Eternal Life

Chapter 78: Beat to death


"What happened that day, I was also hit by the thunder of six desires, and I don't know what happened after I escaped with the magic treasure. Yuan Jiankong, didn't you escape first, regardless of our life or death?" Fang Han smiled, Regarding Yuan Jiankong's questioning, he didn't take it to heart.

After Hua Tiandu took away his Seven Evil Gourd, he no longer pursued this matter. What kind of trouble can a few small inner disciples make for him

"Also, back then, you were afraid that you wanted to snatch my magic treasure, and wanted me to be the vanguard, to kill the bandits, so that you would die in the hands of those devils. Do you dare to say that you didn't have such a mind?"

Fang Han asked in turn.

"Hmph! How can you compare with us?" Yuan Jiankong moved his fingers, his face became more and more gloomy, and he was about to drip water, "Since you dare to offend Brother Hua, what unreasonable things you can't do? It must be your private collusion Prince Hongfen is a spy of the Demon Sect, we have nothing else to do when we come to you today, if you hand over our flying swords, the matter will be cancelled."

"Don't say that your flying sword is not in my hand, even if it is in my hand, I will not hand it over, you should give up your heart." Fang Leng smiled coldly, "You are well said, Hua Tiandu Dare to offend, what are you? Get the hell out of here!"

When he said the word "Get out!", he suddenly moved.

Crackling! With a shrinking body, he shuttled past, really like a ray of starlight, flying lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Yuan Jiankong. Standing proudly, his muscles and bones trembled, and immediately he was hit like a big bell. The long sound burst from his body, the ground trembled, his five fingers spread out, and his head was covered like a dustpan.

Hula la! Hula la!

The strong wind tore apart, and the air within a radius of three zhang was shaken by his body, tumbling, like the tide of a great river, thousands of troops galloping and scattered in all directions.

His whole body is like a steel troll, the faint golden light on his skin is getting thicker and thicker, and there is a dense golden light between his eyes, like an emperor who controls the fate of life and death.

This is also the aura that comes from practicing the "Golden Body of Yan Luo", and it is a kind of spiritual oppression.

"not good!"

Yuan Jiankong is the tenth inner disciple on the Shanhe list, and his cultivation has reached the limit of his physical body. He is much stronger than ordinary inner disciples, and he is about ten horses, which is equivalent to Fang Han before he cultivated Yan Luo's golden body. , but how can it compare to the current Fang Han

When Fang Han made a sudden movement, he was already alert, and a burst of green light burst out from his body, wrapping himself into a green light ball, which was the light of the spiritual weapon vestment "Golden and Green Luoshan".

The "Golden Jade Luoshan" is made of interwoven pine needles that have been around for thousands of years, and it can emit "pine wood true energy".

However, just as his green light had just formed, Fang Han had already arrived at his side, and he slapped his palm directly on the mask.


The mask vibrated, and Yuan Jiankong was shaken so vigorously that his energy and blood floated. At the same time, Fang Han's figure as tall as a steel troll appeared in his mind overwhelmingly, suppressing his spirit tightly, making him His mind is full of negative thoughts such as "divine power", "terror", "power" and "violence".

"It actually reached the point where it affects my spirit..."

Yuan Jiankong knew that the huge figure of Fang Han that appeared in his mind was the mental projection and oppression of the other party. After practicing martial arts to the realm of magical transformation, transfer to the realm of spirituality, which can affect the enemy's mind.

However, Yuan Jiankong is also a person who has practiced Yuanchen Spiritual Art to a certain level, even if he is "Prince Xie Yue", his sanity cannot be shaken, unless he is a master of the mysterious realm of supernatural powers. But today, Fang Han suppressed him to death.

Being at a disadvantage all of a sudden, he was both annoyed and angry, and a wave of violence surged into his heart.


While roaring, he was highly concentrated, driving Fang Han's oppression out of his mind, and at the same time vigorously urged the "Golden and Bi Luoshan", wanting to soar.

But it's too late!

At this moment, Fang Han suddenly kicked thirty-six legs and clapped twenty-four palms.

Rumble, boom!

Explosive fists and kicks deflated the mask of the "golden and green shirt", and the pine wood was filled with true energy. Fang Han now kicked a cow into the air with every punch and kick, and beat a tiger into a meat paste. The powerful force, continuous high-speed blows, finally the green light of the "golden and green shirt" can't stand it! Pop away! Then the tide generally shrank into the clothes. Fang Han broke through the protection with his fists and feet! Injured infuriating.

It was as if hundreds of heavenly demons smashed Sirius Smoke that day.

Those "pinewood true qi" are now retracted into the clothes, and this "golden and green shirt" will be useless. Of course, after a few days, the true qi inside will be restored through a large formation and regain its strength. But at least now, Yuan Jiankong can't use Jinbi Luoshan's power.

This shirt is no better than Sirius Smoke, it has seven evil gourds, which can be repaired quickly.

Fortunately, it is also a spiritual weapon, and the core formation inside cannot be destroyed. If a magic weapon without a large formation, it will be completely shattered and scrapped directly.

Although he was not scrapped, Yuan Jiankong, who had temporarily lost his protection, was no match for Fang Han in terms of fist and kick skills.

"Crane claws catch snakes!"

Fang Han's hand was in the shape of a crane's claw, like searching for something, he grabbed Yuan Jiankong's body, his fingernails were like steel, penetrated in, grabbed the flesh, and suddenly flung it away! Throwing Yuan Jiankong's whole body far away, hitting the ground, the bones brittle, and I don't know how many bones were broken. When he got up, he spurted a few mouthfuls of blood, his throat creaked, and he died He kept staring at Fang Han, his head jerked and he fainted.

The tenth master in the mountain and river list, the best among the inner disciples, was beaten face to face by Fang Han, and passed out.

Many inner disciples also saw this scene and stopped in their tracks, shocked!

Even Senior Sister Mo and the others were stunned.

"Don't think that I'm easy to bully because I lost the Seven Evil Gourd. Why don't you get out?" Fang Han's eyes were sharp, and his words were sharp: "The tenth place on the list of mountains and rivers is this kind of cultivation, don't embarrass me in Yuhuamen. Also, Senior Sister Mo, didn’t you lose a mouthful of the True Blue Sword? It’s okay, as long as you can form an alliance with me, and I will become a true disciple in the future, I will definitely give you a flying sword that is more powerful than the True Blue Sword. How about the sword?"

"Hmph! How dare you utter wild words when you are about to die? Don't say that you have become a true disciple. Even a few senior brothers on the Shanhe list, you can't win. I won't quarrel with you today. The Shanhe list competition will be held in a few months." Come on, you look good."

Senior Sister Mo said coldly, helped Yuan Jiankong to leave reluctantly.

"Let's go!" Fang Han ignored this, clapped his hands as if he had done a trivial thing, left with Princess Hongyi, and entered the "Chuan Gongyuan".

"Ye Nantian, it seems that Fang Han is really your formidable enemy. Be careful in the Mountain and River Ranking Competition. Don't be as miserable as Yuan Jiankong."

A few pairs of eyes stared at Fang Han from a distance, until Fang Han's back entered the Chuan Gong Academy, and then he took it back.

The owner of these eyes, one of them is actually Ye Nantian who provoked Fang Han! The third place on the Mountain and River Ranking is much stronger than Yuan Jiankong.

"Hmph! What is Yuan Jiankong? Occasionally he swallowed the inner liner of the silver snake and got the silver snake sword from the sect. Only then did he barely make it into the list of mountains and rivers. I don't know if there is such a rubbish spiritual weapon like him. How much. If Fang Han had the seven evil gourds in his hand, I would still treat him as an opponent. Without the seven evil gourds, what would he use to fight me? I would crush him to death if I wanted to."

Ye Nantian's tone was stern, revealing a hint of arrogance, but there was no trace of underestimating the enemy in his eyes.

It was also a man who was talking to him, it was Lin Yan who was ranked fourth on the list! They are all the best among hundreds of thousands of disciples of Yuhua Sect.

"Since Senior Brother Ye said so, he must be sure. However, Fang Han's performance today is really impressive. I have to go back and prepare, so as not to capsize in the gutter."

After speaking, Lin Yan left in a hurry.

"come here."

Ye Nantian hooked his fingers, and at this moment an inner disciple hurried over, "Senior Brother Ye, what are your orders?"

"Contact a few more people, keep a close eye on Fang Han, use the concealment talisman, and don't be discovered by him. What he does every day, where he goes to practice, stare at him non-stop for twelve hours. As soon as he goes out, he will Keep an eye on it, and report to me as soon as there is any news. This is thirty Jingyuan Pills, a reward for you. After you find out all the details about Fang Han, I will go to Wanluo Peak for you alone. Ask for a flying sword."

With the snap of his fingers, Ye Nantian flew out a gourd pill from his sleeve and landed in the hands of this inner disciple.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Ye!" The inner disciple was overjoyed and left in a hurry.

"Fang Han, Fang Han, I don't believe that you will step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers before me! This time the mountain and river list competition, I will completely make you unable to turn over." Ye Nantian sneered, his body flashed, and disappeared. No one knows where he went.

"Hongyi, after three days of learning the exercises, let's go underground to practice." Walking into Chuan Gong Yuan, Fang Han found many tall stone pillars on the ground, and each stone pillar can only accommodate One sat cross-legged.

"Okay! There are many elixirs in the underground world, and there are even magic crystals and jade stones. I also want to collect some for alchemy and talismans."

Stone pillars are like forests.

In the center of the stone forest is a huge Dharma altar, and above the Dharma altar is the platform for passing on skills.

Fang Han jumped onto a stone pillar, sat down cross-legged, and saw that the surroundings were full of inner disciples, big and small.

"Dang!" Dang Dang! The melodious bell rang, and suddenly there was an old man with an extremely long beard and a sense of immortality on the altar of teaching skills in the center. He was the elder Chuan Gong. vast existence.

"This time there was an accident in the Tianmo battlefield. As a result, I have promoted many inner disciples in the inner sect of the Yuhua Sect, and my foundation has become a little shallower. For this reason, I will teach you one more cultivation method this time. Listen carefully So, I will teach it once, and I will not teach it a second time. It depends on your chances, as much as you can learn."

The elder Chuan Gong's voice resounded through the entire Chuan Gong Academy, and every word was clear.

"Heaven and earth grand qi formula heart method..."

Fang Han listened carefully, not daring to miss a single word. Sure enough, the elder Chuangong had memorized all the formulas and mental methods of the "Heaven and Earth Grand Qi" of Yuhuamen, especially the last "Long Song of Grand Qi". Cooperating with "Tianlong Bayin", it really complements each other.

The elder who taught the exercises, between the teachings of the mind, also included some explanations, which were really word-for-word. Every explanation made Fang Han suddenly enlightened, like enlightenment.

This is the understanding of cultivation by experts in the mystical powers and secret realm. I often think about some things for a long time, thinking about the wrong road I am going to go, but I am awakened by a word from the elder who passed on the practice.

"It's been three years of hard training, not as good as a famous teacher."

Fang Han sighed in his heart.

After a long time, suddenly the bell rang, the voice of the elder Chuan Gong stopped, and the person disappeared, indicating that the explanation was over.

"Didn't you say that if you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask the elder Chuangong? Why did the elder Chuangong disappear?" Fang Han was puzzled.

"This requires making contributions to the sect, reporting it layer by layer, and obtaining the qualification to ask questions, and the elders of Chuangong will answer your questions about cultivation. Every question requires a lot of dedication." Princess Hongyi said: " So if we go underground, if we can kill many demons and donate their corpses to the sect, we will also be eligible to ask questions."

"So that's the case." Fang Han nodded.

For three days in a row, Fang Han and Princess Hongyi listened to the cultivation method taught by the elder Chuangong, and learned the profound methods such as "Yuanchen Spiritual Art", "Heaven and Earth Grand Qi", and "Hunting Hole Breathing Skill".

In the past, Fang Han learned the formula of Yuanchen Spiritual Art from Fairy Crane, and thought he was able to explore it well, but after listening to the elder Chuan Gong's explanation, he realized that he had only learned superficially.

After three days of listening to lectures, I still have more to say.

But after three days, the Chuan Gong Academy was closed, and the altar would not reopen until the last three days of next month to teach the Fa.

"How good would it be if I could listen to the lecture every day?" On this day, Fang Han and Princess Hongyi made preparations, went out of Yuhua City, stroked the Ten Thousand Beast Card, and after a while, there was a cry of a crane, and the Crane Fairy glided down from the sky , fell in front of Fang Han.

"Then how is that possible? If the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Ascension Sect are taught one by one, how can they succeed? But as true disciples, they can ask for advice at any time. Disciples on the list of mountains and rivers are also qualified to ask the elders about their cultivation difficulties." Hong Yi Princess Road.

"Fang Han, I heard that you have become an inner disciple, why did you come to see me..." Fairy He shouted, very dissatisfied. But when Fang Han took out a Jingyuan Pill and stuffed it on her beak, she jumped up: "Jingyuan Pill! Are you willing to give it to me? Good thing, good thing, if I eat this every day The elixir can transform."

"It doesn't matter, this time we go underground to practice, just to collect geniuses and treasures and refine elixir. You will have something to eat then." Fang Han smiled slightly.

"Hush, I feel that someone has been staring at us for the past three days." Princess Hongyi said suddenly.

"I've felt it a long time ago. Let's go out of Yuhua Mountain first, and then have a good time playing." Fang Han's voice was soft, like a mosquito humming.