Eternal Life

Chapter 43: Blood pill


"Absorb the spirit of blood? Train ten flying yakshas into Shura? Is there such a method? If it can be done like this, wouldn't it be possible to walk sideways in the future?"

Fang Han was shocked.

Facing the army of monsters rushing towards him, he was calm and fighting with all his strength, raising his spirit to a state of "putting life and death at risk", but the words "Yan" shocked him soberly.

Ten flying yakshas, the corpse of the red prince, a blood cotton magic clothes, a spirit wind sword, a silver snake sword, a red desire sword, and four disciples from the outer sect were collected in the "Picture of Flying in the Yellow Spring". Flying swords, there are seven flying swords in total. These things cannot be used now, and a little bit of information cannot be leaked, otherwise a catastrophe will not be far away.

"Of course, magic spells are all forcible plunder. Swallow the soul and strengthen my own strength. I swallowed the Tianji Pure Yang Cable, and now I can use some spells. The holy water washes away the spiritual impurities in it, trains your soul that kills the soul into a tonic pure blood pill, concentrates their essence, feeds the flying Yasha, and they can accelerate their growth and transform into a Shura. A Shura, although he can't use it Spells, but with the power of thirteen horses. The power is tyrannical, and the physical strength is enough to compete with the masters of the magical secret realm. If you can kill all the demon army here, the blood pills you have trained may be able to give birth to four or five heads Shura is here."

The voice of "Yan" also seemed a little excited.

"Snatching souls, turning blood into magic, practicing blood pills... This is the real way of magic... the way of magic..." Fang Han marveled.

Soul, soul: refers to the spirit of a person.

Soul: Refers to the qi and blood of a person.

No matter after the death of any living being, the qi and blood dissipate, and the spirit will also disperse with the wind, because the spirit is yin, qi and blood are yang, and the body is yin and yang in one, in balance, whichever side is lost, it will die immediately.

The method of cultivating the magic way is generally to kill the living beings, practice them into a great tonic elixir, and take them down. Strengthen your body and mind.

It's like refining a good sword. If you use living people, babies, tigers, snakes and other living beings to sacrifice, then you will definitely produce a good sword.

The immortal way is to use lifeless plants and trees, spirit stones refined into pills to strengthen the body, and then use the power of the body to develop supernatural powers. This is the essential difference between the two ways of immortals and demons.

However, the magic way plunders the souls of living beings and strengthens one's physical body and spirit, but there are disadvantages, because no matter what creatures are killed, even if they are refined into pills, there are still some impurities in the spirit. It will invade one's own mind, resulting in insanity and obsession.

Therefore, the immortal way is safe and sound. Although the practice is slow, it generally does not go crazy, and the practice of the devil is fast, but the chance of going crazy is astonishing. For a thousand people who practice the devil, basically nine hundred and ninety will die.

However, "Yan" said that if you add the holy water of the underworld when refining the blood pill, you can completely get rid of the residual spiritual brand in the blood pill and turn it into a pure blood pill.

The water of Huangquan River has the effect of washing away the spirit of blood, which is also the reason why those flying swords can be washed again.

There is also a folk legend that if you drink the water from the Yellow Spring River, you will forget the memory of your previous life and start a new life.

This kind of temptation is simply to lure Fang Han into the magic way.

Because the progress of cultivation is fast, and there is no danger at all.

"Alright, you can do it! Anyway, you have refined the blood pill, feed it to Feitian Yasha first, as a try." Fang Han licked his lips, looked at the army of demons approaching, and said calmly.

"You don't need to try at all. Back then, the Yellow Spring Emperor controlled the underground holy river, the Yellow Spring River. I, the Yellow Spring Sect, killed countless souls to refine pure blood pills, and gave them to my disciples to break through the limits of their physical bodies. There is no sequelae! I'm looking at you If you have some mental barriers, it’s fine if you don’t want to step into the magic way! When I refine the pure blood pill, you will be moved. Your current strength is only as strong as five horses! It is the power of eight horses, which is only three horses higher than ordinary magic masters. You need to constantly strengthen your body, strengthen your blood, and constantly train your blood into spirit to provide strength for your mind before you can step into supernatural powers Secret Realm! At that time, ordinary food was useless at all. Only taking pure blood pills was the only way to strengthen the physical body. Do you know how strong the body is at least to step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers? You need to be as strong as ten horses or more!"

"Yan" came a very seductive voice, asking Fang Han to step into the magic way.

"Regardless of immortality and magic, let's talk about it after you come back alive."

But Fang Han didn't have time to listen to "Yan"'s temptation. Above the sky, Fang Qingxue had already blasted billows of purple electricity, beheading towards the "Altar of Demon God". And the army of monsters below, a team of yakshas, there are twenty or thirty of them, fierce and fierce, they have already slaughtered them.

"Starry dots!"

At that moment, Fang Han stomped on his feet and used the movement technique of stepping on the seven stars. The magic sword in his hand exploded with thousands of points of sword light, and pierced the eyes of the two Yashas at once.

Puchi, puchi! A strong electric current burst out from the dharma sword, and the Yakshas at both ends died before they could struggle.

The dharma sword re-sacrificed by Fang Qingxue is several times sharper than the original one, and its lethality is also greater. It also has the magic power of purple lightning and thunder. Fang Han's power.

Ohh Ohh ohh.

At this moment, Fang Han suddenly felt the "Picture of Flooding in the Underworld" on his body move, and a yellow light inside was like a spider's thread, entwined on the dharma sword, and pierced into the bodies of the two dead yakshas. Immediately, the blood essence and bone marrow of the two yakshas... Wait, the map of Huangquan was inhaled in the blink of an eye.

Fang Han made a mental connection to the Holy River of Yellow Spring in the Huangquan map, and found that in the holy river, a wave of water had been stained red with blood, and then the dragon "Yan" floated on the surface of the river, uttering a long chant. His blood suddenly condensed in the water, forming a pill the size of a walnut.

This blood pill is pure and pure, like a blood jade gem, it is the best food for practitioners.

Practitioners, if they have cultivated to the realm of divine transformation, ordinary grains and fireworks in the world can only fill their stomachs. If you eat human fireworks for a long time, the impurities in your body will gradually accumulate, and you will age quickly. Not only will you not be able to make progress, but you will regress.

The food for cultivators is usually refined pills, or spiritual rice provided by the sect of the Immortal Dao. For example, the "Yushantang" in Yuhuamen.

However, the food in the "Yushantang" is just free of impurities, so as to keep one's body clean, it cannot further enhance one's cultivation, strengthen bones, muscles, and increase the limit of the physical body.

Those true disciples will not go to the "Yushantang" to eat, but refine the elixir in the mountain peaks by themselves, and replenish their vitality.

The related inner disciples all went to the mountain of true disciples to ask for pills as food. The top ten masters in the mountain and river rankings are also distributed refined bigu panacea by the sect every month.

"Yasha's blood essence is really thick, equivalent to dozens of tigers. Generally, seventy-two tigers are slaughtered to refine a blood pill. Fang Han, if you swallow this blood pill, you can go without eating it for three days." Drink, you will have plenty of energy, and the fascia in your body will be stronger. If you take Xuedan for a long time, with your cultivation base, within a month, you will be able to step into the realm of divine transformation. Unfortunately, it is a pity that I no longer have a physical body. Only those who can absorb the essence of the pure yang magic weapon can strengthen themselves, and cannot take any pills."

"Yan" sighed.

At this time, Fang Han could no longer hear any words from "Yan", he was already fully focused and fell into the fight. Because there are a total of fifty yakshas surrounding them.

With a sweep of the dharma sword, the steel forks of those yakshas broke one after another, like tofu, and the purple lightning on the dharma sword passed through the steel forks, paralyzing all these yakshas on the spot!

Fang Han slashed left and right, and the two yakshas were cut in half with two swords.

Although Yasha's scales are hard, but the current magic sword is too sharp, it is not unusual to cut the scales.

Zizz, zizz...

A large amount of blood essence flowed into the map of the underworld, and another blood pill was successfully condensed.

Whoooo, whoooo! A tall yaksha, like a small boss appeared in front of Fang Han, the steel fork in his hand shook, and it turned into a spear, and threw it fiercely. The devil screamed, and when he slapped Fang Han with a palm on the chest, it turned out to be a martial skill.

"Hmph! It's just the strength of four horses! How can I get me?"

Fang Han was in a psychic state, his eyes flickered, and he had an insight into the vitality of this little Yasha boss.

Ordinary yakshas have the strength of three horses. This yaksha seems to be taking some panacea, and its strength is much higher than other yakshas. But now Fang Han, because of the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir, his physical strength is the same as that of a master in the realm of transformation, and he also has the strength of five horses!


The second strike came first, and a sword pierced the palm of the little boss Yaksha. The purple lightning on the magic sword paralyzed him again, and the essence and blood on his body were sucked into the map of the underworld.

Because Huang Quantu sucked blood very secretly, and the battle was fierce, no one noticed it.

After killing the little boss, Fang Han took the time to look at the altar of the demon god in the distance, only to find that Fang Qingxue was already approaching the altar. The saber energy is criss-crossed, the thunder is refining and exploding, and the purple lightning is in the sky, enveloping the real Sirius, the pure fox and the little demon girl, and others in it.

However, the Asura commander fluttered his wings, escaped from the range, and flew into the air of the demon army like an arrow.

Fang Han only felt that the commander of Shura, with his handsome face and blood-red eyes, was staring down at him, as if he was going to strike down at any time, crushing himself into powder.

"Oops, I'm not afraid of Yasha's siege with the help of the purple lightning supernatural power on the dharma sword, but what about the commander of Shura? Do you really want to use the flying sword?"

Fang Han thought to himself.

"Stand back! Guard the altar!"

At this moment, the words of Commander Shura came from the sky, and the demon army besieging Fang Han dispersed like a tide, leaving behind dozens of corpses.

And this Asura commander suddenly fell down, standing on the ground, only a hundred steps away from Fang Han.

"Man! What's your name?"

The Commander of Shura, Fang Han, spoke.