Eternal Country

Chapter 15: Two rare treasures


Although it is not as good as the "Dragon Controlling Heavenly Scripture", to some extent, it is not much inferior to the "Dragon Controlling Heavenly Scripture". It can be said to be the top foundation-building method in the world, and the true qi cultivated is the most suitable for oneself. In the future, when you switch to other methods that suit you at any time, you can complete the transformation of the method effortlessly.

The appearance of this technique at this moment has extraordinary significance for Yi Tianxing.

Yi Tianxing himself has the "Dragon Taming Heavenly Scripture", so naturally he does not need any other skills. He can naturally increase his cultivation and combat power as long as he continues to practice. However, the "Dragon Taming Heavenly Scripture" is obviously not suitable for Zhao Ziyan and others to practice, and this "Zuowang Scripture" comes at the right time, allowing them to take a step forward on the path of cultivation.

Invisibly, you can already be ahead of most people and stand in the forefront.

In the end times, strength is the only guarantee.

"Brother, can we practice this "Zuowang Sutra"? "

Zhao Ziyan looked at Yi Tianxing and asked expectantly.

"Well, the Zuowang Sutra does not have any threshold, and is suitable for anyone to build a foundation. Men and women alike can cultivate their own true qi. It is a top-notch technique, just right for you to practice. As long as you can open the treasure in your body and open the sea of spiritual energy, you will be on the road of cultivation. However, whether you can open the sea of spiritual energy depends on your own qualifications, whether you can comprehend the essence of this "Innate Qi Visualization Diagram", visualize the innate qi, and finally open the sea of spiritual energy."

Yi Tianxing nodded.

However, even if you have the skills, whether you can practice it depends on your own aptitude. No one can help you. Some people are not talented enough to enter the state of sitting and forgetting everything, and their hearts are as still as water. They cannot visualize the innate qi and open up the sea of spirituality. Some people can complete it in an instant. This is the difference in aptitude and state of mind.

"That's great. I can really practice now. There really are cultivators in this world who can become stronger through practice and become immortals, gods, Buddhas, or demons." Even Tang Zitong showed excitement at this moment.

However, obviously, now is not the time to start practicing immediately.

Not to mention that the technique requires comprehension and visualization, even if you practice it right away, it is impossible to succeed immediately. Those who can succeed are geniuses. Moreover, there are still so many things waiting to be counted. This is just a part of it.

With the "Zuowang Sutra" in front of them, the three women's anticipation for the other light balls became stronger and stronger.

Pah pah pah!!

One ball of light after another was crushed and opened.

The treasures inside continue to appear.

Most of them are various materials, the essence of monsters and beasts, and various precious materials condensed.

"The Layered Waves Sword Technique is a mid-level Yellow Rank combat skill. The sword technique consists of nine moves. When it is performed, it is like the surging waves of a river, continuous and endless. The sword energy is like the waves of a river, one after another. The nine moves of the sword technique are progressive and continuous. If you practice to the extreme, you can comprehend the sword force. If you are extremely talented, you can comprehend the Layered Waves Sword Intent. The sword intent is like waves, which can be continuously superimposed, and the highest can be superimposed with nine layers of sword power. It is unstoppable."

Not long after, a jade book reappeared. This time it was not a technique, but a sword technique, a combat skill, a mid-level yellow-level combat skill. It seemed that the power of this combat skill was not weak.

Kung Fu is the foundation of practice, and combat skills are the basis for protecting life and body.

Naturally, both are indispensable.

"Here is also the Basic Swordsmanship, a non-grade combat skill that contains the basic sword techniques, including the eight basic sword styles of pulling, stabbing, lifting, chopping, intercepting, twisting, collapsing, and sweeping. It is suitable for beginners to learn swordsmanship. It is the root of swordsmanship. The more sophisticated the basic swordsmanship is, the greater the benefit it will have in comprehending advanced swordsmanship combat techniques."

Zhao Ziyan found another jade book, which recorded the basic sword techniques. Moreover, it had no grades.

"I have one here, too. This is the book "Basic Sword Techniques". It has no rank. It contains the eight basic sword techniques: chopping, lifting, picking, cutting, collapsing, stabbing, sweeping, and dragging. It is suitable for cultivators who have just started sword techniques. It is the foundation of sword techniques. The more proficient you are, the faster you can practice sword techniques and the faster you will comprehend them."

Chen Xueruo also said while holding a jade book.

This is the third set of martial arts and combat skills that I have found.

Yi Tianxing took it in his hand and quickly flipped through it. These are indeed the most basic sword and knife techniques. Not to mention now, even in the past, you can easily find them in the library. The records inside are not much different, but the records here are more detailed, and the description of the sword is more detailed, which allows people to understand the basic sword and knife techniques more clearly. It is very mysterious.

"Yes, they are all good stuff. If you are interested, you can practice them in the future. This is a martial arts technique condensed by heaven and earth. It should be the mark engraved in the avenue of heaven and earth. It is more detailed than what we have seen before. There is no harm in learning it."

Yi Tianxing nodded.

These jade books recording the skills are not simple, and the paper used is not ordinary paper, it is very extraordinary, and it would be difficult to destroy it even with water or fire.

This is a martial art and fighting technique derived from the laws of heaven and earth, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary books.

This point can be foreseen from the fact that the wish beads can be condensed in the monsters. The wish is a very incredible existence, which can turn decay into magic and make the impossible possible. With the huge wish, even those monsters can be created out of nothing, not to mention the skills and combat techniques. Various treasures can still be bred and born.

As long as you believe it, it exists!!

This is the root.

Before I knew it, everything had been opened and counted.

What was left were the two rare treasures that Yi Tianxing had obtained before.

"Brother, is this the rare treasure you were looking for? Open it and see what it is."

Zhao Ziyan looked at the two balls of light in front of her with curiosity. She could already see the magic of the treasure from the wordless heavenly book. Naturally, she couldn't help but feel a strong curiosity.

"Well, Brother Yi, please open it and take a look. Zitong is also very curious."

Tang Zitong said with a smile.

"Well, let me see what it is."

Yi Tianxing nodded. He was also very curious about these two rare treasures.

These are treasures that fell from the sky, and each one must be extraordinary and unique. It is possible that they are even unique treasures.


He casually pinched the first ball of light in his hand, and the light dissipated.

Suddenly, a square object that looked like a Rubik's Cube appeared in his hand. A ray of light also penetrated into Yi Tianxing's mind.

It sparkles with a crystal-like brilliance.


Yi Tianxing opened his eyes and looked at the Rubik's Cube in his hand. He frowned slightly and showed a strange look. This was indeed a Rubik's Cube, and it was a constantly moving Rubik's Cube. It seemed to be constantly exchanging positions and changing at will every moment. There were grids on it, and each grid was the same size. These grids moved with each other and alternated on their own, but on the surface they looked exactly the same.

"Another Dimensional Killing Array Cube!!"

Yi Tianxing looked at the crystal cube in his hand with some surprise.

He knew that this thing came from a movie. If he remembered correctly, it was an alternate dimension killing array. It contained a large number of identical rooms. Some of the rooms were safe, while others were full of danger and murder. Once you mistakenly entered, you would be killed instantly by the traps inside. It was quite scary.

But there is also a glimmer of hope in it.

According to the information, the cube in his hand is the same as the cube in the other-dimensional killing array, but this is an embryo of the cube of the other-dimensional killing array. The traps derived from it are not very strong, just the initial state, but it has the supreme potential to continue to grow.

It becomes stronger with killing.

Moreover, once the master is recognized, he can easily set the killing rules, the operation rules of the Rubik's Cube, etc.

Now it is only in its most primitive and initial state, belonging to a newly conceived embryo, which needs time to grow and transform. Moreover, its potential is almost infinite.

Yi Tianxing had also watched the movie about the killing array in another dimension. The traps and killing array in it were indeed very scary. Only a handful of people who were sent in could escape. Moreover, in the end, it even involved the boundaries of time and space.

Now there are only 126 rooms in the room, and each one is exactly the same. But there are no specific traps, which can be set by Yi Tianxing himself. Once he recognizes the master, he is the master and god in this cube.

But what's the use of this thing now

Yi Tianxing frowned slightly and said nothing more, putting the crystal-like cube aside.

"This rare treasure is not useful for the time being, let's look at the second one."

Yi Tianxing looked at the second ball of light again.


The ball of light was crushed with ease, and a rare treasure fell into his hands.

Looking closely, it was a city wall, which seemed to be reduced countless times. It was just a small section, all white. At a glance, one could feel a strong momentum that was as immovable as a mountain and would last forever. Standing in front, it could stand alone, and no one could break through it, and it was difficult to cross.

“It’s actually this thing.”

Yi Tianxing received the information from it, and after digesting and absorbing it, he couldn't help but reveal a strange look on his face.

However, he did not open his mouth to explain, but just said calmly: "Well, I didn't expect that neither of these two rare treasures can directly increase strength. I can see it, but I can't use it. For now, it is not as important as the "Zuowang Sutra"."

As he spoke, he also put away the two rare treasures.

The three women saw that Yi Tianxing didn't seem to want to speak, so they didn't pursue the matter further.

They were not the kind of people who pursued things blindly. Sometimes, even if they knew something, they had to pretend not to know it. Regarding the two treasures, Yi Tianxing obviously did not want to talk about it, so he naturally did not ask too much. Anyway, these were treasures that Yi Tianxing had obtained himself. Whether he told her or not, he could not say anything.

After all the items were counted, the whole house fell silent for a moment.

Outside, one could still hear all kinds of shrill screams.