
Chapter 80: Is the master


Yun Wei looked at the reputation.

It was dark and boundless, and the man's voice seemed to be close at hand, but also seemed to be far away.

"We now have three choices." Sun Buku said, "Either go up or down, or jump straight down, or—"

"Cut off this stone ladder."

Yun Weisi replied, he acted quickly, made a decisive decision, and the words fell, and the sword light had already appeared in Sun Buku's sphere of influence.

Sun Buku didn't say anything, he raised his Zen stick in his hand and stomped on the stone ladder.

"All appearances are false!"

The moment the Zen staff landed, the golden light suddenly exploded on the ground, the stone steps shattered inch by inch, the entire long stone ladder collapsed and collapsed, and the stones fell into the endless void. fall down.

The Chunchao sword and the Zen staff were protected behind him, and a faint spiritual power lingered around his body, preventing the two from falling into the abyss like those rubble. It was unknown how long it took, and when the body was about to get used to the environment where there was nowhere to rest, Yun Weisi I feel like I'm hitting the ground.

After a while, Sun Buku let out a soft sound.

"It's not what I expected."

Unsurprisingly what

Yun Weisi had just closed his eyes and sensed the movement around him, but he found that everything here was almost silent, except for the shaking and rubbing of their clothes and the sound of footsteps, there were almost no other sounds.

But there is light underfoot.

"Look, what is this?" came Sun Buku's voice.

Yun Weisi lowered his head, the source of the light was a smooth stone surface.

It is more like a mirror than a stone surface.

The mirror surface is flat, blurry and bright, but I can't see what kind of light it is. It feels very smooth under my feet.

"What is this?" Yun Weisi thought that Sun Buku might know.

"Have you ever heard of the saying that Yin and Yang separate the evil mirror, and say it before and after death."

"Nie Jingtai." Yun Weisi chewed these three words, "Why is the evil mirror platform of the eighteenth hell here?"

There were surprises, surprises, and sighs in Sun Buku's voice.

"I didn't expect that they would turn the Kuiwen Leiyin drum into the eighteen layers of hell in the Buddhist family. It's really mysterious!"

Yun Weisi: "No matter how mysterious, there is no mystery of Jiuzhongyuan."

"Naturally, it is different. Jiuzhongyuan is based on the formation created by Chi Bijiang. It is said to include all things in the world. It is scattered everywhere, and it turns the world upside down. There is nothing surprising. People, demons, demons and immortals live together, and the weak and the strong eat. Although it is easy to get out, it is also It has become a paradise for some people. But these eighteen levels of hell are places of suffering and judgment. Those who fall into it must be full of sins. This is assigned to the eighteenth hell to be punished." Sun Buku was full of interest, "How dare the Ten Thousand Lotus Buddha Land have such an ambition!"

Yun Weisi was concerned about Changming, and really didn't know where Sun Buku's fun was.

In other words, he has never explored this person in depth.

But now the two are also trapped here, Yun Weisi can only temporarily believe that Sun Buku is reliable.

"You have been guarding Jiuzhongyuan for many years. You must know that if you want to leave Jiuzhongyuan, you need an opportunity, that is, to find a formation center, and the same is true here."

Sun Buku was walking on the evil mirror platform, the Zen stick paused slightly, and the force was enough to make the rock collapse, but the mirror stone under his feet did not move at all, as smooth as ever.

"Guess, where is the formation center here? Is the entire Wanlian Buddha Land now part of the Kuiwen Thunder Drum?"

Although Qingyun Temple and Wanlian Buddha Land are two Buddhist schools, they have little contact with each other. Qingyun Temple even privately dislikes Wanlian Buddha Land, believing that the other party has too much contact with the world, so that they are greedy for worldly power. In the past 100 years, it has been difficult to single out a person with outstanding cultivation, and even the Buddha's throne, known as the first in military force, was once defeated by Yun Weisi, and Yun Weisi at that time was not even a later Yun Weisi, who is respected as Taoist.

But the secluded capital worships Buddha, and the status of Wanlian Buddha Land has never been shaken. From the emperor to the commoners, every 15th day of the first day, every family offers flowers and incense burners, and the smell of sandalwood can be smelled in almost every corner of the city. .

For some reason, Sun Buku didn't like Wanlian Buddha Land. He passed by Youdu several times, and even avoided it subconsciously, never setting foot there.

Until the death of the head of the front yard was investigated, and the whereabouts of the traitor sad tree, the clues were connected to this place.

Now it seems that what he wants to avoid is not the Wanlian Buddha Land, but the Kui pattern thunder drum.

This ancient magic weapon, coercion is invisible, those who are obedient will live and those who are disobedient will die, and Sun Buku does not want to face it directly.

Going around in circles, but still can't avoid it.

"Can't guess."

Yun Weisi is obviously not a good companion, he is not interested in talking nonsense with Sun Buku, and he ponders the mystery of the mirror.

The cry for help still came from afar, but it was unclear which direction it was coming from.

At the same time, Yun Weisi also saw that the mirror stage had changed, the front was blurry, and the figure was reflected, but it was not him or Sun Buku.

The mirror image is getting clearer and clearer.

The man's arms were stretched and bound, the chains were entangled, he couldn't move, his hair was disheveled and stained with blood.

Yun Weisi's heart twitched suddenly, as if being pinched by something, and even his breathing stopped.

He thought it was Changming!

Taking a closer look, he found that it was not.

That is-

Week can

"See Blood Sect, Sect Master?"

Sun Buku also recognized it, he half squatted down and touched the mirror stone with his hand.

If Zhou Ke felt something, he raised his hand slightly.

The scene reflected by the mirror gradually became clear, and Zhou Ke's painful expression also fell into the eyes of the two of them.

In his lower body, there are clusters of lotus flowers in full bloom, but those lotus flowers are all gray, and as they slowly stretch, they seem to be absorbing nutrients from Zhou Ke's body.

On the other hand, Zhou Ke was pale and was losing his vitality a little bit.

His eyes were desperate and scattered, as if looking at them, and at the ethereal distance.

To save, or not to save

If they make a move, they are likely to fall into the same situation as Zhou Ke. Before they can figure it out, even if their cultivation base is as strong as Yun Weisi and Sun Buku, they would not dare to underestimate the power of the Kuiwen thunder drum.

Just as the two hesitated for a moment, the scene slowly changed.

This time it was Xu Jingxian.

She was surrounded by dots of green fluorescent light. Those fluorescent lights were extremely beautiful at first glance, but she put on a posture like facing a great enemy, waving the yarn in her hand from time to time to disperse the fluorescent light.

Yingguang flew up, and the two of them could see clearly, it was not Yingguang, but the eyes of a poisonous snake.

Those poisonous snakes are far more sensitive than the snakes outside, and their vitality is also extremely strong. Under the attack of Xu Jingxian's spiritual power, they fell heavily to the ground. Fang was able to break through the protective barrier, biting the wound on Xu Jingxian's back, bleeding profusely.

"These are not ordinary poisonous snakes, but a kind of monster. Buddhists call them reluctance. Legend has it that in the third layer of the eighteen layers of hell, they entangled iron trees and bit people who violated the precepts of anger, greed, sex, and precepts. But the last one in the world is not Abandoning anger has long been exterminated by the founder of Buddhism, Xutianzang Buddha."

Why does it still appear here

Could it be that the eighteen layers of hell transformed into this Kuilong Leiyin drum can transform even things that didn't exist

No, this is not a fantasy!

Sun Buku immediately rejected his speculation.

As a Buddhist disciple, and in a sect that once owned one of the Kui-patterned thunder drums, Sun Buku was the only one left in the Qingyun Temple. He had seen and touched this magic weapon with his own eyes. He and Kui-patterned thunder. There is a natural connection between the drums, and it is possible to perceive that all this is not an illusion, but a real existence.

So, where do these resentment and anger come from, or is it true that what the Buddhist scriptures say is false

The thoughts turned, Yun Weisi was about to start, but he was half a step too late, and Xu Jingxian, who was under the mirror, was gone.

It was replaced by the original chaotic gray and black.

Yun Weisi decided to drop ten times with one force, and he summoned the Chunchao sword, the sword body was suspended above the mirror stage, and it could be inserted into the mirror stage at any time.

"and many more!"

Sun Buku stopped him.

"There seems to be a voice down there, listen!"

knock, knock.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock.

There was a regular rhythm, as if someone was knocking on the other side of the mirror.

"Who?" Sun Bu bitterly asked.

The knocking on the mirror stopped, and after a while, it sounded again.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock. knock.

This time it seems to be conveying a certain message.

Yun Weisi's expression froze, and the sword light that was about to fall converged back with his mind.

Is the master.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock. knock.

many years ago.

To be precise, it should be the second year that he worshipped the Jade Emperor Temple.

The master asked him to sit and meditate in the courtyard to observe everything in the world.

At that time, his heart was still very impetuous. He closed his eyes, and any movement in his ears would turn into noise and anxiety. His body was tense at any time, and it was difficult to really relax.

After he sat in silence for another afternoon to no avail, Master finally came out, walked up to him, and sat opposite him.

Knock knock knock knock knock knock. knock.

The master bent his index finger and tapped several times on the wooden corridor under the eaves.

Do you know what this means? The master asked him.

Naturally he shook his head.

You will experience it carefully.

Master dropped those words, clapped his hands, got up and left.

And he imitated the rhythm and regularity of the master's percussion for the next countless days and nights, trying to hear some secrets from it.

But Yun Weisi was disappointed.

Even if he put his ear to the board, he could only hear the ants moving under the board, the rain falling on the steps along the eaves, and the wild growth of flowers and plants. He indulged in the lively movement of all things in the yard, and his mood gradually calmed down. The heart formula that he couldn't remember before, actually broke through a month later.

Then the master asked him what he had realized.

He said, Tao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things.

The exact same rhythm made Yun Weisi instantly recall memories.

The blade of the sword fell with his heart and went straight into the mirror stage!


The stage is torn apart and blown to pieces!

But under the shards, there was no one Yun Weisi wanted to see the most.

He and Sun Buku both fell into the icy sea water, and the salty sea waves rushed over and poured into their mouths and noses, drowning them all at once!

In the darkness, a few soft and slender hands, undulating with the waves, slowly reached behind them and touched Yun Weisi's shoulders.

The song came from a long time, soft and long love, pulling them, sinking to a deeper dream.

Beneath the mirror stage, just now is clearly Chang Ming, no one will beat that rhythm again except him!

But why...

Yun Weisi didn't have time to think about it, the hand that climbed onto his shoulder stabbed into the flesh, the fishy sweetness flowed into the water and gradually dissolved.

The author has something to say:

Think about how Sun Buku would react when he saw Master "resurrected from the dead"

ps, the eighteen levels of hell in the text are modified in the text, and it is not the same as the actual explanation, so there is no need to refer to it.