
Chapter 109: One day, everyone in the world will know you


Hongluo Town is too small to have a county magistrate, but it is also a transportation hub, extending in all directions. It is directly under the jurisdiction of Shangzhou, and there is a team of officials.

After the first hanged deceased appeared, the head of the town supervisor immediately went over to check the scene to rule out the suspects, but it has been the sixth day so far, and a total of eight people have died. Not broken yet.

The rumors and rumors were born from this. In addition, the wind and snow have not stopped in the past few days. Everyone is stuck here, doing nothing, especially the fear, and there are many bizarre and terrifying stories.

Some say that the widow in the town turned into a ghost to seek revenge after being raped and killed by Xiao Xiao, some said that the barbarians came to make trouble secretly, and some said that these people were killed because they offended a certain monk.

"The version I heard is different. It is said that many years ago, there was a family in the town named Li who adopted an orphan because he had not been out for many years. When the child was four or five years old, the family's The mistress was pregnant, and since then she has neglected her adopted son, conniving at the mistreatment of her adopted son, and finally caused her adopted son to be tortured to death. It is said that the day he died was also a snowy night, so many people said that the adopted son changed Cheng Gui has come back to take revenge, he will not only kill that family, but also the entire Hongluo Town."

The resident of the house was talking vividly, and there were several people in the room, only the little girl was fascinated and shivered.

As for the others, not to mention Yun Weisi, even the well-informed Lao He felt that this rumor was too illusory.

Although there is a charcoal basin in the house, the cold wind leaks in from the gaps in the windows from time to time, whistling loudly. I don't know who's door is not closed properly outside.

Chang Ming sat at the table, eating the noodles one bite at a time, taking his time, seemingly unaffected by foreign objects.

The little black dog was lying beside him, with a flick of his tail, his eyes half-closed, and he was dozing off.

After Changming's noodles were eaten, the other party's story was not finished yet, Yun Weisi was not interested in listening to it any more, so he got up to say goodbye and left with Changming, the dog woke up with a jolt, staring at Yun Weisi fiercely, He quickly jumped off the table, bit the corner of Changming's robe, and was dragged away.

Lao He couldn't help but send tea to the guests, and found an excuse to send the guests away.

This time, he spent a lot of money on the lower half of the inn, and naturally even the best room was covered. The guests who came to visit were not so much a house, but a courtyard, separated by a small yard, and the other party was trapped It was really boring here for two days. I heard that there was a new caravan, so I came to chat and inquire about the news.

He lives in the main house with his daughter and guards, while Changming Yunweisi and the two are in the backyard.

He had met the two of them by chance, and he was only doing business because he valued peace. The idea of having one more enemy is not as good as having one more friend to invite the two of them to go together. Now Lao He is very grateful for his kindness, and his daughter has saved a small life. Said that the encounters on the road were also turned into good luck. Now that I came to this town, I heard that it was still haunted. With Yun Weisi and the two, my heart was much more peaceful.

He patted his daughter and coaxed her to sleep faster, while secretly praying that the weather would be clear tomorrow, so that they could leave this lively and weird place quickly.

The weather was very cold, and the half bowl of noodle soup that was not finished quickly became cold.

It's a pity for Chang Ming, and he looked at it several times when he put down the bowl.

Yun Weisi had never seen the other party so flamboyantly human.

From a long time ago, the Jiufang Changming in his eyes was almost a god statue on the altar, high above and perfect.

At first, I looked up and admired, and then I got along with each other day and night, and I gradually realized that the master is not a god, but a human being. He has a living side, and also has human nature and shortcomings, but he still has a fairy spirit. In addition to retreating and cultivating every day, he is urging him. Practice, teach the law.

This is the first time that the other party has shown obsession with a common thing, even if this obsession is only for a moment, out of the temptation of appetite.

When Jiufang Changming looked at the noodle soup, Yun Weisi looked at him.

The dog let out a breath from his nose, wishing he could bark twice, but he still held back, and finally just snorted twice, jumped on the couch, and slid into the warm bed according to his body instinct.

Jiufang Changming noticed the other party's gaze, raised his head, and Chongyun Weisi smiled.

"Brother, what do you see me doing?"

Yun Weisi shook his head, his eyes fell on the sword he brought back.

"what is this?"

Chang Ming briefly talked about his downstairs with Sun Wuxia.

Yun Weisi picked up the sword and used some force.

The sword was not out of the sheath.

He and Chang Ming looked at each other with a bit of surprise on their faces.

Yun Weisi tried again, this time with enough spiritual power to split a hill.

The scabbard was firmly connected to the hilt, and the blade was not even half an inch.

"What is the name of this sword?"

"Sun Wuxia refuses to speak."

Chang Ming held the hilt of the sword and pulled it lightly. The white light on the sword's edge suddenly rose, Qing Ming groaned, and even the dog couldn't help but probe out of the bed.

"It seems that this sword is destined for you, you should keep it." Yun Weisi said.

Chang Ming had this intention. He pinched the tactic with his right hand and recited the tactic of the sword silently. If the long sword was assisted by a god, it flew up as he wished, circled the room, and hovered steadily in front of him again, as if it was moving towards Xin. The master presents himself.

"Since you are willing to recognize me as master, you don't need to care about your old name. From today onwards, you will be called Changmingjian. I will not be insulting you in my name. One day, everyone in the world will know you. "

His tone was flat and indifferent, as if he was telling the most simple truth, only Yun Weisi, from the domineering arrogance, caught a glimpse of the shadow of the number one person in the old days.

I saw Changming's wrist slightly raised, and the Changming sword immediately disappeared and was put away.

This sword really seems to be tailor-made for him, and it is definitely not something that Sun Wuxia will have.

Yun Weisi felt that the original owner of this sword probably came from the other party's carriage at that time, and may even have some origins with them.


Changming interrupted his thoughts.

For this senior brother, Yun Weisi was a little uncomfortable at first, but if he was shouted a few more words, the slight discomfort disappeared.

"You go to bed, I'll make the floor. I got the Changming Sword tonight. I seem to have some insight, just sitting and meditating."

"No, just go to bed and meditate, and I won't sleep either."

Yun Weisi took action to help him untie a few strands of long hair and the entanglement of the bed net. Naturally, the frosty white on the back half of the hair color entered his eyes, which reminded him of the previous injury that the other party suffered, and his eyes were stained with disappointment.

"Senior brother, after I was injured and lost my memory, did I forget something important that you didn't tell me?"

Yun Weisi was slightly startled by the other party's question.

"Why ask that?"