Eternal Life

Chapter 61: Shura Guard


"The world allows this thing to exist, and there will always be a reason for it. It may be to encourage other creatures to grow. Without the pressure of survival, immortality will not arise. According to rumors, in the most ancient time, in the primitive era, human beings Fighting wild beasts produces martial arts, and fighting demons produces supernatural powers."

"Yan" laughed loudly: "Don't talk so much, now that you have regained your spirit, let's move on, kill a few more demons, and sharpen your spirit."

"Okay! Let's go!"

Fang Han was also full of confidence.

At a very fast pace, he shuttled and walked among the desolate gravel and potholes. Fang Han didn't need much effort, he could often jump over Shifeng, which was several people tall, and cross the cracks in the ground dozens of steps wide. This is the law of indulgence.

Now his jumping ability, running ability, explosive power, and endurance are much higher than ordinary people. Where ordinary people see it as a natural moat, he is walking on flat ground. He can take forty or fifty steps in one jump, and the height of several people in one jump. And never stop, never rest. The physical strength is long and profound. Running on this desolate and inhabited star, there is a kind of comfort of releasing wildness.

"Huh? Why is there wind in front? I feel a huge air flow rolling, is it a tornado?"

While running and jumping, moving forward at high speed, and exercising his body, Fang Han looked in all directions with his eyes, and even looked for any ore treasures on the ground. Suddenly, it seemed a little dim in front of him.

"The storm on the stars in the sky outside the territory is very violent. Thousands of catties of boulders can blow all over the sky. If you encounter this kind of wind, you should hide in the cracks in the ground." Yan said casually, but he Then he was shocked: "No, that's not a storm, that's a group of demons! Oops! How come there are so many demons! Quick! Hide, there are so many demons, you are not opponents, you will be torn to pieces of!"

"Those winds are demons?"

Fang Han was taken aback, and just talking for a while, the wind from far away was getting stronger and stronger, making his cassock flutter like a flag, and the sky was full of wind and sand. , especially a gloomy smell came from the wind and sand, the biting cold, and some fishy smell, it was indeed the breath of a "demon", not an ordinary storm!

"Dust talisman!"

A stream of crystal clear water vapor flickered past, surrounding the whole body, and within half a foot of the body, all the dust and sand fell down. This is a talisman issued by the sect. Fang Han now knows the benefits of this "dust-avoiding talisman". Otherwise, the dust would have to bury itself.

"Hurry up and find a crack in the ground to hide. You must avoid the army of demons. My dear, there are tens of thousands of demons here. So many demons can attack some small sects of immortality. Some sects, There are only one or two masters in the mystical realm of supernatural powers, and the Heavenly Demon will devour them directly." Yan, the flood dragon, also seemed to have deep fear.

Tens of thousands of heavenly demons are enough to swallow it too.

In addition to the ten sects of Immortal Dao, there are also some small sects in the world. It was also established by a master of the mysterious realm. For example, the young owner of the "Nightless Island" that Fang Han fought, his father is the owner of the "Nightless Island", a master of mystical powers. But it is similar to Jinshitai, it is a very small sect. Basically, after two or three hundred years, the island owner's lifespan is exhausted, and after his death, the sect can disappear.

Such a small sect is called Sanxiu. There are no masters in the Longevity Secret Realm for casual cultivation sects, otherwise they will become big sects.

"Close the pores, restrain the breath, absorb the energy, and breathe the vitality!"

When Fang Han came here, he didn't dare to neglect. When he saw a huge crack in the ground, he flew over immediately. He was ten times more agile than an ape. He shrank, bounced, and crawled. Usually drilled into deep fissures in the ground. If ordinary people see such a situation, they will be horrified and say that "the big mouse has become a spirit".

Hiding in the crevices of the underground rocks, hiding his body, Fang Han closed the pores of his body so that no air would leak out, and his breathing was adjusted to be long and long. Condensed into a bright ball.

This is the result of his recent practice. If the pores are closed, no breath will leak out, and it will hide like a stone. Even a dog's nose can't smell it.

The dog's nose does not smell, which is also an important milestone in the control of physical strength by the magic master.

Naturally, it was difficult for the Heavenly Demon to feel this kind of air lock. Can avoid catastrophe.

Above the surface, Fang Han only felt the rumbling sound like thunder, and it seemed like thousands of troops galloping, and big stones kept falling from above. Fortunately, the place where he hid was a deep cave. , The stone cannot hit his body, otherwise, if he avoids the stone, his breath will be leaked, and the consequences will be disastrous, both he and "Yan" will be eaten.

"According to the logic, it is impossible for so many demons to appear on the battlefield of demons! Otherwise, the inner disciples who will be assessed will definitely die. Even if they are true disciples, how many of them will die in the face of so many demons... Could it be that something happened?"

While lurking, Fang Han thought in his heart.

After a long time, Fang Han felt that the wind above was gradually disappearing, so Fang Han let go of his breath. Like a centipede, he rushed upstream and rushed to the ground. Sure enough, the desolate ground was in a mess, and many huge stone peaks were broken.

Suddenly, a cloud of Yin Qi came again.

Many voices, mixed with thoughts, reached his head.

"This time His Majesty the Demon God of the Nine Suns opened the Immortal Seal of the Ascension Gate, and sent Lord Daweide Demon King in, so that we can have a full meal. It's been a long time since we've had blood food..."

"The last time I returned to the void in the Great Northern Ocean, several Lord Demon Kings teamed up to suck up the vitality of a female monk. I watched from the side, it was so refreshing..."

"I heard that Lord Water Gu Demon King was beheaded by a female disciple named Fang from the Yuhua Sect, who also refined the body of the Demon King. His Majesty the Nine Yin Demon God was suppressed by the demon god. This time, His Majesty the Nine Sun Demon God came to take revenge."

"Hey! Someone! Flesh and blood!"

"Chatcha, chatter... What a powerful flesh and blood. I didn't expect us to come one step too late and not catch up with the main force. But we can meet a disciple of the Yuhuamen, and he is still so strong. Let's work together to suck him away!"

"Yes, suck him dry, let him only have a layer of skin, and then cover his skin, let's confuse others..."

"There are still demons left!" Fang Han saw that there were more than a dozen dark winds swirling towards him, and he was about to make a move immediately, but hundreds of steps away, these more than ten dark winds suddenly stopped and turned into ten. Wearing thin gauze, many young women with wonderful charm flowed into their bones, danced a provocative dance, and uttered a melodious sound, a lingering little song like a resentful woman, which stunned Fang Han for a moment.

"Brother, we are so lonely, come and comfort us..."

"Uh, uh... uh... uh..."

The rascal words from the throat hit people's nerves, turning the giant steel man into red fingers.

"I want to use this to shake my mind! I'm dreaming!" Fang Han didn't look at these young women. He suddenly struck out and slashed several palms towards the sky above his head.

With his current voice, a loud roar can shake a tiger until it bleeds from its orifices and faints to death. The palm wind combined with the sound, it was like a thunderbolt swinging a sledgehammer, like a giant spirit hitting a drum, the sound waves shocked dozens of miles away.

In the palm wind sound waves, ten shadows appeared above the head. These shadows turned out to be skeletons, making sharp and miserable sounds, as if they had been severely hit, while those young women in the distance were phantoms. The general ones are gone.

It turned out that those young women were transformed by heavenly demons, but they hid themselves and drilled down from the sky, trying to get into Fang Han's head all at once!

The tricks contained in this are really tricky. One is to cheat the world, and the other is to smack the east and the west.

If a person is tempted by those women, he will succeed naturally. If he is not tempted and kills them, he will also be killed in vain. He will take advantage of the loophole, jump down from above, and be murdered.

Fortunately, Fang Han's spirit has increased again and has been refined. Putting away the false and preserving the truth, he didn't let these demons succeed, but used their tricks and hurt them, otherwise, if these demons jumped into his mind, they might not be scattered. One celestial demon is easy to deal with, but if more than a dozen celestial demons have all entered the body, they cannot be suppressed.

"Haw, chirp..."

These heavenly demons transformed into hideous and terrifying bones and rushed towards the sky, trying to avoid Fang Han's palm wind and voice, so as not to be injured again and fall to the ground. But how could Fang Han let them avoid them? With a bend of his hand, the "seven evil gourds" hanging on his body have been taken out, and the wolf smoke billows, soaring into the sky, turning into demon faces one by one, devouring them away .

Sirius smoke is an excellent magic weapon, it can be said that it is the nemesis of heavenly demons. If these heavenly demons are killed with flying swords, the effect will not be great, and they can only consume a little bit of energy. Because the demon is a stream of air, it's like drawing a knife to cut off the flow of water, unless it can be cut off with a sword of the pure yang magic weapon level. However, Sirius smoke directly envelops them.

Those heavenly demons were swallowed by the demonic faces turned into smoke, and they did not perish, but struggled fiercely, but were pulled by Fang Han like fishing lines.

The seven evil gourds were shaking non-stop, it was the strength of those heavenly demons struggling. Fang Han felt as if he was really catching a few big sharks when he caught them, and he would be dragged away several times. Only with the strength of the bull and the tiger, did the Heavenly Demon really get into the gourd.

"It's so hard to collect only fourteen celestial demons. If I get a hundred at once, I won't die?" Fang Han poured the gourd into the map of the underworld, his blood fluttering a little.

"Quack, quack!" Yan Lede yelled, and practiced the collected demons into "Bi Luo Da Dan" one by one. In the Yellow Spring River, these demons had no room to be mischievous.

"I gave these pills to Feitian Yasha! They will accumulate power and transform! Fang Han, let's refine more demons this time. If you kill another 360 demons, you can refine 360 blue fallings. If Dan is eaten by ten flying yakshas, they will evolve into Shura! At that time, we will have ten Shura guards!"

In the picture of the underworld, there are ten flying yakshas sealed. After Yan practiced the elixir, he ate one pill for each of them. As a result, the scales on the bodies of these flying yakshas became thicker, wrapping themselves like big cocoons. Stopped wriggling.

"Ten Shura guards! That's too strong!"

Fang Han's mind became hot.