eSports Not Streaming

Chapter 94: Money and justice


McGrath has always been gentle. He always gets along with Yun Yun from the perspective of a friend. Although Yun Yun's English level is only as boring as a student reporting his daily learning progress to the teacher, he still does not express any impatience.

"Maybe it's not good to talk about the topic directly, but I can only say something like 'the weather is good today', so, can I ask a personal question?" Feeling anxious.

In order to make Kang Ming an excuse for dictation training, the call turned on the loudspeaker. He really wanted to talk to McGrath about the feelings and excitement of the battle, but he felt that his idol must have heard such a small story hundreds of times. Composition, I don't feel particularly happy.

After all, McGrath will seriously reply to every letter from fans, and those stereotyped adorations are no different from his.

"Of course." McGrath said with a smile, "I don't think you asked enough personal questions that day."

As soon as these words came out, Yun Yun was stunned.

When he met with McGrath again, he was always in the role of eloquence, constantly asking various questions, McGrath has been patiently replying, and by the way, cooperated with the translation to correct his wording mistakes. Basically, there are very few personal issues, almost similar to mouse preference and keyboard selection, which McGrath still remembers.

Now, as soon as McGrath said this in a joking tone, Kang Ming's eyes flicked over in an instant, and the words "Personal Questions?" were clearly written on the notebook in his hand, and the question marks would turn into entities through the paper.

Yun Yun resolutely corrected the mistake, felt the scorching eyes of the person beside him condemn him, and said, "Actually, it's a small tactical problem, and it has nothing to do with personal matters. You used a lot of uncommon heroes today, and it's McCree who is not suitable for these two." A map?"

McGrath's laughter seemed to be amused by the behavior of his changed words, and he said relaxedly and happily: "I rarely use McRae in the new version. I want to find a little breakthrough. Today's game is very suitable, after all. , I have rarely played against a team like yours."

The answer was soft but official.

"But I think you are avoiding it a little bit." After Yun Yun said it, he noticed the impoliteness in his tone, and immediately added as if to make up for his mistakes: "I mean, everyone who admires you hopes to get A chance to go head-to-head with you, including me. I love your McCree as much as your light armor and sniping."

From the perspective of a pure admirer, he tried to express his concern.

Yun Yun didn't dare to say things like "You have a problem with McRae" or "Your state is not right" presumptuously, hoping to help McGrath solve the problem.

Because this is inappropriate and impolite, strictly speaking, he is McGrath's opponent, and he can only make a little care by virtue of his status as an admirer.

He worried that McGrath had a bottleneck, but he couldn't ask directly.

McGrath's tone was relaxed, and he seemed to laugh lightly when he heard guns belonging to ST such as "light armor" and "sniper". He said: "Daylight, the game is different from the personal show. Maybe you can see that I still win easily with McCree, but when it is related to the outcome and the confidence of my teammates, I have rarely used this hero. .Sometimes, I want the audience to care more about the team than me.”

Most star professional players will have such troubles. They have received too much attention, and their words and deeds will be marked. Even if it is a normal mistake, there will be a 3,000-word analysis, which has become the focus of online controversy.

McGrath is a professional player first, and then an anchor, because the popularity brought by the live broadcast makes him the focus of the game, but the game can never be determined by one person.

"It's not the era of McRae winning alone anymore, I like to make some changes and let the audience see that I have so many good teammates. Also, when you see us facing each other, I can't keep up with you. Rhythm." McGrath's words contained humorous tone words, but Yun Yun was surprised by what he said, "You are very young and have a fast reaction speed, and the valuable experience I gained from the hero McRae made me decide , try more possibilities.”

McGrath's words were almost acknowledging that Yun Yun's McRae was stronger than himself, but the result of such a short fight did not make Yun Yun feel at ease.

"McGrath, that's not what I meant."

Yun Yun's panic seemed to be received by McGrath, his tone was fast and relaxed, and he said with a sigh: "It's okay, maybe my McRae has formed a set in your heart, but it is very simple to replace heroes on the field. It's an easy thing, even if my McCree can't make a perfect comeback one day, BME will stand at the end."

After finishing speaking, he let out a hearty laugh, which came clearly from the speaker, and said: "There is no real No. 1 McCree, but there is a real No. 1 team, and this is what I have been trying to do. .”

"A team's victory makes me happier than an individual's victory."

Yun Yun felt that even McGrath, who frankly said that McRae was no longer suitable for him, still made him like him so much that he was excited. What he has been obsessed with over the years has never been a certain gun or a certain hero, but the never-say-die momentum of McGrath.

"I'm sorry, I'm too self-willed." Yun Yun put aside the troubles Gim caused him, "If there is a chance, I hope to have a duel with you again, not just McCree, but a confrontation between teams."

"Are Men is very good." McGrath never hesitated to praise, "We will definitely continue to fight, in fact, I think your Hanzo is much more exciting, I would like to challenge you with Genji, but unfortunately, I have not been able to do it. "

Everyone has a weak hero. McGrath's marksmanship is very strong, but Genji is regrettable. Such a cheerful tone can't help but remind Yun Yunchang of the duel between Hanzo and Genji, but he has to be pulled back by his own thoughts.

"Although it may trouble you, I still want to ask one last question." Yun Yun kept repeating the words in his heart, trying to find out the exact words to express his meaning on the phone.

The notebook that Kang Ming erected said "loved ^ ^", and then Yun Yun angrily reached out and covered it. He added: "It's about cheating."

"Let's talk, I really know nothing about cheating."

Yun Yun said: "In the current Overwatch, will things like ST happen?"

The person on the call fell silent, as if hearing an unanswerable question, and then McGrath said, "Wait a minute," bringing the conversation back to quiet.

Yun Yun asked a rash question, but he was very eager to know McGrath's answer.

McGrath is not an ordinary professional player. He has been dealing with the e-sports professional circle for nearly ten years, and he is almost a king who has grown up with modern e-sports and has always stood on the front line.

"Sorry Daylight, who can predict an unknown future?" McGrath's voice resumed, but he didn't answer his question directly.

"ST's problem does exist, but it's not serious enough to make viewers give up on it. Last night's league is still one of the most watched game shows. I think the decision of the game company is always right. After all, they are creating By."

Yun Yun said eagerly: "But McGrath, what cheaters destroy is fairness and justice, and violates the spirit of competition."

"Maybe—" McGrath seemed to be choosing his words carefully, trying to express himself in simple words, "People who seek justice think this is wrong, but it does not prevent people who seek victory from enjoying the competition. E-sports is no longer pure It’s a black and white world, Daylight. I’m quitting, not because I’m angry at the game publisher’s tolerance, it’s just that ST can’t make the team interested in fighting for victory.”

"This has nothing to do with justice, and what most people need is not justice."

These words made Yun Yun dizzy. He wanted to open his mouth several times, but he couldn't find the words to continue the sentence. Yun Yun wanted to refute, this is not a world of interests, if even basic fairness cannot be guaranteed, then what's the point, but he doesn't want it to look like a questioning because of the inappropriate words.

Sensing his emotions, Kang Ming grabbed Yun Yun's hand and shook his head.

"McGrath." Yun Yun's tone became hesitant, hesitating whether he should continue this topic, "Will eliminating cheaters allow this industry to continue to flourish?"

"But Daylight, what you are fighting against is not just a cheater, but the entire game." McGrath's tone became heavy, and he was no longer relaxed and casual before, "ST may catch a group of professional players because of a piece of code, Then, the next piece of code and the next piece of code are like hidden time bombs, which will be questioned again and again by countless audiences who are paying attention to this game, and they will repeatedly use examples to demonstrate until the game disappears in front of the audience. Overwatch is just At the beginning, when he really develops to the influence that ST has on a global scale, the same problem may appear again. On the one hand, it determines the money of most professional players who make a living on this, and on the other hand, it destroys the profitability of the entire professional circle. Justice. Which would you choose?"

McGrath's speech speed became faster, and he used a lot of uncommon and professional vocabulary. Yun Yun was still unable to grasp the key points of what he said in the constant memory and struggle.

"I don't understand, sorry, can you say it again McGrath?"

There was a brief silence over there, and then clear and standard Chinese appeared, which was a private translator brought by BME. He said: "McGrath said, if interests and justice are on the opposite side, your choice will destroy the future of most professional players, will you still choose to stand on the side of justice?"

"Justice cannot stand on the opposite side of hope. If those cheaters are removed, it will only make the game develop more healthily and normally."

"But the cheating of professional players that the game company can't find out does exist on the opposite side of him. The hidden dangers that erupt may destroy the entire professional circle. The bomb that will not explode if it is not dismantled, it is best to keep him as it is Decide."

The translation means McGrath's meaning, and even Yun Yun's most admired person believes that e-sports and cheating cannot be completely separated.

Yun Yun's face turned pale. He had never thought about allowing cheaters to be punished, but never thought about the hidden dangers that those who violated the principles would bring. He said, "Why don't we try to find justice?" The side with the same interests directly gave up the possibility of a win-win situation?"

"Daylight, it is indeed a happy thing for cheaters to be sanctioned, but once a precedent emerges, it will trigger a steady stream of doubts, which is more terrifying than unfounded speculation. What's more, a conviction requires evidence that complies with the law, and games are created by businessmen. Yes, merchants are the laws of e-sports, the codes are in the hands of game merchants, and their decisions are legal decisions.”

Yun Yun seemed to have returned to the ridicule and questioning at the beginning, because the competition organizer and the domestic operation did not act, and they issued an announcement that there was no cheating without even a simple inspection process, making his slander a reality.

He can no longer continue this conversation, "Actually, I want to say that in the next BME match against GodR, there may be professional players like ST. I mean, it is possible. That's why I want to hear McGrath's opinion .”

"Thank you for the reminder, we will pay attention." McGrath's words are still being translated by the translator, as if his explanation does not impress the professional player, "Don't pay too much attention to these things, every game will enter this exciting It's a struggling and painful stage, but Overwatch is coming sooner than expected, we may need some time to investigate, sorry for saying some extreme views."

"No, McGrath, that's not what I meant..."

McGrath's voice reappeared on the phone, softly but tiredly saying: "Good night, Daylight, let's spend more time preparing for the game."

"Good night, McGrath."

Even the ST professional circle, which has experienced suspicions from professional players, is still developing vigorously. Although it is a niche in China, it has yet to find a comparable competitor in its influence in the entire international e-sports game circle.

For a game like this, once it is admitted that the technology is weak and it is difficult to detect the existence of cheats in the professional arena, then it will face a devastating collapse.

Just like a sports meeting where no doping can be detected, there is no authority at all. Without the trust of the audience, there is no possibility of profit. Those staff, commentators and even investors who rely on ST to survive can turn their targets to other games and continue their work.

But professional players are not that easy. This is not an industry that gets more qualified the longer you work in it. E-sports has extremely high requirements on players’ physical condition and age. The ideal state to maintain the same level of strength.

If McGrath had the inside information and started a contest with the game developers, he would indeed be able to perfectly catch the cheaters and catch them one by one. Unfortunately, he couldn't stop the public opinion and hidden competitors from slandering ST Games .

The more innocent victims are those professional players who follow the rules.

McGrath's withdrawal is just a farewell to ST, but those audiences who are obsessed with this game still have expectations and fantasies, just as McGrath won the offline championship by virtue of his strength, those famous and suspected cheaters There is also a great possibility that professional players can win through strength.

Because the majority of players follow the rules, the small number of those who break the rules lurking in the dark are covered up and only show their economic value to the audience.

If the thorough investigation is not straightforward enough, once the truth about the cheating of the star players who have attracted thousands of attention is revealed, the audience who have always supported and trusted them will be discouraged from then on, and they will never touch this game full of lies and acting skills again. game. It is important to punish cheaters, but the destruction brought about by smashing the audience's expectations can drag such a thriving e-sports game directly into hell.

Therefore, McGrath remained neutral in his statement announcing his withdrawal. He did not denounce the connivance of ST, nor the shamelessness of cheaters. He only expressed his simple desire to compete with more real masters on the field.

Gentle and tactful, just like his character.

"Overwatch is different from ST." Kang Ming has never been in contact with ST's professional circle, but he knows the difference between game companies and game companies. "They will never condone the spread of cheating programs and unscrupulous damage to the environment."

"And, he's just getting started."

For a game that has just started, as long as the source of cheating can be eradicated, everything can be recovered in time.

Yun Yun felt upset, and what kept echoing in his mind was the unscrupulous studios in the game and the unstoppable cheating atmosphere that was banned every week. He said: "Kang Ming, anti-cheating will always lag behind cheating methods. Indisputable fact."

Overwatch has never been able to do it: at the moment of opening and closing the activities of the studio, he can only follow behind this group of revelers, and arrest them after they have trampled all the good things.

What I paid was only a price of 198 yuan.

Yun Yun didn't sleep well all night, and Kang Ming could feel his restlessness.

Confusion, entanglement, and even pain surged up together with the torment I received in ST.

Moreover, he rejected Kang Ming's comfort.

"Kang Ming, if you do this again, I'll go back."

Yun Yun buried his face in the pillow, his voice was muffled, and what he said made Kang Ming rush to hug him, saying, "Don't run."

"No matter what's on your mind, don't think about it alone." Kang Ming wanted to pinch his cheek, for fear of really angering Yun Yun. He was in a bad mood, and it was difficult for Yun Yun to maintain a normal mind after McGrath, whom he admired, made such a realistic choice.

In his heart, it was McGrath who was like a god, but he was still troubled by the cheating problem.

"Why can't fairness and interests coexist." His voice was very soft, but it was clear enough for those who were wearing him to hear him.

"Because there is a lack of bosses like me in the market." Kang Ming's tone was no longer showing off, but sighed with emotion, "They are more for money."

Money is a good thing, it can generate countless thriving industries and make human life better. Pursuing the economic value of things is the eternal law of social development.

"Like OP. 1?"

"It's not just OP.1." Seeing that he had the intention of talking, Kang Ming eased the confinement of his arms, "As far as I know, a team that can spend money to achieve a record has already met a conscientious boss, even if What kind of club is RTK, in fact, it’s a good thing to treat professional players who want to do it as a job.”

RTK's performance has been declining since the new version. Their personnel changes are the same as in the past. Those who serve as substitutes will occasionally transfer, take vacations, or quit. Backlog, no one will remember.

However, for professional players who need to survive, such a club is already a generous and benevolent good owner, at least guaranteeing a basic life, and there will be no embarrassing situation of wage arrears.

It's a pity that in the domestic e-sports circle, there are more small teams that flash past in the game list, get an embarrassing defeat and never appear again. They may not have a training base, no team uniforms, and they are improvised. Showing his face like testing the waters, the audience didn't even remember the names of the team members, and they disappeared as clean as they had never appeared before.

"I know." Yun Yun's voice was very low. Even when he was in ST, his team was not owned by a wealthy club. Only after winning the championship and receiving constant attention, the training environment that was so bad that it was difficult to ignore was slowly recovered. improve.

If you can't win, there is no commercial value. The world of e-sports seems so cruel that there is no humanistic care. However, in such a fierce one-on-one elimination world, humanistic care is of no use.

Professional players rely on their strength to win the voice of the audience, and clubs rely on their performance to obtain the capital to continue their operations. Various live broadcast channels are like icing on the cake, and they will never be able to give timely help.

"But what cheaters hurt is the interests of hard-working professional players." There is only one winner in the field, and the cheater's victory means the defeat of another professional player. "They can get better treatment based on their own strength, yes Cheating ruined this opportunity, even if the interests of the entire e-sports professional circle are involved behind it, I may still selfishly choose to expose them."

Because Overwatch has just started, and it may be too late to contain everything.

"I won't give in." Yun Yun didn't turn his head, and buried himself in the pillow, as if he was swearing to someone.

Kang Ming patted his head helplessly, and said, "Me neither."

Insomnia all night.

Even though he has been obsessed with games for so many years, Kang Ming has never been trapped in the encirclement of cheats like he is now, and he knows it is a dream. Those cool nights of Dorado and King's Road, accompanied by McCree's gunshots and hunters Sora's flashing sound effects, constantly Why didn't I dream of Hanzo? He was still in the mood to run for his life and flashed such thoughts, dodging the kill with a heavy weight, leaning on the corner wall to think about the next plan.

Fight it head on, keep running, or die.

The dream is ridiculously absurd, it is just a game, but it rises to the point of life and death.

Kang Ming thought about it, he should be able to kill Tracer, the rest of McCree, just bet on luck, anyway, this is just a game.

He quickly turned around and threw a flash bomb to stabilize Tracer, but at the same time he was trapped by his opponent, dizzy and unable to move. Even in the game, Kang Ming still felt the tremor that pierced his heart and the threat of death.

"Ding!", he shouldn't have heard such a crisp system prompt, but it rang clearly in his ears when the enemy fell to the ground. He looked behind him, the moonlight was so clear that Hanzo's complete back was illuminated, he stood on the distant roof and said, "I will not give in."

That was his savior.

By the time Kang Ming woke up from the tossing and turning dreams, there was no residual warmth left by Yun Yun in the empty space beside him. He took out his phone and found that the time was only seven o'clock in the morning, but he couldn't continue to sleep.

After all, the IOP still needs a mascot like him.

Kang Ming, who had to go to work every day, was punished by hundreds of millions of tons of public grievances accumulated by the unscrupulous pigeon live broadcast.

The computer room is still lively today, the loss to BME did not bring them much blow, more is the motivation to chase.

Liu Sanping pinched his fingers and calculated: "The whole process of our sparring with BME lasted 50 minutes, and Laur took 45 minutes. I feel that we are still the best."

"It's all about losing, what's the difference." Lu Xiaoan didn't bother to care about his weird winning method, "It's better to win in the arena and show it off in front of Laur."

"You will be beaten." Wu Lisheng interrupted suddenly, "Although NIN is steady, it is estimated that XD picked up Torbion with a hammer, and beat you all into fortresses."

Peng Xiaozhou silently typed "1" in the chat channel to express his agreement.

They gossip and hang on to the custom match list, waiting for their opponents to get ready.

Today's opponent is still Pil-Seung. From the apprehension of the first meeting to the anticipation of the second match, now I can easily wait for the start of the game and quickly enter the atmosphere of the training game.

This state, which is equivalent to a relaxed state before the exam, also benefits from frequent battles. At least, the official match is about to take place less than three days apart. The two teams meeting in the IOP arena have two full training matches. This frequency has exceeded the usual range of training games.

And, both were invitations initiated by Pil-Seung.

"It feels like they are in a hurry." Lu Xiaoan looked at the training schedule, except for the last day, which was used to adjust and rest, it was almost occupied by the PS team.

Lin Minyu understood the mood of the South Korean team, and said: "I'm afraid they have also suffered a lot of blows. KingPlay has learned from the past, and Yun Yun has a good relationship with their captain. It is normal to find us."

After waiting for two minutes and seeing the PS team players typing and saying to wait ten minutes, Yun Yun still chose to quit the customization and entered the training range.

His mood is not easy.

Gim is an important friend in his heart, even if they meet on the field and fight for victory, it will not affect their friendship. Before, Yun Yun thought so firmly.

However, he doesn't like to be tempted.

He would rather Gim tell them openly, let's use Sombra to fight, and he doesn't want to see Gim say after a training match that PS didn't come up with a lineup at all: Actually, we want to try AM's Sombra tactics , I hope you can take it out next time.

"Use Hanzo later?" Lu Xiaoan saw him frantically slaughtering robots in the training range, "Your skin is a bit gay."

Yun Yun's Hanzo has now changed to a bright yellow default skin, whether it's the head portrait or the bow and arrow, it all looks a little bright and blind.

The last one that made Lu Xiaoan feel bright yellow in front of her eyes was the knight McCree brought out by passers-by teammates. The brilliant yellow color was running in Gibraltar at dusk, like a huge banana.

Very gay and horrible.

"I want to use Sombra later, how about it?" Yun Yun selectively ignored his picky remarks, and the headshot robot in his hand didn't stop moving when he spoke, and the continuous system prompts echoed cheerfully on the voice channel.

"You clearly know that Pil-Seung wants to use Sombra, so you want to use it?"

"Yeah." Yun Yun stopped, the tip of the arrow in his hand split into claws on the screen, and quickly shot a bright blue arc in the air, "I hope the other side will be less tricky and more sincere."

Pil-Seung's ten minutes lasted until twenty minutes before the members were assembled.

The interpreter directly told Zhang Ye the situation on their side over the phone. It seemed that the hardware driver of a certain computer suddenly became abnormal and had to be reinstalled.

"That's why the game is very troublesome now, and the computer always has problems!" Liu Sanping still has lingering fears about computer failures. Back then, Yun Yun's client crashed and disconnected in the offline arena, which made him want to cry.

Lu Xiaoan felt relieved, and even listed the worse situation, saying: "Occasionally one or two people are disconnected within the allowable range, the most tragic thing is the failure of the Overwatch server. Just like the previous Nepal server shutdown, the whole The team withdrew instantly, and the scene was even more terrifying."

Something like this hasn't happened in an Overwatch game yet, but judging by the state of the servers on Twitch, it's not entirely out of the question.

Because there is no separate game server in China, once it is tied to an ordinary server, it is especially prone to bugs after the version update, and every game is played with fear.

Disconnection and flashbacks are simply the daily routine of Overwatch. If you haven't seen a few "pauses", you don't count as a spectator who watched the whole game.

While they were chatting about various common computer problems, while thinking about when to maintain and upgrade the hardware in the computer room, Zhang Ye's voice appeared in the YY voice.

"Get ready, let's all enter."

The venue was chosen on Route 66.

Among the common maps, AM seldom plays Route 66. They are used to choosing composite maps such as Hollywood and King's Row, but from the first training game, Pil-Seung is more inclined to pure carts picture.

Gibraltar, Dorado, and Route 66 are all maps they like to choose.

Yun Yun took out Sombra directly, even though he was not suitable for this hero when attacking.

"Why didn't you choose McCree?" Liu Sanping manipulated Dva to jump wildly indoors, and by the way, he leaned over to the standing Peng Xiaozhou, trying to use physical collisions to push Reinhardt's big man, "This is the battlefield of western gunners."

Route 66 is the place where McRae and Death met. In the huge and complete relationship network, the two heroes once had a close mentor-student relationship.

In the new version, Reaper rarely appears, but No. 66 is still McCree's primary battlefield.

Yun Yun shot at the wall in the rebirth room, and Sombra's automatic pistol perfectly blended into the background music of Route 66 with its mechanical sound. He said, "It seems like it's been a long time since I took Sombra, I'll practice."

In addition to AM sweeping the battlefield with black shadows when fighting against KingPlay, Yun Yun uses Hanzo or McCree most of the time.

Even Torbjörn and Junkrat have become his new favorites in the competitive mode, but Sombra has been left out in the cold, and his teammates seem unfamiliar with him.

"Then do I want to practice the Pharah?" Liu Sanping pressed the switch button to call up the hero list. The row of familiar head portraits stayed on the output position of the air combat team. "Quick, Wu Lisheng, here is an angel."

"I don't want it." Wu Lisheng's Lucio was skating on the wall, the DJ's happy music mixed with the sound of skateboard shoes echoed in the rebirth room, "You fly solo."

Liu Sanping, who was abandoned by the angel, pressed the blank space to suspend in mid-air, and the fired rocket made his body float and adjust his direction slightly. Hearing Wu Lisheng's answer, he said decisively: "Fly solo, fly solo!"

Then, Lin Minyu replaced Dva.

The attack on Route 66 should be considered easy. When they went out, they didn't encounter a violent attack, but a biological grenade was thrown from a distance, which was blocked by Peng Xiaozhou's shield as usual.

The carrying targets docked quietly at the exit, and the defenders piled up on the ceiling of the gas station, not a few of them.

"Roadhog, McCree, Reinhardt, Zarya, Lucio, Ana." Lu Xiaoan quickly reported the configuration on the opposite side, "The hero formation of the previous version, be careful."

This is an old tactic left over from the previous version, but it is also the most commonly used tactic by Pil-Seung.

Their Roadhog's anticipation ability is no worse than Gim's, often catching an opponent means the enemy's death.

The attack in the first half was quiet and steady, and the carrying target moved forward at a constant speed. Liu Sanping flew in the uppermost sky without fear of death, launching concussion shocks provocatively, trying to push all the enemies gathered on the upper floors down the stairs.

Then, he was cut to half blood by Anna, and he hid behind the billboard trembling.

"...Gim's Anna, Wu Lisheng will change to an angel later." Only relying on Liu Sanping's solo flight, it is still possible to deal with the other team members' Anna and Gim's McCree. Now, Gim personally took out Anna and matched with Mike, who is no worse than him. Lei, two people jointly control the ownership of the airspace, and the Pharah alone is obviously not enough.

What's more, they have shadows.

Before accumulating the ultimate skills, Yun Yun could not achieve the one-hit kill effect for the time being. He sneaked up to the second floor in stealth, preparing to hack Reinhardt's shield at the same time as Lin Minyu sent out the signal.

This was a task that required cooperation and responsiveness, and it was also the first job Yun Yun chose after quickly invading the blood bag.

"I'm on it!" As soon as Lin Minyu finished speaking, Dva's huge mech rushed to the roof of the gas station and stepped on the crowd, attracting most people's attention.

Except Gim.

The moment Yun Yun raised his hand to invade Reinhardt, he fell asleep on the ground with Gim's anesthesia needle.

If it weren't for Lin Minyu's activation of the defense matrix and Liu Sanping's artillery attack, Yun Yun would have become the first player killed in this training match.

"Invading during team battles, it's too dangerous for you to do this kind of thing alone."

Even if Sombra has Dva and Pharah to attract attention, but the invisibility effect disappears when invading, it is easy to be caught and counterattacked.

Sombra's means of escape depended on beacons. If he was under the watchful eye of the enemy's Anna, it would be difficult for him to come back alive after going deep into the enemy's camp.

Gim's judgment is accurate and quick, a reaction speed that has been practiced in high-intensity team battles all year round.

He took Anna, which could cause as terrible damage as Lu Xiaoan.

Even stronger with the cooperation of teammates.

"Let's go upstairs and clean them up, and Team Lin will open the shield later." As soon as Lu Xiaoan finished speaking, she felt that there was a problem with the steering, and under the enemy's hero configuration, there was only one possibility—"I was captured by Roadhog! "

He said this sentence based on his usual battle experience, but found that Anna was still alive in the next second.

"Wow!" Liu Sanping exclaimed with a particularly abrupt sound of slamming the keyboard, "I'm disconnected!"

"It's not just you." Lu Xiaoan looked at the stuck screen, even though she didn't quit the game, she felt the malice all over the screen, "Brother Zhang, hurry up and communicate with the translator."

The training match was interrupted briefly, and they tried to reconnect but received various "server connection failure" prompts. If they hadn't opened the webpage and found that the search engine could be opened normally, they would almost suspect that the network at the base was malfunctioning.

Zhang Ye walked in from the meeting room and said, "There is a problem with the entire server, and so is the IOP match scene. Right now, the duel between Zhanyue and MI has been temporarily suspended."

So, rest, being the only option for AM and Pil-Seung.

Liu Sanping's eyes were shining brightly, and he grabbed Lu Xiaoan full of anticipation and shouted: "Great Immortal! Tell us how you feel about winning the IOP championship!"