Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 110: Lin Fan woke up


However, he is not reconciled!

Lin Fan is not reconciled!

In my mind, there was a constant buzzing, and what emerged were all the things that happened before.

Although he can't open his eyes now, he can already imagine what happened under the tower of Tianyang City at this moment.

He seemed to have seen the bloody scene!

He was really worried, he was worried that his father and the generals and uncles would fight Murong Wudi desperately because of his death!

He knew in his heart that they were not Murong Wudi's opponents at all.

Or it can be said that they can't get close to Murong Wudi at all!

After thinking of this, Lin Fan's whole body was trembling almost constantly, but now he couldn't move at all, he could only feel all this.


At this moment, bursts of wild laughter sounded from below, and the person who made the sound was Murong Wudi!

"Lin Ruyuan, although your strength is unpredictable, don't you know? In front of me, you are just an ant. If I wave my hand, you will be wiped out!"

"You trash, is it possible that you are here to give me the head today? If that's the case, it would be even better!"

"Come, come, let me see how powerful all the masters in Tianyang City County are combined!"

"Today, I will let you know what death is!"

The sound of mocking laughter kept coming from the front, Murong Wudi's eyes were fixed on the front, his voice was trembling almost constantly when he said these words, Lin Fan could hear clearly, at this moment , in the eyes of Murong Wudi, the entire Tianyang City is a piece of ants, he can step on Tianyang City to pieces!

However, all these things have already happened, and Lin Fan can't even move now, or even if Lin Fan can open his eyes, and he can fight again, it will have no effect, because, he can't move at all. In a battle with Murong Wudi, he is not Murong Wudi's opponent at all!

Time ticks by.

Slowly, Lin Fan lost his consciousness—

All his consciousness has dissipated—

In this way, I don't know how long it will be.

During this period of time, he didn't even know what happened in Tianyang City County——

In his mind, it was cloudy.

I don't know how long it has been.



There was a sudden boom in Lin Fan's mind.

However, he still couldn't open his eyes!

In his mind!

A piece of fire, ahead, a piece of purgatory!

Magma is flowing crazily on the ground.

At this moment, Lin Fan saw that there was an extraterrestrial place in the center of that piece of purgatory.

It seemed that the surrounding purgatory couldn't shake a piece of otherworldly land at all.

The hot magma, they seem to have known this otherworldly place, and they seem to be avoiding this otherworldly place.


The familiar figure appeared before his eyes again.

That back is so lonely.

He slowly stood up in front of Lin Fan.

Just when he stood up completely, a roar sounded from his mouth as if standing in the sky, in the sky.

For a moment, Lin Fan's heart swayed.

Because, from the very beginning, he could only see this lonely figure, and he had never seen this person make a sound.

He stared at the front tightly with both eyes, not even daring to breathe!

at this time!

The lonely figure slowly turned around to look at Lin Fan.

The moment he looked at Lin Fan, a cold murderous aura began to emanate from his whole body.

What's more, the imperial air in him seemed to swallow Lin Fan.


A rough and domineering voice came from his mouth.

"You don't belong to this world, you are the king of all things!"

"Are you willing to accept the current situation? Don't you want to do something?"

After the voice fell!

"The Eucharist of Blood Sacrifice, the third stage!"

Suddenly, several large blood-red characters appeared in front of Lin Fan's eyes.

"Control the sky!"





These four words, like thunder after thunder, directly roared in Lin Fan's heart.

"Drive! Control! Cang! Qiong!"

The sound of thunder began to roar continuously from the front.

This is the third stage of the Eucharist of Blood Sacrifice!

'Fly, everything can fly! '

'Yu, the sky in this world! '

'Blood Sacrifice Eucharist, the third stage, sweeping across the universe and leveling the universe! '

'Control the sky, look down on the sky, let this world surrender for me! '

In the mind, the sound of roaring is constantly ringing.

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, and at this moment, his mood also became excited.

Because, he already understood.

He already knew that the third stage of the Blood Sacrifice Eucharist could bring him the change of controlling the sky, in layman's terms, that is flying!

That is the special attribute possessed by the strong in the perfect state of the second hole of Pitian, the ability to fly into the sky.

It's just that Lin Fan's current understanding of controlling the sky is only at a very small level.

Of course, controlling the sky is not simply flying into the sky, it can sweep across the universe and fly across the universe!

"Go, take revenge for the one you love!"

A roar suddenly came from the lonely figure in front of him!

"Remember, break the shackles as soon as possible, and then you will be able to welcome your own arrival!"

"At that time, the six wastelands and eight unions, nine states and ten realms will all surrender to you!"

After the roar sound fell.


In front of him, that piece of purgatory suddenly disappeared.

Afterwards, Lin Fan's consciousness gradually became blurred.

After another rest I don't know how long.

During this period of time, the third stage of controlling the sky with the Eucharist of the Blood Sacrifice also kept appearing in his mind.

Time, tick-tock past—


Lin Fan suddenly opened his eyes.

at this time.

"Brother Fan, you, you woke up, that's great, this is really great!"

A bell-like sound rang in his ear.

Lin Fan took a long breath, turned his head and glanced around.

I saw that now I was in a simple thatched hut, he was lying on the bed, it seemed that it must have been a long time, and there was a little girl sitting beside the bed, her name was Roy Tianlai, she was the one who participated in the elimination conference. the girl.

"Tian Lai? Why are you here?"

He looked at how he was lying on the bed, and suddenly thought of something, his face was a little rosy, and he continued to ask: "Why am I here? How long have I been here, and what happened?"

At this moment, Lin Fan's heart was full of doubts. He didn't know what happened in Tianyang City County, and he didn't know what happened to himself.

When he thought of how his father, the generals, uncles, and his brothers would fight Murong Wudi to the death after he lost consciousness, he was already very anxious, because he knew that no matter what, the father None of them will be Murong Invincible's opponents.

Thinking of this, Lin Fan couldn't help but punch me hard, because now he can almost think of what happened now.

Time, tick-tock past—

In front of him, Roy Tianlai wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then he looked at Lin Fan and said in a low voice, "Brother Fan, don't think about this for now, the only thing you can do now is to put your body Raise well."

When he heard Roy Tianlai's words, Lin Fan had already thought of something. He knew that something bad might have happened in Tianyang City County!

He clenched his fists tightly, turned his head and glanced at Roy Tianlai, and then asked: "Tianlai, it's okay, no matter what happens, I can bear it, just tell me, what happened to Tianyang City County?" gone?"

After saying this, he saw Lin Fan's eye sockets turn red. He looked at Roy Tianlai standing in front of him. He suppressed the emotions in his heart, and he suppressed the tears in his eyes.

At this time, I saw Roy Tianlai wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes again, then looked at Lin Fan and said, "Brother Fan, I don't know what happened in Tianyang City, I just got a note , said to let me rescue you, and then I went to Tianyang City County, and when I got there, I found that the tower of Tianyang City County had collapsed, and you were lying in a cloud of dust under the tower."

Lin Fan clenched his fists and continued to ask, "How about the millions of people in Tianyang City?"

When he said this, he could already imagine the answer from Roy Tianlai, but he still suppressed the emotion in his heart.


At this moment, Roy Tianlai sighed for a long time, she looked up at Lin Fan, and replied: "Brother Fan, you must be mentally prepared, you promise me, no matter what happens What's the matter, can we all be fine?"


Lin Fan resisted the tears in his eyes and replied.

Afterwards, Roy Tianlai looked at Lin Fan again, and she continued: "Brother Fan, when I got there, the city was in ruins and there were dead bodies everywhere. Occasionally, I could see some people who survived, but they Crazy, I asked them what happened and they kept silent."

"In the end, it was like this."

Lin Fan's hands were trembling constantly, and a tear flowed from his eyes: "It's my fault for not protecting the people of Tianyang City, my fault!"

He raised his head, with tears in his eyes. At the same time, he looked at Roy Tianlai and continued to ask: "Tianlai, tell me the truth, did Murong Wudi do all of this?"

Roy Tianlai thought for a while, and replied: "I don't know if it's Murong Wudi, but I saw people from the Zhao family in Tianyang City County!"

"Heitian City County!"

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly and his eyes turned blood red. He had already thought that if Tianyang City was destroyed, Heitian City and Roy City would definitely come to devour the city. He proceeded according to everything he had thought in his heart.

"I saw Zhao Mantian and Zhao Tianyi leading their soldiers to massacre everywhere. Those beasts don't treat those people as human beings at all. They will definitely be punished by God!"

When saying these words, Roy Tianlai also tightly clenched her pink fists. It could be seen that she was also very resentful of all the things Hei Tiancheng County had done.

"Zhao Mantian!"

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, he sat up suddenly, looked ahead fiercely with a pair of blood-red eyes with crazy murderous intent, and then said word by word: "You kill the citizens of Tianyang City, I will definitely make you pay the price in blood!"

It took a long time for Lin Fan to react from the emotion just now. He glanced at Roy Tianlai again, and continued to ask: "Tianlai, how about my father, queen mother, and brothers? You, are you in Chengjun?" Did you see their dead bodies?"

When he said these words, Lin Fan's voice was trembling, because he had already thought about it, as an enemy of Murong Wudi, his father and the brothers were not their opponents at all, and their fate was probably only One, that was beheaded by Murong Wudi!

Roy Tianlai shook his head and replied: "Brother Fan, I know you are worried about their safety, so I searched for their traces after entering the city, but I searched for a long time, but I found nothing, they are not there at all. Among the cities and counties."

Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly, he slowly raised his head to look at the sky, and then murmured: "It seems that father and the others must have had an accident."

"probably not."

Roy Tianlai said categorically: "Brother Fan, since we haven't found their bodies now, it means that they are probably still alive, so you must take a good rest and look for them when you get better. revenge!"

When the little girl said this, her eyes were red, she clenched her fists tightly, and her heart was firm!

Hearing these words, he saw Lin Fan clenched his fists tightly. He knew that his first goal now was to go to Heitiancheng County!

Hehe, Zhao Mantian, Zhao Tianyi, you wait, I, Lin Fan, will definitely let you know what the end is.

At this moment, Lin Fan thought of another thing.

So, he looked at Roy Tianlai and asked, "Tianlai, where are we now?"

At this time, I saw Roy Tianlai pondering for a long time.

After a while, she slowly raised her head to look at Lin Fan, and then replied, "Brother Fan, Brother Fan, don't be angry if I tell you, we are in Roy City County now."

"Roy City County!"

Lin Fan frowned. He wanted to ask Roy Tianlai if Roycheng County participated in the massacre of Tianyang City County. However, he knew the identity of Roy Tianlai. It is my hometown.

Moreover, Lin Fan also killed Roy Tianlai's two older sisters. Now he is more or less at a loss as to what to say to Roy Tianlai.

"Okay, I'll go down and have a look first, and exercise my muscles and bones."

Lin Fan said a word, and then he was about to get out of bed.

But at this moment, Roy Tianlai became anxious, she quickly grabbed Lin Fan, and said, "Brother Fan, you can't go down, you must, or they will kill you."