very familiar with it.

The Laur team, which swept the e-sports circle from the beginning of the first season, is basically only a top veteran club like DeGR, which has transformed from a professional player, to a 50-50 split. For the first offline match of the Shuguang Cup, they will play a BO7 match. Three overtime games were played, and after 10 games, the slogan "Dawn Cup Finals to Dawn" came out.

Even if Laur lost in the end and only won the runner-up, he was still the default first-line team in the circle.

DeGR was just a hair away from losing the game, and Laur was just a hair away from winning.

It was a well-deserved wonderful match, and even Kang Ming felt that such a battle would not feel tiring at all when explaining it.

The live broadcast rooms on both sides have completely different styles of painting.

Kang Ming's side directly started a heated discussion about the fateful match between the Laur team and the DeGR team, while Yun Yun's side is still soft and cute.

"The Black Claw Empire has no brother who watched QAQ"

"But it's good to have Hanzo >.