Eternal Life

Chapter 6: Reborn


"Time is running out?" Fang Han was fascinated by the sound, the outside world was so wonderful.

"That's right, I was hit by Fang Qingxue's Zidian Yinlei Saber. My whole body was cut off, and I could only live for a while at most. This Zidian Yinlei Saber is one of the eight great magical powers of the Yuhuamen. It uses its own mana to collect various The five-element essence of thunder, lightning, real fire, and great lethality." Bai Haichan took a breath, "Just now, it was the medicinal power of the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir that woke me up."

"Nine-Aperture Golden Pill, can it heal your injury?" Fang Han rolled his eyes.

"Jiuqiao Golden Pill is the most powerful medicine in the world. If I took this medicine before I was injured, I would step into the mystical realm of supernatural powers, but now I can't." Bai Haichan shook his head.

"Master, please accept my apprentice's obeisance." Fang Han bowed without hesitation. This is a great opportunity for himself, and no obeisance is not in vain.

After seeing Fang Han kowtow three times in a row, Bai Haichan nodded.

"From now on, you are a disciple of our Stars Sect. The Stars Sect is the Ten Sects of Immortal Dao that stand side by side with the Yuhua Sect. As a teacher, you are also one of the disciples. This time as a teacher, you are occasionally in Huangquan Mountain. The Nine-Aperture Golden Pill and Jiaofu Huangquan Map, if you go back and dedicate it to the sect, you will become true disciples."

"It turned out to be like this. I said why didn't I take it after I got the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill? It turned out that after I dedicated it to the sect, it would have more benefits. It seems that I will swallow it when I have benefits in the future. Don't think about what will happen in the future. Swallow it The benefits of getting into your own stomach are the benefits." Fang Han thought to himself.

"Since master, you are a disciple of Qunxingmen, why don't you ask me to send this golden elixir and treasure map to Qunxingmen?" Fang Han asked.

"It's a long way to go to Qunxingmen, and it's not in the territory of Dali. Can you get there? What's more, we have a lot of disciples in Qunxingmen, and everyone wants to get the status of a true disciple. You're just afraid that things will be robbed once you go. "Bai Haichan said: "So, first, I will let you approach Fang Qingxue and let you enter the Yuhuamen. Then you can survive in the Yuhuamen. When you become stronger, steal the scriptures of the Yuhuamen and dedicate them to the head teacher of the Qunxingmen. That's it. Great contribution, when the time comes, the headmaster will remember my contribution, and with supreme magic power, it may not be possible to bring me back to life, and your contribution will be unrivaled!"

"I'm in Fang's house. I'm just a horse slave. I can't be appreciated by the eldest lady." Fang Han couldn't help licking his lips.

"The Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir can do it. The Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir can change your whole body's physique, make your whole body's energy and blood undergo earth-shaking changes, refine your bone marrow, and make you a talented and beautiful jade. Others can't see that Fang Qingxue has already cultivated supernatural powers. When you reach the third level Yuangang realm, you will definitely be able to see that your roots are different." Bai Haichan seems to have thought of a completely appropriate idea.

"Three levels of supernatural powers, Yuangang realm? What is that?" Fang Han caught some traces of cultivation again.

"The physical body has ten realms, and after stepping into the supernatural realm, there are also ten realms! In the end, when the supernatural powers are cultivated to the tenth level, you can reverse life and death, step into the eternal life secret realm, not bad for a thousand years, change at will, and be reborn with a drop of blood. At this time, He is truly the overlord of the universe, the Allah between heaven and earth. The only people who can step into the secret realm of longevity are the heads of the top ten sects, as well as the Great Emperor of the Demon Sect, and some other unborn characters, who are not on the same level as us. We They are the ants, but they are the rocs who are proud of the sky. I can’t explain the ten levels of the mystical powers for you. In short, the most important thing for you now is to do what I say.”

During Bai Haichan's speech, his breath became thicker and thicker. It seemed that he had consumed a lot of physical strength and spirit just now. He felt that he was dying, so he made a sudden move.


Fang Han only felt the other party's long nails, green and black in color, like knives and blades, so sharp that they tore the clothes off his heart.

Then the nails penetrated into his own flesh, bleeding from scratching.

"Oops, he's not a good guy, he's going to dig out my heart!" Fang Han only felt a sharp pain in his chest, as if his whole heart was about to be ripped out.


At this moment, Bai Haichan picked up the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir, "It's a pity, it's a pity, my whole body has been scorched, and my blood is not flowing. This golden pill is cheap for you."

While speaking, he pressed the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill.

Unexpectedly, he pressed this golden elixir through the hole drawn out by Fang Han's heart, and sewed it into the flesh and blood.

"The method of using the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir is neither swallowing nor external application. Even if it is swallowed, it will not be digested, and it will be pulled out." Bai Haichan said: "The only way to use it is from the heart. , open a hole, sew it in, and then use the power of the heart's blood circulation to flush it continuously, and its medicinal power will continuously merge into the blood, and finally replace the blood again, so as to cut the hair and wash the marrow. Reborn! At that time, any martial arts you practice will be a thousand miles away... "

"It hurts..."

The flesh in Fang Han's heart was poked open by his nails, the pain was so painful that he gritted his teeth to hold back. But then the bitterness came, and as soon as the nine-orifice golden elixir was sewn into the flesh and blood at the mouth of the heart, the medicinal power began to dissipate immediately, the cut flesh began to condense, and the bleeding stopped. A faint red mark.

Afterwards, his whole body was extremely cool, sweet body fluid was continuously secreted from his lips, he swallowed it into his stomach, and a constant stench was emitted from the pores all over his body.

Afterwards, he hurried to the river and pulled it once. It was all black and smelly blood, and there was also a layer of black and smelly sweat in the pores. He simply took a bath, and his whole body was refreshed immediately. The aroma is everywhere.

In particular, he felt as if he had an extra heart. Every time he took a breath, his heart beat twice, and every time he beat, his strength seemed to increase by a point.

The Nine-Aperture Golden Pill is like a stronger heart, which assists the original heart in blood circulation.

As soon as his body recovered, he felt his mind became sober, and he understood what happened today, and many wonderful ideas emerged, as if a fool had suddenly become enlightened and became wiser.

"Sure enough, the better the body, the clearer the mind. A strong body can nourish the mind and inspire supernatural powers." Fang Han once again verified the martial arts theory he had secretly learned.

"Don't be too happy, you are just making up for the shortcomings of your original body." Bai Haichan said coldly: "If you want to cultivate your physical body to the peak, you have to take your time. But you can go faster than others That's all. From today onwards, you will be able to carry out intense exercise, and you will have sufficient nutrition to keep up with it. Sit down... I will teach you my martial arts, the Seven Star Fist. There is also this picture of the dragon crouching in the underworld. Some stories."

Fang Han also sat down quietly, listening to Bai Haichan's explanation...

Getting better.

But Bai Haichan's voice became weaker and weaker, and he said at the end: "The various boxing techniques of my Star Gate are created based on the orbits of the stars in the sky. They communicate with the heavens and the earth with the body, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and reach the mysterious realm of supernatural powers. You must always remember this, and pay attention to the star trails... "

Suddenly, his body stiffened again, "Remember! You must go to the Yuhuamen, steal the "Ascension Sutra" and dedicate it to the master! At that time, you and I will have great benefits, and my body, Bury quietly in the ground, do not cremate, and keep the whole body. In the future, if you get great credit, you can ask the teacher for a condition: Rebirth for the teacher. If the body of the teacher is damaged, you cannot be reborn. Remember, remember... "

After finishing speaking, Bai Haichan's body stiffened suddenly! The breath was completely cut off, and he died like this.