Eternal Life

Chapter 39: Underworld


The underground abyss world is not completely dark.

Fang Han set foot on the land of the underground abyss, and found that it was no different from the ground, with fertile black soil everywhere, many streams, and tall plants.

These tall plants are mostly mushrooms.

Some mushrooms are like giant umbrellas, with stars dotted on them, emitting a soft light, bringing a ray of light to the underground abyss world.

"These mushrooms are called luminous mushrooms, and they grow everywhere in the ground. You have cultivated to the level of bravery. With the help of this glimmer of light, you should be able to have night vision. This underground world is a good place for cultivation. In the dark, you can hide There are endless dangers, and many monsters will cull you at any time. But here you can hone your spiritual will and develop your potential. It is the best practice method to be in danger all the time. As far as I know, half of the true disciples of our Ascension Sect practiced underground before they reached the Mystical Ability Secret Realm."

Fang Qingxue walked on the ground without dust on her feet.

"There are rich mineral deposits in the ground, Wannian cold iron, black crystal, purple silver, fine gold, Baiyao steel, crystal stone, blue stone, sea tide jade... and other rare natural treasures on the ground, these are the refining flying swords. , the necessary materials for magic tools, can even assist in cultivation and enhance people's spirit. There are all kinds of strange beasts in the underground, and the blood of some monsters is the best material for refining elixir, and even the unicorn you have taken Viper, you have read the worlds, and there are some underground situations in it, I don’t need to say more, you go ahead of me now and open the way for me.”

"Okay, sister."

Fang Han's body flickered, and an afterimage sprang out, arriving in front of Fang Qingxue, walking silently.

Fang Qingxue saw Fang Han's movements, agile, refined, and calm as a mountain, she couldn't help but nodded slightly, but her eyes were fixed on him, as if she wanted to see something.

In fact, Fang Qingxue asked Fang Han to come underground because she wanted to see for herself why this servant made such rapid progress.

Let Fang Han open the way for her now, and she will definitely be able to see the real clue.

"You must not use the martial arts of Qunxingmen, otherwise you will definitely know that I got what Bai Haichan possessed. Why don't you just have a falsehood..."

As Fang Han walked, he thought of ways to hide his methods so as not to expose his skills in the midst of life and death. After all, the martial arts he is most familiar with are the two moves of Qunxingmen's "Stepping on the Seven Stars" and "Kuixing Kicking Fight".

As we walked, we gradually entered the depths of the darkness. There were more and more mushroom communities on the ground, and occasionally there were poisonous insects such as centipedes and scorpions. But because Fang Han's vestment had the function of avoiding insects, he escaped from drove out.

"Aw... Aww..."

While walking, a huge danger attacked Fang Han's heart. In the mushroom forest in front of him, a shadow of blood suddenly flashed, the ferocious aura made people suffocate. Bite towards his own throat.


Fang Han didn't think about it in a hurry, the sword turned upside down, like a fishing rod, and a sword glow went straight to the blood shadow.

Wow! The blood shadow let out a scream, was slashed to the ground by the sword force, rolled twice, and turned out to be a wolf with blood red and bright fur all over its body, like a wolf with flames, especially its teeth were deeply exposed, as long as fingers, sharp as if Like a stone can be bitten off.

"It turned out to be an abyssal blood wolf."

Seeing this situation, Fang Han recognized what kind of ferocious monster it was.

This kind of abyssal blood wolf has an extremely strong body, its teeth can crush granite rocks, and it can even chew bones into powder and swallow them as a cannibal. And it's as fast as lightning, extremely cunning, good at forbearance and sneak attacks, if it reaches the ground, it can kill a whole village. A master in the realm of divine power will be killed if he is not on guard.

In some dynasties, a whole village was wiped out by a blood wolf.

In the underground, there are so many blood wolves that even underground demons dare to devour them.

However, the fur of a blood wolf is worth thousands of gold outside, and many high-ranking officials and dignitaries take it as an honor to wear a blood wolf fur coat. Moreover, on the top of the blood wolf's head, there is a parietal bone called blood crystal, which is bright in color and contains extremely thick essence. After ordinary people wear it, it can treat the disease of physical weakness, make up for the lack of blood, and refine many elixirs. , the best material for magic weapons and spiritual weapons.

Fang Han didn't even think about it. When he picked up the magic sword in his hand, he picked it up on the top of the blood wolf's skull. He picked out a piece of blood crystal skull as big as his thumb and fell into his hand. He felt a burst of warmth, like warm jade.

"Immortal fishing for sharks? The martial arts of Wangui Xiandao?"

Fang Qingxue was slightly taken aback, and saw that Fang Han killed the blood wolf cleanly and effortlessly, and it turned out to be using the martial arts of Wangui Immortal Island.

"After I entered the outer sect, I fought against many outer sects every day to hone my martial arts. I fought this move with Prince Bao of the Dade Dynasty. He performed it. Later, I went back to study it carefully and learned it secretly. The skill of exerting force, I hope the senior sister can teach me."

Fang Han hurriedly said.

"Well, this trick is a bit similar, but there are still some flaws. The fairy catches sharks. There is a deeper mystery in this trick, which is not as simple as it seems..."

Fang Qingxue pointed out.

Fang Han listened, and felt that Fang Qingxue's understanding of martial arts was extremely profound, so much deeper than Bai Haichan's. Every time I listen to a sentence, I feel suddenly enlightened.

"No wonder it is said that three years of hard training is not as good as a famous teacher."

Continue to walk forward, sizzling... sizzling.

Suddenly, several colorful poisonous snakes sprang up from the grass and bit Fang Han. These poisonous snakes were not afraid of the smell on Fang Han's robe, which showed how poisonous they had become.

"Everlasting hatred!"

Fang Han swung his sword again, with a mysterious movement, and cut off the heads of several poisonous snakes, staring at the ground one by one.

"Eternal hatred fingering? Which outer disciple did you learn from?" Fang Qingxue asked.

"It's still Prince Bao's. I lost against him on the first day. Later, I practiced hard with Princess Hongyi, and when I fought against him again, he used this trick." With one move, how much is the role model?"

"The martial arts of the Eternal Hatred Devil Sect can only be displayed with a great hatred. The deeper the hatred, the more sophisticated the martial arts. You should stop practicing. It is easy to arouse negative emotions and become obsessed."

Fang Qingxue explained the martial arts of the Eternal Hatred Demon Sect again.

In the vast and vast underground world, the two of them just stop and go, stop and go, or stop to eat something. Fang Han opened the way alone, and walked for a full day and night like this. He did not know how many dangers he encountered on the road. There were blood wolves, blood bears, three-headed snakes, and even a small group of hunting demons, all of which were caught by Fang Han. One by one beheaded on the magic sword.

Along the way, Fang Han's spirit was tense, always paying attention to the movement around him, and gradually penetrated deeper into the underground world.

Under Fang Qingxue's guidance all the way, his cultivation base and spirit became more and more proficient through actual combat training.

Among them, he occasionally took the risk of using the martial arts of the Stars Sect. When Fang Qingxue asked, he said that he learned it from fighting with the disciples of the outer sect of the Yuhua Sect. As a cover, Fang Qingxue didn't suspect anything.


Suddenly, Fang Han heard a violent roar, and in the darkness in front of him, a long team of torches actually appeared, like a long flame dragon, walking towards him face to face.

Under the light of the fire in the distance, Fang Han could see clearly that they were tall and tall underground demons, but these demons held a torch in one hand and a steel fork in the other, and their backs bulged slightly, like two big meat buns.

"This is a team of yakshas! It seems that we are not far from the altar of the demon god. Go and kill these yakshas." Fang Qingxue said.

The underground demon clan, first is the demon, then the Yasha, and the next level is the Flying Yasha, and the next level, the commander is called Shura! The physical strength of the devil is equivalent to the master of the realm of divine power, while the Yaksha is equivalent to the master of the realm of bravery.

Feitian Yasha is equivalent to a master of the tenth stage of physical transformation.

As for Shura, that is equivalent to a master of the mystical realm.

Now Fang Qingxue actually asked Fang Han to kill a group of Yashas who were equivalent to the realm of bravery!