Eternal Life

Chapter 88: Shock magic


Meeting Baby Nebula was an accident.

It was a surprise that Baby Xingyun had the "Sun and Moon Five-Star Bracelet" on her body. The starlight in the sun-moon five-star bracelet is the refined pure yang star power, which can change the bones of a person, shape the body, and change the blood and marrow. That is its special effect.

Although Fang Han is unwilling to cheat this bracelet, he can use this bracelet to practice martial arts. Now the star power in his body is surging and deposited into his bones, and he is indistinctly combined with Yan Luo's golden body, pushing his physical strength to another level. An excellent opportunity to break through, if missed, it will be difficult to find in the future.

"This Xingyun baby is my lucky star. Maybe I break through the mystical powers and really land on him."

In the witch's castle, it is very clean and no one disturbs.

Fairy Crane went to sleep after taking the elixir. Baby Xingyun lay on a soft blood wolf fur cushion, sleeping soundly. The whole body is rolling like a big meat mouse that has just been born. This child has no scheming at all, is innocent and easygoing, which makes Fang Han very envious.

However, when the National People's Congress has grown up and gained wisdom, troubles will also increase. It is impossible to return to the innocent age and mentality of a child.

As for Princess Hongyi, she also found a room to practice alone.

Anyway, they have pills and real water charms, so they don't have to worry about eating and drinking. There is also a clean clothes talisman, which cleans the body and is free from pollution. Once it is closed, it can be closed for a month or two to concentrate on cultivation. This is also the advantage of Yuhuamen. Without pills and talismans, you still have to cook, wash clothes, eat and drink in the mundane world, which is very annoying and a waste of time.

The sun and moon five-star bracelet is now in Fang Han's hands.

"Pure yang is infinite... the essence of heaven and earth, wandering in the dark, all ghosts open, drive away the darkness, and stay healthy forever..."

Streams of starlight radiated from the bracelet and flowed into the map of the underworld, "Yan" swallowed the pure yang star power in big mouths to replenish his vitality.

Although he couldn't swallow the bracelet directly, Yan still benefited a lot from absorbing the pure yang energy and cultivating to consolidate his realm. Anyway, the pure yang star power in this bracelet is endless, as vast as the sea, at least it is a treasure that has been refined by more than ten elders of the star group. How big is the condensed star power

Ordinary star power contains too many impurities and cannot be purified. Forcibly absorbed, it is easy to explode and die, which is harmful and not beneficial. But the star power in the Sun Moon Five-Star Bracelet has gone through thousands of tempers, and then transformed by the Nine Yang Divine Water, and finally it has no yin dross, and only pure yang.

Baby Xingyun lent this bracelet to Fang Han to practice, and let go of the mental block. Fang Han can use the vitality in it a little bit, but it can't be used for self-defense or against the enemy.


Jiaolong Yan gulped down the pure Yang star power, and his entire body turned into a faint starlight color, and he directly spit out the excess star power onto the ten sleeping Shuras.

The ten Shuras absorbed the star power, and their whole bodies became more radiant. These pure yang star power can develop their wisdom, stimulate their potential, and allow them to have enough energy for many days without taking pills.

Fang Han didn't care how Yan practiced, in short, the stronger Yan was, the more hopeful he would defeat Hua Tiandu.

Huatiandu is now like a towering mountain, if you don't overthrow this mountain, you can't imagine any achievements. This is his greatest enemy at present, and also the most terrifying enemy.

Although this enemy treats him as a small ant, he doesn't care about it.

But he didn't know that this little ant was gradually becoming stronger and had a tendency to transform into an elephant.

"After cultivating into the golden body of Yan Luo, I have already entered the limit of the physical body. This time, I will use the stars to refine my body and catalyze my body, so that I can go to another level!"

The alchemy furnace in front is the furnace used by the witch, the great Asura, to make alchemy. A master in the mystical realm of supernatural powers will naturally be able to make alchemy. Fang Han is now using this alchemy furnace to temper his body.

Wearing the "Sun and Moon Five-Star Bracelet", Fang Han took off his clothes, jumped into the alchemy furnace full of yellow spring water, puffed, and there was a raging fire under the alchemy furnace, which was not the earth fire, nor the sun The real fire, but the real fire that exploded from three magic crystal jades.

It's mana flames!

Using Fajing jade as the fuel of the alchemy furnace and burning mana directly, this kind of extravagant behavior, even the true disciples of the Yuhuamen will scold and waste everything.

But Fang Han got hundreds of crystals this time and made a fortune. For his own cultivation, he didn't care about it. As long as he could step into the mysterious realm of supernatural powers, he would not hesitate to burn all these crystals.

chi chi!

As soon as he entered the alchemy furnace, his whole body was wrapped in water of forgetfulness, and Fang Han was scalded so that his whole body shivered. The flames burned by the spar were much more violent than the fires of heaven and earth, which stimulated all of his mind to be overwhelmed by intense pain. shrouded.

The endless pain overwhelmed his spiritual will.

If a woman's childbirth is the greatest pain in the world, then Fang Han's pain is now ten times, or even a hundred times greater than that of a woman's childbirth.

This is the power of the magic fire that the spar burns.

"Ah!" Ahh!

Fang Han couldn't help it, and roared in a low voice, like a wounded beast.

The pale golden skin of the "Yan Luo Golden Body" was constantly being burned, and then the sun and moon five-star bracelet he was wearing continued to emit star power to repair his skin, and gradually the power and star power in his body were completely tempered Together, and the endless pain in his mind was suppressed by him, and then transformed into clear wind and floating clouds.

The "Sun Moon Five-Star Bracelet" is now like a supreme panacea, the same panacea as the Nine-Aperture Golden Pill and the Yin-Yang Longevity Pill, constantly replenishing Fang Han with powerful pure Yang vitality to help him maintain his life. Repair the body, and at the same time condense his body to make it more compact and firm.

"Burning with fire, increasing the pain, forcibly transforming, stepping into the mystical realm of supernatural powers... He is really cruel." Yan stopped absorbing the star power and observed Fang Han's every move. He knew how intense the pain of training the body with fire was. It's not human at all.

"However, it is worth inheriting the Devil Emperor's lineage just to be so ruthless. I will not help him this time, and just wait and see. He already has an independent will. If I intervene again, I am afraid it will backfire. If there is no sun and moon five-star bracelet, he needs It takes one to three years to accumulate, but with this pure yang magic weapon, I am afraid there is still a chance... "

"Son of Yama! The law of the underworld! The gate of ghosts! The impermanence of life and death! Unbearable as the earth, quiet as deep as a secret treasure. The so-called Ksitigarbha, Abe Senluo, the gate of black and white... supernatural powers! supernatural powers! supernatural powers!"

At this moment, Fang Han put his whole heart and soul into it, using the power of the sun-moon five-star bracelet to refine his body and concentrate his mind. The practice method of Yan Luo's golden body flowed out step by step, as if it came from the most profound and profound secrets of incantations in ancient times.

Every mantra is the eight-tone of the heavenly dragon, the pronunciation method of the mighty long song, sometimes domineering, sometimes focused, and concentrates all his energy.

In the end, all his spells were summed up in two words, that is magical powers!

He yelled three supernatural powers! The shock shook the castle.