Eternal Country

Chapter 79: Alligator feast



Yi Tianxing came to a fire and threw the crocodile in his hand directly to the ground, making a very dull sound. This crocodile was very big, and it could satisfy even hundreds of people eating it together. This was a pile of food that could fill their stomachs. The amount was not insufficient. And this casual act also made many people who were occupied by hunger sober up.

There was fear in his eyes as he looked at Yi Tianxing.

Even if he wanted to swallow his saliva secretly, he didn't dare to move easily.

"My fellow villagers, don't be afraid. I hunted this crocodile myself. The crocodile is very big and has a lot of edible meat. The crocodile skin can be made into leather clothes, the meat can be eaten, and the bones can be made into soup. I just want someone to help me make a delicious crocodile feast, and the rest will be for all of you. Whether it's making soup or eating the meat, it can replenish your strength and relieve your hunger."

"I wonder if there is any chef willing to show off his skills."

Yi Tianxing looked at the large number of people gathered in the village, smiled indifferently, and spoke slowly.

He had no intention of handing over the entire crocodile to these people. Although the crocodile was not small, it was just a drop in the bucket compared to the number of people in the village. If they really divided it up, each person would not be able to get even a bite of meat. It would be good enough to get a piece of shredded meat.

He was the one who killed the crocodile. It was impossible for him to give it to others selflessly while going hungry himself.

Nothing in this world is obtained for free.

First of all, he had to satisfy his stomach. The gourmet cells in his body had already begun to send out a feeling of hunger. Although he could grill meat and cook, it had to be said that his cooking skills were not superb. They were only edible. There was still a long way to go before he could make the best gourmet food.

There are so many people in Yangjia Village, coming from all over the world. Yi Tianxing really doesn't believe that there is no chef with superb cooking skills here.

You know, the deliciousness of food will affect the ability of your own gourmet cells.

The more delicious the food, the more amazing changes it can cause to the gourmet cells, and it can make one's physical strength even stronger.

After hearing Yi Tianxing's words, many people around him showed strange expressions. Obviously, they all had a certain degree of confidence in their cooking skills.

"let me."

At this moment, a man with a rough appearance, black hair tied casually behind his head, a sturdy body, and a cloth bag on his back, walked out from the crowd with a confident and determined look on his face, came in front of Yi Tianxing, and spoke loudly.

"Who are you?" Yi Tianxing looked at the man who walked out. His figure and appearance had the temperament of a chef. Calluses could be seen on his hands, which were the calluses from frequent use of knives. Obviously, he often used knives to cut vegetables. His knife skills should be quite good.

"My name is Lai He. My knife skills and cooking skills are absolutely first-rate."

Lai He looked at the big crocodile in front of him confidently and said, "This crocodile is huge, and the most delicious parts should be its tail and its paws. The tail is constantly swinging every day, and the meat is delicious, smooth but not greasy, and melts in your mouth. It is rich in nutrition. It can be made into a dish of "Cloud Dragon Three Appearances", and the paws can be made into a dish of "Ice and Fire Dragon Claw Hands."

Looking at the crocodile, his eyes were shining.

This is the look a chef would have when he sees top-notch ingredients. He would immediately figure out where the most delicious part of the crocodile is, and in an instant, he would have figured out how to cook the most delicious dish.

He had never seen such a big crocodile before. With such ingredients, he would make a dish with his own hands even if it was free.

"Okay, then you will be the chef for this crocodile feast. I can provide any tools you need. Pots, bowls, knives, seasonings, ingredients." When Yi Tianxing heard this, his desire for delicious food instantly took over his mind. He had a strong desire. Just listening to his description, he still felt impatient.

Every inch of flesh and blood in the body is longing to eat the truly top-notch food.

As he spoke, an iron pot, a spoon, a bowl, and various knives appeared in front of him one after another.

No one saw how these things appeared.

This scene of creating something out of nothing also shocked the people around who saw it, and they looked at Yi Tianxing differently.

"No, I have my own knife. I'm a chef, how can I eat without bringing some with me?" Lai He put down the backpack on his back and opened it. He immediately saw all kinds of knives inside.

The chef's knife, the assistant knife, the paring knife, the boning knife, the poultry knife, the slicing knife, the meat cleaver, the fillet knife, etc. were lined up in order, the blades gleaming, and the cold light on each knife was the result of years of sharpening. These knives must have been very old, and he must have used them for a long time.

"These knives are actually made of black iron."

A blacksmith in the crowd saw this and his mouth twitched. He recognized the material used for these knives. This was simply the black iron that was worth a fortune. Is this a kitchen knife? This is more precious than gold.

Take a look!!

What is a profession and what is a career.

This is professional.

The knives used in conjunction with each other must be made of the finest materials. Compared with these black iron knives, the knife that Yi Tianxing just took out is so weak.

Yi Tianxing saw this and put away the knives with a wave of his hand, but he became even more excited about Lai He's cooking skills.

Only a professional chef can cook the best delicious food.

The food prepared by a chef like this is definitely not what I, a novice chef, can prepare.


With a crisp sound, Lai He pulled out the boning knife and cut directly towards the crocodile's tail, taking out a large piece of exquisite fresh meat from the tail. The piece of fresh meat revealed a hint of crystal.

Fierce beasts like crocodiles have undergone a very wonderful transformation in their flesh and blood, and the quality of their flesh is many times better than that of ordinary beasts. The more top-level ferocious beasts are, the more amazing the quality of their flesh is.

As soon as he started, Lai He's whole mind was completely immersed in cooking and making delicious food.

After cutting off a large piece of flesh from the tail, he immediately swung the knife to cut off the two fish paws.

"I want three chefs to help me." Lai He said to the crowd.

"I come!"

"Count me in."

"I'm a good fireman. I'll light the fire and control the temperature."

Immediately, three chefs who were equally skilled in cooking stepped forward without hesitation. From the knife skills just now, it could be seen that Lai He's skills had reached an extremely exquisite level. From the moment the blade entered the meat to the moment the meat was taken out of the corpse, the speed and process were all smooth and flowing. This was because he had mastered the knife skills to perfection.

All meat has texture. The top knife skills can clearly feel the texture the moment the knife is inserted. The blade cuts along the texture and can separate the flesh and blood effortlessly. Such knife skills cannot be developed by hard practice alone, and require top talent.

Just now, when they saw Lai He swinging the knife, he cut everything in one go without any pause.

This is already a performance of top-notch knife skills.

Now, hearing the call, they immediately rushed forward.

A guy who was doing the pyrotechnics quickly took out the firewood and started the fire.

"You two, take one out and prepare the ginger, onion and garlic. Cut the ginger into shreds, make the onion long, and chop the garlic." Lai He glanced at the three of them and gave orders directly.


A chef immediately picked out the ginger, onion and garlic that Yi Tianxing brought out. The ginger was old ginger, the garlic was plump, and there were green onions. The green onions were planted in the spiritual field. With the spiritual field, he specially planted some in the spiritual field to eat well. It was the freshest.

Ginger, onion, garlic and spicy seasoning are the four gentlemen of seasoning.

Its status is irreplaceable.

When cooking, without ginger, onion and garlic, it will naturally lack a unique flavor.

Skilled chefs make their own sauces, using ginger, onions, garlic, and other ingredients. That way, the effect is better. Obviously, there is no such condition now.

"Another one, go and boil some water. The water needs to boil, just barely."

Lai He ordered again.

Immediately, Lai He also started to move. He made a simple table on the spot, placed the piece of meat taken from the crocodile's tail on the chopping board, and picked up the carving knife in his hand.

With a wave of his hand, the carving knife has entered the meat and moved quickly. The blade does not move in a straight line, but is constantly changing. Every cut is smooth and flowing, which makes people feel extremely comfortable when watching it.

This is the artistic sense that can only be achieved when one's skills have reached a superb level.


In just a few breaths, the large piece of meat was separated, and small pieces of meat were scattered like petals. Then, in the middle, a lifelike dragon appeared. The dragon's claws and teeth were bared, and even its beard and scales were lifelike, just like a real dragon that was about to soar into the sky and fly around the world. It was really lifelike.

"What exquisite carving skills! He can carve a piece of meat directly into the shape of a dragon, and also make the dragon stand upright. The form and spirit are both present. It's really amazing." Even Yi Tianxing couldn't help but marvel at it when he saw it.

Any skill, when it reaches a certain level, will become as perfect and pleasing to the eye as art.

He had seen carving on fruits, vegetables, radishes, and tofu, but this was the first time he had seen carving on raw meat. It was amazing.

Immediately afterwards, we saw a dazzling array of cooking techniques, and Lai He even took out a collection of unique seasonings from the package he brought with him.

The sculpted dragon-shaped raw meat was directly boiled in boiling water. In the boiling water, it really looked like a real dragon swimming in the water.