Eternal Country

Chapter 102: Negotiation


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"Military Affairs Council?" A gleam of light flashed in Huang Chengyan's eyes.

"Yes, the Grand Council, my plan is that all the troops will belong to the Grand Council. It will be in charge of military wars and protect the villagers. Once established, all the soldiers in our Xuanhuang Village will be under the management of the Grand Council. Soldiers will be enlisted in the army and belong to the Grand Council. Others will not be able to interfere with the operation of the Grand Council easily." Yi Tianxing expressed his thoughts.

"My lord, in this case, the power of the Grand Council is too great. It's okay now, after all, our power is still small, but once it grows in the future, if any chaos really occurs, there may be big trouble." Huang Chengyan frowned slightly. He is a scholar. Although he has no aversion to soldiers and even attaches great importance to them in such troubled times, he is still a little afraid of them.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Huang. Although the Grand Council has great power, it also has limitations. However, those are matters for the future. Our current goal is to first finalize the system and build the various functional mechanisms needed. Other things can be corrected slowly in the future. Don't forget, we are cultivators. As long as we don't die and as long as we can continue to break through, we can live a long life. There is no need to worry about temporary gains and losses. If there are mistakes, there is plenty of time to correct and change them." Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

In fact, in history, many founding emperors established good systems, but they had flaws. It takes time to verify whether they are good or bad, and whether a law or policy is correct. This process may take ten, twenty, or even dozens or hundreds of years to verify, but even if it is later known to be wrong, the descendants do not have the courage to change it.

Because they do not have the prestige and courage of the founding emperor to make decisions on their own.

Even though they know that some systems are wrong, they still dare not change them. What they want is stability. If they change them, it may cause unrest. Once unrest occurs, it will bring even more terrible consequences.

No one dares to take this kind of risk.

There have been many reforms in history, but few have been successful. Moreover, once they fail, they will lead to the decline of national strength and turmoil in the foundation of the country. However, if it were the founding emperor who carried out the reform, there would be no turmoil and any chaos would be suppressed. Because they have strong prestige, they are not afraid of killing.

"Well, in that case, the Grand Council can be confirmed to be in charge of military affairs." Huang Chengyan heard this, nodded, and agreed.

"Nowadays, the construction of villages and the forging of weapons are of vital importance. Our village has carpenters, blacksmiths, and even talents in various construction fields. We can gather together to establish the Tiangong Pavilion, which specializes in recruiting craftsmen with various superb skills and make unified arrangements. This way, we can make more effective use of all human and material resources." Yi Tianxing once again proposed an idea.

It is a modern country, so the importance of craftsmanship is very clear. Various top technologies and crafts can promote the development and growth of the entire civilization. Without various inventions and skills, the civilization of the whole world would not be able to progress. Every invention has the potential to promote the development of the whole world and the transformation of civilization.

For example, papermaking. If there were no craftsmen who invented papermaking, the spread of civilization would not have increased, and the number of scholars in the world would not have increased dramatically. This Tiangong Pavilion should not only be established, but also vigorously developed and continuously supported.

... ... ... ... ...

Time passed in the heated discussion between Yi Tianxing and Huang Chengyan. After several hours, when night fell, they finally decided.

"My Lord, now that our village's population has increased, the problem of money and currency must be solved as soon as possible. Otherwise, bartering or even eating from the same pot is not a long-term solution. To grow and develop, currency is indispensable."

"Moreover, even if the currency system cannot be established immediately, there must be a substitute, such as the Sutra Library established by the lord. The acquisition of exchange merit points in the Sutra Library must be determined as soon as possible. Otherwise, without complete regulations, the Sutra Library will be less attractive to many people, and no one will be able to exchange for martial arts from it. This also contradicts the lord's original concept."

Huang Chengyan once again raised an issue that was already imminent.

"I wonder what good ideas Mr. Huang has." Yi Tianxing nodded. This problem is indeed a matter in front of him, although no one can exchange for higher-level martial arts books yet. The problem has not yet appeared, but it is obviously a problem that will inevitably appear in front of him.

It was just like the several books of martial arts that Cao Zhengchun had donated before. How to estimate their value, give corresponding contribution points, how to calculate, how to obtain, how to evaluate. These were all very difficult problems to solve, but they had to be solved.

Otherwise, chaos will occur.

However, in his eyes, he had already made up his mind.

"I think we need to establish two systems. One is the normal currency system, which is the currency used in daily transactions among the people. This currency cannot be minted with gold or silver. The lord has already publicly practiced his cultivation method, and in the future it may even reach a point where everyone is a cultivator. It is no longer appropriate for cultivators to use ordinary gold and silver for transactions. We must find other valuable alternatives to mint currency."

Huang Chengyan had obviously thought about this problem a long time ago. Currency is an important link for the development and growth of civilization. If there is a problem with currency, the entire social system will collapse and the world will be in chaos. With Huang Chengyan's wisdom, it is not difficult to understand this. For monks, ordinary gold and silver are just wasteland. If gold and silver are really used as the currency system, it is simply an idiotic behavior that challenges people's wisdom. It is acceptable to use gold and silver in the secular world, but it is absolutely impossible to circulate between monks.

So, gold and silver have been excluded.

But how to solve it specifically is still an unsolvable problem. If it is to be used as currency, it must be useful to the monks. Huang Chengyan is still unsure of what to replace it with. After all, he has just entered the world of monks and many things are unfamiliar to him.

"The Eternal Continent is a fusion of all realms, and the heaven and earth vitality is rich. The various spiritual minerals derived should be countless. The number is very astonishing. I guess that there will definitely be many spiritual stone mines and crystal stone mines. These spiritual stones contain pure heaven and earth vitality, which can be absorbed by cultivators to increase their cultivation. My plan is to use spiritual stones, crystal stones and other minerals containing pure heaven and earth vitality as materials, and then assist with other materials to eventually cast a currency suitable for circulation among cultivators."

Yi Tianxing said: "I have a rare treasure in my hand, called Qiankun Coin Casting Furnace. This coin casting furnace can cast any kind of coins. You can design the coin mold by yourself. After designing the mother coin, you can put various materials into it, and you can cast a large number of coins continuously. Now the key is to find a spiritual stone or crystal vein. As long as we find it, we can complete the issuance of currency in the shortest time."

Among the thousands of treasures he seized during the catastrophe, although there were not many architectural treasures, there were many treasures with unique functions. This Qiankun Coin Casting Furnace was one of them. After knowing its function, Yi Tianxing knew very well that this was definitely a very important treasure that would be of great use in the future.

Currency is the blood vessel of a power.

Huang Chengyan was shocked when he heard this, and then he was delighted. He had witnessed the power of those treasures with his own eyes. Each one was an incredible treasure. Now that there was the Qiankun Coin Casting Furnace, the coin casting would be absolutely foolproof. This would have a huge boost to the development of the entire Xuanhuang Village.

Currency is an indispensable part of the development and progress of human civilization.

"However, how can we find the spiritual mine? If we can't find the spiritual mine, then we can't mint the currency." Huang Chengyan frowned slightly.

Finding spiritual ore requires a certain amount of luck, or even a professional prospector. It also requires seeing if there is a spiritual mine in this valley.

"The issue of currency minting can be put on hold for now. After all, the village is still under construction and everyone is eating from the same pot. It will only be needed when all the infrastructure is fully built. But the contribution system must be established as soon as possible."

Huang Chengyan said.

"This can only be recorded and registered in the most primitive way. For example, soldiers stand on the front line to fight against ferocious beasts and monsters to protect the village, and they can be awarded merit points every month. If the contribution is greater, they can get extra merit points. However, the number of merit points issued needs to establish corresponding standards." Yi Tianxing said after a slight hesitation.

At this time, I can't help but miss modern computers.

If there were computers, many problems could be solved easily. If there were a unique piece of technological intelligence, it would definitely have an incredible boost for Xuanhuang Village.

Unfortunately, among the thousands of rare treasures, there is not one such rare treasure.

Moreover, it is uncertain whether modern technology can still be used or still appear.

During the catastrophe, all electronic devices in the world were destroyed. Now no one can be sure whether the rules of this eternal continent allow the development of electronic technology. If it is not allowed, even if you find a computer, you still can't use it, unless it is a rare treasure born from heaven and earth.

This discussion lasted until late at night.

Huang Chengyan did not leave, but directly found an empty room in the mansion and lived there.

... ... ... ... ... ..

It was late at night when three figures suddenly appeared in front of the Sutra Library in the village.

"What a magical Sutra Library, the whole body is like colored glaze. It is really made of rare treasures that Brother Yi brought out. It is incredible. I have never seen such a treasure before."

Yang Yanding exclaimed.

"Let's go in and choose a technique. Only with a real technique can we become stronger and find your brothers alive." Yang Ye took a deep breath and walked into the Sutra Library. (To be continued)