
Chapter 77: Dangerous, life hanging by a thread


"What is this?"

"How does this work?"

"Why is stone grinding different from what I've seen in the past, and how can it be improved?"

"What sect is Qingbei Mountain, and what are the soldiers?"

"You can be called masters at this level of cultivation now? It can only be regarded as mediocre when I was alive."

Chang Ming has a headache.

He really did not expect that after the ghost king faded his hostile stance, he was actually such a curious person.

No, it doesn't count as a person, the other party is already dead, and he should be a curious ghost.

The ghost king is full of curiosity about the things in the world, from the living utensils to the distribution of the forces of the major sects, even the food - although he can't eat it, he must have someone buy it for him to smell.

As the most leisurely chapter among all and the lowest cultivation base, he naturally became the one who sent it.

Chapters were originally unwilling.

His self-esteem is sensitive and fragile, and he can't stand anyone looking down. His character is not suitable for the weak, but he is very talented and comes from a small sect. After leaving the sect and going out to practice, I just realized the cruelty of the rivers and lakes. The cultivation base of the chapter is the best in the sect, but after coming out, I found that the world is huge, he is as small as dust, and he is not worth it at all. He was born in a famous school such as He Qingmo. In front of his disciples, he was compared everywhere, but he was still unconvinced.

But in front of the ghost king, all the anger in the chapter will be swallowed up. As long as the ghost king gets a little closer, the yin qi emanating from his body is enough to make the chapter forget everything he has to say in an instant, and work honestly.

The so-called one thing falls one thing, but that's it.

Hearing the ghost king's words, Chapter took a deep breath, as if he was about to break out, but he endured it.

"I never said I was a master!"

The Ghost King asked, "Who is that? Is it Jiufang Changming?"

Chapter: "He should be."

Ghost King: "What do you mean? Are you not convinced?"

The chapter was very impatient, and he dared not not answer: "He was once known as the number one person in the world, but he has been betrayed a few times. No sect of Buddhism, Taoism or Confucianism is willing to take him in. Such a person, even if he has strength, has personal virtue. It's a loss, the number one person in the world has an unjustified reputation."

The Ghost King was lowering his head and fiddling with the tangram in his hand. Hearing this, he raised his head with a curious expression on his face.

"What do you mean by a few betrayals?"

He has not been in the world for a long time, and there is an almost innocent look on his pale and sullen face, which is contradictory and strange.

Chapter did not dare to look directly at him, hurriedly looked away, and briefly recounted Jiufang Changming's deeds when he entered the Dao and betrayed the Dao and became a Buddha and betrayed the Buddha.

These rumors are familiar, and he hardly needs to be very familiar with Changming to be able to tell the story of the rivers and lakes.

Unexpectedly, the ghost king listened, but greatly appreciated it.

"Let's not stick to one pattern, be unconstrained, do whatever you want, and be the style of my generation!"

The chapter couldn't hold back, and retorted: "He colluded with demons, is it also your style?"

The ghost king swept over with a fluttering look, and the chapter only felt that the surrounding area suddenly changed from the sassy autumn to the cold winter, and the momentum and sound became weaker.

"What collusion with the demon?"

Chapter 嗏喏: "Back then, in the Wanshen Mountain, the great people built the Liuhe Candle Sky Array to resist the entry of the demons. At a critical time, Jiufang Changming colluded with the demons, resulting in the failure of the formation and heavy casualties. Since then, the Wanshen Mountain has become a place where demons can come and go freely. Entrance."

The ghost king tilted his head: "Then adding me, doesn't it just happen to be a monster?"


The ghost king smiled slightly: "The more you talk, the more curious I am about him. Over the years, he is the only person who has broken into the ghost realm who can be on par with me."

The chapter also wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything out of fear of the opponent's prestige.

The Ghost King would not let him go easily.

"Tell me more about him."

What else can the chapter say? He knew Jiufang Changming a moment earlier than the ghost king. At that time, he didn't know that the person who suddenly appeared and saved their lives was the famous Jiufang Changming back then. The failure of the Liuhe Candle Sky Array was also decades ago. At that time, the chapter had not yet been born, and all he knew was from hearsay from his teachers and his peers.

The chapter's understanding of Changming will never be much more than that of the ghost king.

The Ghost King also saw that the chapter was an embroidered pillow, so he was too lazy to talk to him. After finishing the tangram in his hand, he got up and walked out.

Chapter hurriedly said: "Where are you going!"

The ghost king stared back at him, his eyes were like ice arrows, instantly freezing the internal organs of the chapter, making him unable to speak the second half of the sentence.

"You were ordered to spy on me? Just you?"

The ghost king narrowed his eyes, and his expression that was harmless to humans and animals just now disappeared. The blizzard was blowing, and the pressure was so overwhelming that the chapter could not bear it, and his expression changed.

"You misunderstood... they have something important to do, let me watch you..."

It’s okay not to explain, but an explanation is more like there is no silver here.

"where are they?"

The black flames lingered on the ghost king's body, and the leisure and tranquility just now disappeared.

At this moment, he is the ghost king that the chapter meets in the ghost realm.

Thousands of ghosts worship, meet gods, kill gods, and fill up their thrones with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

Instead of the Linghu You who was playing with the tangrams just now, curiously asking questions about the world.

"He He… "

Under the pressure, the chapter was not even a sentence complete, and he even had a sense of near-death being driven to a desperate situation.

"What's the matter with me?"

The spring breeze melts the ice and snow, bringing warmth and new life.

The chapter was like hearing the sound of heaven, and I was so grateful that the ice cubes outside the body thawed and fell, almost rolling and crawling.

Chang Ming walked in and brought the vitality into a room. Those plants and trees that were stunned under the yin qi slowly came to life.

The ghost king's face is not good-looking.

"What have you been doing?"

"Arrangement, I'm back to get some things, just need your help, let's go."

Chang Ming bent down, picked a few clusters from the flowers and trees in the yard, and brought some red threads from the house.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, the gloomy aura slowly disappeared, and the Ghost King frowned.

"where to?"

"Follow me." Chang Ming reached out and grabbed his wrist.

The ghost king's hand was as cold as iron, but instead he was caught by the unexpected warmth.

"Close your eyes." Chang Ming said.

The bell rang, and the lingering was crisp, and a string of jingling bells rang into his ears. The ghost king didn't have time to close his eyes, and the world was spinning in front of his eyes. If it wasn't for his wrists being tightly grasped, he would have almost collapsed to the ground.

"Teleport magic weapon?" He quickly guessed.

"Yes, this thing is called Yu Linling. I borrowed it from someone else. He Qingmo and I have been setting up the formation for the past two days."

Looking up, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and there is only one path leading to the outside of the mountain.

Yeling is a barren suburb with few people, but the mountain topography is somewhat different from other places.

The ghost king stood still and snorted, as if he had noticed.

His cultivation realm is beyond ordinary ghosts. Although the sun is shining brightly at this time, he is not afraid at all. He only covers the top with a cloak, and his feet are indifferent. Except for the absence of shadows, he is no different from ordinary people.

Chang Ming saw his abnormality.

"Fellow Daoist Linghu also has research on the art of Kanyu?"

"I can't talk about research. I read a few idle books at Master's during my lifetime. This should be the terrain where the three dragons hold the pearls. If there are pearls, the essence of the sun, moon and stars can be accessed. After being destroyed, the original three dragons holding pearls became three dragons holding grass, and the dog's tail continued to be a mink."

But he didn't feel sorry for it.

Because cultivation is twice the result with half the effort, it is only for human cultivation, because heaven, earth and human beings are the three talents of ancient times.

The three talents in the world, the three lights, the sun, the moon, and the stars have been favored by God since they survived in the world. Ghost repairers and demons are not among them, but many people don’t think so, and they never know how to cherish them.

The ghost king really has some eyesight, and ordinary people can't see the terrain of the three dragons holding the beads.

"Although the terrain is incomplete, it can be repaired. As long as there are 'beads', the three dragons can hold the beads again. With this formation, in addition to cultivation, it can also block the yin and yang, condense the breath, and let the people of the Wanlian Buddha Land. People, we have completely lost our whereabouts, and even opened up the passage between this place and the Wanlian Buddha Land. This bead held by the three dragons can be both man-made and heaven-made. You see—"

Chang Ming raised his head, first pointing to the top of his head, and then to the brilliant glazed golden bead in the front of the formation.

"At noon today, the scorching sun is in the sky, and the dzi beads and the earth beads echo each other from a distance. The formation is perfect, and no one can break it."

He Qingmo was forming a formation not far from the two of them.

The branches are used as the formation to guard the direction of the gossip respectively. The red line is used as the root and foot to connect the directions. The ground in the middle is the unique talisman technique of Shenxiao Xianfu. Originally, this formation could be the center of the formation, but it cannot always be the same in the human world. During the day, when the sun shifts or goes down, the array will be less effective.

But now with this glazed gold bead, it is different. Even if the Tianzhu goes down the mountain, the essence and aura of the earth bead of its merits during the day is enough to keep the earth bead for a night, until it sees the sun again the next day.

Coincidentally, this glazed gold bead is exactly what Chang Ming moved from the glazed golden bead staff - anyway, the Zen staff won't be able to go to Qingyun Temple for a while, so it's better to use it and make some use of it. thing.

This formation is not difficult to say, and it is not difficult to say that it is difficult. Although Changming has some researches on formations, only He Qingmo, who was born in the immortal mansion of the gods, has access to a large number of complex talismans and seal scripts in the formation. Only those who are highly valued disciples who have access to ancient book heart formulas, and who have a unique talent in formation, can recite Moji by heart. If it were any other person, this formation would not be possible.

He Qingmo bent down and half squatted, stroke by stroke, with a focused look and no distractions.

He held a slender brush in his hand, and where the tip of the pen fell, there was a faint golden light, and it fell to the ground.

From writing to writing, it took a full hour to finish writing the Form Heart Talisman. When He Qingmo recovered, he felt a sharp pain in his waist, he could barely stand up, and he was already sweating profusely, almost collapsed.

"How?" Chang Ming and the Ghost King came over.


He Qingmo bowed his head, holding the brush for a long time, and pouring spiritual power into the brush, even the nails were cracked and bleeding.

"Midnight tonight is the time when the ghost gate opens on the Mid-Year Festival, which is our chance. According to the previous practice, the Wanlian Buddha Land will open the gate and hold a transcendental ceremony, and the people of the entire Youdu will go to worship and worship. , Most people can only go down the mountain, and those who are destined can get the ladder to the sky to go up the mountain and enter the Buddha land. Those who enter often need to listen to the Buddhist scriptures for three days and three nights, which is called cleansing the body and mind, and then they will be reborn and their sins will be eliminated. go."

The Ghost King asked, "How can the sins go away?"

He Qingmo shook his head: "I don't know, it's just anecdotal saying that people who are rumored to have a higher level of spirituality, even the ugly ones, if they can get the blue eyes of Buddhist monks and go in for a walk, they can also It has become a lotus flower, a fish and a geese."

The Ghost King sneered: "It's just a means to confuse people."

He Qingmo: "The people of Youdu treat the Wanlian Buddha Land like a god, and these words can only be heard, not believable."

Changming is not as optimistic as the two of them.

Before he met He Qingmo and others, he had heard a story. It was said that a woman was originally ugly, but when she was of marriageable age, no one dared to marry her, and she almost jumped into a river to commit suicide. Before I prayed to die, I went to the dharma meeting with the last glimmer of hope, and prayed to the gods and Buddhas in the sky to bless me with a beautiful face in the next life, but I got the opportunity to enter the Buddha land. , also married into Gaomen, from a civilian girl, became the wife of a prince, it can be described as a legend.

In order to prove whether the rumors were true, Chang Ming deliberately found the woman and glanced at it from a distance. The experience of the palace is indeed similar to what is rumored in the market.

Everyone said that Yang's sincerity touched the heavens, and he was blessed by the gods and Buddhas.

But Chang Ming knew that there was no such thing as stealing a dragon and turning a phoenix into a phoenix, and it was impossible for a cultivator to change his appearance overnight, let alone an ordinary person.

There must be something odd about someone like Yang who is envied by others.

Such a Zhongyuan Dharma meeting is even more bizarre.

"still have a question."

He Qingmo's voice pulled his thoughts back.

"We need to have something in the Ten Thousand Lotus Buddha Land as a support, so that the formation method can send us directly in, without knowing it, otherwise we can only fall nearby, so we have to break through the enchantment, and it is easy to scare the snakes. "

Changming asked, "What kind of thing?"

He Qingmo: "As long as it is inside, it can be objects, or the parts that are broken off from the plants and trees inside."

After he finished speaking, he also felt that this condition was too harsh.

"Forget it, or just fall directly nearby, then I'll find a way to break their enchantment..."

"Can the blood vessels be connected?" Chang Ming suddenly asked.

"What bloodline?" He Qingmo didn't understand for a while.

Chang Ming: "If someone may be trapped inside now, that person has been seriously injured before, and I used my own blood to save him, so now using blood as a medium should be able to meet the conditions you said?"

He Qingmo is not sure: "I haven't tried it, maybe?"

Without saying a word, Chang Ming cut his fingers and dripped blood on the golden glass beads in the formation center.

The golden pearl suddenly shone brightly, and the talisman below seemed to be triggered as well, and the golden light flowed and floated on the surface.

Sure enough!

"The formation is activated!" He Qingmo was surprised and delighted.

Chang Ming confirmed one thing: seeing that the skeleton head in the blood sect did not lie to him, Zhou Ke was indeed in Wanlian Buddha Land.

The three apprentices, who were rebellious and violent, landed in that place, and even if they were still alive, life would not be easy.

He expected it half right.

At this time, Zhou Ke was indeed in danger, and his life was hanging by a thread.