Eternal Life

Chapter 69: The sky is full of snow


"Woo! Goo! Ba! Well! Hum! Acridine! Huh! Huh!"

Fang Han saw the appearance of the Great Mighty Demon King, without the slightest hesitation, the smoke of the Sirius around him rolled away, and instantly condensed into something in the shape of a "big horn". At this moment, the eight sounds of the Heavenly Dragon burst out from his body When it comes out, it is like thousands of troops and horses twisted into one strand, sweeping towards them.

Especially after the expansion of the Sirius Yan's loudspeaker, the sound is more powerful than before, and the frequency of the sound waves is fully doubled than before.

This is the magical effect of Sirius smoke that Fang Han figured out.

Sirius smoke is not a simple puff of smoke, but the spirit of the wolf of the moon night, metal poisonous gas... and other various materials, which are sacrificed by demons. When it is heavy, it is like mercury, and when it is light, it is like smoke , When it is fierce, it is like a Sirius, and when it is soft, it is like flowing water. Various shapes can be changed.

With the "big horn" transformed from "Sirius Smoke" and the "Tianlong Bayin", the power is majestic and vast, which is why Fang Han dared to break into the three thousand demon formation.

But as soon as the Demon King of Virtuous Virtue appeared, Fang Han knew that this was a formidable enemy, much more powerful than any demon in the sky. If he didn't act first, he was afraid that he would be at a disadvantage if he met him face to face.

Now that his cultivation base has reached the realm of divine transformation, he also has telepathy in the dark, knowing good and bad, good and bad, and the great mighty and virtuous demon king in front of him has an invincible feeling in his heart, and he knows: encounter a hard nail up!

Originally, as soon as Fang Han's Tianlong Bayin spewed out, Sirius Smoke would also be shattered, but Sirius Smoke was refined by his blood drop sacrifice, and it contained the spirit of blood, as if it was his body.

No matter how loud a person's voice is, it will not deafen his ears. It's the same reason, so the "Tianlong Bayin" not only can't hurt Sirius, but cooperates to complement each other.

"What a strong sound wave..."

The Great Mighty Demon King didn't seem to have expected Fang Han's sudden move. He was shocked by the "Tianlong Bayin", and his body was twisted like water waves, constantly changing, as if he was about to disperse.

Finally, with a long howl, he soared into the sky, avoiding the attack of the sound wave.

"That's great, let's go!"

Fang Han saw that the Demon King of Mighty Virtue hadn't been scattered by the shock, but left calmly. His surprise was no small matter. The hairs on his body stood up immediately.

With his current strength, the "Tianlong Bayin" combined with the "big horn" of the wolf smoke, the distance is so close, and the movement is so fast, even if there is an elephant in front of him, it will be shocked to death. The demon king did not even frown , the body was not blown away, which is really shocking.

Originally, Fang Han wanted to use this newly thought out trick to catch the devil by surprise and slaughter the devil once.

The Demon King is equivalent to a master of the Mystical Ability Secret Realm. If he is really slaughtered by him, then he is afraid that he will become famous in one battle and will receive a great reward from the sect. But now it seems that the gap between him and the Demon King is too great, and it is impossible to slaughter beyond the existence of the level.

The most urgent thing is to go first.

The wolf smoke magic ball condensed again, this time the speed increased to the extreme, and it rushed to the bottom of the "Nine Palaces Golden Pagoda" mask on the plain. It happened to meet the three thousand heavenly demons.

Originally, the three thousand heavenly demons were attacking the cover of the "Nine Palaces and Golden Pagoda", when suddenly Fang Han uttered a strong "Tianlong Bayin" from behind, which surprised them all, slowed down their movements, and turned their heads to look at it. Fang Han rushed over with lightning speed, and uttered a few syllables of the Heavenly Dragon Bayin while charging, these demons were suddenly rushed away, unable to resist.

"Bang bang bang..." bang bang...

One after another, the celestial demons were shattered. At this time, Fang Han still did not forget to make a fortune. He collected the shattered celestial demons into the seven evil gourds, and then used a delicate trick to divert his attention and send them into the underworld. in the figure.

One head, two heads... ten heads... twenty heads, thirty heads...

This reckless charge, taking advantage of the scattered celestial demon formation, yielded huge gains, and a full hundred of celestial demons became Fang Han's pocket.

"court death!"

The Great Mighty Demon King from far away saw this scene, his face moved and his body jumped, a black light tore through the air and approached Fang Han's back.


The wolf smoke magic ball was hit by this black light, and was immediately scattered, making a cracking sound. The wounded snake shrank into the gourd of the seven evil spirits, and without the protection of the wolf smoke, Fang Han and the eight members of the Jialanhui The female disciples all fell down.

Fortunately, the sky was not high, and everyone was strong. Once they fell to the ground, they used rolling to eliminate the impact. They immediately got up and ran towards the golden light of the Jiugong Golden Pagoda.

"It's a disciple of our feathered ones!"

"That? That black light! It's not an ordinary demon, it's a demon king!"

"My God! It's the devil!"

"These few disciples were able to escape their lives under the hands of the Demon King. It's really amazing."

"It's the senior sisters of the Jialan Society! No wonder, the Jialan Society is the largest group among our Ascension Sect disciples."

"How can there be a man in the Jialan Club? Who is that male disciple? He is so powerful. He seems to be wearing a magic treasure? Just now when the black smoke was billowing, I thought it was a powerful demon."

At this moment, the disciples in the golden pagoda of the Nine Palaces also saw clearly that they were their own people, and there was a lot of discussion, but none of them left and ran outside the golden mask to meet them.

It's not that these disciples have fallen into trouble and refused to save them, and they have no sympathy, but it is the appearance of the devil king, which is extremely dangerous.

"Go into the golden mask quickly, and I will resist it!"

Fang Han saw the golden mask in front of his eyes, and the demon king rolling in behind him, he couldn't help roaring, the sky wolf smoke came out again, turned into a huge sky wolf, opened his mouth and swallowed the demon king.

And the demons around were sucked in by this Sirius even more.

Xuyue'er of the Jialan Club, Ye Yu knew this time, so he didn't hesitate to come, and quickly vibrated the "Songtao Qin" and "Yunshui flute" to shake away the scattered demons around him, and jumped into the corner of the Nine Palaces and Golden Pagoda. Inside the mask, the whole body lightened suddenly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "It's safe!"

At the same time, they looked at Fang Han anxiously.

Fang Han blocked the Demon King and gave them a chance, but now he was trapped in a tight siege, which moved them again.

"Sky wolf smoke! Seven evil gourds! This is the magic weapon of the demon god sect, and it will fall into the hands of you, a little shrimp. It's too wasteful, bring it to me!" The Great Mighty Demon King chased after him, and saw Fang Han Sacrificial to the Sirius, he turned into a Sirius and devoured himself, immediately sneered, stretched out his magic palm, swayed in the wind, became huge, and slapped the Sirius fiercely.

Ohh Ohh ohh!

Sirius let out a shrill scream, exploded into smoke, and still shrank back.

Fang Han was shocked by the explosion and fell into a somersault. He wanted to activate Sirius Smoke again, but found that Sirius Smoke was slowly recovering in the gourd and could not be used at all. Obviously, he was seriously injured by the demon king. It takes a long time to repair it.

"This Demon King of Great Might and Virtue is much more powerful than Jinshitai! Back then, Jinshitai couldn't break through the wolf smoke. Although I had Yan's help at that time, I am much stronger now. This demon king can break through with one blow." When the smoke of Sirius is released, the magic power is overwhelming."

Fang Han was shocked, and deeply felt the gap between himself and the people in the magical realm.

The Great Mighty Demon King shattered the sky wolf smoke with his palm, and was about to kill it while grinning fiercely, when he suddenly sensed something, his face changed, and he looked into the distance.

"Why is it so cold..."

Fang Han was about to go all out, but found that the Demon King of Great Virtue had stopped killing himself. He thought it was the Demon King showing kindness. He looked up at the sky, and immediately felt a biting and deep chill, as if winter had come suddenly generally.

Those heavenly demons felt it more clearly. Fang Han seemed to see three thousand heavenly demons shivering in the cold air.

In a trance!

In the sky, goose feathers and heavy snow were flying, covering the sky and falling down, and the entire land with a radius of thousands of miles changed color, and it was a vast expanse of white.

"Ah!" Ahhh...

When the heavy snow fell, those Heavenly Demons screamed violently, because as soon as each snowflake touched their bodies, it immediately turned into ice cubes, freezing them in it, and falling to the ground.

All of a sudden, the three thousand heavenly demons were all covered by heavy snow and frozen into ice cubes, not a single one was left. And those snowflakes seemed to have spirituality, and when they touched Fang Han's body, they turned into ordinary heavy snow.

At the same time, the Great Mighty Demon King was also covered by endless snowflakes, and in an instant it was frozen into a crystal clear iceberg, which fell to the ground.

"Tianhan Xuanming Jin!"

Although the Demon King of Great Mighty Virtue was sealed in ice, he did not die, but made a slight metallic sound from within.

"With a flick of the hand, there are thousands of miles of snow, three thousand demon heads, all of them are frozen! It's too powerful... too powerful! It's a bit stronger than that demon commander Ying Tianqing. This is someone from the Yuhuamen... Fang Han, from now on, I have to use the Great Law of Nirvana to completely hide my body, and I won’t hear or answer if you call me again. Otherwise, I will be discovered by this person.”

Yan's voice seemed a little trembling.

"Haha, haha... Eldest brother is really powerful, one move is full of snow, and even the devil can't bear it."

"After all, we are still one step behind the elder brother."

"Brother also practiced Panwu Dali supernatural powers. In terms of mana, he is second to none among our Yuhuamen disciples. Otherwise, how can we call it Zhongtian Capital?"

"We wiped out the Heavenly Demon Battlefield. There were a total of 18,613 Heavenly Demons, and Eldest Brother killed 10,000 Heavenly Demons. Of the last 3,000 Heavenly Demons, one demon king was also snatched by Senior Brother."

"Brother, I heard that five years ago, the Daxu Dynasty asked you to make snow, so as to increase the harvest in the coming year. You directly snowed eight thousand miles, and the snow was three feet deep... The emperor of the Daxu Dynasty insisted on giving the princess You are a maid, is there such a thing?"

"Brothers and sisters, please be polite. Let's go down and have a look."

Several voices came from the sky.