Eternal Life

Chapter 5: Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir


"Someone is drowning?"

Fang Han quickly jumped into the water and rescued the man.

"I'm out of breath, this is a floating corpse." After rescuing the man, Fang Han's heart tightened violently. The scene in front of him was indeed a bit frightening.

This person was completely dead, his whole body was swollen with blisters, and there was a long scar on his body, turned over, the wound was burnt.

"Has this person been struck by lightning?" Seeing the wound, Fang Han thought of some people in the countryside who had been struck by lightning, and they were also burnt and stinky.

This dead body was very gorgeously dressed. It was dressed in dark golden clothes. The water dripped on it, rolling down like a lotus leaf leather. As a domestic slave, I have seen many things in the world, but I have never seen fabrics like this.

"What should I do? Is it to report to the official, or what? A human life is no small matter!" Fang Han was about to leave the body to report to the official, but after thinking about it, he hesitated again: "The clothes this man is wearing are like a big man. Why? Will he die here? If he is implicated, after reporting to the police and tracking down, I'm afraid of trouble, it's better to bury him, put him in the ground, and treat him as if nothing happened. One more thing is worse than one less thing. "

After making up his mind, Fang Han dragged the corpse, ready to find a place to bury it.


At this moment, a box that looked like gold but not gold, iron but not iron fell out of the corpse's arms. The box is about the size of a palm, looks like an inkstone, and is very heavy.

At the same time, what fell down was an ancient scroll picture.


Fang Han picked up the gold iron box, unfolded the picture on the ancient scroll, and found that the background above was pitch black, and in the darkness, there was a shadow of a dragon dormant faintly, as if this was not a painting, but a A window, a window into an unknown space.

"This picture is a treasure. It won't rot even if it is soaked in water. Ordinary paper will rot immediately after being soaked." Although Fang Han doesn't know calligraphy and painting, according to common sense, he can also judge that this is a treasure.

Afterwards, he took the gold iron box in his hand and looked at it, and saw that it was locked with a small golden lock.

Curiosity made him pick up a stone by the river, hit it hard, click, and the golden lock was broken.

"This is real gold. One tael of gold, ten taels of official silver, this golden lock is worth four or five taels. But this is the property of the dead, should I take it or not? Say..." Fang Han pondered for a while: "Hey, I'm just a domestic slave, what kind of gentleman is not a gentleman, what kind of identity, what kind of things do, there is a sentence in the book, not in my position, not seeking Is it the government? Accept it."

Fang Han grabbed the gold and stuffed it into his arms.

After collecting the gold. Click, opened the box.

When it was opened, the contents inside were revealed.

A black-gold elixir the size of a thumb, the strange thing is that there are nine holes in the elixir, and the medicinal fragrance is slightly exuded from the nine holes. Fang Han feels refreshed when he smells it. The whole body is light and agile, and the fatigue all over the body is swept away.

What is especially miraculous is that the nine orifices, like the nine orifices of a human being, contain air flow, which is constantly swallowing and breathing. It seems that there is a strange vitality in it.

"This elixir is a thousand times more wonderful than the Fang family's best ganoderma lucidum pills and Xueshen pills." Fang Han has seen those Fang family children occasionally swallowing health-preserving pills when they were practicing martial arts. It is an exquisite thing that has been tempered and refined, but compared to the elixir with nine holes in front of it, it is simply incomparable.

"I've also heard from the disciples of the Fang family that there are rumors that there are miraculous medicines that can dredge muscles and bones, regulate internal organs, clean up blood stasis, and revitalize the spirit. Swallowing one pill can save years of hard work in exercising the body and make up for the lack of vitality. Could it be that this golden elixir is this kind of medicine, I feel refreshed when I smell it a little bit."

Fang Han held the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir as if he were holding a diamond, thinking about whether he should swallow it all at once.

But after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't swallow it, and the medicine should not be taken indiscriminately.

Those disciples of the Fang family took health-preserving medicines on time and in a fixed amount every day, carefully and carefully.

Fang Han is not a fool, of course he knows that even if it is a panacea, if it is not taken properly, it will be damaged.

"My lord, I have picked up your body. I want to bury you and rest in peace. These two things are my reward, and we owe neither."

Fang Han put the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir back into the box, and said to the dead body.

While talking, he hurriedly dragged the corpse.

How did you know that the corpse was moved, and the corpse suddenly sat up, "The secret realm of supernatural powers is indeed no small matter! Yuhuamen is indeed one of the top ten sects of immortality in the world! Fang Qingxue, you are indeed an outstanding disciple among them. It seems that there are more disciples in the world!" A strong man. Just to see if you can use the way of supernatural powers to obtain the secret realm of longevity! The secret realm of supernatural powers will eventually die after a hundred years. Stepping into the secret realm of longevity is the real detachment... "

"Fake corpses! No, according to the rumors, zombies can't speak, and in broad daylight, zombies won't come out either." Who knew that the corpse would sit up and talk to itself, Fang Han was surprised but No small matter.

"Did you save me?" The "corpse" heard the movement, turned around, saw Fang Han, his eyes darkened, and asked.

"So you're still alive." Fang Han calmed down and said calmly.

"I didn't expect you to be so calm? Judging by your clothes, you must be a slave. Ordinary slaves will report me to the police after they find me. You know, if you report me to the police, you can get a thousand taels of silver." The eyes of the corpse With a cold tone and erratic tone, he seemed to be watching Fang Han's reaction, and if there was something wrong, he would strike him down.

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. It's not a good thing to be remembered after receiving silver rewards. I got two treasures from you. It is the kingly way to make a fortune silently. But since you are still alive, these two treasures , I will give it back to you."

Fang Han took out the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir and the Map of the Yellow Spring that he kept. He was a slave in the Fang Mansion, and the most important thing was to watch his words and demeanor, otherwise he would offend his master, and he would die without knowing how.

The person in front of him is obviously a strange person, he is afraid that he can take his life with a single flip of the palm.

"Making a fortune in silence is the kingly way... This sentence is well said. I, Bai Haichan, feel the same. Which mansion are you a servant of?" , was hunted down.

"Lyongyeon Province, a servant of the Fang family." Fang Han licked his lips.

"A slave of the Fang family?" Bai Haichan's face sank, and then he calmed down, looking at the ground around him: "I think you are also a person who is unwilling to be a slave. That's why you are here, secretly practicing martial arts. The footprints on it are the Fang family's strength training method. You must have learned it secretly. A slave who secretly learned martial arts and broke a taboo, you must be a restless person."

"This man is so powerful, I know so much just by looking at it casually." Fang Han felt that there was no secret in his whole body, under Bai Haichan's eyes.

"It's good to be restless, it's good to be restless, the servant of the Fang family... Fang Qingxue from the Mystic Realm..." A sneer appeared on Bai Haichan's face.

His face was scorched, and this sneer was extremely ferocious, like a ghost.

"You are a slave, with no money and no power. It is impossible for you to practice martial arts to get ahead. To train your body, you will get a mountain of money to spend on recuperating your body. But you are lucky to meet me! I give Your chance to stand out is as long as you promise me to do a few things." Bai Haichan said calmly.

"How did you give me a chance?" Fang Han asked warily.

"This Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir has incredible abilities. It can help you reborn, sweep away your weakness, and lay a solid foundation for you that no one else can match. If I teach you superior martial arts, you will definitely improve by leaps and bounds. As for whether you can step into the mystical realm of supernatural powers, it depends on your own chance." Bai Haichan sat up straight for a while.

"Mysterious Ability Secret Realm? You can help me cultivate to the Supernatural Ability Secret Realm!" Fang Han was shocked.

"You also know the secret realm of supernatural powers? It seems that you have learned a lot secretly." Bai Haichan once again looked at Fang Han with admiration.

"I just learned it secretly. I also know that the physical body has ten realms and the tenth realm is divine transformation. When the physical body is cultivated to the extreme, and the brain is supported by a strong physique, it will generate mana, and rely on mana to cultivate various supernatural powers." Fang Han recounted exactly what he heard from Fang Tong, the Giant Spirit Hand.

"That's right. The brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body. No amount of martial arts training can cultivate the brain. This is the source of supernatural powers." Bai Haichan said: "There is nothing else I want you to do. I am the teacher, and after you have succeeded in cultivation, the first thing is to find an opportunity to join the Ascension Sect in the Fang family, and you must learn the "Sutra of Ascension to Feathering", and the second is to kill Fang Qingxue!"

"Yuhuamen, Miss Fang, Fang Qingxue!"

Fang Han was shocked again. He knew that the ancestor of the Fang family was a disciple of the Immortal of the Yuhuamen according to the legend. And Fang Qingxue, the eldest lady of the Fang family, has been studying in the Yuhua School, practicing the way of immortals.

"However, joining the Yuhua Sect doesn't seem to be very popular. Princes and generals, I would rather be kind. If I become famous, I can rule the world and level the world, and become the emperor."

Fang Han was emboldened, and spit out rebellious words. He knew that the less shocking his words, the more he would be appreciated by such a strange person as Bai Haichan.

"You are so knowledgeable? After all, you are still a mortal." Who knows, Bai Haichan sneered when he heard his words: "Now the real success is the immortal secret realm after cultivating the supernatural power secret realm, one of the top ten sects of immortality The headmaster! Master a teaching, and it will shock the world! All nations pay tribute." Bai Haichan seemed to have seen through Fang Han's thoughts: "Although the Dali Dynasty has a vast territory and a population of hundreds of millions, in the eyes of the top ten sects of Immortal Dao, it is no more than It’s just a plaything. Like the Supreme Demon Emperor of the Devil Dao, if the Emperor Xiantian is dissatisfied with the Dali Dynasty at any time, he can wipe out the entire Dali Dynasty a hundred times at any time. Dynasty, Dashi Dynasty... dozens of dynasties, none of the lands of any dynasty is under the Dali Dynasty."

"There are so many dynasties in the world! What kind of person is the Xiantian Emperor? He dares to call himself emperor."

Fang Han was completely shocked.

He is a slave of the Fang family, and his vision is not bad, but he also knows that there is no king in the world. He thinks that the whole world belongs to the Dali dynasty, but he doesn't know that there are so many dynasties in the world! nation! How big is the whole world

"The world is big, the sky is big, and the void is big too. The world is as big as your heart is! I have to help you open your eyes. The Xiantian Emperor is the supreme devil emperor of the Dao of Demons, and he competes with the top ten sects of the Immortal Dao. , Longevity. The emperor of the Dali Dynasty is known as Long Live, but in fact he can live long live? And the Xiantian Emperor can live long live! Which of the ten sects of Immortal Dao, who has cultivated to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, came to the Dali Dynasty , those princes and nobles have to be treated as honored guests, for fear of not being well received. This time Fang Qingxue has cultivated to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, and she is afraid that she will be named a princess by the Dali Dynasty immediately, and will win her over. It is also a magic weapon left behind in Huangquan Mountain after the Great Emperor Huangquan became an immortal, and it has infinite power." Bai Haichan looked at Fang Han, as if looking at a fool: "If you step into the mystical realm of supernatural powers, you will be able to truly touch it. These things have also stepped into the world of immortality. If you don’t step into the secret realm of supernatural powers, you will spend your whole life in the dynasty and be a kowtow. It’s a pity, it’s a pity, I hoped to step into the secret realm of supernatural powers, but it fell short. Alright , These are all eye-opening things for you. If you really want to get in touch with these things, you have to rely on the Fang family and enter the Ascension Gate. Well, you can learn from the teacher now! I don’t have much time.”