Eternal Reverence

Chapter 23: Transmit the sound into the secret


The first round of battle was over, and the Eighties were born. Seven of the Yang family broke into the Eighties, six of the Shentu family, six of the Guan family, and only two of the Li family, it was Li Fuchen and Li Yunhai.

The battle between the eighties and the forties was obviously much fiercer than the previous one. After this round of battle, the Yang family was reduced to five people, the Shentu family had four, the Guan family had three, and the Li family remained two.

In the third round, the top 40 entered the top 20.

This round of battle can no longer be described as fierce, but tragic.

The top 20 represents generous rewards. Once you break into the top 20, you can at least fight for a few years.

When Yuanjia was on a narrow road, Li Fuchen ran into Guan Peng again.

"The luck of the Li family is really bad, Li Fuchen actually met Guan Peng so early."

"Indeed, if you don't meet Guan Peng, it will not be difficult for Li Fuchen to enter the top 20."

Everyone talked hotly.

In the first three rounds of battle, Li Fuchen's performance was still very good. He could easily defeat his opponent every time. But Guan Peng was different. As one of the six people who soaked in the body tempering pool, Guan Peng had the strength of the top ten, except Yang Kai can beat him steadily, maybe everyone else.

"Li Fuchen, it seems that this is an arrangement from heaven." Guan Peng's face was gloating.

Losing to Li Fuchen last time was Guan Peng’s greatest humiliation. He vowed that Li Fuchen would pay the price. Now the opportunity is here. It’s a very crucial round of competition for the top forty to enter the top 20. Can get rich rewards, and there will be a chance to compete in the top five.

But if you don’t enter, there is nothing, and all your efforts are in vain.

Li Fuchen smiled faintly, "It is indeed an arrangement of heaven."

"Your mouth will be hard when you die, and I will knock your mouth full of teeth later." Seeing Li Fuchen's confident look, Guan Peng's heart rose with evil fire.

"Patriarch, do you think Guan Peng is in danger?" Guan Tian, who was sitting next to Guan Yue, was speaking.

Guan Tian is Guan Peng’s father. Originally, he still had confidence in Guan Peng, but Guan Peng had lost to Li Fuchen after all. Although he didn’t know how he was defeated and the specific process, he was defeated if he failed. Fuchen has some strength, but on the arena, anything can happen, he has no idea.

Guan Yue shook his head, "Don't worry. Before Guan Peng lost to Li Fuchen, there are some careless elements in it. Now Li Fuchen is definitely not Guan Peng's opponent."

Guan Yue was also very surprised by Li Fuchen's sudden rise, but in his opinion, ordinary root bones were ordinary root bones, and they couldn't turn over any waves.

"It's just an ordinary root, it makes you nervous."

The gray-haired old man sitting on Guan Yue's left hand snorted coldly.

Guan Yue and Guan Tian looked at each other awkwardly. The old man was the only warrior of the Earth evil realm in the Guan family.

"Unfortunately, you can never do it. I can beat you once, and I can beat you a second time."

Li Fuchen said.

"Speak up without shame."

Guan Peng's figure suddenly moved, and the wooden sword was like a drizzle, spraying on Li Fuchen.

Jingle bell...

If Guan Peng's sword power was like drizzle, Li Fuchen's sword power was like a clear breeze. After the drizzle was blown by the breeze, the drizzle was blown away, making it impossible to get close to Li Fuchen.

"The strength seems to have improved a lot."

After a fight, Li Fuchen had some understanding of Guan Peng's strength. The opponent was not only amazingly powerful, but the angle of each sword was also very tricky. I think it was the reason for the actual combat training.

"how is this possible?"

Guan Peng frowned. After a period of actual combat training, his swordsmanship had improved qualitatively. Every sword went towards Li Fuchen’s flaws. In his opinion, even if Li Fuchen’s actual combat was very strong, It is impossible to surpass him. If he is lower than him, he will be infiltrated by Mianshui swordsmanship in an instant. If he is equal to him, with his amazing power, he can completely knock Li Fuchen's wooden sword into the air.

But the result was beyond his expectation. His Mianshui swordsmanship was actually offset by Qingfeng swordsmanship. Not only that, every sword of the opponent came towards the weak area of his wooden sword, making him only able to exert his strength. Out of 40-50%.

"Interestingly, this child's actual combat ability is very good, and he can easily see through the opponent's swordsmanship flaws."

Chen Zongming's eyes lit up and nodded approvingly.

Shentu Jianhe also nodded, "This son is called Li Fuchen. He is the son of the head of the Li family. He has a good fighting talent, but it's a pity that the roots are just ordinary roots."

"Ordinary roots?"

Chen Zongming showed a pity, although Li Fuchen's fighting talent is not amazing, but it is already very good. If he has a two-star root, entering the Canglan Sect is a craftable material.

"This little beast is so capable in actual combat?"

Guan Hong and Guan Yan looked ugly.

Under their guidance, Guan Peng's actual combat ability has been qualitatively improved, but it is clear that Li Fuchen's actual combat ability is stronger, and he easily cracked Guan Peng's Mianshui swordsmanship.

"Don't be smug too early."

Guan Peng roared, his sword power changed, and the Mianshui swordsmanship was replaced by the raining swordsmanship.

Compared with the Mianshui swordsmanship, the Rainfall swordsmanship gave up some of the skills and increased the sword speed and attack frequency.

"I said, I can beat you once, and I can beat you a second time."

It was still the Qingfeng Sword Technique, but this time the Qingfeng Sword Technique was even more urgent. With a sword swing, Guan Peng's sword was instantly twisted, and between the two of them, there was a fine crackling sound.

"Little friend, the old man is closed. I don't know if you can give me a face, give up this battle, and I will give you the reward you want afterwards." At this moment, a vague voice fell into Li Fuchen's ears, causing Li Fuchen to After the sword momentum, a flaw appeared.

Although I don't know why Li Fuchen had the flaws, Guan Peng didn't care about these, and the sword of falling rain changed from decay to strong, and counterattacked Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen's face was ugly, his figure suddenly retreated, and the situation suddenly fell into a disadvantage.

"What's the matter, how could Li Fuchen make such a big mistake, it shouldn't be!"

"What shouldn't be, maybe Li Fuchen exploded too violently in front of him, and he was weak in the later stage."

"It seems reasonable."

The twists and turns on the arena caused everyone to talk a lot.

After all, Li Fuchen still had more power. Guan Peng was not worthy of revealing all his hole cards. After a few breaths, Li Fuchen got back the situation and continued to suppress Guan Peng.

"My little friend, the old man counts, as long as you give up this opportunity, the old man will give you five thousand gold coins."

The voice came into Li Fuchen's ears again.

Li Fuchen turned a deaf ear, and his sword was even more anxious.

Upon seeing this, the old man beside Guan Yue's face was gloomy and his lips moved slightly.

"Little friends don't want to toast or not eat fine wine. The face that I have closed, even the city owner will sell it for one or two, you'd better consider it carefully."


Li Fuchen knocked Guan Peng off the arena with a sword.