Eternal Life

Chapter 100: Ice Soul Thunder


"Fang Han, congratulations on stepping into the secret realm of supernatural powers. From then on, you will be at ease and have a bright future. As long as you defeat me this time, you will be able to obtain the Yinyang Longevity Pill, the pure yang magic weapon, the golden light and fire mirror. You will make great progress."

On the arena, Long Xuan, a woman in yellow shirt, who has won the first place in the ranking for several times, is looking at Fang Han and laughing. It seems that there is no nervous look, and he talks freely.

"What? Sister Long, do you still want to fight me? You have seen my strength just now, I am afraid there is no chance of winning." Fang Han was slightly taken aback, he did not expect that Long Xuan would still be thinking With the appearance of his hands, he didn't automatically admit defeat. It seems that this woman is either stubborn or has other means.

According to the theory, Fang Han should call Long Xuan a senior sister, but once he was promoted to the Mystical Ability Secret Realm, he became a senior brother, and the Yuhua Sect divides seniors and seniors according to their level of cultivation. Otherwise, Senior Sister Long Xuan, a master of the mystical powers, would not be able to bear it.

"Fang Han, your mana is powerful and you use it skillfully. Obviously, you have stepped into the secret realm of supernatural powers. Ye Nantian holds the Eight Desolation Sword, and Rashomon is no match for you. According to the logic, I should retreat in spite of difficulties, but the Yin Yang Longevity I need the pill. Because my cultivation has reached the peak, I only need the last step to condense the powerful vitality and transform. After taking the Yinyang Longevity Pill, I can immediately step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers. Otherwise, I will have to practice hard for three to five years accumulation."

Long Xuan's yellow shirt was fluttering slightly, and she spoke calmly and eloquently, like clear spring water, nourishing people's hearts.

"What a strong self-confidence. I said that I will definitely be able to step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers in three to five years. It seems that the time has come!" Hearing this, Fang Han knew that Long Xuan was no small matter, because she already knew that she had broken through many obstacles. Only a strong accumulation of vitality is needed to break through.

If it was Ye Nantian, if he asked himself, he would never dare to say such a thing.

This kind of person's state of mind, thinking, and experience have all reached the level of supernatural powers, but they lack a lot of vitality to replenish the spirit and transform the spirit into mana.

No wonder she has such strong confidence and still wants to fight Fang Han!

Even Ye Nantian has treasures, and Long Xuan, who has been ranked first in the list for many years, cannot be without treasures. And it is definitely a treasure beyond the "Eight Desolation Sword".

"In that case, Junior Sister Long, please, you take the lead." Fang Han knew that Long Xuan was an important figure in the Jialan Society, and the Jialan Society had established a good relationship with him, so it was not easy to destroy it. , but it is imperative to compete for the first place. Not to mention anything else, the number one magic weapon, Golden Light Fire Mirror, is a pure Yang magic weapon. Although it is far inferior to the "Sun Moon Five-Star Bracelet" and "Nine Palaces Golden Pagoda", it can also greatly replenish Yan's vitality.

The stronger "Yan" is, the better he can refine the elixir and exert the effect of the map of the underworld.

Huangquan Tu, as a Taoist artifact, and the most top-level Taoist artifact, is even rumored to be an extremely high existence that can transform into a fairy artifact, with enough power to overwhelm rivers and seas and rule the world. It is definitely not just storing items now, providing the microscopic function of alchemy with the holy water of the underworld. If the power of Huangquantu can be restored, there is hope for defeating Huatiandu.

Otherwise, Fang Han is still hopeless now.

"Fang Han, be careful!"

Long Xuan stood intently, suddenly, cold air shot out, although it was far less terrifying than Hua Tiandu's Tianhan Xuanming Jin, but it also made Fang Han feel a freezing air with numb limbs, a dragon-shaped long sword, Rising slowly from behind Long Xuan. The whole body of this long sword is the color of ice crystals, and one can vaguely see a hornless ice dragon roaring and roaring in the cold air on the sword.

"This sword is called Hanchi! It is a whole ice dragon in the eyes of Beihai Bingyanghai. It is far more powerful than the Eight Desolation Sword. Fang Han, you have to be careful, so as not to be hurt by the ice sword energy. This sword's The cold chi dragon soul is even more capable of spitting ice-spirited thunder and freezing the blood, even if a master is sprayed, his whole body will freeze and become fragments." Long Xuan gently explained the characteristics of this sword, it was very detailed, she However, unlike Ye Nantian, naturally he would not secretly fight Fang Han to the death.

Fang Han stood with his hands behind his back and didn't speak, but he was already on guard. The mana in the whole body swelled and did not emit, and the air within three feet twisted, or rose, or fell, or rotated, dispelling the cold air. His physical body is strong, Yan Luo's golden body was trained "in a pan of oil", and he is not afraid of the cold. I am afraid that he can sleep peacefully for several days and nights naked in the ice and snow.


Long Xuan let out a soft drink, and shook her head and tail with the "Han Chi" flying sword, snorted very vividly, suddenly accelerated, and directly slashed over. The water in it is condensed into ice crystals. Kacha, the solid ground of the arena was actually directly cracked with several deep cracks.

The magic weapon actually has its own emotions, visualized, and a deeper layer of spirituality.

"Okay!" Fang Han only felt that the circulation of mana around his body began to be difficult. The cold air penetrated through the mana and invaded. His whole body was icy cold, and his eyebrows and hair were frozen. Surrounded by gusts of airflow, high-speed friction, a huge heat wave rolled out, dispelling the cold air.

A monk with extremely high supernatural powers is surrounded by magic power. When flying rapidly in the sky, the friction between the magic power and the atmosphere will produce fire! It even has a long fire tail like a meteorite. Although Fang Han is far from having this strength, it is easy to use mana, rub against the airflow, and generate a billowing heat wave.

"Catch!" With a little bit of magic power, his body also moved at a high speed. All the phantoms on the ring were his phantoms, and he avoided the beheading of the Han Chi sword. fly away.

Catch Long Xuan and force her to admit defeat, this battle is over. You can also get the Yinyang Longevity Pill and the Golden Flame Mirror.

After all, although Long Xuan is powerful, the "Han Chi" sword is not as good as Rashomon. It was not difficult for Fang Han to cope. As for Long Xuan herself, without the achievement of supernatural powers, the power that can be exerted by relying on the cultivation of the physical body to transform the spirit into mana is really limited.

Who would have known that seeing Fang Han fly out of the airflow of mana and grab it with big hands, a smile flashed across Long Xuan's face, "Hanchi Dragon Soul, Ice Soul Thunder!"


The Han Chi sword accelerated again, and the dragon soul on the sword suddenly became clear. He opened his mouth and spit out a white ice ball the size of an egg. It just hit Fang Han's mana airflow grasping big hand, and suddenly exploded. The white crystalline airflow Suddenly boiled up.

Click click click click!

The sound of countless frozen icicles sounded. Fang Han's powerful mana hand was blown to pieces, and the ice crystal air flow instead spread over, forming a series of ice wall castles, completely freezing Fang Han in it.