Eternal Life

Chapter 60: Great Demon King


"Let me fulfill the ideal of Emperor Huangquan. The rewards and punishments for establishing that reincarnation and the underworld are clear. Between heaven and earth, there is indeed a word of retribution. I will not kill indiscriminately, but use dignified means to make heaven and earth Between, there is a good and an evil!"

While speaking, Fang Han paused every word, his eyes closed slightly, and there seemed to be a slight noise on the sky gate above his head. It seems that the skylight has been opened, and it is bright and free.

"Your spirit is pure again, and you have taken the most solid step to step into the mystical realm. With such a heart, even if you don't take the Nine-Aperture Golden Elixir, you will step into the mystical realm sooner or later." "Yan" was surprised Seriously, "Three years at most, one year at least, you will definitely be able to cultivate supernatural powers! This kind of progress is astonishing!"

Indeed, Fang Han started from practicing martial arts with a pitifully weak foundation, but in just about a year, he has reached the realm of magical transformation, which is close to the strength of ten horses. It's too shocking.

Even Jinshitai, after more than ten years of cultivation to reach the realm of divine transformation, was unable to progress for a long time, and finally broke through the realm with the help of Yinyang Longevity Pill. The foundation is a hundred times stronger than Fang Han's.

In fact, in the world of cultivating Taoism, those who can reach the mystical realm of supernatural powers within twenty years are all very qualified. Within ten years, that would be a peerless genius.

The torture he had just done made his spirit much purer and less impurity. This is an excellent practice. However, there is still a very difficult way to go to break through to the mysterious realm of supernatural powers.

"Well! I thought it would take a few more years. Not much to say, let's practice hard!"

Fang Han's mind is very firm, because he feels that he has a goal, an unprecedented and extremely magnificent goal. Compared with becoming a fairy, it is a more majestic future.

How big the heart is, how big the achievement will be.

He knew that as long as he walked towards this goal, he would have a magnificent life.

"Take this Biluo Great Pill, that's right! This is to increase the spirit, you don't need to swallow it, crush it, and melt it into juice with water! Drop it on the top of your head, and use your spirit to guide it. , will clear the mind, cleanse the mind, and condense the will!" Yan sighed.

Fang Han took out the "True Water Talisman", dripped a drop of water from it, melted the mung bean-sized Biluo Dadan on the top of his head, and sure enough, he felt that the pill had turned into a stream of nectar, pouring into his brain.

There was a slight heat in the brain, which was very comfortable, and it was the feeling of drunkenness again. After half a stick of incense, the drunkenness subsided, and the spirit in the mind had a dignified, watery liquid feeling instead.

"Well, this Biluo Great Pill can at least withstand someone else's hard work for a month to transform Qi and blood into spirit. I originally wanted to pass on the Taoism of Huangquanmen to you, but Yuhuamen hidden dragon and crouching tiger, you have practiced it. A change in temperament will definitely be seen. So wait until you have cultivated into a mystical power, and then find an opportunity to practice secretly."

From the realm of divine transformation to the realm of supernatural powers, the gap is very large, and a lot of accumulation is required. Transforming the spirit into mana, changing from quantity to quality, and breaking the world view of ordinary people is definitely not something that happens overnight. The inner disciples of Yuhuamen, Including the disciples on the Shanhe list, they are all struggling.

This kind of torture, no magic weapon or spiritual weapon will work. The only way is to swallow the elixir, strengthen the body, cultivate the spirit, and practice hard day by day.

Just as Fang Han was refining his spirit and digesting the power of Bi Luo's great elixir, a man stood thousands of miles away from him on a high stone peak. This man was surrounded by many evil winds. These Yinfeng kept uttering strange and weird languages, as if they were reporting something to this man.

"Really? The disciples of the Yuhuamen have already started to enter here and started to practice? The headmaster of the Yuhuamen has turned this place into a testing ground, thinking that we will gather more and more demons! But why don't we get more flesh and blood? Perhaps the group of Yuhuamen didn’t know that Nine Suns Demon God had quietly avoided their induction, so send me here! This time, I will let all the disciples of Yuhuamen be wiped out!”

This man is actually a heavenly demon, because his face is constantly changing, sometimes handsome, sometimes ugly, sometimes ordinary, it seems that there are a thousand faces, but his body is emitting blood all the time, obviously he has a body .

With the body of the demon, that is the demon king!

It is equivalent to the master of the mysterious realm!

It can sweep away all existences without supernatural powers! The Yuhua Sect's disciples who came to the Heavenly Demon Battlefield to participate in the assessment this time are all outer sect disciples. Although there are some tyrannical ones, it is impossible for them to have masters of the mysterious realm of supernatural powers.

"Organize and learn the art of war of human beings. When you encounter masters, don't swarm. It's best not to act alone. When encountering difficult disciples, I will go and kill them directly." The demon king said secretly.

"Yes, Great Mighty Demon King."

The countless heavenly demons around this "Great Mighty Demon King" kept shouting, and they were loved by all people like an emperor, showing that this demon king has a lofty status and powerful power.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

After the Great Mighty Demon King gave an order, countless heavenly demons around him flew out, like locusts, sweeping and flying, with gusts of wind, howling ghosts and gods, and the rubble on this deserted star was rolled up and beaten all over the sky, like hail Falling down, fortunately there are no creatures on this star, otherwise more than half of them will die.

"On this star, thousands of years ago, I remember that there were living creatures, but a group of extraterrestrial demons flew over and ate up the living creatures, and even sucked away the aura of the trees, so it was so desolate. , Fortunately, they don’t eat those natural and earthly treasures.”

After absorbing a "Bi Luo Great Pill", Fang Han felt that his spirit had been condensed a lot, but his body was a little hungry. It seemed that he would feel hungry every time he practiced. Fortunately, he had enough pills on his body, so he took out a blood pill and swallowed it, drank some real water, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and after a moment, he suddenly stood up, all radiant and radiant.

As soon as he stood up, he heard Yan sigh again.

"The demon is the great enemy of the world. It floats around in the sky. Wherever it floats, it eats it. Wherever it goes, it is full of devastation. All life will be sucked away. This kind of monster that only knows how to plunder but does not know how to create is also I don't know why it exists in this world..."

Fang Han has read the introduction about the demons in "The Worlds", and now he has also come into contact with the demons, and finally understands what a group of things they are.