eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 52: break off


Yun Yun found that the team members always responded very quickly to the team's request for cooperation, regardless of their own strength.

Just like the impeccable switching speed in the game, from the beginning to the end, it can show the strong self-discipline within the team that has no clear rules.

At 8:30 in the morning, after he cut corners to complete Kang Ming's fitness requirements, he opened the computer room and heard the clear sound of typing on the keyboard.

In the early morning when he was alone, Peng Xiaozhou appeared.

Peng Xiaozhou is practicing Winston.

Yun Yun didn't have much special impression of Peng Xiaozhou. He was a silent person, and he rarely said anything except to report the special information he had on the voice channel. Even with Lu Xiaoan's arrangement, he just waved Reinha Special sledgehammer, respond with action.

Even if he doesn't answer "yes" or "received", his teammates can feel his hard work and seriousness.

Peng Xiaozhou's Reinhardt is very powerful, whether it's the usual shield raising, or the dazzling killing and swiping the screen, sometimes even his energy value cannot be estimated, and the sudden appearance of the ultimate skill hits the ground hard , forming a perfect damage coordination with Yun Yun's Genji.

Reliable and stable, like a solid shield, always protecting everyone in AM. But he is really not good at Winston. It is also a huge heavy equipment, but it is a different scene to use. It seemed that throwing the shield generator in this way could not control the barrier of disappearing time, which troubled his judgment, and interrupted his own rhythm during the long take-off and landing.

This taciturn main tank of the team, alone on the Hollywood map, simply practiced every take-off and landing, looking for the best way to land, the computer AI he set himself, was photographed crookedly by him from time to time, and then stupidly covered the shield Among them, attack slowly. Even computer heroes in hard mode follow a regular style of play. Apart from having a high hit rate, they are still dull and cute.

"Good morning." Yun Yun said hello softly, and sat down in his own seat.

"Morning." Peng Xiaozhou responded without looking up, immersed in the custom training, trying to challenge a hero who was not going well.

The performance of each hero in Overwatch is different on each map. Reinhardt always stands at the forefront to block the fire because of the existence of the defensive shield, but the position required by Winston is more important. If you can’t Avoiding the enemy's attack is tantamount to becoming a charger that provides energy, quickly filling up the opponent's ultimate move.

However, a master who can really master the characteristics of Winston can walk among the enemies, absorb a lot of damage, fight with teammates, and successfully use the ultimate skill to expel the enemies in the target point. After the game enters the overtime stage , appear to be more important.

Many heroes in Overwatch are like this. In the hands of the weak, they cannot make any contribution. In the hands of the strong, they immediately change the original disadvantage, and even become the key to winning the game. This is the fun brought by the game itself, but often Accompanied by the test of the player's own strength and team cooperation.

Yun Yun opened Overwatch quietly, and was about to start today's practice with his teammates, when suddenly he was startled by a sense of oppression. The recent days have been relaxed and leisurely, which made his vigilant heart fall asleep, but he is particularly sharp when danger is approaching.

"What time is it?" Kang Ming's voice sounded hoarsely from his ears, as if sleepy but extremely clear, even the hand that led Yun Yun to click the mouse was stiff.

It's 8:30 now, according to Yun Yun's routine of getting up at 8:00 a.m., washing and exercising, he should still be torturing himself on that tortured simulated bicycle.

Yun Yun is a strict and self-disciplined person. Of course, this characteristic is only displayed in the game career he loves. For those sports that are particularly annoying, he can hide as long as he can, and will never prolong for a second.

Because of this, Kang Ming worked tirelessly to supervise the work every day.

As a result, he got up a little later and caught an active criminal. Yun Yun, who should have been exercising for forty minutes before washing off his sweat, sat peacefully in the computer room, looking like he was about to start addicting to games.

Yun Yun considered, should he confess and be lenient, or should he grit his teeth and make a last-ditch effort

"Actually, I'm a little uncomfortable." Yun Yun's brain was running fast, and then he told a lie that he couldn't get tired of, "It's just that there are thirty days every month that I don't want to... hey!"

A warm palm was thrust into his back, and he quickly touched it along the back of his neck, causing Yun Yun to jump up immediately, covering the place where there were traces of warmth and shouting, "What are you doing!"

Because of the panic in his voice, Peng Xiaozhou was so frightened that he turned his head away, and seeing the two keep a distance, Yun Yun stood guardedly in front of the computer desk as if facing a formidable enemy.

Kang Ming kept his hands stretched forward strangely, while Yun Yun covered the back of his neck and stared at him vigilantly.

"What's wrong?"

The two reacted completely differently to Peng Xiaozhou's doubts.

Kang Ming said, "The contractor checks the post."

Yun Yun said: "Just now he pinched me!"

Peng Xiaozhou didn't think that Kang Ming would make such a malicious act of "pinching". After weighing the power of the two representatives on the opposite side, he nodded decisively and turned back.

Clearly stated the attitude of "I don't see anything you guys continue".

Kang Ming, on the other hand, ignored the third person present and said sternly, "Where did I pinch you? This is called touching! You don't even sweat on your back, how lazy are you!"

Yun Yun, who felt that he had wasted time sitting on the exercise equipment for ten minutes and had done his best, protested: "I am in good health and my weight is standard, so I don't need... Hey!"

Kang Ming didn't bother to listen to his sophistry, so he took a step forward, bent down quickly, grabbed the person with both hands, and carried him with his hands.

"Put me down!" Yun Yun's voice was so aggrieved that he didn't dare to look at Peng Xiaozhou's place, fearing that the picture of his embarrassment would be seen by Peng Xiaozhou who was immersed in training. After all, he was a grown man who weighed over a hundred, and he was easily resisted by Kang Ming, a big guy from the Northeast? ! With such a soft waist and abdomen against the hard shoulders, Yun Yun felt unbearable pain, and tried to straighten his back, preparing to use his whole body to swing to break free from the confinement.

"Hehe." Kang Ming's deep warning came from his side, "Try to mess around again? I will cut off the power and internet in Lingxin Garden every minute, and you can't find an Internet cafe within a hundred meters!"

He said it as arrogantly and conceitedly as if he wanted to bankrupt Internet cafes across the country, and instantly restrained the salted fish shaking hard on his body.

Yun Yun lowered his head, stretched out his hand and hammered Kang Ming's back in disbelief, feeling that this kind of bullying guy was really hateful.

"How dare you say the weight of this small chicken is standard?" He laughed disdainfully, completely ignoring the cat scratching on his back, and carried the lazy guy out with big strides.

But Peng Xiaozhou, who practiced Winston seriously with his back to all this, just felt that nothing happened just now, except that the wind was a little noisy.

Yun Yun, who had no room for resistance, made a great sacrifice for the team to maintain normal power supply and network. He didn't particularly hate exercise, but Kang Ming's strict monitoring always aroused his unconscious resistance.

"I don't want to exercise!" He said it confidently, just like a student who skipped classes and didn't want to study. "I'm doing mental work, and I don't need a body like a bodybuilder. Lu Xiaoan and the others can just run, why can't I!"

Although Yun Yun, who got up early, never took the initiative to join the team's running queue.

"Lu Xiaoan's 1,000 meters in 3 minutes and 44 seconds, Lin Minyu regularly runs marathons all year round, Yun Yun, do you want to take a test to see how much worse you are compared to them?" Kang Ming instantly missed his lie, Yun Yun said that wanting to go out for a run is a must Why, isn't it just to avoid the public view, the elderly generally take a walk slowly

To be honest, compared with most professional e-sports players, his physique is not even below average. After each game, even if only half of his face is shown in the shots given by the photographer, he looks haggard. For sudden events like dropped calls, his face was as pale as a highlight in the competition room.

No matter what the fans call him cute and cute, in Kang Ming's eyes, he is just a sick and weak chicken.

Sure enough, after throwing out the specific data, Yun Yun, who was just about to start a big career, sat angrily on the trainer, and reluctantly began to move his feet.

"If you don't realize it, then I can only use extraordinary means." Kang Ming's threatening appearance is very similar to that of a mafia leader, his deep eyes are full of danger, and they reflect a fierce light against the sun, "One minute less to disconnect from the Internet ! Five minutes less power outages! Ten minutes less phone confiscation!"

His tone was all about losing one minute of broken hands and ten minutes less broken feet, but such a brutal threat was more explosive than other threats when placed on Yun Yun, who made a living on the Internet and games.

The lazy Yun Yun seriously reflected on his slack in exercising, and hypnosis exercise is a good thing, if he persists, he can beat six with one. Then he found that Kang Ming directly fixed the exercise time at nine o'clock, that is, he had to exercise for a full twenty-five minutes. And, be sure to touch your back to sweat.

Healthy and wise, healthy and wise, healthy and wise. While roaring inwardly, Yun Yun succumbed to the boss's evil forces. Tomorrow he must print out the physical health standard form for Asian teenagers, pat it on this mighty face, and tell him: This is the standard! I am very healthy!

"Why is Yun Yun still exercising today?" Lu Xiaoan, who got up early, asked.

Peng Xiaozhou was still running and jumping in Hollywood, and replied casually: "Because the boss thinks he is too light."

Yun Yun, who returned to the computer room, didn't want to talk at all.

Although it does feel comfortable to take a hot bath after exercising until sweating all over, he doesn't think he needs such strict discipline, and he doesn't need such a "high-intensity" exercise mode, which wastes a lot of time every day.

In Yun Yun's mind, the most perfect exercise plan is to take time out for an hour or two every week to relieve the tense muscles all over his body, so that he can maintain his current best state.

Yun Yun didn't reflect on his behavior of being lazy at all, and secretly vowed that one day, sooner or later, he would easily lift Kang Ming up, so that he would also feel how embarrassing this posture is!

The ambitious Yun Yun didn't realize how terrible this wish was, so he opened Overwatch, entered the competitive mode and started the massacre.

Whether it's Hanzo or McCree, every headshot prompts the name of "coming".

If Kang Ming only did this kind of thing when the two of them were alone, he would never be so angry. Although Peng Xiaozhou in the computer room didn't say a word, it didn't mean that Yun Yun didn't mind.

It's okay for Kang Ming's GAY to pinch his cheeks in anger, but doing things in public is too embarrassing for him.

In the lower left corner, the system prompts that the name printed all over the screen appears, and the coming who joined Overwatch stays quietly on the waiting screen, not even sending a secret message to apologize.

After Yun Yun finished a competition, an application for forming a team appeared on the system interface. He raised his hand but refused, and immediately continued to search for competitions.

Hmph, refreshed!

"Hi, I was rejected." Kang Ming's sad voice echoed in the live broadcast room in the morning, attracting disgust from a group of viewers.

They used to always stand behind the upright, lovely and frank Yun Yun, becoming his solid shield, and unanimously pointed out the key to the problem—"You must have done something that offends Yun Yun!"

Kang Ming, who provoked suspicion, felt very innocent.

Even though Yun Yun is now in a much healthier state than when he first joined the team, exercising is not like eating. You only need it when you are hungry, and you don't have to eat if you are not hungry. This is something that can only be seen if you persist for a long time. You should not suddenly realize that you should exercise because your body is weak.

But Yun Yun seemed to be very resistant. He regards his career as more important than anything else, wishing to devote every minute and every second to endless training and competitions, so he maintains a stance of rejecting these things that everyone has reached a consensus on.

Refuse to rest, refuse to exercise, and focus on training. It always gives people the illusion of burning life.

"Is there any easy, simple, and non-disgusting exercise?" Kang Ming didn't feel how weird his question was at all, and he wanted to find a more suitable way to make Yun Yun fall in love with exercise.

Obscure words such as "boat sports", "papapa", "hey hey hey" popped up one after another, and then got a full-screen ban from the anchor.

Kang Ming's voice looked at the colorful words hula la rushing across the screen, and threatened sinisterly: "Can you have something ordinary in your mind?"

Then he decided not to open the silence, kept such a quiet state, and lined up for the competition alone. But he still couldn't help thinking about which map Yun Yun was on, what hero he was holding, and how he was playing. Has anyone recognized who DL is and greeted him enthusiastically, or still didn't find out who he was, and turned on the mic in a blink of an eye to complain about his teammates' lack of strength.

Yun Yun's situation is very bad.

"First focus on Anna on the opposite side, will you play?" The teammate's tone was not good, and they didn't notice that there was a low-key professional player in the team.

This is a pretty bad state. As long as there is such a question on the harmonious voice channel, the atmosphere will become delicate, and it can detonate like explosives at any time.

After switching offense and defense, Yun Yun's palms were sweaty, as if he hadn't washed them after exercising, which made him feel a little more disgusted with Kang Ming just now.

He didn't feel that the daily exercise had made him a habit. On the contrary, during the few days when Kang Ming lifted his ban from participating in competitions in the next urban area, he missed the days when he didn't have to sit on cold equipment like a fool to waste time.

The purpose of exercising is to make people understand how precious and worth cherishing the days without exercising. This kind of view makes him deeply agree, and he doesn't feel that his behavior is far from the normal track.

His mood, which was not so bright, became even more depressed due to the mutual criticism in the team. He shook his right hand to relax the soreness caused by the tense situation just now.

This is a round of the Dorado map. Their attack did not push to the end, but simply ended in front of point B. It is not an exaggeration to use the words "offensive tragedy" to describe the battle situation.

There are many reasons. Yun Yun, who is usually willing to calm down to analyze and summarize and appease his teammates, opened the friend list with complaints about Kang Ming, and only then did he really realize that he is a lonely person.

The friends are not satisfied with the system interface at all, the statistics of those who have been offline for dozens of days are constantly increasing, and in the quiet gray and white, only one person lights up the square blue bar.

coming, competitive mode: the game is in progress.

This is a mode that cannot form a team and cannot exit. They each join a different battlefield and fight for victory.

Yun Yun just clicked on it casually, but he didn't know what caused the disappointment that arose at that moment.

Do I want to see Kang Ming go offline in anger and then intensify? Yun Yun felt that his thinking seemed a little biased. It seems that Kang Ming's previous application was just a habit. Yun Yun couldn't tell what mood he was in, so he closed it silently, and replaced Anna on the hero selection interface.

This is just a simple competition mode, and the intensity is not as good as the usual training game, but Yun Yun feels very tired. The soldier 76 he picked up in the last round shuttled between the buildings, but it couldn't achieve the desired effect. A simple make-up is needed to complete the kill, and it always depends on individual strength. In many cases, it is necessary to fight in groups and break through the enemy's defenses one by one, but the teammates will not observe, and they are still scattered on the map, working independently.

Yun Yun, who was used to tacit cooperation, suddenly became alone at this time.

DL is an ordinary account, even if AM wins the cup, it doesn't mean that everyone wants to buy the face of the Tep Cup. Most people in the competitive mode don't value strength. Even if you are a world-class professional player, in their eyes, if you can't fight a one-man team, you still can't be regarded as a master team.

"Take care of Tracer on the other side, Zarya, pay attention to Reinhardt's shield." Yun Yun opened the mic to remind these basic things, and he couldn't stand the fighting style of his teammates in a group.

A teammate suddenly said, "Are you the professional player who showed his hands live broadcast to prove that he is not cheating?"

Yun Yun's voice was special, as long as he watched the live broadcast, he could easily remember his voice, which was deep, gentle, and calm.

"it's me."

This kind of affirmation brought a completely different response. The various voices on the voice channel, the team that was originally chaotic and scattered, suddenly gathered together, as if they had gained a solid pillar.

"DL God, let us win!" "Change to McCree" "Take out your Hanzo", the person who said these words with a smile, who was a silent passerby half a minute ago, filled the voice channel to the brim, as if bringing Get into a win-win mood. He even immediately switched to the auxiliary position to free up the output position, allowing this DL to play freely.

After Yun Yun switched out the output position, every beautiful kill was accompanied by flattering praise, and the quiet voice channel in the first round disappeared like an illusion.

He entered the competition only because he wanted to win. Yun Yun should be happy to get the full cooperation of his teammates and take out the output position to carry the whole game.

However, he did not continue to click on the competitive icon after ending this comeback.

Yun Yun doesn't like blindly flattering words taking up too much time on the voice channel, and he doesn't want the earphones to keep quiet and only hear the system sound effects. He feels that he has changed too much after joining the team. He should be able to do it simply by being a hero. When you do something, you will feel happy, and the period that brings you a sense of satisfaction throughout the day seems to never go back.

He missed the lively voice channel when the team's six-person car collided, and he missed every game he played with Kang Ming, laughing and cursing.

Yun Yun, who had carefully said before that he would take revenge, quietly entered the training range.

Kang Ming is still struggling with the cheats. He is different from Yun Yun. It is absolutely impossible to kill the cheats by himself. It is fine if the teammates are obedient and can cooperate. Crashed, and was beaten helplessly by the hacker.

"CNM, Angel, are you a SB, can you breastfeed!"

"You fucking know how to BB so go play with milk!"

Kang Ming listened to them scolding each other with a smile, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "The above are conversations that children can't listen to. Minors remember to cover their ears."

Then click on the voice of the team to block one by one, and the live broadcast room is clear.

Just now, the voice channel, which was still throwing blame at each other and hurting each other, entered another dimension, leaving only the game's default music and the special attack effects of the heroes, echoing harmoniously and lonely in the live broadcast room where all members were muted.

Kang Ming, who is used to interacting with barrage, seemed to finally realize something was wrong, and suddenly released the sealed barrage.

Those viewers who were locked outside the live broadcast room and weeping, occupied the familiar chat box the moment they were released, and complained in a low-pitched manner about the outrageous behavior of the anchor.

"Kang Bao, you are so arrogant, but you will lose us" "It doesn't matter if you lose us, there is no place to cry when you lose Yunyun", "Wait for a Hanzo", "Wait for a male radio anchor", all kinds of bullet screens implying that Yunyun will get on the bus, Rolling and jumping on the screen, even if Kang Ming deliberately chose to ignore it, he would still be occupied by these same words.

So Yun is sometimes too uncute! Kang Ming was so indignant that he felt that it was a mistake to start the live broadcast in the morning. He should just lie on the bed and play with his mobile phone, close his eyes and rest his mind while waiting for lunch.

Just when he was considering whether to turn off the live broadcast, a brand new prompt popped up on the system interface—

"DL sends you a team application."

Kang Ming quickly clicked to accept, and the moment he joined the team, he opened the microphone and said, "Have you finally found out that you were wrong?"

Yun Yun clicked on the competitive mode to line up and ignored him.

Kang Ming's voice didn't stop, as if he was arguing with the barrage: "Don't say I'm bullying, I'm doing it for his own good. A grown man is so skinny that I can lift it with one hand, isn't he untrained?"

This is Kang Ming's answer to the barrage.

"Don't you believe me, I'm telling the truth. Yunyun, Yunyun?" Amidst the barrage of disbelief, Kang Ming tried hard to get Yun Yun to speak, but there was silence, "If I hadn't picked him up just now If you press him to exercise, maybe he will run away. What? Don’t keep thinking about those obscene things! Unless Yun Yun weighs another twenty catties, his butt will not have any flesh at all, and it’s not worth my change of sexuality at all!"

Hearing Kang Ming's nonsense, Yun Yun angrily withdrew from the group.

"Hey!" Kang Ming recovered, and he was the only one left in the team.

The two are then caught in a constant application, rejection, application, rejection. Kang Ming watched Yun Yun stay on the main interface, and did not rank himself. He raised his hand to type and hit enter.

coming: After I made a mistake, I will definitely shut down the barrage chat.

DL joins the team.

"But you really have to insist on exercising every day, otherwise it's too dangerous to be as thin as you and still sit still every day."

DL quit the team.

"Peng Xiaozhou, pay attention to the situation on the field when throwing the shield, especially the movement of the enemy." Lu Xiaoan specially took Peng Xiaozhou to carry out two-person training in the competitive mode. As long as Winston and Anna are present, the reaction of the teammates is quite harmonious and friendly. He carefully observed Peng Xiaozhou's position on the front line, each game was getting better and better, if he could step up his practice, he would be able to barely see it in about two days.

As for his performance on the field, even Lu Xiaoan couldn't make an accurate judgment unless he was on the field.

"Bang bang!" There was a crisp knock on the door, and Lu Xiaoan glanced at it, and could see the team's biggest behind-the-scenes boss standing at the door, obviously waiting for a response.

Since his teammates were all in competitive mode, Yun Yun, who was the only one who was training in the shooting range, naturally had to respond to the boss' call.

"Say." There was obviously resentment in the concise and clear words.

Kang Ming coughed lightly, and said in a serious tone, "Yun Yun, come here and talk about something."

Yun Yun, who didn't want to pay any attention to Kang Ming's request, was too embarrassed to be indifferent and arrogant under his serious and formal statement. Business is the most important thing, Yun Yun thought so, and obediently followed his footsteps to the discussion room not far away.

The door was gently closed.

With an indifferent face, Kang Ming stared at the person in front of him, as if he was considering how to start this topic, while Yun Yun waited quietly for him to speak. Then, Kang Ming quickly reached out and pinched his cheek, and said with a wanton smile: "Is it because you have a temper, is it reasonable to be lazy and not exercise?"

Yun Yun suddenly realized that he was deceived by his serious and businesslike appearance, and shouted: "Kang Ming, you big liar, I want to break up with you!"

Without any fear, Kang Ming said, "Are you a little girl, what position do you want to break up with?"

Yun Yun resolutely resisted, and reached out to strike Kang Ming's face.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

However, Kang Ming, who had long hands and a long body, leaned back, avoided it easily, and then tightly grasped Yun Yun's wrist. The wrist held in the palm is very thin and thin, and it is completely unimaginable that such a right hand can perform those miraculous operations.

When Kang Ming pulled hard, he could see the surprised Yun Yun couldn't stand still and bumped into him hard.

The muffled sound of being hit in the chest, accompanied by Yun Yun's defenseless moan, knocked Kang Ming's mischievous mentality into pieces. It seemed like an exaggerated joke, even his heartbeat became violent because of such a weird posture, he quickly let go of the strength in his hand, and supported the person who lost his balance and fell into his arms.

"Oh—" Kang Ming elongated his voice, and deliberately tightened the hand on Yun Yun's waist, "Is this a breakup?"

Yun Yun looked at Kang Ming's proud and unruly appearance, and wanted to pounce on him and bite him hard. It was fine to just discuss his body casually in the live broadcast room, but now he easily escaped his attack and performed with ease.

This person doesn't look serious at all as outsiders say, but the appearance of Shimada Genji's flirtatious words and teasing everywhere, more like his true face!

Yun Yun is 100% sure that Kang Ming must not be straight, straight men are not as gay as him!

He stretched out his hands and pushed away the arms on his waist, restoring the normal distance that he should have kept. His breath was gentle and peaceful, as if he wanted to reason with Kang Ming.

Then Yun Yun smiled freely, as if the embarrassing scene of being easily restrained by Kang Ming just now did not happen at all, and his voice softly shouted: "Kang Ming..."

There was a smile in his eyes, and even Kang Ming, who was waiting to see him blow up like a cute animal, was a little surprised. In his imagination, Yun Yun should have an angry expression on his face, dancing his hands and feet to resist, and maybe he would justly denounce his indecent behavior. However, Yun Yun's face was calm and his tone became gentle. The atmosphere in the room took a turn for the worse, as if Yun Yun really wanted to conduct body research with him openly.

"Huh?" Kang Ming waited for Yun Yun to speak, but saw him bowing his head with a smile.

"Ah!" Then, Kang Ming, who was full of imagination, was suddenly stepped on, and the pain from his toes made him bend down and cry.

And Yun Yun snorted wantonly, turned and walked out, calm and indifferent.

"Break off friendship." He said firmly.

Yun Yun, who returned to the computer room, was calm on the surface, and had already condemned Kang Ming a hundred times in his heart.

His mood was so tossed that he didn't want to play games at all. Kang Ming treated him like this casually in private, but he didn't feel used to it. A handsome, successful anchor, who is noble and glamorous in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers all day long, but likes to pinch his face the most, and emphasizes that he is a straight man with GAY words. Contradictory, GAY inside GAY, Yun Yun caught these words and repeatedly denounced Kang Ming, and regarded his own judgment as the truth.

Yun Yun, who figured this out, felt as happy as seeing Kang Ming lose hundreds of thousands of cute girls and fell into a state of tears. He decisively opened Weibo and sent a new message, carefully wording and sending to Kang Ming's female fans remind.

AM-DL: Kang Ming is not straight, all the girls come to follow me :)

A notification sounded that the sending was successful, and an email notification popped up from the system bar.

Gim: "How's this Thursday afternoon?"

When Yun Yun saw this email, the remaining depression in his heart disappeared, and he replied to this message with great gratitude to Gim. Yun Yun only sent the request last night, and such a quick time to finalize the time shows that Gim really attaches great importance to this proposal.

Yun Yun's mood suddenly brightened, but his phone started to vibrate, and another message was received——

Kang Ming: How about going to the hot spring tomorrow QwQ

Yun Yun didn't reply, and still kept breaking up with him, and even wanted to delete this hateful chat partner very much.

Soon, news of Kang Ming popped up again.

Kang Ming: Team together, remember to notify in place.