
Chapter 72: You are better, you come to be my lady!


Xu Jingxian also became interested when she heard that the strange rocks fell from the sky in the Zhehe Mountain.

After all, what monk wouldn't like magic weapons? Naturally, the more the better.

But Chang Ming was not very interested. He wanted to go to Youdu to check the situation first, so the two parties made an appointment to meet at the foot of the mountain where Wanlian Buddha Land is located on July 15th.

Xu Jingxian thought she had to follow Changming, but Yun Weisi took the initiative to call to follow.

"Do you know why I called you over?"

Hearing Yun Weisi's question, she was stunned for a moment.

Because of your beauty, the other party has a malicious lust

No, no, so I'm afraid my life is at risk.

Although she has consolidated her master status now, Xu Jingxian is very clear that Yun Weisi's strength is far above her own, so in front of the two, she honestly does not dare to make mistakes, and has been pretending to be a quail for a long time.

"It should be, because I am considerate and can serve you at any time?"

She tactfully changed her words, saying that she was still too outstanding, and no one could hide her brilliance, even Yun Weisi found out.

Yun Weisi: "Because you have eaten real grass."

Xu Jingxian was at a loss for a moment, unable to sort out the relationship between the two.

Yun Weisi frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with her bluntness, but for the purpose of this trip, she had to say a few more words.

"Elixirs are divided into divine grades, immortal grades, high grades, middle grades, and low grades. Even though the herbs you eat are not top grade divine grades, they can still be called fairy grades. There will be induction between high grade and above elixir medicines. , Now that you are integrated with the nourishing grass, although the induction is weak, if a high-grade elixir appears, you should be able to sense a little."

Xu Jingxian: …

Dare to love her existence, is a magic weapon to sense elixir

Yun Weisi didn't hear the sound and looked back at her.

"Can you feel it?"

Xu Jingxian immediately raised a bright smile: "It's far away now, at the foot of the mountain, I haven't felt anything yet."

Yun Weisi hummed: "Observe carefully along the way."

Xu Jingxian's mouth twitched, and she dared not speak.

Endured and endured, she couldn't help saying: "Yun Daozun, with your current cultivation level, even if it is a divine medicine, it will have little effect."

Yun Weisi: "Master needs it."

Xu Jingxian understood.

She also vaguely knew that Changming's cultivation base was stuck in a bottleneck and could not advance or retreat. Although in Xu Jingxian's opinion, Changming's current cultivation base was enough to do whatever he wanted, but it was obvious that the former No. 1 master in the world was not satisfied and stopped. At this point, he has to go higher, and even challenge his own heights.

Yun Wei thought to help him.

However, spiritual medicines can be encountered but not sought after. Since Xu Jingxian embarked on the path of self-cultivation, he has also obtained a true herb, which was obtained in Jiuzhongyuan. Although there is no shortage of elixir and herbs in the world, the greatness of the world is not great. Chances are hard to come by, and many people may not be able to find top grades in their entire lives, not to mention immortal grades and divine grades.

Zhehe Mountain is surprisingly large, and the mountain road here is difficult to distinguish. It is said that local people do not dare to go up the mountain easily. It is even more common for woodcutters and hunters to get lost and disappear. There are still few ordinary people who are destined to take risks. They can't see a few people along the way, until a cyclone comes towards them halfway up the mountain. Yun Weisi raised his hand with his sleeves, and his spiritual power blocked the cyclone. .

Halfway up the mountain, a stone bridge and a moat connect the two mountain peaks. The clouds and mists are shrouded below, and the blue sky is azure and dripping. It seems that the lake is upside down, and water will overflow at any time.

"This is Di Tang Tian Zang?" Xu Jingxian sighed.

It is indeed a beautiful scenery.

Above the stone bridge, two people are fighting.

The sword rose and fell, the white and purple were intertwined, and it was difficult to tell the winner or loser in the sword light and sword qi, but seeing the sun shining in the sky and the vast sky, only the two of them were murderous, and it was a bit unpleasant.

Xu Jingxian watched the battle for a moment, and then she was about to take it seriously.

Both of them should be high-level or above, close to the grandmaster, merciless, and naturally wonderful.

There are three or four people on the other mountain, and they should be the same spectators as them.

To be precise, he was waiting for the opportunity to pick up cheap monks.

In the sea of fog under the moat, the fluorescent light is looming, neither blue nor purple, and occasionally a cluster of crystals can be seen, translucent and flickering.

"That is… "

Xu Jingxian looked at it for a long time, only to see that it looked like a stone.

"A strange stone fell from the sky?"

Yun Weisi said: "The colorful stone is a necessary material for tempering the magic weapon."

Back then, when he tempered the Four Fei swords, Changming searched all over the world to find such colorful and strange stones, and finally retreated and used other materials.

No wonder the two monks fought so hard.

Looking at Xu Jingxian again, her eyes lit up and she was ready to move.

Yun Weisi is not very interested in the colorful stones, his attention is under the clouds and mist, accompanied by the colorful stones and the long rejuvenation grass.

It is rumored that the grass is within a radius of five miles, and it is ice and snow.

"Did you sense it?" he asked Xu Jingxian.

Xu Jingxian hesitated: "I'm a little hungry, okay?"

Yun Weisi: …

Under the threatening gaze, Xu Jingxian stubbornly closed her eyes and tried to experience the so-called induction, but she could only feel the cold mountain wind blowing in her face, and the spiritual power and water vapor entrained by the fighting between the two.

What is the induction between the elixir

Mysterious and mysterious, indescribably wonderful.

Xu Jingxian felt that she was not a walking true herb, how could she sense the existence of other elixir

She closed her eyes for a moment in a pretentious manner, brewing a speech and intending to muddle through, but the two of them suddenly had a change!

One of the cultivators' sword light dimmed and fell into the abyss. His opponent took advantage of the situation, and his spiritual power tightly bound the opponent, but at the same time, the cultivator watching the battle on the opposite side also shot!

He pointed at the same direction, the sword energy was everywhere, and it was the back of the one who had the upper hand.

This is the idea of fighting mantises to catch cicadas, with the oriole behind!

It was too late and it was too fast, a sword energy passed, and the two of them fell together.

Although it is disgraceful to say that it is disgraceful, killing people and stealing treasures is the norm among monks. A few people who stick to principles and gentlemanly demeanor cannot change the greedy nature of most people. Xu Jingxian is not used to such a scene.

She focused on watching the play, and had no intention of becoming a player in the game, but Yun Weisi next to her moved, and she also swept towards the crystal light!

Xu Jingxian: …

To follow, or not to follow

When the strong wind hit behind him and the unknown person wanted to sneak attack, Xu Jingxian made a choice.

She turned around and threw the yarn, her body flew backwards, and found that the person who plotted against her was actually a monk.

A handsome monk with unshaven hair and black hair like clouds, holding a Zen staff and hanging Buddhist beads around his neck.

The monk looked in his twenties or thirties, but monks often couldn't judge people by their appearance. The other party didn't smile, but the corners of his mouth turned up naturally. It seemed that the smile was always there. Hai can't tell enough, Xu Jingxian not only did not feel amazing, but the hairs all over his body stood upright!

This is a cultivator's instinctive intuition, it is telling Xu Jingxian that this person is very dangerous!

At a critical moment, Xu Jingxian chose to fall and follow Yun Weisi!

The sky is falling down and there is a tall man on it, how can Yun Weisi be stronger than this monk

The chapter was completely immobile.

He never dreamed that he would actually be dragged into a ghost marriage.

The big red sedan chair, wearing a hi-crown, and a suona that shakes the sky outside. Looking out from the swaying sedan curtain, which shows gaps from time to time, you can vaguely see the welcoming procession that can't be seen at a glance, and it can extend at least a mile or two in front and back. .

The suona is obviously a joyous piece of music, but somehow it has a strange bleakness, especially those people outside, all wearing white robes, their behavior is stiff, and there is no breath of life.

Also, even if it was a ghost marriage, why was he sitting in a sedan chair? !

The messy thoughts passed through my mind, and the chapters were about to collapse.

Madam Xi seemed to sense his emotions and was still talking outside.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's almost ready, I'll see Langjun soon-"

Even the tone of voice is slow, like elongated noodles, soft and without a trace of elasticity.

What does it mean to see Lang Jun? I'm a man. Did you arrest the wrong person? !

Chapter wanted to shout loudly, but couldn't make a sound at all, sweating all over his body, being carried up and down by the sedan chair, as if passing through uneven hillsides.

I don't know how long it took, the sedan chair finally stopped. He thought that he could finally leave this damn sedan chair. Who knew that after the music stopped, even the voice of the wife was gone. Makes life a lot of terrible reverie.

Chapters silently reciting the secrets of the heart, trying to get out of the predicament, but to no avail. His weapons were even taken away at some point. At this time, he was really helpless.

Xiu, Xiu.

Something seemed to be approaching the sedan chair.

The door curtain was lifted, and the eyes suddenly lit up.

It's not as bright as daytime light, it's the light from a series of lanterns.

The red lanterns, high and low, from far to near, curved and stretched until the front.

"Madam, get off the sedan chair, Lang Jun is waiting for you!"

A chain came from out of nowhere, wrapped tightly around the chapter, pulling him to his feet and walked forward involuntarily.

I'm not a lady, you arrested the wrong person!

The chapter was so angry that three souls came out of the body, but he couldn't hold back half a sentence, and his face was distorted in discomfort.

Madam Xi was still chatting beside him: "Miss, please be happy, and show a smile, but our husband can't find it with a lantern!"

Isn't this a lantern, there are quite a few lanterns, why can't I find them

Chapters are so angry they will make fun of themselves.

In the thick fog, a figure was faintly standing in front of him.

His heart froze, and he looked away.

The other party was tall, and seemed to be dressed in black robes. He stood with his hands behind his back, and he couldn't see his face clearly.


Chapter cut ghosts.

As a cultivator, he is not ignorant. He has been to many places and seen many monsters and monsters.

But he had never seen such a powerful ghost.

The deep and cold ghostly energy was continuously suppressed, lingering, and there was no way to avoid it.

This person-

No, this is not a person.

The chapter was horrified and inexplicable, and he couldn't help being pulled by the chains. He moved forward step by step, and the distance between him and the person was getting closer and closer.

All the hair on his body strongly repelled this distance, and there was a voice in his heart that kept shouting, warning him of the danger and telling him not to take another half step forward, but the chapter could not resist and break free at all, his spiritual power seemed to be completely lost here. As usual.

Chapters couldn't figure it out, he was clearly watching the lanterns in Youdu, how could he be in the sedan chair in a blink of an eye and be tied to this ghost place!

Can't go, can't go!

Get caught by that guy and you're done!

The chapter was extremely resistant, but helpless, sweating profusely, hands and feet trembling.

He gasped violently with his mouth open.

Xi Po lightly patted him on the shoulder.

"Be reserved, Lang Jun likes gentle women."

Chapter uncontrollably closed his mouth, and even his breathing seemed to be suppressed, layer upon layer of invisible pressure, unable to breathe.

A hand stretched out of the darkness, grabbed the chain, and exerted light force.

Dang, the chain is broken in two!

The movement was extremely harsh, and even the man in black seemed to be slightly shocked.

Xi Po turned pale.

"Who are you!"

Before the words were spoken, the chapter only felt that his chest was lightly stamped by that hand, and all the shackles and seals were immediately released, and it seemed that even breathing was smooth.

The next moment, the other party fought with the man in black who was close to him.

The lanterns swayed to the ground one after another in the darkness, turning into red-clothed girls and rushing towards them.

Chapter reached out and slapped one away, but the other one grabbed one on the neck, causing a burning pain.

That kind of pain quickly turned into an itching, so itchy that he couldn't help reaching out and digging, trying hard to get something out of it.

I know intellectually that I can't go any further, but the numb and itchy feeling is unbearable.

Chapter was slashed with a knife in the back of the neck, his body fell softly, and his personnel was unconscious.

But those girls in red didn't want to let him go, and still scrambled to catch him later. He Xiyun was quick-witted, waved his sword to block him, picked him up, and threw him into the sedan chair.

That Chang Ming fought against the man in black, but was secretly surprised.

The other party is neither human nor demon, the number of paths is strange, but the cultivation base is unfathomable. With Changming's current strength, the two of them got started for a while, but he still couldn't see the depth of the other party.

The man in black robe had a handsome appearance, his face was pale and stiff, not like a living person, and a pair of faint green eyes stared at him, ignoring the barrier barrier in front of Chang Ming, and grabbed his wrist.

"I don't want him anymore, you are better, come and be my wife!"

The other party smiled at Changming, his hand was like an iron chain, and he was firmly stuck, unable to break free.

"I don't know your high name?"

Chang Ming let him hold it and said solemnly.

"you guess."

The man was very close, but his breath was not warm, but icy cold, chilling to the bone, and terrifying.

Chang Ming took precautions, but he couldn't help but stand up.

"There are ghost masters in the world. Wherever they go, hundreds of ghosts kneel and worship, all charms bow their heads, point to the moon and travel to the sun, and they are omnipotent."

His mind moved slightly, and the Four Fei Sword appeared in the other hand, Chang Ming slashed with his hand, and the sword qi instantly let go, and the opponent had to let go of his hand and take three steps back.

"Think about it, you are the ghost king who can drive away ghosts, Linghu You."