Eternal Life

Chapter 13: Crane Fairy


The "Ten Thousand Beasts Card" floated in the air with his own thoughts, which was extremely miraculous, and Fang Han's mind was also activated.

"Blood Sacrificing" can make people in the physical body use various magic weapons, which is an unparalleled advantage. Only those who practice martial arts know how powerful the physical body cannot exert.

The physical body cannot fly, the physical body is afraid of swords and guns, and the physical body is afraid of poison, water, fire, thunder, etc. attacks. In short, even if one has cultivated the physical body to the tenth level of "divine transformation" and has the power of five horses, one cannot escape the fate of mortals.

Unless you practice to the "mysterious realm of supernatural powers", your brain develops, you can cultivate mana, and you have supernatural powers.

However, how difficult is the mysterious realm of supernatural powers? Among the 10,000 masters, if there is one who succeeds in cultivation, that is the blessing from the ancestors, a great opportunity.

At this time, the role of the magic weapon came out.

What if a person who is still in the physical body possesses a flying sword? You can cut people at a distance of a thousand steps, and after dripping blood sacrifices, you can fly at will, what will happen to the lethality

If this person possesses another "talisman" that forms an air wall and is invulnerable, what kind of human weapon is that

A master in the realm of divine power is afraid that he can kill a master of "magic transformation".

Even if it was a low-level magic weapon like the "Ten Thousand Beast Card", Fang Han knew that as long as he used it well, he could only control the spirit beast to attack the enemy.

"Try it? Drop the blood on the painting of Jiaofu Huangquan? No, I'm afraid there will be a change. If the painting of Jiaofu Huangquan can be sacrificed by dripping blood, I'm afraid Bai Haichan has already done this, and it's not my turn. Don't act rashly." Well, if anything happens, I'll die."

Fang Han is a cautious person, and he knows that "The Picture of Flooding in the Underworld" is a strange thing. If the blood sacrifice makes a mistake and induces some strange phenomena, it will be difficult for him to die.

So he should first try what the "Ten Thousand Beast Card" looks like, and whether he can communicate with spirit beasts for his own use.

If the thirty-six cranes can obey his command, then the master of "Divine Transformation" can't help himself.

He walked in front of a crane that was obviously the leader. Compared with the other cranes, this crane was obviously plump and handsome, and it was a head taller. It can be concluded that this crane is the leader of them.

The crane looked at Fang Han, and let out another long whistle.

Immediately, Fang Han felt a woman's delicate voice coming from the "Ten Thousand Beast Card": "Boy, quickly open the net, and let this girl go out to fly and exercise her muscles!"

"Huh?" Fang Han was taken aback and looked around.

"Hey! What are you looking at? It's my girl's voice. If you drop your blood on the Myriad Beast Card, my girl's voice can be conveyed on the Myriad Beast Card. It can be changed into an adult's language so that you can understand it. "

The crane roared again, and a heartfelt voice was clearly conveyed from the Myriad Beast Card.

"What, my girl? Are you the crane talking?" Fang Han finally understood the specific function of the Myriad Beast Card. "Okay, then I will let you out, and you will carry me to the sky."

"Huh! Serve my girl three meals a day, make her comfortable, I can still consider helping you a little bit, if you can't serve me well, I won't listen to you. Do you think that you have mastered everything?" Can the card of the beast command this girl? The card of the beast is just a magic weapon that can communicate with us. We are equal existences."

The crane raised its head, looked down with a pair of crane eyes, and looked at Fang Han proudly.

"It turned out to be like this. I thought the Myriad Beast Card could command this group of cranes, but it turned out to be just a tool for communication. It seems that raising spirit beasts is not an easy task."

Fang Han knew that by controlling thirty cranes, his hope of defeating the master of "Divine Transformation" might be in vain.

"Fairy Crane, Xiaosheng is very polite." After Fang Han understood this, his complexion changed, he put on a smile, and sang a fat promise, "I will feed Fairy Crane, it must be very considerate, Fairy Crane has no dissatisfaction No matter what you say, Xiaosheng will do his best for you."

While speaking, he opened the big net.

Puchi puchi puchi, the tornado blows out, these cranes flutter their wings, and they all rush out, soaring into the sky and gliding freely.

"You are very nice, very nice, it seems that we can be friends. And your aura is still very strong. Your strength is very good." The "Crane Fairy" flew for a while, then suddenly swooped down and landed in front of Fang Han, The strong wind made him hold his breath, but his footsteps remained motionless: "From now on, I will let them help you more."

"Thank you Fairy Crane, I don't know what Fairy Crane wants to eat, Xiaosheng will prepare it for you?" Fang Han nodded.

"Of course it's roasted pheasant and roasted rabbit. I'll go to another mountain and catch some wild rabbits. When the pheasant comes over, you roast it for us. Put more salt, mustard, etc. Huh, I want to eat roasted things. I’m drooling, but it’s a pity that I don’t know how to use fire, lest I burn my feathers, I can only rely on you. Roasted rabbit, pheasant, so delicious... "

While "Fairy Crane" was speaking, the saliva in his mouth kept dripping down on the ground, sending out bursts of fragrance.

"This is crane saliva, an extremely rare medicinal herb..."

Fang Han looked at the crane saliva dripping on the ground, felt a pity for a while, and wanted to find something to collect. Hundred-year-old crane saliva is a great thing for regulating internal organs, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, and nourishing lung qi. Not to mention the millennium crane saliva, the most coveted treasure in the martial arts world, a good thing for cultivating inner breathing and inner strength. One tael of gold and one penny.

The cranes in the Yuhuamen are all different species, and their saliva may be comparable to thousand-year-old cranes.

"Let's go, let's catch wild game!" After drooling, "Crane Fairy" jumped up and flew up, calling out to the other cranes, and a group of cranes flew out to the mountains outside Yuhua Mountain.

"You guys, build the grill."

Seeing the group of cranes fly away, Fang Han hastily ordered more than two hundred servants under his command to set up many grills for barbecue.

After a while, the group of cranes really flew back, and all the cranes caught some game, besides pheasants and rabbits, there were also big fish in the river, wild wolves, foxes, and even sika deer, tigers, and leopards. Antelope, wild boar, bear. What was even more powerful was that the Crane Fairy actually caught a big boa constrictor with patterns all over it and threw it on the ground, startling all the servants.

"Sure enough, it's a shortage of fat. Just letting these cranes go hunting, I don't know how much money I can make every day. Tiger skin, bear skin, fox skin, snake gall, bear paw..."

Looking at all this, Fang Han knew why Fang Man, Fang Rui, and Fang Lie were greedy for his position.

Commanding the servants under his command to work for a long time, skinning the wild animals, and then selecting the meat for barbecue, Fang Han even personally went into battle, making the big boa constrictor caught by the Crane Fairy delicious, trying his best to serve him wholeheartedly, even Ask the servant to get some good wine for Fairy Crane to drink.

These cranes, one by one, were served with enough food and wine, flew in the sky for a while, landed, and returned to their living places to sleep.

"These spirit cranes are not as complicated as serving people, and their minds are relatively simple." After serving these spirit cranes, Fang Han breathed a sigh of relief.

For dozens of days, apart from practicing martial arts secretly, Fang Han really served these cranes. Gradually, he also "hooked up" with that crane fairy.

After he cultivated his boxing technique to the realm of "divine power", the "Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir" in his heart seemed to be moving a lot slower, as if his physical training had reached a limit.

However, Fang Han did not slack off, and he still practiced hard every day, persevering in devil-style training, and he believed that one day, he would break through again.

On this day, Fang Han let Fairy Crane drink some wine, and taking advantage of the excitement, he proposed to fly to the sky.

"Flying is not an easy task. You hold on to my feathers, and I don't care if they fall off." Fairy Crane's eyes were hazy with drunkenness, and the crane's saliva dripped down again, and Fang Han caught it all with a bowl .

"I will be careful." With the permission of Crane Fairy, Fang Han climbed onto the crane's back as soon as he turned over. Now he has cultivated to the realm of divine power, as agile as a monkey, comparable to a civet cat, but his movements are nimble.

"My lady is flying!" Fairy Crane stood up and fluttered her wings. Fang Han suddenly felt his whole body shake, as if he had lost weight. I saw the forest below, the peaks, dotted with stars, and the palace was only the size of a fist. If it fell, it would definitely be smashed to pieces.

"Is this what it feels like to fly? I'm finally in the sky!" Although he felt a little uneasy, Fang Han was very excited.

"However, this is flying by external force. One day, I will cultivate to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, and I will fly through the air by myself. This is the real fairy." Fang Han secretly said, but his hands, tightly grasping " Crane Fairy" feathers.

"Fairy Crane" fluttered its wings, shuttled through the clouds like an arrow, and flew out of Yuhua Fairy Mountain in a short while.

Beyond the Feathering Immortal Mountain, there are continuous mountains. No one knows how many mountains there are, one hundred thousand, one million? No one knows how many secrets are hidden in the mountain.

"Where are we flying to?"

Seeing that "Purple Lightning Peak" had disappeared, Fang Han asked through the Myriad Beast Card on the back of the crane.

"What are you afraid of, this girl can fly a thousand miles in an hour." Fairy Crane said, "It's not easy to go back, just a few wings."

"That's fine, everything is up to you, anyway, the wings grow on you." Fang Han buried his head, and his whole body was submerged in the crane feathers, as if he was wearing a huge crane cloak, and the air flow flowed from the feathers. Gliding up and passing by, the blow could not reach his body, and the whole person suddenly relaxed a lot, enjoying the process of flying.

At this moment, suddenly, in the mountains in front, several shocking black air, like wolf smoke, soared into the sky, forming seven pillars of smoke, as if to pierce the sky.

Among the thick and pitch-black smoke pillars, countless hideous faces condensed by the black smoke seemed to open the door to the world of demons.

"Not good! This is the Heavenly Wolf Qishayan from the Demon God Sect, hurry and hurry. Yuhua Xianshan has a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and it is impossible for people from the two factions of demons and demons to appear! What's going on here? Go and hurry."

When Fairy Crane saw the column of black smoke soaring straight into the sky, she immediately screamed, and turned around sharply, almost throwing Fang Han out of her feathers.

"What's going on?" Fang Han also saw seven black pillars of smoke in the mountains in the distance.

"Run, run, if we are discovered, we will die." Fairy Crane didn't care so much, and flew back violently.

At this moment, a puff of black smoke suddenly flew out from among the seven pillars of wolf smoke, and condensed into a terrifying human face the size of a door panel. Fairy Crane and Fang Han flying in the sky.