Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 18: Kaifu fourth hole


"How is this possible? Yesterday, "Flying Dragon Fist" was clearly here."

Princess Pingcheng was so anxious that she almost burst into tears. Lin Kaijue who was standing next to him was also a little unexpected. He looked at the empty shelf in front of him, and he looked a little confused. Princess Pingcheng said it well, yesterday "Flying Dragon Fist" was obviously placed here, so why did it disappear in just one day!

In this day's time, who is likely to take away this "Flying Dragon Fist"

Moreover, during this day, Tie Lao did not let anyone enter the library.

So, the only possibility is—

The moment Lin Kaijue and Princess Pingcheng thought of this, he immediately turned his head and looked at the other party.

"It's him?"

The two of them said these two words almost at the same time.

But after an instant, this idea disappeared from their minds.

They kept murmuring: "No, impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how can Lin Fan, a waste who has not even reached the realm of Kaifu, be able to hold "Flying Dragon Fist"?"

Lin Kaijue clenched his fists tightly and said at the same time: "Even I can't pick up this exercise book, how could Lin Fan pick it up!"


Princess Heingcheng replied suspiciously: "But now the only possible person is Lin Fan. It is impossible for Mr. Tie to take away this exercise."

"No, it must not be him!"

Lin Kaijue frowned, he looked around, and immediately growled: "Stand still, the library was stolen last night!"

In an instant, everyone present stopped in their tracks, and all eyes were on Lin Kaijue at the same time.

Was stolen

Those servants all began to look at each other, and each of them began to bow their heads and whisper.

"Who are you talking about this thief?"

"I see! It should be Lin Fan. Last night, he was the only one in the Library Pavilion, and there was no one else!"

"Damn it, I remember that Prince Fan didn't succeed in founding a mansion. What is he doing with the exercise book?"

"That's not right, I just heard from the eldest prince and Princess Heping that it was the Tiandao first-grade exercise "Flying Dragon Fist" that was stolen. Let's all think about it, how could Lin Fan take away "Flying Dragon Fist"!"

These people looked at Princess Pingcheng and Lin Kaijue with puzzled eyes.

And these two people are really not in a hurry now, their eyes are staring straight at the empty bookshelf, and they can't say a word for a long time.

At this time, an old voice came from the front.

"Don't look for it anymore, "Flying Dragon Fist" has already been taken away."

These words are exactly what Tie Lao said.

What? !

The moment they heard these words, almost everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Not theft

But was taken away

"Who, Tie Lao, tell me who it is!"

Princess Heisei looked forward very anxiously and asked loudly.

"This can't be said, can't be said."

After Tie Lao answered this sentence, there was no sound at all.

At this time, only Princess Heisei, Lin Kaijue, and other people were left with surprised expressions.

Everyone knows that Lin Fan was the only one in the library during the whole day yesterday, and he was also the only one who had a chance to take away "Flying Dragon Fist". However, everyone didn't believe that "Flying Dragon Fist" "was taken away by him, because, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Fan is a waste who has never opened a mansion after the age of fifteen!

That night.

Lin Fan was studying the Flying Dragon Fist in his room. During the whole night, he had mastered the first level of Flying Dragon in the sky, the second level of Flying Dragon Flying Dragon Fist, and the third level of Flying Dragon Kanda has also reached its peak state!


Another three days later!

'call! '

With Lin Fan's punch forward, Feilong Kanda, the third level of Flying Dragon Fist, has also reached the stage of Dzogchen.

This night will be the time for Lin Fan to break through the fourth hole of Kaifu!

He sat cross-legged on the bed, slowly closed his eyes, and felt the aura from the surroundings in his heart.

His thoughts began to enter the cave, and due to the recent practice of "Flying Dragon Fist", his fourth hole has been slightly opened.

All of a sudden, he used his mind to control all the dark forces in his body, and almost at the same time, let these dark forces rush towards the fourth hole at the same time!


'coax! '

The fourth hole was directly blasted away!

In an instant.


A cool and clear feeling swept over Lin Fan's whole body.

This feeling was something he had never experienced before.

After the fourth hole was opened wide, endless dark power gushed out from it. This kind of dark power was different from the first three holes. It gave Lin Fan the feeling that this power could surround him. stand up.

This power allows him to have abilities beyond imagination.

He slowly opened his eyes, raised his head and looked forward, a dazzling light suddenly shot out from his eyes, this kind of light seemed to be able to see through everything.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and he felt that everything in front of him seemed to be within reach.

His hands can touch everything.

He can control his dark power to reach every inch he wants to reach!


Lin Fan suddenly let out a low growl.


'Crack! '

A vase in front was directly shattered by his dark force.

"Condensation, this is Condensation, it's really amazing!"

So, Lin Fan closed his eyes again.

He controlled his will, once again came to the deepest part of his mind.

Soon, that scene of purgatory reappeared.

In the field, that lonely figure appeared behind him.

He seemed to be muttering the word Lin Fan constantly.

He turned around slowly again.

Lin Fan felt that this time, he saw him more clearly.

'Is he the same as me in my previous life? '

Lin Fan looked ahead, and these words kept appearing in his mind.

Finally, he was about to turn around.

Lin Fan's heart was pounding.

'Let me see you, let me see what you look like. '

Lin Fan kept murmuring these words in his heart, and he could clearly feel that his previous life must have been different. Perhaps, he had gone through some ordeals before possessing Lin Fan.

And his purpose of leaning over Lin Fan was to return to his previous life!

Therefore, he must now figure out who he was in his previous life!

'If I could see him, maybe I'd know. '

Lin Fan murmured in his heart.

Full, he turned.

Lin Fan also saw his face.

However, the moment Lin Fan saw his face, his face suddenly turned pale!