Eternal Life

Chapter 74: Yan Luo's golden body


After returning to his room in the "Inner Immortal Courtyard", Fang Han closed all the doors, sat cross-legged in the alchemy room and began to practice spiritually. His original room was in the "Wolfing Immortal Courtyard", but he didn't have any luggage in it, and he didn't need to pack it up. All his important things were still in the Huangquan map.

The picture of Huangquan hides a huge space inside, which can hold a mountain.

The rooms in this "Inner Immortal Courtyard" are different from those in Crouching Immortal Courtyard. They are purely made of pure white stone. They are tall, spacious, deep and fresh, like a fairy cave, especially every room. All are fully enclosed, as long as the huge stone gate is closed, no one can disturb it.

The rooms are connected one by one, among which there are bookshelves, alchemy rooms, and spring pools, and bright pearls are inlaid on the roof of the tall houses.

These pearls are not luminous pearls, but spiritual light beads that can absorb the light of the sun, moon and stars and store them, and emit soft light at night.

Fang Han even saw in the alchemy room, a pill furnace that was taller than a person and had a bulging belly. There were many flame symbols engraved on the outside of the pill furnace, and there were various springs and water holes beside the pill furnace.

This is something that outer disciples cannot enjoy at all.

Dan room.

The huge alchemy furnace is neither gold nor iron, nor stone nor jade. Although it is not a spiritual weapon, it is an excellent magic weapon. Can refine weapons and medicinal materials.

The most important thing is that the room is very clean.

In fact, it is very important for the inner disciples to practice alone in their own houses, and any disciples are not allowed to trespass on other people's cultivation place without permission, otherwise the sect rules are extremely strict, or they may go to the mines around Yuhuamen to dig for a few months as coolies , or go to the garden to plant rice, take care of the medicine field, and be a farmer.

So when Fang Han practiced, he chose to be next to the alchemy room. He felt that next to the alchemy furnace was really the best holy place for cultivation.

"Under this alchemy furnace, the ground fire is communicated. On it is a crystal instrument that can condense the real fire of the sun. You can adjust the size of the two flames of the sky and the earth according to your own wishes, and refine various things, but you don't know how to refine them." You don’t even know about the coordination of various metals, medicine, monarchs and ministers... But, you can use this pill furnace to refine your body!"

"Use it for body training? How to do it?"

Fang Han was taken aback.

"You jump in by yourself and use yourself as a pill to refine, just to control the heat. Who said that the pill furnace can only make pills and flying swords? Many masters exercise their spirits and temper their bodies in the pill furnace. The inner disciples of the Yuhua Sect must have this kind of kung fu, but you haven't learned it yet, but I know a method of tempering the spirit and body in the alchemy furnace of the Huangquan Sect, which is called Yan Luo Jinshen. If you practice like this now, even if you have The elixir is not too fast, nor can it achieve the effect of high-level tempering of the spirit and body. You have to change a cultivation method."

"Yan" said coldly, he knew about the ten-year agreement between Fang Han and Hua Tiandu, and understood that the matter was extremely urgent. Originally, even if Fang Han had the assistance of the Heavenly Demon Pill, it would take a year or three years for Fang Han to enter the mysterious realm of supernatural powers , now it seems that we have to speed up.

Because even if he breaks through the mystical realm of supernatural powers, in Hua Tiandu's eyes, he is still a small shrimp.

"Yan Luo's golden body?"

Listening to "Yan"'s tone, Fang Han knew that the cultivation method of "Yan Luo's golden body" must be very difficult to cultivate.

"Cultivating Yama's Golden Body requires enduring the cruelest pain in the world. Can you bear it? The first step of cultivation can greatly strengthen your spirit and body, but to truly practice Yama's Golden Body, you have to cultivate to supernatural powers The tenth level of the secret realm, you can change your fate against the sky." Yan asked.

"If you have any tricks, you can use them, and I will practice according to your method." Fang Han was decisive and resolute, and didn't bother to repeat.

"Okay." Seeing Fang Han like this, Yan Dao couldn't say anything. Suddenly, it waved its claws in the map of the underworld, and suddenly a burst of mana surged out, opening the lid of the big alchemy furnace that was one or two people tall. .

Gudong gudong, gudong gudong, a torrent rushed out of the map of the underworld and poured it into the pill furnace, and then a raging flame ignited under the pill furnace, and on the top of the pill furnace, a ray of sunlight poured down like flowing gold, shooting To a few fire eyes on Danlu's stomach.

After a while, the holy water of Huangquan in the alchemy furnace began to emit steam.

"Yan" roared loudly, and the eighteen blood pills, together with the eighteen big blue pills, flew into the boiling holy water of Huangquan in the pill furnace, and the holy water immediately gave off a strange fragrance.

"Eighteen Hells, Eighteen Kinds of Suffering, Fang Han, jump in! Jump into the water! Exercise your mind and body, and endure all kinds of hardships, but you must remember these two mantras, 'Unbearable as the earth ! Meditation is as deep as a secret treasury!', no matter how much pain you endure, you must be patient and meditate deeply. Otherwise, if you lose your energy, you will be finished. You will be boiled to pieces and become rotten pork."

Yan yelled at the pill furnace that looked like a boiling pot.

"Let me go in and cook?"

Only now did Fang Han know how the "Yam Luo Golden Body" was refined, by putting a living person into boiling water to boil! Even a master of the Mystical Ability Secret Realm must die! It is flesh after all.

"This is the holy water of the Yellow Spring, which is different from other ordinary water." Yan Dao: "Only the holy water of the Yellow Spring can cultivate the golden body of Yama, not the rest of the water, but after you jump into it, the pain is the same, and even more severe , It is equivalent to cooking people alive. This kind of pain is called frying oil. Because of this, few disciples of our Huangquan sect chose to practice this kind of kung fu. Because if they can't bear it, their skills will be completely useless, and their lives will be in danger. Have you thought about it, should you dance or not? I'll control the heat for you and cook you properly."

"Put it in the oil pan? I want to try it."

Fang Han gritted his teeth, took off his clothes, hugged his whole body, first circulated the blood in his body, closed his eyes, and used a posture of a carp jumping over the dragon's gate, fiercely shuttled into the alchemy furnace, plopped, fell Into it, a splash of water and steam.

And when he jumped in, the Huangquan map that had become a tattoo on his body flew up and stayed outside the pill furnace.

Yan emerged from the picture, saw Fang Han jumping in, and waved his paw again, the lid of the alchemy furnace was slammed shut, completely collapsed, completely sealing Fang Han in the alchemy furnace.

"It's so hot... I can't take it anymore! But I still have to be patient! If it hurts, I will endure it! This is called cultivation. Those soft cultivations before were too tepid, and this is the best. This is the real fierceness." Medicine. Good, very good! Very good!" At this moment, Fang Han was in unbearable pain! His body was completely submerged in the boiling water, steam filled the surroundings, and the holy water of the underworld was completely boiled by the fire. It was so hot that every pore in his body was burning like fire, and it was extremely painful. He had never imagined that there was such pain in the world.

Alone, boiled alive in boiling water!