eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 60: Talk about a contract


Yunyun and Qingzhu are not familiar with each other, and the words they talked about in my memory did not exceed twenty sentences in total, and there was no intersection after signing the contract. , Seeing Qing Zhu whose personal signature reads "Station B super management", raised his hand and deleted it long ago.

There is no unnecessary chat between them. Basically, the process of signing a contract is roughly: do you want to sign a contract? You can get the subsistence allowance, sign; print out the documents and send them to this address, OK.

It was simple and clear, and then the courier showed that it was only one day after the receipt, and Yun Yun's Beling backstage became the signed status.

Usually, only when there is a problem with the live broadcast, and Yun Yun can't solve the problem even with the search engine, will he click on the contact dialog box. Sometimes he is very busy and takes a long time to reply, and sometimes he responds very quickly when he is free. As long as he answers "Let's take a look", he can solve many intractable diseases within half an hour at most.

He is capable of handling affairs and never chats privately. Yun Yun never asked unnecessary questions, nor did he say unnecessary words. The two of them quietly stayed on each other's contact list, and never popped up if there was nothing special happening. .

However, the news came so suddenly that Yun Yun didn't quite understand what Qingzhu meant. Because his contract is valid for two years, there is absolutely no need to discuss the need to renew the contract now. The only thing that can be negotiated is to increase his social status and re-sign the contract. Kang Ming once discussed with him about finding station B to raise the salary of the anchor, but Yun Yun resolutely refused.

Now he has become famous by relying on Kang Ming and professional competitions. Every time he broadcasts live, the number of people soars, and the income from gifts gradually increases. However, in his career, Yun Yun's focus will always be on professional competitions , the time that can be used for live broadcast will only become less and less, even recently, the total live broadcast time in a week may not necessarily reach five hours.

This kind of live broadcast time is unqualified data for any anchor on any platform. The platform relies on the anchor to make money, and the live broadcast duration of the anchor is almost the standard for evaluating the degree of professionalism.

Yun Yun's fame can require Beling to give a higher price, but he is no longer a qualified anchor, he is a professional player who is obsessed with competitions and training, and receives a monthly subsistence allowance without any additional conditions, and even has a vegetarian meal guilt.

Beling’s monthly salary used to be his only income in his career as an anchor. If his current fame can bring more traffic and income to station B, he doesn’t mind maintaining this short-term without any strings attached. contract.

Especially after Ke Jia said those words, Yun Yun's thoughts became deeper.

He could feel someone helping him, standing where he hadn't been seen, helping him secretly in a way that wasn't noticed. There is no bottom line to limit the duration of the live broadcast and the minimum income, and the price given every month is reasonable for a small 18-line anchor. This person's attitude is polite and alienated, and the platform money is not too much, but it doesn't mean that Yun Yun can forget the other party's kindness.

Maintaining the status quo until the contract is automatically terminated is the only way he can return the favor to the other party.

Shadow Blade: No, I just want to live broadcast for two years, and I don’t plan to renew the contract. I am very satisfied with the current contract conditions. In the future, I will focus more on professional competitions, and I don’t usually live broadcast much.

Yun Yun replied quickly, no matter how the other party felt. Shut down the computer immediately.

He felt his back slowly soaked in sweat, and the cold feeling stuck to his clothes, making him very uncomfortable.

After the infusion, the symptoms of fever subsided significantly, and his spirit improved a lot, but the sequelae of the pain still made him feel dizzy.

"I'm going to sleep." Yun Yun said simply, turned around and left the computer room.

He needs to rest very much, whether it is the brain that is turning all kinds of information, or the heavy and tired eyelids, they are all urging him to lie back on the bed.

Yun Yun simply took a shower to wash off the sweat all over his body. Not long after climbing into bed with warm steam, he heard the sound of the door opening.

The footsteps were very light, but they were extremely clear to my ears.

He opened his eyes and saw Kang Ming who had come back from the outside world, with messy hair but a natural beauty, and the warmth in his eyes made Yun Yun reluctant to look away.

Yun Yun turned over and sat up, saw some obvious scars under Kang Ming's cheekbones, and asked, "What's wrong with your face?"

Kang Ming suddenly became alert and asked, "Where?"

Yun Yun pointed to the corresponding position on his face. The light bluish black streak didn't seem to be stained with dust, but the color oozing from the subcutaneous tissue.

When Kang Ming touched it, there was a slight pain and a hissing gasp.

In the end, when he fought with Gu Chensheng, he still didn't guarantee that he was intact. That drunk dared to hit him in the face, he really should have kicked him twice more. Kang Ming recalled Gu Chensheng's even worse state, and decided to erase all the unhappiness out of mercy. So he said, "Going out to play with my mobile phone and bumped into a utility pole."

The lies were told without sincerity, and Yun Yun didn't believe them at all. Such a stupid thing as bumping into a telephone pole is completely inconsistent with Kang Ming's image of the iceberg president outside Tianliang Wang Po, but he didn't say anything, and neither did Yun Yun.

Even though Yun Yun was so curious as to be scratching his paws, he kept thinking "Why did Kang Ming fight", but Kang Ming's concealment made his words finally turn into a sentence - "Then be careful when you go out in the future."

Then Yun Yun moved down on the bed, hiding under the covers with the attitude of the patient being a boss, leaving Kang Ming with a head to see off the guests.

He felt that he was capricious and rascal, but he didn't like Kang Ming's blatantly lying attitude, as if he treated him as an outsider, and it wasn't worth talking about these special things.



Kang Ming was choked by Yun Yun's indifferent response, but since he was sick, he didn't notice anything unusual. Fortunately, Yun Yun was in good spirits, so he didn't need to be too nervous.

Kang Ming gently closed the door for Yun Yun, took out his mobile phone and started looking for Lin Xinran who was wandering around with Zhang Ye. He didn't want to deal with the harmless little bruises on his face, but felt that his right hand was swollen and painful, and he might have hurt it when he hit someone.

This kind of frustration of killing one thousand enemies and hurting oneself eight hundred made him even more disgusted with Gu Chensheng's outspoken character. He pinched his wrist, and the pain in his muscles and bones was so slight that it could not be ignored. He couldn't even recall how hard he beat Gu Chensheng when he was so angry. Since Chen Xunjie hadn't called to criticize his impulse to educate him, it seemed that Gu Chensheng was definitely just a superficial injury.

Sure enough, it was cheaper for him. Kang Ming viciously felt that it was only natural for a person like Gu Chensheng to live alone, and he did not deserve sympathy at all.

"Fighted?" Lin Xinran summed up Kang Ming's state in one sentence, and didn't even give him time to make up lies.

Kang Ming was surprised and asked, "Obviously?"

"It's written all over your face." Lin Xinran pinched the place where Kang Ming said something was wrong, and with a little force on his fingertips, he could hear his throbbing cry, "You really..."

Lin Xinran grabbed his wrist and slammed it down. He was quick and ruthless. After Kang Ming frowned and endured it, he turned his wrist. After the pain that exploded just now disappeared, he felt a sense of relief.

"It turns out that in addition to injections and infusions, you can also set bones."

"I will still beat people into cripples." Lin Xinran pointed out something, looking at the marks on his face, "Who did you fight with?"

Kang Ming touched the location Yun Yun pointed out, and always felt that his theory of bumping into an electric wire might be seen through. He frowned, and casually said: "You don't know him, a hooligan."

Lin Xinran was not interested in his personal affairs, and simply worried about his employer from the employee's point of view: "Pay attention to the image, anyway, Mr. Chen only has you as a younger brother, don't make it on the social news one day, it will be a big embarrassment .”

Kang Ming said, "My brother knows the person who fought."

Lin Xinran packed his things, suddenly raised his head and asked, "Gu Chensheng?"

"You actually know him?" Kang Ming instantly felt that Chen Xunjie had really dragged people from various irrelevant circles to the same site, and he was completely capable of cross-industry integration across the world.

Lin Xinran reluctantly took out his mobile phone, and the message on it clearly contained a string of addresses and names, which were the bar that Kang Ming had just left and Gu Chensheng in big characters.

He nodded knowingly, stared at Kang Ming and said, "Thank you for finding me a good job."

Originally, Lin Xinran was on vacation. Not only did he come all the way to give people an infusion, but he also hurried to the scene to clean up the mess. In addition to raising wages, he has no extra thoughts in his heart.

A series of effects caused by Gu Chensheng's self-inflicted crimes finally affected Lin Xinran. Kang Ming was happy to see him suffer, and told Lin Xinran that he must let Gu Chensheng suffer for a few more days, otherwise he would not be able to remember the lesson.

"I think Mr. Chen wants you to learn the lesson more." Lin Xinran glanced at him, picked up his things and left.

When he said this, even Kang Ming was surprised. Doctor Lin had received a summons order from Chen Xunjie. It was unbelievable that he, the culprit, had not yet received an education call.

Just as he was thinking about it, a text message rang on Kang Ming's cell phone. It was a message from a stranger.

Not everyone has his contact information, but it is not a secret in the e-sports and live broadcast circles. There are countless partners who have sought him out for business negotiations, but this is the first time he has seen such content.

It was a string of unfamiliar phone numbers, which read: Hello, I am Beling's super-manager Qingzhu, and I want to talk to you about the conditions of DL's contract renewal.

Kang Ming suddenly felt that he had become Yun Yun's manager, so he could sit on the ground and raise prices and talk nonsense. Because he is not very satisfied with the Beling platform, Yun Yun's current popularity can completely make the headlines of any live broadcast website, but Yun Yun's contract restricts better development.

"Renew the contract, then the annual salary is one million." He sent it casually, without any desire to talk.

The person over there was silent for a long time without replying, and Kang Ming felt that the other party would definitely not come back knowingly.

If it wasn't for Yun Yun not focusing on the live broadcast, Kang Ming would have helped him find a new employer. The liquidated damages at Station B are only 10,000 yuan in total. As long as Yun Yun is willing, there is no need for any platform to agree, and he will just pay the money and leave to develop on a broader platform.

Kang Ming can't guarantee that he will become a first-line anchor in the country, but there is absolutely no problem in catching up to one-fifth of his income every month.

He took a look at the scar on his cheek in the mirror, and it was indeed a bit of an eyesore. He always felt that Yun Yun could see it, but he was angry at him for not telling the truth.

Kang Ming smiled, and mourned for his brains. Yun Yun was simple and straightforward, not like this character who would complain about such trivial things, but Gu Chensheng was too annoying, so he didn't want to mention it in front of Yun Yun.

When Yun Yun recovers from his illness, the marks on his face will probably disappear. Kang Ming, who didn't feel that this scar damaged his handsome appearance at all, didn't realize that there was anything wrong with fighting.

After about half an hour, the person Kang Ming thought he had sent away reappeared.

Qingzhu: Mr. Chen, if this is the request of DL, we can meet and talk.

Kang Ming laughed instantly when he saw this news. He had seen countless merchants being evasive and polite, and he had also seen many decisions made. This kind of face-to-face meeting is basically 80% acceptable, and the price can only fluctuate up and down. It will be higher than the requirements put forward, plus various additional conditions of the contract of sale.

For Yun Yun, this was not a good thing at all. Yun Yun's focus is on the competition, and being involved with these interests will not only affect his career results, but also his heart.

In China, whether an anchor can make money is not necessarily related to what kind of results he has played. Good grades are the icing on the cake, and bad grades are harmless. Signing a professional player who is on the rise in his career, without even professionally estimating his potential value, just meeting and talking directly, as if he wants to make this happen, accommodating Can't add more.

This is not like the attitude of a live broadcast platform, but more like the attitude of some professional team or club eager for sharp players to join. It's simply that the purpose is clear, either to rape or to steal!

Kang Ming quickly replied: Then make an appointment for a time and place.

He wants to go out on behalf of Yun.

Yun Yun's illness, apart from the traces of the illness the day before, had already recovered half of it the next day. When he got up in the morning, he felt tired after the illness, and there was no trace of the burning temperature that made life worse than death. There was no competition or training today. Yun Yun, who had a full schedule, suddenly had a lot of free time.

He thought for a while, clicked on the chat group and raised his hand to send a message.

Shadow Blade: There will be a live broadcast later, okay

One Moon: Have you recovered from your illness, and you actually started a live broadcast

Shadow Blade: Alright, alive and kicking, alive and well.

In fact, Yun Yun still had some residual signs of fatigue, without a steady rest and recovery, it was difficult to quickly and completely subside. But he can't let himself get used to this recuperating state, it will only encourage the surge of lazy factors.

He needs to constantly maintain the state of the game, and he can't do high-intensity tactical research and game training for the time being. He can also start a live broadcast to complete the simple work on the other side.

The intensity of the live broadcast is different from that of the competition. He has already regarded the live broadcast as a casual game at will, and practiced the gun by the way to get back the touch.

Yun Yun's current popularity is no longer the deserted state of three or two kittens in the past. The number of followers in the live broadcast room of Shadow Blade has reached 80,000 people. When he started broadcasting, it only took a few minutes to bring more than 200,000 people. The barrage-filled audience complained that Station B was too fancy and difficult to use, and at the same time condemned Kang Ming's ruthless pigeons as inhuman.

Speaking of which, Kang Ming has been busy with something, and Yun Yun didn't see him very much. He only remembered that when Kang Ming went out in the morning, the black and bruises on his face had disappeared so that he could hardly be seen. He couldn't help but lament his excellent recovery ability.

Yun Yun's attention to Kang Ming was always outside the normal limits. The audience kept asking about Kang Ming, so he could only choose to concentrate on the competitive mode.

It was hard for him not to think about Kang Ming, but he couldn't think about Kang Ming.

Yun Yun, who rarely entered the competitive mode alone in the third season, suddenly missed Genji Shimada very much.

The past where Hanzo and Genji cooperated seamlessly is difficult to reproduce in the game. AM lacks a Genji, no matter how sharp it is, at least to the level of Kang Ming. He will respond to the battle situation, observe the enemy's situation, and even harvest the enemy under Hanzo's arrows.

If it is such a routine, they can completely achieve the purpose of clearing the field with a quick harvest.

But now, when AM takes out Genji, it is usually a super dog release lineup, and all high-mobility heroes jump directly to kill the enemy by surprise.

As the only player of Genji and Hanzo, Yunyun felt a lot of pressure.

"Liu Sanping, are you driving?" he asked.

Immersed in the single-row competition mode, Liu Sanping, who filled his position every game to watch his teammates die, finally found a way to relieve himself. He shouted "Come, come, come!", and immediately joined Yun after this tortured game was over. Yun's team.

I have to say that the word DL has become a symbol in the high-end game of the national server. "No matter what hero he takes, he is very strong, which makes sense" and "The teammates who drive with him must also be very strong." Two theories After practice, the unknown Start finally turned into Are Men's Start. Passers-by waited for a replacement. With the gray profile picture and the chat box in the lower left corner, they cordially and enthusiastically asked about the latest situation of the team.

"When will the IOP start, and will you play against the Korean team?"

"Actually, I want to see you play BME more. The American Gunners are really strong, and the competition must be fierce."

"Speaking of which, no one cares about who is more likely to win the championship?"

Chatting and laughing on the bustling voice channel, only Yun Yun and Liu Sanping were left to compete seriously. In the general competitive mode, only two output positions are needed to ensure more kills, and basically be invincible.

While the tandem was driving smoothly and smoothly, the race search time suddenly increased.

Liu Sanping looked at the constantly beating numbers and said, "I have an ominous premonition that I'm about to hit the Titanic."

Yun Yun coughed, feeling that he had talked too much, his throat was itchy, and asked, "What is Titanic?"

Before he finished speaking, he entered the familiar Eichenwalde.

The battle list clearly stated the prefix of Laur, and all members of Laur's team appeared on the opposite side, while on their side, there were half three rows of two-person vehicles and four-person vehicles.

Liu Sanping felt that his crow's mouth might have risen to a certain level, and he replied dumbfounded: "That's... a giant armored ship, such as the Laur Six."

Laur, the team, especially likes to drive professional six-black cars. Although they play in the high-end rounds all the year round, they occasionally encounter some unlucky scattered queues.

For example, Yun Yun and Liu Sanping.

"Their coach is here." The name Laurent was almost submerged among the professional players prefixed with Laur, but the style of painting was obviously different, and Yun Yun could still spot it at a glance.

[Competition] DL: Where is Xingzhe 00

[Competition] Laurent: I'm here, lying in the dead body.

This style of reply was obviously Xingze's tone, and the ensuing secret chat, with Xingze's explanation, slowly answered Yun Yun's doubts: Because Zuo Zhou was so busy, his account hadn't been online for a week to play competitive games , send him out to play a round of competitive mode to save points, so as not to lose too many points, and the gap between Xingzhe's account and Xingzhe's account is too large, so he cannot double row.

Even the proxy fight has a sweet smell of dog abuse.

DL: Oh, I'm going to report you as a substitute.

Soon, the secret chat sent from Laurent's account was clear and harsh: We are one IP, it's okay.

Yun Yun couldn't bear to look directly at this kind of cohabitation declaration, and even the bullet screen in the live broadcast room burst into "Yo—" cries, by the way, he said that he had mastered the little gossip of the Laur team, and could go to Weibo to explode a round of hot news at any time.

Yun Yun really admired Xing Ze's boldness and straightforwardness, and the fact that he lived with Zuo Zhou was so imaginative that he said it naturally. With a hint of envy and a secret sense of loss, he raised his hand and typed on the keyboard.

DL: I won't let you.

These words are arrogant and arrogant. Facing Laur's five professional players with one hind leg, even if Xing Ze hangs at the end of the team and lies dead, he will definitely win easily.

The synergistic advantage of a professional team is invincible in a normal competitive battle, not to mention a professional player like Laur who has won countless offline championships and has experienced hundreds of battles. Even Liu Sanping hummed a song, taking this duel as a result of losing.

Seeing this provocation in the live broadcast room, it exploded in an instant, and the sky was full of wind and rain. He laughed loudly and said that DL wanted to torture Laur all by himself. They were sure that DL would definitely take out their best Hanzo, headshot with arrows, occupy the point with one person, and kill the opponent without leaving any pieces.

In the end, Yun Yun took out Tracer.

He rarely used Tracer, and often faced this hero with an evasive mentality. Through continuous research and practice, Yun Yun suddenly mastered the tricks of using the new version of Tracer.

"Come on." Yun Yun's voice was hoarse after illness, and his voice was still so pleasant that the audience in the live broadcast room were excited, "I'll lose if I replace Tracer!"

Yun Yun's Tracer is not particularly good, but he has seen and practiced a lot.

In the third season, due to the weakening of the ultimate ability, the status of a hero like Tracer who does not rely on the ultimate move has been implicitly improved. His fast harvesting ability is very threatening on the chaotic battlefield, even if the five of Laur are bound together to protect him Xingzhe would also be secretly killed by him as a full-time assistant.

Because he was quite familiar with Xingzhe's methods, whether it was Angel or Anna, without Laurent, it would be very difficult for anyone to save Xingzhe's life from him.

But he is afraid of Soldier 76's ultimate ability. The system judgment of indiscriminately locking the target is the biggest enemy of the high-mobility Tracer.

Yun Yun could avoid the hook and the pursuit, but he couldn't escape such a carnage. What's more, LaurXD holding Soldier 76 is already the third time to activate the ultimate skill for Yun Yun alone.

[Competition] DL: We can still be friends without taking 76.

[Competition] LaurXD: I heard that if you switch to Tracer, you will lose

As soon as this sentence came out, the rhythm of "replacing Tracer and I lose" came up in the barrage collectively, with laughter condemning Laur's unscrupulous spying. It is hard for viewers who are familiar with live broadcasts and professional games not to like Laur Such a team.

They made their debut in a small exhibition match held by Bamboo TV, and really became famous in the Shuguang Cup offline competition. Countless people speculated that Laur was a professional team created by Bamboo TV to train anchors. Laur, the title of Bamboo TV's prince, did not have a contestant who opened the live broadcast room.

This is what Yun Yun admires most about them. They are devoted to the work of professional players, and will not be distracted by the live broadcast. Every time they appear on the field in a chic and reckless manner, they always get the top three bonuses and go back to pay their wages. Feng escaped, different from ordinary people.

Even if you do something, you have to make it earth-shattering...

"This Titanic seems to be sick." Liu Sanping looked at Laur's hero configuration, and made a ruthless verdict, "It feels like their coach is so tired, facing a group of brats all day long."

Sombra, Hanzo, and Torbjörn are in the assault position on the opposite side, Dva is the only one in the front row, and Angel and Zenyatta are the support.

What's more, the Xingzhe under Laurent's name, the angel in his hand is also a matchmaker for Hanzo. Holding Hanzo's XD, he stood on the high bridge on the defensive side and looked at Yun Yun who was not far away. The hair band on his head was swaying in the wind. He shot a split arrow, and the red arrow shadow was like a signal flare on Yun Yun. The feet exploded.

[Competition] LaurXD: Come on, heads-up, anyway, there is a lot of time!

Yun Yun decisively took out Hanzo to respond to his call. Faced with such straightforward provocations, he always taught the other party how to be Hanzo cleanly.

[Competition] DL: You can't beat me.

[Competition] Laurent: So you lost...

It's very scheming to plan.

Yun Yun, who was holding a bow and arrow and looked confused, suddenly slapped the table and laughed. He agreed to replace Tracer and I lost, but he forgot his oath when he was provoked by Hanzo.

"Aren't I going to take back the honor of the Shimada family?" Yun Yun strongly refuted the barrage's theory of losers, completely ignoring the fact that he slapped himself in the face, "You say that XD is fine with Hanzo's demonstration, he also brought angels!"

Live broadcast is very happy. However, it was impossible for Yun Yun to indulge in such a cheerful atmosphere forever. If he wanted to win, in the cruel and intense professional arena, he had to give up a lot of things.

The place where Kang Ming came was not the headquarters of Station B, nor the office building of the investment group. He and Qingzhu directly made an appointment at an ordinary leisure club in the center of City A.

Quiet, independent, suitable for business talks.

Kang Ming, who was always on time, came to the wing room, and there were already two people sitting inside.

A young man in a suit and leather shoes, with a more respectful and polite temperament than an insurance officer, looks like a subordinate or a follower.

A middle-aged man, wearing Zhongshan-style dark casual clothes, looks like the final boss who stands behind the scenes and berates Fang Qiu in the TV series. Kang Ming tried to find a trace of familiarity on his face, but he couldn't see anything. He is not good at recognizing people, and his understanding of the business circle is basically zero. Even if he counted the wrinkles in the corners of the middle-aged man's eyes clearly, he didn't have the feeling that his heart trembled when he met a big boss.

"He didn't come?" The middle-aged man glanced and found that only Kang Ming was there, and said simply. His tone was calm and his expression was indifferent, and he didn't show any difference that Yun Yun's absence would make to this conversation.

Kang Ming deliberately said, "Yun Yun is sick, has a severe fever, and is still in the hospital."

The middle-aged man in front of him just raised his eyebrows, without even showing any anxious expression, as if he was saying that some irrelevant people who were seriously ill were not worth mentioning. Sitting on the sofa, he said, "I thought he would come and want to have a chat alone."

Kang Ming felt that Yun Yun had nothing to chat with such a person. Because this middle-aged man, when he heard the news that the protagonist was seriously ill, he didn't even say a word of concern that a normal person should have. He monotonously felt that Yun Yun's absence was just a pity.

A cold philistine, all looking at money, exuding Chen Xunjie's temperament twenty years later, maybe even more cunning and weird than Chen Xunjie twenty years later, annoying.

Kang Ming sat casually on the sofa opposite him. Even if he didn't register for a special training class to learn how to deal with these people, and dealt with his family all the year round, he knew that no matter what he did, it would not affect today's meeting.

These people value time, as long as someone can convey the message he wants to express, they don't care about the final result.

So Kang Ming said, "Since we're just talking about the contract renewal conditions, I don't think there's any need to talk about other things."

Such as hacking, such as shady scenes, such as many pasts that are unknown and better never be known. Kang Ming felt that the best thing he did was to come to this place alone and face such people.

However, this middle-aged man seemed to feel that the junior in front of him was not very sensible, so he said with a half-smile, "My surname is Yun."

Kang Ming's attitude finally changed from being free and undisciplined to vigilant. His eyes fell on him, he thought for a while, and said, "Mr. Yun, this is not a common surname."