Eternal Life

Chapter 133: The truth of the earth


"Five Prison King Cauldrons, mirage array!"

In a flash, clouds of mist exploded from Fang Han's body. The mist was full of strange lights and fish and dragons, filling the entire fine copper hall. Fang Han, the witch, and Long Xuan were all covered up, and all their traces were turned into Pieces of illusory scenes, like mirages.

This is another big formation among the five prison king tripods, called the "mage air formation", which is a maze used to cover up Wang Ding's body. After all, this is the Mysterious Tortoise Hall of Wangui Immortal Island, and if you practice in it, there will definitely be some eyes and ears for others to notice. Now it is necessary to activate the large array to cover up the body.

Fang Han can be sure that the seamount is in this hall, and he is afraid that there may be some magic talisman to spy on it. Now when the "Large Array of Mirage" is cast, the magic talisman peeping at the other party can only see clouds of mist, and nothing else can be seen.

The tripod of the five prison kings is a top-grade treasure. Concentrating all the energy of the Great Demon King of the Five Prisons all his life, he devoted himself to sacrifice. Among them, there are nine hundred and ninety-nine formations, and each formation has a role. Fang Han has now figured out some ways to use it a little bit, as well as the secret of the big formation.

At least the three formations of "Five Vulcan Thunder Formation", "Space-taking and Moving Formation", and "Mirage Formation", he has figured it out. Start practicing, using. The rest of the formations are yet to be explored.

To be thoroughly familiar with this top-grade treasure, to play it with proficiency, and to use it superbly requires powerful mana, and it also takes a long time. The experience of using formations will also have a great impact on his future breakthrough to the level of heaven and man. Help is more of an accumulation.

Some of the formations, he is now equivalent to the mana of two thousand galloping horses, which cannot be activated. But now it is only used to temper the body, only a little function is needed, and no magic power is needed.

whoosh whoosh…

Fang Han condensed the "Muhuang Zhenqi" in his palm, and took pictures in all directions. The medicinal materials stored in the crystal vat were picked up by the true energy one after another, flying in the air, and then turned into balls of powder and entered into his sleeves, and finally arrived at the cauldron of the five prison kings in the map of the underworld. .

After absorbing the medicinal materials, the five-prison king tripod the size of a house also flew out of the map of the underworld, and placed it in the center of the fine copper hall.

Fortunately, this fine copper hall is very tall and wide, otherwise it would not be able to accommodate this Wangding Dan furnace. This is also the reason why the Jueming island owner didn't bring this big tripod with him when he walked around, it was too inconvenient to carry. He is not like Fang Han, who has a Taoist artifact like Huangquantu, which claims to be a space, and can store a lot of items.

After taking all the medicinal materials into Wang Ding, Fang Han also jumped into it.

"Thousands of rivers and mountains!"

Long Xuan's mana was divided into seven strands, and flew into the seven "spirited" jellyfish. These jellyfish resisted violently, but they couldn't resist the masters of the mysterious realm, and they exploded one after another. Seven crystal water curtains flew into the air. When it reached around Long Xuan's body, it turned into water, entangled in the sky.

After she finished this action, she also jumped into the pill furnace.

"The herbs are crushed!"

Fang Han didn't pay attention to Long Xuan's cultivation. After a large amount of medicinal materials flew into Wang Dingzhong, they were placed in front of a screen, and then a ray of light shot out from the screen, and all the medicinal materials that were irradiated by the light were smashed to pieces , turned into the finest powder.

This is a small "shattering array". After infusing mana, it can crush medicinal materials, ores, and gold and iron can be turned into powder. The shattering magic light emitted from it was originally a variant of the magic power, the great shattering magic power. But now it is just right to use broken medicine.

Even, this shattering magic light can also be used against enemies.

This small magic circle cannot be seen in ordinary pill furnaces.

Ordinary alchemy furnaces only have real fire, and when they encounter hard ore, they will be melted first. When it goes too far, it will lose part of its medicinal properties.

However, crushing with the "shattering array" will not change any medicinal properties, nor will it be lost. Guaranteeing the maximum utilization, this is also the brilliance of the Five Hell Pill Furnace.

See kung fu in the subtleties.

"Pharmaceutical formation! Refining and refining!"

After seeing the smashing of many medicines, Fang Han did not hesitate, concentrated his mana, and launched another small formation. Then, a whirlwind came out from the screen, rolled up these medicine powders, and kept spinning, finally Rotating to the extreme, a very strong flame shot out from the screen again, immediately melting all these medicines into air currents.

A series of rich "medicine gas" rolled in the air, while piles of medicinal residues were left on the ground.

"Okay! It's so fast to refine the medicinal materials! It saved me a lot of effort." Fang Han was very happy to see that the "medicine refining array" separated the medicinal residues and extracted the purest medicinal gas.

The most critical step in alchemy is to refine the medicine and leave the medicine residue behind. Ordinary alchemy stoves are boiled with water. It is a waste of effort, and if the heat is not well controlled, it will be useless. Often a bunch of herbs need to be purified, and it takes days and nights without sleep. Seven days and seven nights are rare, there are even seventy-seven forty-nine days, ninety-nine and eighty-one days!

So alchemy is hard work, time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Now one of the "Five Hell King Cauldrons" can actually purify the medicinal materials and turn them into pure medicinal gas in an instant, which saves a lot of time and energy!

If Fang Han still uses his magic weapon alchemy furnace to purify these huge amounts of medicinal materials, he may not be able to complete it in less than three months, and he must be careful not to make any mistakes.

This shows the significance of the quality of the alchemy furnace for cultivation.

A huge amount of medicinal materials turned into a rolling medicinal gas, Fang Han shook his body, and immediately took off all his clothes, revealing a perfect figure. Although Long Xuan was also cultivating in the alchemy furnace, the space of this alchemy furnace was separated by screens to form individual small rooms, which would not be seen by the other party.

"Flame refines the body! Medicinal energy enters the body!" After Fang Han took off his clothes, the billowing medicinal energy, the Taiyin earthworm, the thousand-year-old gold and silver pangolin, etc. were forcibly pulled by his true energy. Into the countless pores of his body, his body seemed to grow two feet in height in an instant.

Afterwards, the five fire gods and thunder formations were also activated, but this time the flames were not violent, but traces of orange-red flames gently entangled, as if they were putting a flame silk dress on Fang Han.

This kind of flame is called "soft fire", and it is also the magic of the five fire formation.

Although the flame was not violent, Fang Han still felt extremely painful when it wrapped around his body. He could even hear the sound of his skin being burned.

This kind of "soft fire" is very gentle, but also very deadly, but fortunately Fang Han is protected by true qi, and there is a rolling medicine qi on the pores of his skin, which changes immediately when he touches the flame.

This strong medicinal gas, tempered by the gentle flame, gradually melted into Fang Han's skin, every inch of flesh, bone, and internal organs, turning his blood into a special dark golden color, like earth. Non-earth, with a fragrance of the earth.

The medicinal materials he exchanged from the Xuangui Temple this time are all spirits grown from the earth, and now all of them have been refined and entered the body, combined with the huge vitality, Fang Han's "Golden Body of Yama" finally began to transform , moving towards a higher level. He also clearly felt the changes in his body, and without hesitation, he crazily followed Yan Luo's golden body training method to circulate the body's blood, change the degree of visceral peristalsis, and change various secretions in the body. Make the whole body change towards a more stable form. Under the skin, that layer of membrane is stronger, and the explosive power of the body, the impact of blood, and the beating power of the heart have increased again.

At the same time, Fang Han even felt that he was standing on the empty ground, the ground under his feet was extending endlessly, extending to the entire void. He felt that his body was the center, and his feet seemed like a big tree, with roots growing out. Deeply rooted in the ground, no force can push itself down.

"No wonder, no wonder! The soil is in the center, the soil can grow trees, the soil can contain water, the soil can grow metal ore, and there are magma flames in the depths of the soil. The soil contains everything."

A sense of enlightenment surged from the bottom of his heart. Fang Han was extremely open-minded. He could only feel that his feet had become the roots of a big tree, absorbing the nutrients of the earth all the time. With a casual breath, the vitality would come rolling in. Enter the mind, combine with the spirit, and become mana.

click click click...

His mana is constantly increasing, and his body is also getting stronger step by step. The essence of the body's energy makes the "Muhuang Zhenqi" begin to change sharply, becoming more condensed, strands of Muhuang Zhenqi , seems to be crystallizing!

Originally, he practiced the Yan Luo Golden Body, which conflicted with the "Muhuang Zhenqi". Every time he practiced, he had to endure the pain of going crazy. But now he has realized the meaning of soil! As the mind changes, mana changes with it. Breaking through a barrier, from then on, I am no longer afraid of going crazy.

Trees grow on the ground.

Cultivating the "Yan Luo Golden Body" is to provide vitality to the "Emperor Wood's True Qi". The two complement each other, so how can they conflict with each other and go crazy

"I finally comprehended the true meaning of Ksitigarbha. From then on, the true energy of the Emperor Mu nourishes the body! And the golden body of Yan Luo provides vitality to the Emperor Mu and assists in cultivation. The two complement each other!" Fang Han felt that his true energy of the Emperor Mu The qi is constantly "crystallizing", knowing that this is true qi cultivated to a saturated state, and stepping towards the "gang qi" step by step!

According to the truth, I still need to practice for several years before I can cultivate my true energy to saturation. But now, Yan Luo's golden body has been achieved again, and he has merged with Mu Huang's true energy, but he has saved himself several years of hard work.

Although he hadn't cultivated the stellar qi, his true qi had grown and became even more powerful.

Fang Han felt that his mana had also increased a lot.


Fang Han's whole body shook, the flames and medicinal energy were all absorbed into his body, and he punched out. Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows , this punch produced a white wave of air! Rumbling boom!

"Am I so powerful just by relying on my physical body without using true energy? My current physical strength is so strong! Fists are like flying swords! It's just that I can't fly."

Fang Han looked at his body in surprise. His current physical body had at least the strength of eighty or ninety strong horses! It is close to twenty times that of ordinary magic masters. He even felt that if someone stabbed him with a flying sword, he could break the flying sword with a single punch without using any mana.