Eternal Country

Chapter 119: The sword of life and death


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These Huns were following the footsteps of those humans along the way.

Of course, they also paid a considerable price in the process. If most of the ferocious beasts had not been attracted to chase the humans in front of them, the price would have been even greater. Along the way, they unknowingly chased them into the valley in front of them.

He also saw the fierce fighting in the valley.

Almost all of them were archers, and their eyesight was amazing. They could tell at a glance that the people standing on the city wall were from the Central Plains, the Han people. They knew immediately that this was a village built by the Han people. Moreover, it was not small in scale.

"It seems that the slaves have escaped into this village."

"The situation in our military camp will definitely be leaked by these slaves, and they will soon know about us. While they are fighting these gnoll monsters, we should rush back to the military camp and report to King Zuoxian."

"Moreover, I found that this valley seems to be very similar to the valley that Zuo Xian Wang originally told us to find. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be here. As long as we bring the news back, we will all be prosperous."

Several Huns looked at each other, then immediately turned around and retreated, leaving the valley and returning the way they came as quickly as possible.

This news was really huge. They knew that Zuo Xian Wang had been looking for a valley, and the valley before them seemed very similar to the one Zuo Xian Wang was looking for.

They both saw intense excitement in each other's eyes.

According to the description of Zuo Xian Wang, this valley is the ideal home for the Xiongnu to reproduce and graze on the grassland. As long as they can occupy this valley, the Xiongnu people will have a complete foundation, and they can reproduce and grow. In the future, they can be passed down from generation to generation and become the most powerful race in the world.

"There is someone, a foreigner!!"

Although the Huns retreated quickly after they appeared, Yi Tianxing still caught a glimpse of them. From their clothes and even their appearance, it was clear that they were foreigners, at least not of the Yanhuang bloodline.

The appearance of aliens here has a lot of implications. It means that there may be an alien force, village, or something else nearby.

But no matter which one it is, it's not a good thing.

Aliens have always been mostly enemies.

However, now is not the time to pursue these things. The group of jackals in front of us are the most critical.

Each of these jackals is a veteran of hundreds of battles. Their sharp claws are directly stuck into the city walls. One hand can also wave the steel claws to fight fiercely with the soldiers on the wall. The sharp steel claws can even cut off spears.

Moreover, he used his hands and feet to climb up quickly.

The fierce gaze is frightening.

Puff puff!!

On the city wall, a soldier saw the spear being cut off, and he decisively used the broken spear as a flying spear, and it flew out of his hand with a wave of his arm.

A flying spear, at a short distance, as long as it has enough power, is more powerful than an arrow.

When practicing marksmanship, one would also try to train the skills of flying spears.

Even the gnolls had not expected that after the spears were cut off, they would directly turn into flying spears, instantly bombarding their bodies. Climbing on the city wall, they had less room to dodge. Many gnolls were pierced through the body by the flying spears and fell to the ground. Even if they did not die from the flying spears, they would be broken when they fell to the ground.


A gnoll tore a hole directly in the city wall and rushed into the village ferociously through the gap.

"Go to hell."

But what greeted him was a cold knife light. With a flash of knife light, a sturdy wolf man's entire body was instantly torn apart. The flesh and bones were separated and disassembled on the spot. Dismembered by force. The knife skills were exquisite and as fast as lightning. With one cut, the flesh and bones were naturally disassembled.

Lai He was standing near the gap with a ferocious look on his face.

His knife skills are so profound that he can unleash an incredible and domineering killing power in an instant.


A team of soldiers, led by Yang Yanping, quickly appeared in front of the gap. They stood in front of the gap in the Three Talents Formation, stepped on the ground, and immediately burst out with a strong murderous aura, as immovable as a mountain.

Just then a gnoll rushed out from the gap.


Yang Yanping spoke decisively.

The soldiers facing the jackals raised their guns and thrust forward without any hesitation. There was a cold light flashing in the guns, and the huge speed made the air under the guns tear.

The hyena obviously didn't expect to face a row of cold spears after breaking through the city wall, but his reaction was equally amazing. He swung his claws and cut off the spears one after another. But there were too many spears stabbing out at the same time. Even if he cut off some, he still couldn't cut off all of them. The next second, a spear pierced directly into his body.

The hyena was stabbed with bloody holes.

"Forward, rotate, those with broken spears, change spears immediately!!"

The soldiers also had spare spears in their hands. These spears were nothing but sharpened bamboos. These bamboos were also sharp. Once pierced into the body, blood would quickly flow out through the holes. This was more terrifying than a dagger with a blood groove.

Puff puff!!

More and more Jackals rushed out of the gap.

But the first group they faced was always the team of spearmen led by Yang Yanping.

Raise the gun and stab!!

Put away the gun, rotate, and change the gun. ! !

The army formed a triangular formation with the Three Talents Formation. The three teams of spearmen would immediately start rotating after firing once, leaving the position facing the gap to others, and they would start changing guns as quickly as possible. Those who were injured would retreat instantly.

Give every soldier enough time to respond.

It was obvious that they had practiced this kind of military formation many times before, and they were now very skilled in dealing with it. When they attacked, they were decisive and precise, and their guns fired as fast as lightning.


On the battlefield, the ice-blue eyes of the Frost Gnolls watched the fighting on the battlefield. When they saw that some Gnolls had already torn a hole in the city wall, they immediately began to roar and rushed towards the village.

Their charge looked terrifying.


Ice crystals formed directly on the ground beneath their feet, and the cold air condensed into a layer of ice mist. They were like running on a glacier and snow. They were covered with a layer of crystal ice armor, covering their entire bodies. A layer of cold light flashed.

They were approaching the city wall rapidly.


An archer shot an arrow at the Frost Gnoll, but it was blocked by the ice armor, making a crisp sound. The arrow was unable to break through the ice armor, and was forcibly blown away by the force. The defense of the ice armor was amazing. Even these archers who had become monks and reached the first level of the Divine Sea Realm could not penetrate or tear it apart.

"How dare you be so arrogant, you beast! You must be killed!!"

Huang Chengyan suddenly took a step forward, a gleam of righteousness flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.


With a crisp sound, a white light suddenly burst out from Huang Chengyan's mouth. The white light appeared, making a clanging sword sound, and cut through the sky. When a frost jackal appeared under the city wall, it slashed down like lightning.


The Frost Gnoll felt a dangerous aura of death. Without thinking, he waved his hand and a crystal ice blade appeared in front of him, and quickly moved towards the white light.

However, the ice blade collided with the white light and was cut in half almost immediately. It split open, revealing the object in the white light. It was a snow-white ancient sword, which was still fiercely slashing at the frost wolf man. Under the ancient sword, although the ice armor had amazing defensive power, it was still forcibly cut open by the ancient sword's edge. The ancient sword cut through the head and then quickly dissipated in mid-air.


The jackal's head fell to the ground, and blood spurted from his neck three feet high.

Killed with one sword!!

Life Skill - Tongue Sword!!

This is the top life orifice that can only be awakened by practicing Confucian and Taoist techniques. It is almost the same level as the life orifice lip gun, and the magical power it breeds is very domineering. It is a Confucian and Taoist life orifice that was born specifically for killing.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the Confucianism's verbal battles are like killing people without bloodshed. Confucian scholars can kill people with just their mouths. They kill people with words. They are extremely fierce and have evolved into life-orifice magical powers, which are even more domineering. The more profound a person's Confucianism is, the more terrifying and powerful the power they exert is.

The sword just now was enough to show how powerful Huang Chengyan's magical power was. It not only shattered the ice blade and cut through the ice armor, but also instantly cut off the head of the Frost Jackal.

The sword really drew blood!!

"What a powerful and domineering sword light, the ancient sword spurted out from his mouth, this is the life secret in Confucianism - the tongue sword!! Although Mr. Huang practiced the "Record of Red Blood and Heart" and transformed his talent and Confucianism into cultivation, it is absolutely impossible for him to surpass the Divine Sea Realm. This life secret is the life secret that he awakened on his own. With this life secret supernatural power, his strength is already the top level in the village. I am afraid that I can't compare with him."

When Yi Tianxing saw this, his pupils shrank, and a thought instantly emerged in his mind.

He had read "The Record of Red Blood and Loyalty" and knew some of the unique life skills of Confucianism and Taoism, and the tongue sword was one of them. Once the tongue sword life skill was condensed, the Confucian cultivator would have a strong fighting power and would not be inferior to other cultivators.


Yi Tianxing didn't think much about it. He looked directly at the other frost jackal and uttered a killing sound.

In the killing sound, both eyes instantly turned black and white.

A pair of strange black and white scissors appeared in mid-air.

Innate Yin-Yang Eyes—Yin-Yang Scissors!!

As soon as the Yin-Yang Scissors appeared, they immediately turned into two giant black and white pythons, instantly cutting through the sky and pouncing in front of the Frost Jackal.


When the Frost Jackal saw the giant black and white python cutting through the sky, he felt a strong sense of crisis. The ice armor on his body began to emit a crystal light, and an ice blade slashed towards the giant black and white python.

(To be continued.)