Eternal Martial Emperor

Chapter 88: battlefield transfer



Long Huo nodded, with a look of doubt in his eyes, he looked at Liu Er and continued: "Military Master, is it true that our 400,000 troops are going to Kaesong? Isn't this a bit of a waste of troops?"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Liu Er's face, he looked at Longhuo and replied: "General, we only need to send 100,000 people from the left army to Kaesong, and the rest will go to Tianyang City first. An ambush near the county, as soon as Kaesong is breached, our remaining 300,000 troops will start attacking Tianyang City at the same time. Even if Lin Ruyuan invites some peerless experts, there will be no used!"

Facing the plan of the military advisor Liu Er, Long Huo's mentality immediately eased a bit. He knew that the military advisor was cautious and had to leave room for himself in everything he did. Therefore, his attack method basically had no flaws.

As long as they can break through Tianyang City, Longhuo will be able to vent all the anger accumulated in his heart at the same time!

I saw Long Huo clenched his fists tightly, his eyes glared at the front, and said word by word: "After the Tianyang City County is broken, there will be millions of soldiers and civilians in the city. I will let them all die under the butcher knife of our Longwei Army. I want them to guide them to fight against our Longwei army!"


Military advisor Liu Er nodded, then turned around and walked out.

Time ticks by.

At this time, the continuous army of the left army had already walked out of the mountains first.

As a vanguard army, they are already very close to Kaesong.

At this time, Long Kenan asked someone to set up a tent on a hilltop to take a rest. After all, the army was too long, so even if he took a rest for a while, he would not delay the march.

Sitting in the big tent, he took a bite of the fat and tender pig's trotters in his hand, then looked at the lieutenants sitting in front of him with a smile and said: "I think the military commander is worrying too much, a small Tianyang City County There is really nothing to be afraid of, as long as the vanguard of my left army enters Tianyang City, the millions of soldiers and civilians in Tianyang City will kneel down to welcome us!"

Several lieutenants laughed, and they all agreed with what Long Kenan said now.

Long Kenan took a sip of his wine and continued: "I guess Cheng Fei has already captured Tianyang City County, so we can just drink and eat meat in the past, haha!"

The following lieutenants immediately began to echo.

"Yes, General, there is no need to join the battle after we go, we just go in and kill people."

"That's right, a small Tianyang City County, as long as our Longwei Army's sharp edge arrives, they have to kneel down to greet them, haha!"

"I guess Lin Ruyuan has already knelt in front of Major General Cheng Fei and begged for mercy by now."

"Yeah, that trash Lin Ruyuan must have been scared enough to pee his pants!"

The following lieutenants spoke directly with joy.

And at this moment.


A burst of roaring sound came from outside immediately, and then he saw a soldier in gold armor running in. He didn't pause, and said directly to Long Kenan: "General Long Kenan, the president has an order from the general, and all the troops should hurry up." Step into the Kaesong area, no one can act without authorization, if there are troops who attack Tianyang City without permission, they will be killed without mercy!"

This golden armored soldier came from Longhuo.

After hearing these words, the lieutenants who were eating meat and drinking all stopped laughing, and they looked at the left army general Long Kenan at the same time.

At this moment, Long Kenan also felt a little unbelievable. He raised his head and glanced ahead, and then said: "What's going on? Why did you give such an order all of a sudden? Could something have happened? "

The golden-armored soldier became dull for a moment, because he knew that if he told this matter, Long Kenan might explode suddenly, and he might not be able to accept this reality!

However, he now has to say all this.

Because he knew that if he didn't say it, Long Kenan might disobey his order, because he was a vanguard. Yangcheng County, then all his plans for the president to lead the dragon fire were disrupted.

So he raised his head and said: "Master General Longcheng Fei has already wiped out his entire army under the gate of Tianyang City County. The military advisor Liu Er issued an order that all troops are not allowed to approach Tianyang City County. Everything must be obeyed by the military order. If there is anyone who dares to defy, the Lord will kill him!"

What? !

The moment Long Chengfei finished speaking, the faces of everyone present turned ugly Xia Li.


That Long Kenan's heart suddenly swayed, the smile on his face just now disappeared in an instant, he slowly raised his head and looked ahead, at this moment, the whole person seemed to be in a daze .

He stared blankly ahead, his legs were trembling constantly.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head to look at the golden armored soldier, and then said: "You, is what you said true? Cheng, Chengfei, his entire army was wiped out?"

His voice was trembling constantly, and at the same time, he walked up to the golden armored soldier step by step.

At this moment, Long Kenan's whole world collapsed, his legs trembled, he never imagined that in front of a weak Tianyang City County, his troops would end up like this !

Moreover, this is his own son!

He stared blankly ahead, and within an instant, his whole body was trembling almost constantly.

At this moment, the soldier in golden armor raised his head to look at him, and said, "General, you are right, the 20,000 cavalry of Major General Cheng Fei have been wiped out now, and none of them survived!"

The moment he heard these words, Long Kenan seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and he took a step back. If there were not a few lieutenants behind him supporting him, he would probably be sitting on the ground now.

After a long time, he looked at the golden armored soldier again, and asked tremblingly, "You, tell me, where is the city flying man? How is he?"

The golden-armored soldier frowned. To be honest, he was not feeling well right now. He looked at Long Kenan standing in front of him, and then said, "General, Major General Cheng and Chengfei are also dead."

What? !

In an instant, Long Kenan sat on the ground with his legs weakening.

"You, what are you talking about? Cheng Fei is dead? How is this possible? He is a strong man in the Heaven Splitting Realm. Looking at the entire Tianyang City County, how many people can be enemies with my Cheng Fei? How could he be killed? die?"

"You, tell me it's not true, okay?"

To be honest, Long Kenan really found it difficult to accept this reality.

You know, Long Chengfei is a genius in his mind. He wants to train Long Chengfei into the kind of strong man who can enter the Dao Sect, and he is already preparing for the Dao Sect's acceptance ceremony in the imperial capital this year. .

But now—

Long Chengfei actually died in Tianyang City County

Really, he didn't believe it, he didn't believe it was true.

At this moment, the soldier in golden armor took a step forward and looked at Long Kenan, and then said: "General, all of this is true, there is absolutely no lie."

When he said this, he trembled a little.

Seeing that Long Kenan clenched his fists tightly, he slowly raised his head to look at the gold-armored soldier standing in front of him. After a long time, he finally calmed down his emotions temporarily, and said in a low voice: "You go back Tell the President, I, Long Kenan, will definitely obey orders and will never set foot in Tianyang City County."

When he said this, tears burst from his eyes.

To be honest, in his eyes, Tianyang City County is simply a piece of rubbish.

In his eyes, Tianyang City County is really nothing.

But now, his son died in Tianyang City County, which also made him realize the strength of Tianyang City County. He knew that all this time, he had underestimated the strength of Tianyang City County.

He really regretted it, he regretted why he valued military exploits so much, why he let his son be the striker!

The golden armored soldier let out a long sigh, then turned and left.

Time ticks by, everything is like flowing water—

In this way, the left army of the Longwei Army stopped resting and began to march directly towards Kaesong.

At the same time, within Tianyang City County.


A long sound came, and a silver armored soldier ran in from outside.

At this time, within the Tianyang City Prince's Mansion, Lin Ruyuan was sitting on the top seat, and Lin Fan, Lin Jiutian, Lin Tian, Lin Di, Lin Wudao, Lin Huo, and Lin Kuo were sitting on the side.

On the other side, Song Ci, Xilang, Liulang and other garrison generals were also sitting there.

At this time, the silver-armored soldier had already run in from the outside. After entering, he knelt on one knee and looked up at the front, and then said: "My lord, the Longwei army has arrived, but they didn't enter the sky right away." Here in Yangcheng County, they have set up camp around Kaesong."

Hearing these words, I saw a smile on Lin Ruyuan's face. He slowly stood up and looked at the golden armored soldier kneeling on the ground in front of him. At the same time, he turned his head and glanced at all the people standing around, and said : "Sure enough, as I expected, after Long Chengfei died, Long Huo didn't dare to rashly attack our Tianyang City County, and now his target has shifted to Kaesong. It's really unexpected, that strength is so strong. The Long Wei Army, it's really a bit ridiculous that the courage now becomes so small!"

When he said these words, the smile on Lin Ruyuan's face also became thicker.

At the same time, he glanced at Lin Fan and said, "Fan'er, I will leave the defense of Kaesong to you and your brothers. Remember, let them know that our Tianyang County defense is The troops are great."

"Yes, father!"

Lin Fan stood up and agreed.

Then Lin Ruyuan looked at Song Ci again, and said, "General Song, you send some troops from the left army, right army, front army, rear army, and central army to Fan'er."

"Yes, my lord!"

Song Ci agreed, his eyes fell on Lin Fan again, and he said, "Prince Fan, I can only give you 50,000 troops now, can you defend Kaesong?"

Before Lin Fan could speak, he saw Lin Huo and Lin Kuo walking out. They looked at Song Ci and laughed. Lin Huo took a step forward and said, "Uncle Song, you are not joking, Long Chengfei is here!" The 20,000 elite cavalry were beaten to pieces by my sixth brother alone, do you think my sixth brother can hold it?"

"That's right, Uncle Song, even if they send 150,000 troops to attack Kaesong, we can defend it!"

Lin Kuo was also full of fighting spirit.

Lin Wudao, Lin Jiutian, Lin Tian, and Lin Di also stood up.

"Ha ha!"

Song Ci laughed loudly, and then said: "Okay, then I will send you 60,000 troops, plus another 10,000. I want you to defeat all the Longwei troops who attacked Kaicheng. Can you do it!"

At this moment, Lin Fan stood up.

There was a relaxed smile on his face, then he looked at Song Ci standing in front of him and said, "Uncle Song, this is not acceptable."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, everyone around became quiet. Lin Jiutian and the others coughed twice, thinking that Lin Fan wanted more troops.

Song Ci is also blushing a little now, you know, the current Longwei Army is likely to place the main force outside Kaesong, and he gave Lin Fan 60,000 garrison troops, which is a bit unkind to be honest.

He laughed, and then said to Lin Fan: "Prince Fan, how about I give you 90,000 troops?"

Just as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Fan stepping forward with a smile on his face. He looked at Song Ci standing in front of him, and said, "Uncle Song, that's not what I mean. , In fact, you only need to give me 20,000 troops, plus the 3,000 garrison troops that Kaesong already has!"

What? !

The moment Lin Fan finished speaking, everyone was shocked.


One must know that the Longwei army has probably placed its main force in Kaesong now, and Lin Fan now needs 20,000 troops. Can this be defended

Although Lin Fan's own strength is too strong, he can face tens of thousands of troops alone, but you must know that it is the Longwei Army who came to attack this time, and the strength of the Longwei Army is beyond doubt. Thousands of troops stopped them, maybe this is simply impossible!

At this time, Lin Ruyuan who was sitting on the seat stood up abruptly. To be honest, it was really impossible for an army of 20,000 to deal with the main force of Longwei's army.

At this moment, Lin Fan smiled indifferently, and then replied: "Uncle Song, don't worry about whether you can defend the Longwei Army or not. I only have one request now."

"What request?" Song Ci asked, resisting the doubts in his heart.

Lin Fan replied: "This time, the main force of the Longwei Army must be besieging Kaesong. I only have one request, and that is that after I defeat the main force of the Longwei Army, the Tiger Guards and the Heavenly Killing Battalion can come to help me hunt down and kill them." Longwei Army!"


Before Song Ci had time to speak, Lin Ruyuan, who was sitting on top of the seat, gave a solid agreement. He took a step forward and looked at Lin Fan, and then said, "Fan'er, I agree to all your conditions, but you must hold on to them. Kaesong, now Kaesong is likely to become the main battlefield of this war!"