eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 88: Are Men vs KingPlay


A defeat is not considered a defeat if it is full of thinking.

Are Men resolutely adjusted the hero lineup after the first round of "strategic handicap". When Sombra appeared, those discussions about Hanzo's rollover began to focus on Sombra again. After all, the argument that Sombra's output is weak and invading is useless It has been confirmed by many personal experiencers that this hero is good, but there is no way to replace any assault position.

Super dog release is a hero configuration that Sombra often appears in, but AM's double-flying plus Sombra really looks abrupt and weird.

"The combination of double flying and black shadow proposed by AM has a certain restrictive effect on both air and ground. If DL can use the ultimate skill to start a team first and limit KingPlay's double flying to the ground, in my opinion, They have a great chance of winning." Actually, Kang Ming hadn't seen Yun Yun take the black shadow very much, in AM, this has always been Liu Sanping's common hero.

Now Liu Sanping took Wu Lisheng to the front and rushed into the air at a high speed, and Yun Yun's black shadow decisively followed behind him. In terms of momentum, he already occupied the position of the winner in his heart.

It is so rare to be eccentric, but Kang Ming's tone is unusually calm and pretends to be objective. He said: "Sombra can be said to have the fastest charging speed among heroes. According to the charging efficiency of the last round of KingPlay, AM can at least perform two ultimate skills faster than them. In a narrow conflict map like the courtyard, heroes who fly together The configuration is basically relying on justice from heaven to clear the field."

The OB camera closely follows the rare heroes on the field, and the DL's black shadow stealth status quickly reaches the battlefield, decisively pinning Anna behind and entering the combat state. This is not a general sombra tactic, but AM is very targeted, using double flight to fight double flight, the Pharah fights in the air to compete for airspace flight authority, and the ground teammates show their abilities, even Reinhardt on both sides fights hand-to-hand , not letting go of any chance to hurt each other.

The people who eat melons have become accustomed to waiting for the final result in the chaotic battle, and even comprehend every sentence of Kang Ming's standard reading comprehension.

"In my opinion, the odds are good." - I don't care, AM will win.

"AM can perform at least two ultimate skills faster than them." - Wo Yun is so powerful, and his ultimate skills will explode every minute and crush the opponent.

"Sombra has controlled the blood bag, and the energy has reached 15%, and he will soon be able to accumulate his ultimate move." - 15% and 100% are only a second difference for Yunyun.

The audience listened to Kang Ming's serious commentary on the battle situation with a mysterious smile, and followed the OB camera to observe the movement of the black shadow. It seemed that the neutral and objective words made the audience full of love, and their minds had automatically added preference settings for Kang Ming, no matter what he did. Calmly describing the facts, in the eyes of the public, they stand firmly behind AM, without any neutrality at all.

Kang Ming, who has been misunderstood, carefully and professionally analyzed the advantages of KingPlay and the disadvantages of AM, but he was beaten as a worried voice for Yun Yun.

However, he does want to be objective about the game. Recently, the South Korean team was staged and sniped. Kang Ming's only thing to be proud of is that the fans on Weibo are very rational. There is a constant stream of condemnation and ridicule, and he has not yet discovered the mental retardation standing on the opposite side.

But the game audience is different. They come from all corners. Among them, there are many trolls with distorted views in the forum. Such an opportunity to reach the top of the national server rankings and attack the whole world with their cheap ideas.

KingPlay's double flight plus Tracer is more terrifying than the pure double flight in the competitive mode. Tracer's harassment of AM is enough to make Shuangfei live a more wanton life.

The defeat of the night market is a good proof of this point. The Koreans are really strong, each of their moves has been precisely designed and coordinated, and the strength they display is worthy of their efforts.

When the AM took out the same double flight and soared in the night sky of the courtyard, Tracer's ground interference ability showed its weakness. The players on the ground belonged to both sides of the battle formed a three-on-three balanced situation, and all the victories were decided by the players. . There is no strongest lineup, nor the strongest hero. The only thing that can amaze the world is the professional players who fight fiercely on the field. Relying on the cooperation and dedication of the team, they complete every attack that brings screams and cheers.

This was a courtyard with a slow attack speed. The two sides fought for 30 seconds, but no one was killed. Even though the target point was unlocked, it was not peacefully occupied. AM and KP fired fiercely, and they stepped into the gazebo in the courtyard while fighting, and it was hard to see who was more dominant.

However, in the next second, the picture of AM Angel being killed appeared on the battlefield, and the battle situation instantly turned to KP's side.

Such a situation made Kang Ming's heart tense, and he had no time to describe the situation of the battle, so he fell into a tense silence.

"RYU's Pharah is more aggressive than Start's. It was quite dangerous to choose to ride on the face when the blood was left just now, but it took away AM's angel." The old partner Dongyue understood his mood and immediately recounted the scene on the field. Come out and piece together the complete death scene.

KingPlay's aggressiveness became more intense under the teamwork. They had obvious goals, and they seized the opponent's core and swarmed directly with crowd tactics. Even if AM quickly turned to fire, they lost the opportunity.

The battle situation in the courtyard was not much better than that in the night market, and Soi Ying seemed to take the place of Hanzo to hold the blame.

DL, lived a long time, but did not kill.

DL, the energy is fast, but there is no big move.

Every time the OB switches the perspective to Sombra, he can see this nimble hacker constantly raising his hand to invade various enemies, instantly move to the other side, and turn around to go to the blood pack.

There is no refreshing feeling of killing, as if every action is arbitrary, there is no plan, and you can go wherever you want.

"A cloud following the wind", inexplicably described the formation of a barrage ocean in the live broadcast room, with some veiled ridicule, decided that this round of Lijiang Tower was just for fun, after all, AM only needs to defeat four teams to be able To enter the quarterfinals, no one stipulates that they must win the first battle.

Maybe it's training heroes. This kind of judgment made the best classification of the nature of this game. AM even the strongest Hanzo was easily suppressed by KP. Such a strong enemy is most suitable for practicing heroes and tactics.

The audience who were still nervous about the AM battle just now found new sustenance, waiting for a defeat in an extremely relaxed mood.

Kang Ming didn't think so. AM will indeed choose strong enemies for training, but this has become history. Even in the audience's impression, they are still the casual team that used to play with DeGR in the Temple of Anubis. From the perspective of Kang Ming paying close attention to the growth of the team From the looks of it, AM went all out in this round, trying to break through KingPlay's double-flying core with Sombra.

No matter how anxious the partner is, Dongyue's voice is excited and excited, always standing in the position of KingPlay, balancing the look and feel of the game. He said: "KP successfully took the target point. Just now Tracer killed Anna in close quarters and escaped the anesthesia needle. The movement was very powerful. The moment of backtracking, he shot and took away the residual blood of XiaoAn. Then AM will start a new one. For a round of attack, judging from the percentage of ultimate skills, there is not much difference between the two sides." But they regrouped and charged decisively and quickly again. The cannon took away the inevitable Tracer on the ground, and by the way, RYU in front of him was blown into blood!

"RYU was killed!" Kang Ming said excitedly, repeating the death of the Pharah, "The black shadow harvested the remaining blood of the Pharah, captured the angels and invaded by the way, now there is no way for ASD to escape!"

As soon as he finished speaking, KingPlay's Shuangfei declared that all lines were killed, and the target point that was taken within half a minute was successfully captured by AM.

DL, which has always existed as a background board, played its due role in the eyes of the public for the first time in this game.

Even though standing behind AM without thinking that they could win, Kang Ming was still uneasy. It was the first time he saw Yun Yun take out the black shadow in the official arena, just like the first time he saw Yun Yun take out Hanzo. The characteristics of the two heroes aroused his infinite worries. Once he won, he would be famous, but once he was defeated, his reputation would only increase.

AM must win, so that the group of people who are shouting for justice can justifiably laugh at the group of actors. Even if the Koreans get the first place in the national server, it is no big deal. Our strength is in the professional battlefield.

"I have a big move." Yun Yun's voice was relaxed. Hei Ying hadn't been killed by his opponent since he entered the field.

This kind of survivability is not only thanks to Lu Xiaoan and Wu Lisheng for their healing support, but also to Lili's training. There is no battle situation that Sombra can't face in the hands of Anna who is addicted to output.

Lu Xiaoan observed the ferocious crimson enemy in mid-air. KingPlay's RYU has stronger air control ability than Liu Sanping, and the predicted rocket launcher can even calculate the splash damage clearly. He said: "Wait a while, cooperate with Liu Sanping."

Now, Liu Sanping's Pharah is still 13% short of energy.

In the battlefield where every second counts, 13% can lead to two results-lose or win.

Among the domestic teams, AM's double flight is good enough, but under the claws of the Korean team's air force, it is becoming weaker and weaker. Even Lu Xiaoan feels that it is more difficult to keep Liu Sanping.

"There are still 5%!" Liu Sanping faced RYU's pressure at low altitude, and immediately took off to overwhelm him, "Yun Yun, drive!"

As long as Sombra's silence invades the audience, 5% of the energy can be obtained in just a second.

Yun Yun was entangled by Tracer. In terms of maneuverability, Sombra was still a bit inferior. After hearing this cry, he decisively pressed his ultimate skill, ignoring the oncoming sticky bomb.

"DL was killed in battle!" Kang Ming's heart trembled when he said these words, "The electromagnetic pulse of the shadow directly enveloped the audience. Whether the AM on the spot can win this round depends on restricting the enemy's attack."

Even though he really wanted to remain neutral and talk about the Korean team's flexible attack in critical moments, he was interrupted by Yun Yun's death. He has commented so many games and has seen too many kills and group annihilations. He has long been able to calmly analyze the possible consequences of the casualties caused by each shot, but now, he stares at the OB camera and rises to the front of the courtyard battle. From an outside God's perspective, I don't want the situation controlled by Yun Yun's ultimate skill to be reversed by KingPlay.

He is very selfish. He is so selfish that he doesn't want to praise how accurately the sticky bomb thrown by Tracer killed Sombra, and he doesn't want to analyze whether this action will lead to the defeat of AM. Kang Ming only sees the red pharaoh who both landed on the ground. Eagle and Angel described the battle situation calmly but excitedly.

"Start, Justice from the Sky followed Sombra's silence very beautifully. The KingPlay members on the ground had no power to fight back, and were directly pushed flat by AM. The contribution of Sombra in this team battle is beyond doubt. If you can't The opponent's double flight is limited to the ground, and there is absolutely no possibility for AM to win." Kang Ming's hanging heart finally fell, and he calmly concluded the necessity of this set of tactics.

The onlookers didn't care about the tactics he said. As long as the keywords appeared, black shadow and DL, it would cause a big wave.

"My Kang is blowing the clouds like crazy again, tsk tsk tsk." Since the barrage has been suppressed to the point where it cannot be seen, the fan base has become the main base for diehard fans to watch and chat.

It's like drinking tea and watching a play. The final outcome is of course important, but every word Kang Ming mentioned about DL has to be taken out and carefully considered to see if there is any hidden information.

"Yun Yun's black shadow is really handsome! If it wasn't for the magnification of his moves, he might have survived to the end!"

"Heiying is so crispy and an outlaw like him. It's still a good support to be able to stand for so long."

These praises stand behind AM as always. Even though there are not many professional comments, they constantly refresh the screens of the fan group with enthusiastic admiration and amazement. The focus of their discussions is no longer limited to Kang Ming alone, but from the anchor. The body extends to the entire team. Even those who are interested in the game can tell what makes KingPlay stand out.

The confrontation between the strong can always lead to more topics. Countless fans who have never been in contact with e-sports also feel the charm of professional games in such passionate battles. Don't admit defeat, don't leave the room, even if you were easily sent back to the rebirth room by the enemy in the last second, it may be a different ending after regrouping in the next second.

In a game where the outcome cannot be truly predicted, every moment exudes infinite charm.

As if an ultimate skill opened the door to Are Men's victory, the Lijiang Tower Courtyard was successfully captured in the second round, but was never captured by KingPlay. DL's Sombra has always maintained a level of energy leading the audience, and the fight must be big Trick, "Apagando las luces" dragged KingPlay's double fly to hell again and again.

"Even if you die, you have to bring KP's group to destroy it together." This kind of text seems to have the exclamation of the sender, accurately describing the strategic significance of the existence of DL Sombra.

Even if DL is paddling, out of battle, or acting cute, as long as he can throw an electromagnetic pulse in the melee and firmly restrain KP's performance, he is a well-deserved king on the battlefield.

A round of courtyard fully demonstrated the fastest charging speed of Sombra, AM's victory came faster than Yeshi's defeat.

According to AM's tactical habits, the hero configuration that won the previous round is often not brought into the next round of duels, but this time, they are not.

The Lijiang Tower seemed to be shrouded in hacking by black shadows, and the exotic "Apagando las luces" could be heard all the time, and then brought a piece of tranquility, ending everything with a low and weak sound.

Are Men took the Lijiang Tower victory, and when the results came to the screen, the audience still hadn't recovered from those KP attacks.

No matter how fierce and powerful KingPlay's Shuangfei is, once DL seizes the opportunity to make a big move, their accumulated advantages will be instantly reversed.

The ending is reasonable, but unexpected.

Everyone hoped that AM would win, but no one expected that Sombra would win.

In the aftertaste of a bewildered sigh, the brief intermission was immersed in the sound of intense discussion, the noisy debate of the audience, and the rapid refresh of the barrage in the live broadcast room, which undoubtedly showed the shock brought by the shadow of the Lijiang Tower to the audience. with accident.

When everyone broke away from the atmosphere of the Lijiang Tower and looked up, the second game turned out to be the remote Volskaya Industrial Zone.

"Hanzo, Shuangfei, Super Dog Free?" Lu Xiaoan rarely hesitated.

KingPlay's reliance on double flight is obvious. As long as it can limit the performance of the opposite Pharah, it is extremely simple to defeat them. However, if you want to shoot this pair of free-flying combination in all-round protection without dead ends, it still tests the response ability of the output position.

Sombra's tactics are useful, but they are very inefficient.

The rhythm of AM was slowed down, and occasionally it was not bad to play a game. Relying on the opportunity of KingPlay that has not recovered, it pushed all the way and won the victory of Lijiang Tower. But holding this hero all the time is not only a gamble on the enemy's adaptability, but also a challenge to the team's psychological endurance.

They want to fight quickly. The Korean team is characterized by being fast. The hero configuration with dual output positions is often keen on face-riding and violent forward pressure. They use the method of slow and fast, and set the starting point of AM very low. Every attack It is a test of the team's tenacity. It seems to be confident and easy to win, but once a match is played, the pressure on the body is greater than other conventional configurations.

Isn't the current situation suitable for intrigue with KingPlay? Slowly.

Be quick and decisive. Out of such considerations, Yun Yun said: "Shuangfei plus Hanzo!"

When AM's offensive configuration appears on the screen, the audience who watched the game a little more will laugh and scold "what a broken configuration". Pharah, Angel, Zarya, Reinhardt, and Ana are common, but with Hanzo instantly became a representative of nondescript.

The result of Hanzo's defeat in the Lijiang Tower Night Market has not yet faded from the public's memory. DL is not convinced and once again used Hanzo to challenge the limit to win the discussion of most people.

"DL still took out Hanzo. The offensive point of Volskaya Industrial Zone is actually very suitable for this hero to play. For example, the small high platform in the window on the right side of the entrance is an excellent position for Hanzo."

As soon as Kang Ming finished speaking, those voices who thought he was playing in daily life suddenly burst out.

The small high platform at the entrance of Volskaya Industrial Zone was Genji’s exclusive access passage in the previous version, and it was also Genji’s exclusive site in the previous version. It has nothing to do with his much-disgusted elder brother, and it is rarely used in this version. The map sees Hanzo haunting him.

Because the default tactics will not defend on the first line of defense at the entrance, their battlefield is directly rooted on the concave platform above the target point, the attacker and defender will conduct the first round of trials and attacks on such a high platform, depending on the casualties Determine whether to capture the objective point.

It can be said that Hanzo is useless in such a place, and it is even better to take out McCree or Soldier 76, which can assist the attacker to wipe out the group of enemies standing on the second floor.

KingPlay's defense configuration is as stable as Mount Tai, standing on the second floor of the predetermined target point, turning a blind eye to the first line of defense. They stared at the boxy area in front of them, waiting for the attacker's attack.

Dongyue said: "AM directly leads the team to attack from the right channel of the entrance. They will definitely meet on the second floor of the target point. Both sides have Reinhardt, which means that the attack at point A will take a long time."

Basically, this kind of offense and defense is not very entertaining. Reinhardt erected shields on both sides, and the two sides swayed from side to side like fighting dances to try. With the BGM, it is simply the rhythm of the old hip-hop competition, and there is no commentary. Know what topics to bring up to ease embarrassment on the court.

Dongyue only hopes that AM will stick to his usual trouble-making style and never waste time with KingPlay. When AM's team appeared from the passage on the second floor, it seemed to be responding to Dongyue's words. Except for Reinhardt who raised his shield, all members moved forward quickly, without any intention of dancing.

They didn't even pause, the Pharah took the angel and flew straight into the sky, launching an attack with rockets.

Soldier 76 of KingPlay stared directly at the double-flying group in mid-air, and the attack in his hands did not stop for half a point, focusing on assisting his teammates in the air.

RYU and ASD faced each other instantly, dragging the entire battle line into the sky above the target point, fighting in the air like a big fight, and kept floating with the help of the railings of the industrial area, fighting for a long time.

The OB camera closely follows the two air forces. If there is no accident, the outcome will be determined by the death of one of them.

"DL killed the angel!" The kill list quickly flashed the death of ASD, and it was only at this moment that OB found DL's location belatedly.

This is an experienced hunter. After successfully killing the angel, he quickly moved to the right to avoid the stray bullet attack.

The pressure of teammates being suppressed by the air force is instantly reduced, and they jump directly into the target point to fight for the battlefield without hesitation. Answer's Zarya pointed directly at the Pharah in the sky, and soldier 76, who also entered the target point to prevent them from occupying it, was instantly killed by Hanzo on the second floor!

The spectators who were doubting or even laughing at Hanzo's haunting before fell into a frenzy after two consecutive headshot kills. Apart from victory, only the refreshing pleasure of headshots could make them so excited. The success of AM's cooperation with Hanzo and Shuangfei was revealed. Without the pressure of all KingPlay, DL once again returned to the usual level of killing.

Dongyue smiled and sighed: "This must be the fastest attack on Point A in the Volskaya Industrial Zone."

The Volskaya Industrial Zone is a rather remote map, and many teams were defeated by the disadvantage of being unskilled. If KingPlay dared to take it out, it must have gone through a lot of training and guaranteed winning rate. The current situation of being pushed by AM without any pause is something that no one thought of.

The tempo accelerated from the death of Angel, as if someone switched on the gears during the game, doubling the speed of AM's attack.

Maybe KingPlay will defend directly on the first line of defense. The forward pressure against Hanzo can delay more time, but now there is no chance for them to struggle and hesitate. The Volskaya Industrial Zone breaks through point A in seconds and enters point B. offensive and defensive phase.

"KingPlay's performance at point A is indeed a bit surprising, but the map I choose still has to face it well." Switching to other small cup games, Dongyue must have exaggerated and shouted that the map she chose would be beaten on her knees. Now, He euphemistically pointed out the possible results of this game, and by the way, silently mourned for the Korean team in his heart, "Their understanding of the Volskaya Industrial Zone should be quite deep, otherwise they would not show it in such a decisive match."

Kang Ming clearly saw that Yun Yun, who had successfully captured the target point, had already mastered the ultimate skill. They quickly rushed from the avenue to point B, and the team was as neat as a well-trained army. With a smile on his lips, he said, "It's also possible that they just don't want to choose Hanamura and the Temple of Anubis."

Hanamura, that is the well-deserved House of Hanzo. The legacy of Shimada Patriarch is still there. Whether it is offense or defense, it echoes the fearless legend of Are Men.

Temple of Anubis, as the unpopular among the unpopular, even the invincible Korean team may not be able to confidently make a move and guarantee the winning rate.

On the balance of comparison, it seems wise to choose Volskaya Industrial Zone.

It's a pity that AM already has two ultimate skills to rush into point B, ready to launch a big move at any time to launch a violent attack, no matter how you look at it, it feels like KingPlay has dug a hole and jumped down.

"How long is the Lin team?" Yun Yun always kept in mind the game concept of teamwork and not alone, and asked Zarya's energy value aloud.

"Your ultimate move can be whatever you want." Lin Minyu said easily, revealing his helplessness at Zarya's slow energy accumulation speed, "I'm only 40%."

If it weren't for a big melee, Zarya's energy would have been difficult to accumulate. Since the recharge speed of the ultimate move has been weakened, Zarya can't accumulate much energy at all in such a flat push. Teammates who are too fierce are also bad things. In terms of the cooperation and management of the big move, they can only adopt a stocking policy for Yun Yun.

Drive as much as you want, the ultimate skills of force-moving and strategic expulsion follow his mood, anyway, there is no need to hold it in his hand all the time, and the probability of headshot is too high, which is more efficient than killing with the ultimate move.

With the approval, Yun Yun decisively climbed up the outer wall of the industrial area to reach the second floor of the target point. The defense's formation seemed passive. Under the influence of the terrain at point B, they could not gain much advantage.

"Go straight!" Lu Xiaoan signaled at the right time, and the moment he threw the nano-hormone on Pharah, he turned around and shot an anesthetic needle at RYU.

A set of movements was smooth and fast, and then the giant dragon belonging to Hanzo jumped out from the flanks, roaring and swallowing the enemies sleeping on the ground arrogantly.

The advance of point B is not much different from that of point A. It seems that KingPlay was not ready for defense, so it was successfully taken down by AM.