Eternal Life

Chapter 55: fiancé?


"Go to the Heavenly Demon Battlefield and catch the Heavenly Demon. I can make the Heavenly Demon into the Biluo Great Pill by using alchemy methods. This is more powerful than the Blood Pill, and it can strengthen the vitality and spirit. In the whole world, only the holy water of Huangquan has it. This function. Other sects have captured celestial demons and burned them with real fire in the alchemy furnace, but celestial demons are most afraid of real fire, and they will disappear once they are burned. They are not particularly powerful alchemists, so they cannot use celestial demons to make pills."

"Yan" seemed very excited about going to the Heavenly Demon Battlefield.

"Water alchemy?" Fang Han asked a question.

"Yes, the Huangquan River is a huge alchemy furnace. Back then, the Emperor of Huangquan sealed the underground holy river of Huangquan with his supernatural power. Half of it also needed the magical effect of this river to make alchemy. Our alchemy in Huangquanmen is called Taoxi. The water of the Huangquan River, There are a few more names, Forget Love Water, Ecstasy Soup... "

"Water alchemy is really rare. It seems that I will not be short of food in the future. I don't have to worry about eating and drinking. I am much happier than ordinary disciples of the Yuhua sect."

After cultivating to the realm of the tenth level of physical body transformation, the body needs a huge amount of nutrition, and food is not enough. At this time, it is necessary to eat pills that have condensed a large amount of vitality essence. Fortunately, Fang Han killed hundreds of yakshas in the underground world, and "Yan" made more than 50 blood pills through the holy water of Huangquan, enough to last for two or three months.

The "Blood Pill" of Huangquanmen and the "Jingyuan Pill" and "Bigu God Pill" of Yuhuamen are both the crystallization of the essence of vitality, but the "Xue Pill" is the condensed blood of Yasha, while the "Jingyuan Pill" and "Bigu God Pill" "Pill" is the essence of many plants and trees, spirit stones, and the light spirit above the sky, the vitality of the thunder, and it is obtained after a long period of training in the pill furnace to remove impurities.

It is very convenient for "Yan" to refine blood pills, because the Huangquan River in the Huangquan map is the best alchemy furnace, and the method of "washing" is used to refine alchemy, but it is not tempered with real fire.

There is one water method for alchemy, one fire method for alchemy, each has its own mysteries.

However, refining the heavenly demon into elixir and water alchemy will have the best effect.

"Okay then, let's go!"

Fang Han walked out of the "Wolfing Immortal Courtyard" and walked directly to the "Sky Courtyard", which is the place where he passed the inner door examination and arrived at the Heavenly Demon Battlefield.

"Sky Courtyard" is in the depths of Yuhua City, shrouded in layers of mist. The morning sun shines down from the sky, refracting the mist into many rainbows, which is extremely beautiful, but Fang Han did not appreciate these Mood of beautiful scenery. He directly took out the jade card for qualification assessment and entered the "Sky Academy".

At this time, there were also some outside disciples who had obtained the examination qualification and walked over with jade cards in their hands. Obviously, they all wanted to enter the "Heavenly Demon Battlefield" to fight against the Heavenly Demon to test their xinxing.

These outer disciples are all very powerful, full of energy, and agile. They are not idlers. Who can complete the sect's mission and get the examination quota, which one is the idler

But now Fang Han saw at a glance that these people were relatively "weak".

Because his own strength is too strong, the strength close to ten horses is contained in the muscles, internal organs, and membranes of his body, which is already close to Shura's strength, how can he value these people

"I heard that the Heavenly Demon Battlefield is not in this world, but outside the sky. Is it true? Then don't we want to go outside the sky?"

"Is this still fake? I asked some inner disciples who participated in the assessment, and it is indeed outside the sky. The scenery there is gorgeous, an unprecedented spectacle, but it is also very dangerous. Last year, 10,000 outer disciples participated in the assessment. A total of three thousand died, and a few thousand became insane and insane, and a few thousand were rescued. Only two or three hundred people passed."

"I don't know if there will be more people who pass this year, and become inner disciples. Every five days, they will be given out a Jingyuan Lingdan, Bigu Pill. It is a top-grade elixir for improving cultivation, and it can be eaten as a meal. "

"Jingyuan Pill, I saw it at a prince's gathering. A prince regarded it as a family treasure. It is a panacea passed down from generation to generation. I heard that ordinary people can increase their strength and dredge their tendons... Wouldn't it be more comfortable to eat as a meal than the emperor?"

Listening to these discussions, Fang Han secretly looked at the disciples who were being assessed, and found that none of them could compare to him in terms of strength alone. Of course, there were a few of them who were very deep and unpredictable, but Fang Han knew intuitively that they should not Is my opponent.

"I don't know if Princess Hongyi has obtained the qualifications for the assessment. According to the theory, it is not difficult for her to get the True Blue Sword and kill Yasha secretly. By the way, after I become an inner disciple, I will go to Fairy Crane and share the benefits." She eats a few pills, and she may practice to a very high level."

"Huh? That's it?"

While Fang Han was sizing up, suddenly a group of people came into his sight.

One of them was actually a woman, tall and tall, although she was wearing a cassock, she was exquisitely carved, with graceful curves, boots, and a sword in her hand, and she was very heroic. Between people talking, the expression is quite intimate.

The rest of the men and women also have temperaments different from ordinary people, with strong self-confidence and solid steps, they are even higher than the "Prince Bao" group of men and women of the Dade royal family.

But it wasn't them who surprised Fang Han, but the woman with the boots and the sword. It was none other than the second young lady of the Fang family, Fang Qingwei!

"Fang Han! It's actually you."

Second Miss Fang, Fang Qingwei has sharp eyesight, sensitive senses, and a very high level of cultivation. Seeing someone's gaze resting on him, he quickly looked over and immediately saw Fang Han. He was taken aback for a moment, and then yelled.

Although Fang Han has grown a lot taller now, and his temperament is completely different, his face has not changed, and Fang Qingwei, who is a master, can recognize it, she just doesn't believe it.

Fang Han stopped in his tracks and didn't speak. He just looked at each other, allowing the second lady Fang Qingwei to see more clearly.

"Come here!" After confirming that it was Fang Han, Fang Qingwei waved her hand, beckoning Fang Han to come over, and said casually: "I heard that you, a slave, were appreciated by my sister and made you an outer disciple. What benefits did my sister give you in the assessment of inner disciples? But you are on Zidian Peak, a villain, beat up a few managers, and behaved badly. My sister is obsessed with pure cultivation. Lied. I am not so easy to deceive. Come here and kneel down, I have a few words to remind you."

"Qingwei, who is he?"

Hearing Fang Qingwei speak like this, the man who was intimate with her asked.

"A servant of my Fang family." Fang Qingwei said casually.

"Senior Sister Qingxue has promised me that you will marry me. From now on, I will be your fiance. Qingwei, you must understand this."

Fang Han stood still suddenly, and said majestically.

"Bold! You are presumptuous!"

There was murderous intent in the man's eyes.

The voice did not fall.


Fang Han's huge iron fist tore through the air, exploded, and went straight to his head.