Eternal Life

Chapter 115: Lord of the Dead Isle


Unexpectedly, the first time I came out, I met such a good thing as the Blackwater King Snake Transformation, and I just got to reap a fortune. But he was robbed by a powerful master! This kind of luck, I don't know whether it is good or bad, whether it is a fairy fate or bad luck.

But Fang Han didn't have time to think about these.

Because the sudden attack was too fast and too fierce. Stellar qi is much more powerful than true qi, and the difference in strength is several times. It is impossible to resist with one move.

Fang Han couldn't see the person's true face clearly at all, he could only feel that the person was enveloped in a milky white airflow, the black shadow was swaying, and the sonic booms shook him so much that his true energy was floating, and his body seemed to disintegrate.

So powerful, so fierce!

But he is not a witch or Long Xuan, he is a person who has cultivated true qi, and he is still cultivating "Muhuang Zhenqi", the ancient supernatural power, and his body is "Yan Luo Jinshen", so naturally he will not be vulnerable.

"Woo! Goo! Ba! Well! Hum! Acridine! Huh! Huh!"

When the opponent's stellar energy enveloped his whole body, Fang Han uttered the eight sounds of the heavenly dragon, mixed with true energy, and the notes hit the opponent's stellar energy, and immediately blocked his own stellar energy. The figure who came to kill was blocked, and he paused for a while, as if he didn't expect Fang Han to be able to issue such a powerful "sound killing technique".

The power of the Heavenly Dragon Eight Notes multiplies with the depth of his cultivation. Now Fang Han has condensed into the Wood Emperor’s True Qi. As soon as he spits it out, those syllables form musical notes, and then form eight faint green dragons, directly Strangling is no less than any true qi spell attack.


The eight musical note green dragons bombarded the person's body one after another, making the other party's stellar energy buzz, steel exploded and sparks shot out, but they did not shake the opponent's stellar energy.

However, Fang Han didn't stop there, and with enough energy, a blue wooden stick appeared in his hand immediately, and Chaotian swung down and slashed straight to the opponent's head.

At this moment, the other party paused, and Fang Han could see the other party's face clearly. He was a middle-aged man in black, with three long beards and a purple-black face. Made a miracle. This middle-aged man in black has a gloomy face, vicious and cold eyes, and a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth. It seems that he is used to killing and stealing goods, and has experienced many battles. He will kill people and never fail.

"Hey, hey! Unexpectedly, I have been guarding this black water king snake for a month, waiting for it to emerge from the deep sea and subdue it when it turns into a jellyfish, but I ran into you to snatch it! I really deserve to die!"

After the man stopped, he didn't stop, a burst of Gang Qi slashed out, resisting Fang Han's cyan wooden stick of true Qi, and at the same time grabbed his hand outward, a milky white Gang Qi flew away in the air, turning into A demonic hand with a radius of half an acre slammed down on the Black Water King Snake on the sea.


Tens of thousands of catties of seawater were blown apart, and Fang Han's net of true energy was also scattered, losing control of the Black Water King Snake. The black water king snake uttered a miserable scream again, its body moved wildly, and flew up with the water!

It's a pity that this ancient alien species, if it wasn't for the period of weakness and recovery of supernatural powers, would not be afraid of any monks at all. Now it can only be slaughtered by others.

This person slapped the Blackwater King Snake seriously, and the big hand squeezed seven inches of the giant python, and lifted it up in the air. It seems to want to take this giant python away.

"If you hurt someone, you want to leave!"

Fang Han saw that this man was able to lift the giant python in the air without any effort, and while he was shocked, he would not let this man just go away. Long Xuan, the witch is still alive and dead, and was suddenly attacked by this man , Fang Han was furious.

This giant python weighs at least 10,000 to 20,000 catties!

With a loud roar, taking advantage of the moment when this man subdued the Black Water King Snake, Fang Han gathered 90% of his true energy in his mind, which suddenly turned into a sharp spiral, like the growth rings of a tree, drilled out fiercely, and went straight to To the opponent's bodyguard.

This is a means of using true energy, and it is also a move in "Qingdimuhuanggong". Using true energy, high-speed spirals, and sudden penetration can break through defenses and is good at attacking fortifications.

Although Fang Han didn't say that he played the "Mu Huang Zhen Qi" to perfection, but it was purely incomparable. Manipulate at will, with a thought.

"Little thief!" The middle-aged man in black grinned again, revealing his murderous intentions: "How dare you show off your poor true spirit in front of my Jue Ming island master! I'll let you know that you can kill people with superior skills! Tiangangjue Killer!"

While he was speaking, the protective qi formed automatically, a milky white palm, this palm was very strange, it had only three fingers, like a bird's claw, on the three fingers, there were distorted runes of qi, composed of The three words "absolutely"! "break"! "Disabled"!


This Gang Qi claw collided with Fang Han's "Wood Emperor True Qi" again, and Fang Han's true Qi was shattered by the impact, but the middle-aged man in black was also shocked back and forth in the sky, gliding It took a few miles to stop.

Click! The giant snake black water king snake caught in the distance also fell into the ocean again because of the aura of the "Desperate Island Master" being slightly scattered.

"What kind of true energy is this, the quality is so high!"

The owner of Jueming Island was stunned. Although he had used up some of his strength to mention the giant python just now, he was one stage higher than Fang Han, and the difference was far and wide. He was also knocked back by Fang Han's true energy. The infuriating energy is a miracle!

During the fight just now, he has already felt the power of Fang Han's true energy, which is long, extremely tenacious, dense and vigorous, as if spring is coming, and it is so powerful that it can't be scattered no matter what.

"What is Jueming Island Master, I am a true disciple of the Yuhuamen! You are a little casual cultivator, an evil heretic! How dare you go against my Yuhuamen! Could it be that you want to die!"

Fang Han roared out a sharp voice, but his true energy secretly condensed again, circulating in his mind, preparing for the strongest blow.

"A disciple of the Ascension Sect!"

When Jueming Island Master heard this, he was taken aback, his face was cloudy and uncertain, as if he was apprehensive. No matter how powerful the Sanxiu sect is, they have a lot of scruples about giants like the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao, because if they kill one of them, they will definitely be hunted down endlessly.

At this moment when the Jue Ming island master was stunned and was weighing the power in his head, Fang Han made a move.

"Yan! Do it!" Fang Han greeted Yan in the picture of Huang Quan, and set up a killer! As soon as the green light burst open, it turned into a giant tree and crushed it down fiercely, but Yan shot faster, with a dragon chant, countless holy water from the yellow spring, water of forgetting love turned into water arrows and water knives, covering the desperate island owner.

The water of forgetting love, as soon as it came into contact with Jueming Island Master's stellar energy, it immediately became like acid, chi chi chi chi chi, corroding the other party's spirit! It made the owner of Jue Ming Island scream!