Eternal Country

Chapter 129: Sitting and watching the Huns' corpses fill the mountain


[The third update is here, extra update for the two hall masters, (hhggug) (风卷残云0风云)]

Yang Ye understood this very well.

During a march, what military generals fear most is the camp roar, which is the explosion of the camp.

Because the spirit of the soldiers is so tense when the war is approaching, any accident may break the nerves and cause them to fall into madness in an instant.

Especially at night, once the camp is blown up, the soldiers will lose their minds. They will attack anyone who comes close, not distinguishing between friend and foe, and will only fight desperately to kill all the enemies in front of them. Or they will die, or even faint from exhaustion, before it ends. Otherwise, someone with great prestige will intervene, such as a general with great prestige speaking out to stop it.

They themselves have great prestige in the army.

The words you speak will invisibly create a powerful deterrent effect.

Those soldiers will listen.

It is possible to recover from losing one's mind. But it also requires certain conditions, such as fire, or at least lighting, so that the soldiers can see each other's faces clearly, so that they can recover from madness.

In the darkness, no matter how much you shout, it is difficult to have any real effect.

Even Liu Bao could not stop the bombing. There was no way to stop it. It was unstoppable from the beginning, and Yang Yanping and his men kept shouting underground, as if a large Han army was attacking the camp, which made it easier to stimulate the Xiongnu soldiers into further madness.

They have become bloodthirsty.

It is almost certain that most of the casualties, or even the vast majority, will die in the infighting.

"The bombing of the camp in the dark cannot be stopped, not even by the Left Wise King Liu Bao. How much vitality can be retained depends on how Liu Bao reacts. If he responds correctly, the casualties will be reduced a lot. If he fails to react in time, the bombing of the camp this time will be enough to kill only one tenth of the Xiongnu army."

Yi Tianxing showed confidence in his eyes.

I could already hear the fierce shouts and clashes of swords and weapons. The screams and sounds of fighting were endless.

"In this situation, even gods can do nothing. It is bound to end in heavy losses."

Huang Chengyan also nodded and said.

"These cannibalistic Huns killed each other and died. This is the retribution for their cannibalism." Cai Yan said softly. A trace of sadness flashed in her eyes. She seemed to recall the previous events. It was as if she saw again the tragic end of those women.

"My Lord, supper is ready."

At this moment, Lai He had already walked up quickly, followed by several chefs, each carrying a tray. On the trays were obviously already cooked delicacies.

Someone had already brought a table straight up.

There is a relatively wide space on the city wall where a table can be placed.

The tray is placed on the table.

There were only three plates of delicious food in total.

Another person took out a jar of old wine, which was bought from a traveling merchant. The quantity was small, and the village did not have the conditions to brew wine.

Grain is naturally used to fill the stomach. Making wine consumes too much grain.


The three iron covers were directly opened.

The moment it was opened, a light burst out, emitting a unique fragrance. The light seemed unusually bright and gorgeous in the darkness.

"My lord, due to time constraints, I can only make three dishes. One is peanuts, one is steamed piranha, and one is braised wolf meat."

"The braised wolf meat was already prepared during the day, and we just added some seasoning. The peanuts were fried in a unique way. The key is to control the heat and make sure that each peanut is in contact with the oil pan for no more than three seconds."

"And this steamed piranha is also cooked in a unique way. When steaming, ginger, onion and garlic are put into the fish belly. During steaming, the ginger, onion and garlic will completely dispel the fishy smell, allowing the flavor of the seasoning to penetrate into every inch of the fish meat and bone marrow. Moreover, because the seasoning is in the fish belly, it can lock in every bit of deliciousness and let the flavor penetrate into the bones."

“It would be a great experience to drink fine wine, taste delicious food and watch a big show.”

Lai He began to introduce the three delicacies in front of him.

Although the introduction is very brief, and even the cooking process of some foods is not complicated, it is this simple cooking that can better test a chef's cooking skills and his control over the heat, color, aroma and taste.

"Mr. Huang, Zhao Ji, General Yang, and Da Hu, sit down together and let's eat and watch. This slaughter won't end so easily. It's a good opportunity to see how Liu Bao will respond."

Yi Tianxing sat down first, and the gourmet cells in his body began to beat excitedly. Every cell was transmitting hunger and desire to his mind.

Without hesitation, he sat down at the dining table.

"I'll pour wine for Brother Yi."

Cai Yan raised her bare hands, picked up the wine jar, and poured a bowl of aged wine directly into the large bowl in front of Yi Tianxing.

Then he poured wine for Huang Chengyan and others.

Yang Ye and others also expressed their gratitude.

"Zhao Ji, please sit down too. Lai He's cooking skills are unmatched in Xuan Huang Village. What he cooks are all top-notch delicacies. Every time you taste it, it is an ultimate enjoyment. Zhao Ji, please!!"

Yi Tianxing said with a smile.

I had already picked up a peanut and put it into my mouth.

Take a light bite.

The peanuts have a bursting feeling and are crispy when bitten. The salty surface and the crispy fragrance inside merge together. That feeling is a mouth full of crispness and fragrance, as well as a wonderful enjoyment from the taste buds, which is endless aftertaste.

Just the word "fragrance" is enough to make people feel endlessly touched and immersed in it.

It seems to overwhelm the entire mind.

Very beautiful.

Every cell in the body was naturally rejoicing, and the vitality of heaven and earth naturally merged into the body. The strength of the body was constantly increasing. This increase was imperceptible.

I ate another piece of fish, and the taste of fish was just one word: delicious.

Just as Lai He said, all the flavors are locked in the fish meat. This method of putting the ingredients into the fish belly can retain every bit of flavor to the greatest extent. In addition, the fishy smell is removed. It really melts in the mouth. It is many times more delicious than what Yi Tianxing made himself. It is simply an ultimate enjoyment.

While eating, he watched the killing in the dark.

In the Hun camp.

Liu Bao was also completely awakened.

Liu Bao began to wake up when he heard shouts and screams in the camp.

I felt bad instantly.

But before he could make any other moves, all kinds of shouting, screaming, fighting sounds came from the barracks, and some people even said that he had been killed. Fierce fighting spread throughout the barracks in an instant.

The strong smell of blood filled the air.

"The camp exploded."

At this moment, a thought suddenly popped up in Liu Bao's mind.

What followed was a strong burst of anger and fear. As a general, he knew very well what terrible consequences would result if the camp was blown up. It would be absolutely catastrophic.

"Damn it, it's over. Those damn cunning Central Plains people, how could they cause the camp to roar and blow up the military camp."

Liu Bao's eyes were red, and without thinking, he quickly put on his armor, picked up the scimitar in his hand, and carried various items on his body.

He strode out of the tent with a torch in his hand.


The moment he walked out of the tent, a stream of water appeared in front of him and directly extinguished the torch in his hand.

Looking at the entire military camp, there was fighting and corpses everywhere.

Even without a torch, with Liu Bao's strength, he could already see things clearly within a certain distance in the dark.

There were no Han troops fighting there, only soldiers from their own camp.

This is a bomb camp.

They are killing each other.

"Stop, stop right now."

"I am Liu Bao, the Left Wise King. Do you want to rebel?"

"I order you to stop immediately. You are a bunch of idiots. You don't even know you have fallen into a trap."

Liu Bao opened his mouth and roared.

The sound was very loud, like a lion's roar.

Many Xiongnu soldiers nearby were awakened by the roar and looked around helplessly.

But the sounds of fighting were too intense. Even Liu Bao couldn't completely drown out the sounds. In the darkness, no one could see anything. He had no idea what was going on around him.

Even though he was awakened by the shock, he still subconsciously swung his sword and chopped at the Hun soldiers next to him.

"A bunch of idiots."

Liu Bao was so angry when he saw the soldiers who were awakened by the shock were fighting each other again. He grabbed a stick from the side and beat the Xiongnu soldiers around him.

He hit them one by one, knocking them unconscious. They fell to the ground.

"I am the Left Wise King."

"Stop fighting, there are no enemies. Stop it."

"I am the Left Wise King. Stop it now, everyone."

"Follow me and shout. Zuo Xian Wang is here. Everyone, come closer to me. Shout loudly. Those who shout together are our people. Stop fighting."

Liu Bao was so angry that his face turned black, but he still shouted quickly, constantly waking people up. He also quickly told these people to come closer and shout loudly together.

This approach is effective.

Many Huns were awakened. Although they were afraid of the darkness, they realized that the shouts were from their own people. Suddenly, their vigilance began to weaken and they relaxed.

Finally, more and more people gathered.

But the killing continues.

Some people have become so bloodthirsty that they are like those suffering from battlefield syndrome and have forgotten their relatives.

Before I knew it, a ray of light began to appear in the east.

The sun began to rise.

The time of this night attack was just before dawn. This was the darkest moment, but also the closest to dawn.

Although the light appears.

The fighting gradually stopped.


Scattered throughout the barracks.

The blood dyed the earth red.

Many Huns had been chopped to pieces beyond recognition.

(To be continued.)