Eternal Country

Chapter 44: Fight for survival


"Why did you get up? You woke up from your coma." A doctor said in surprise when he saw the young man get up directly.

"Lie back down quickly and let me take your pulse to see if you have fully recovered." An old man said with concern.

"No need to trouble you two old gentlemen. I know my own body well. I'm fine now, not a single problem. I'll repay you for your kindness later. Now, the most important thing is to get rid of the monsters outside." The young man said decisively.

This young man was none other than Yi Tianxing.

He fell from the sky before, and finally fell into a coma. He didn't know how he landed in this valley. At that time, a large number of humans came and gathered in the valley, so even if he was unconscious, he didn't seem too noticeable. Then monsters came in, some died, some were injured, and doctors gathered the injured together.

Yi Tianxing was also treated as injured and put together, but no injuries were found, he was just unconscious. He could only lie there. Although he was lying there, he was not completely unconscious. In fact, he had woken up some time ago. It was just that the situation around him was unclear, so he did not get up rashly, but listened carefully to the discussions around him.

In just a short moment, he had a general understanding of the information of everyone around him.

Coming from different dynasties, from different worlds, with different statuses and identities, the soldiers have no leader, and no one has the prestige to command them all. The most crucial thing is that there seems to be no great talent with this overall view and this dominant consciousness.

The situation in the entire valley can be described as a mess.

In such a situation, facing the invasion of monsters would be seeking death. Everyone would die. If we rush in, no one would be able to survive.

After discovering this situation, Yi Tianxing made a quick decision in his mind. He did not continue to pretend to be unconscious, but stepped forward.

He walked quickly towards the entrance of the valley. As he walked forward, he looked at the soldiers gathered in groups of three or four and shouted, "You are soldiers, you are soldiers. Even if you come from different worlds, different dynasties, different countries, even if your relatives are not around and your country no longer exists, you are still soldiers, you are still soldiers."

"A soldier's mission is to protect and conquer."

"Protect the safety of our country, guard the happiness of our loved ones, and conquer all enemies."

"Now you have no home, no country, you have nothing, and neither do we. But today, we are protecting our own lives, fighting for the elderly, the weak, the women and the children behind us, and fighting for our survival."

“If you still think you are a soldier, a man. Pick up your weapons, follow me, follow me, Yi Tianxing, and fight together!!”

Every time Yi Tianxing said a word, he took a step forward. Each step was firm and powerful, and landed with a sound. Each step conveyed an unshakable belief and a determination to fight any enemy.

The voice containing true energy echoed in the valley, and at the end, it was just a direct roar.

If there is no backbone, then he will be the backbone!!

If there is no leader, then he will take the lead.

The power gathered here is not weak, and the number of soldiers is not small, there are more than a hundred, and there are also many adult men in the valley. They have weapons and combat power, but what they lack is a leader and a belief.

If they lack it, Yi Tianxing will give it to them.

Yi Tianxing's words were like morning bells and evening drums, instantly striking everyone's heart, especially those soldiers and military personnel. After hearing them, their eyes gleamed with a kind of elite murderous aura. They were soldiers, good soldiers, but there was no one to lead them.

Now someone was taking the lead, and the aura emanating from Yi Tianxing made them feel as if they were facing a great general. That kind of demeanor instantly created a sense of awe in their hearts.

Then a soldier shouted, "That's right. We are soldiers. How can we hide here and let monsters slaughter us at will? I don't want to die yet. I want to find my family. I absolutely cannot die."

"Fight for survival. Even if it's not for others, it's for ourselves. We have to pick up weapons and kill them."

"Let's do it. The worst that can happen is that we will die. We have killed monsters before. Even if we die, we will drag a few monsters with us. Let's see if my knife is still sharp."

Angry roars came from the soldiers in the valley.

No one laughed even if they swore. They are soldiers, not scholars.

Their eyes turned red, they picked up their swords and guns, followed Yi Tianxing directly, and strode forward.

The soldiers, who originally came from different dynasties and different worlds, seemed to have completely lost the original barriers at this moment. There was only one thought in their minds: kill, follow Yi Tianxing and kill the monsters.

"Fuck it, I'm going to kill monsters too. What am I afraid of? If I die, I'll drag a monster down with me as a scapegoat." A burly man in the valley roared, picked up the carrying pole in his hand, grabbed it and rushed forward.

"That's right. Even if we die, we can't be scared by monsters. Monsters are useless. We will die anyway. There's nothing to be afraid of." Someone else yelled, grabbed a wooden stick, and rushed forward.

"There is strength in numbers. What are we afraid of? Even if we die, we will die on the road fighting monsters. We have no home and no country. Now we should fight for our own survival and our own lives. Kill, kill the fuck out of him."

Other people in the valley also shouted.

Everyone was excited by the scene before them.

As a man, who doesn't have blood

It's just because some things suppress the blood and cool down the passion.

Now, the blood in the body that had almost cooled down was suddenly aroused and boiled on the spot.

Either die in despair or explode in despair.

If you want to kill, kill swiftly; if you want to die, die with your head held high! !

Even if you die, your blood will spurt into the sky.

A large number of men also rushed to the valley entrance. At this moment, they were not afraid of death.

Yi Tianxing felt the movement behind him and nodded secretly in his heart, but he did not look back. He held the war spear in his left hand and the Tang sword in his right hand. A murderous aura burst out from his body. This was the murderous aura that Yi Tianxing had accumulated over the years. In the past few days, he had hunted thousands of monsters. The murderous aura naturally developed on his body.

This murderous aura made the soldiers following behind him eyes light up. This was the same kind of person.

This valley is very strange. It is very large and wide, surrounded by mountains on all sides. It looks like a gourd, and there is only one real entrance. As long as you guard the entrance, no matter how many enemies there are, it will be difficult to really break through. This is a natural checkpoint.

The place where these people gathered was right at the entrance, and they had not really entered the valley. They were still on the periphery.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at the entrance.

The entrance was a long and narrow passage. Although it was called a passage, it could actually allow dozens or even hundreds of people to pass through at the same time.


As soon as I arrived in front of this passage, I immediately heard a strange cry. Looking closely, I saw a large group of green-skinned monsters holding wooden sticks, rushing into the passage in a mighty manner. In front of them, there was a large swarm of rats sweeping over. Those rats were so dense that there were probably thousands of them. Each one was so huge that it could bite off a person's neck in an instant.

That size and bloodshot eyes could instantly make people feel terrified. There was no way to muster the courage to fight such a monster.

Even the soldiers and civilians who followed Yi Tianxing still felt a little frightened when they saw the huge number of monsters in front of them, and their original blood seemed to be extinguished.

"It's for men, follow me!!"

Yi Tianxing opened his mouth and let out a loud shout.

Leading the way, he activated his innate Yin-Yang eyes without hesitation. Looking at the swarm of rats rushing towards him, the black and white light changed.

Innate Yin-Yang Eyes—Yin-Yang Lock!!

Yin Yang Ring!!

Five Yin-Yang Locks instantly shot out from his eyes and naturally decomposed in front of his body, turning into four hundred and five black and white Yin-Yang rings, flashing black and white precious light.

It burst out instantly and fell directly towards the group of rats that were coming towards it.

Squeak! Squeak!

The rats screamed as they were put on the Yin-Yang Rings. The shock from the Yin-Yang Rings instantly made all the rats feel a sharp pain from their souls. They were running wildly, but suddenly fell to the ground, screaming miserably.


Seeing this, Yi Tianxing strode forward without hesitation, waved his left hand, and thrust out his spear like lightning, piercing the head of a vicious rat with one spear, killing it with one spear. He swung his Tang sword in his right hand, the sword light was like a streak of silk, and the true dragon energy infused the blade, making it flash with a cold light, like a divine weapon.

He swung the knife, drawing a brilliant arc of light in front of him.

Five vicious rats were beheaded with one blow, their heads cut off and blood spurted out. The smell of blood filled the air.

Once he made a move, he did not stop. The rat that was suppressed by the Yin-Yang Ring kept rolling around while screaming. He could not exert all his strength. He could kill it just by moving forward.

Yi Tianxing stepped forward step by step, swinging his spear and Tang sword again and again, taking away the lives of a large number of monsters each time. The scene was like cutting melons and vegetables. He strolled leisurely among the monsters, as if he was on a picnic. Wherever he went, he brought blood and rain.

Like a peerless god of war, he is unstoppable.

This scene fell into the eyes of the soldiers behind, and suddenly, admiration appeared on their faces. Soldiers admire strength and the strong. They only admire those who are stronger than themselves.

And there is no doubt that Yi Tianxing at this moment is the strong man in their hearts.

The Yin-Yang Lock could burst out from his eyes, and could transform into hundreds of Yin-Yang Rings, which could instantly suppress the aggressive rats into weaklings. Large numbers of them fell to the ground, and this figure was like a god or demon.