Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 125: Lingfeng ranks first


Time flies by, and one day passes in the blink of an eye.

The light of the ten formation towers continued to shine throughout the day.

In the first row of the Ten Formation Monuments, there is no writing on the blank name.

When the last person from the Ten Formation Tower was teleported out, the first row of the Ten Formation Monument remained unchanged.

Not to mention the many trial disciples gathered at the formation peak, even the eyes of the leader of the four peaks showed a trace of disappointment.

"Who is this person, and why hasn't he shown up yet?"

"Does this person really regard nothing as nothing but dust?"

The curiosity of many disciples about the mysterious intruder has reached its limit, and they are feeling panicked.

Xuan Yi stood up and said in a loud voice: "The competition in the formation peak is over. The first person in the formation peak this time is Zhong Wen, a disciple of the formation peak."

There was a sparse cheer in the crowd, but it was not enthusiastic.

Everyone knew that the reason why Zhong Wen got this first place was just because the mysterious person who entered the formation did not show up.

At this time, Zhong Wen looked at the Ten Formations Monument and smiled bitterly.

The title of No. 1 in the formation this year fell on his head, which was probably the least convincing.

The first of the five peaks dispersed first.

In mid-air, Wenxuan was still unwilling to give in and asked again: "Xuan Yi, please stop showing off. Who is this guy?"

Xuan Yi smiled and said nothing, pondered for a while, changed the topic, and asked: "After the Wufeng competition, Su Zimo and Feng Haoyu will fight. Where will it be located? What are your plans?"

"The location doesn't matter, the result is the same." Wenxuan said calmly.

Xuan Yi shook his head and said: "This battle is attracting everyone's attention. Among the sects, it is probably as good as Wufeng's. You should be more cautious."

"Su Zimo is prohibited from entering Lingfeng. Lingfeng's Lingfeng Arena is no longer acceptable. After all, Su Zimo is a disciple of Qi Peak. It is not appropriate to be on Qi Peak. The remaining ones are Fu Feng, Formation Peak, and Danfeng. Choose one of the three in the Spiritual Arena." The white-haired boy said.

Xuan Yi suddenly said: "Let's go to the formation peak."

"Okay." Wenxuan nodded.

The other leaders had no objections, so the matter was settled.

Every year, the Lingfeng Skill Competition is held on the last day. It is also the most important event for the sect, including all the monks.

No matter how powerful the formation, talisman making, elixir refining, and weapon refining are, the ultimate purpose of these is to improve the monk's strength.

In the world of cultivation, the weak eat the strong, and strength is the most important!

The level of cruelty is even worse than the jungle mountains where ferocious beasts are rampant. This is exactly why Dieyue let Su Zimo survive in the Canglang Mountains for a year.

However, Su Zimo has just stepped into the world of cultivation. He has not really ventured out yet and has not realized the dangers in the world of cultivation.

On the fifth day, Lingfeng competed.

Almost all Wufeng disciples were present. Among the inner sects, many retreating disciples also came, and some sect elders also came to watch.

The rules of Lingfeng's competition are very simple. The disciples of the sect come forward to draw lots, compete in pairs, catch and fight, and the final winner is the first person in Lingfeng this time!

Although he competed in Qifeng and Danfeng, Feng Haoyu lost two games in a row.

However, in the Lingfeng competition, Feng Haoyu is still the most vocal and the most promising disciple of the Five Peaks.

In the process of competing with his opponents, Feng Haoyu indeed showed his due strength.

From beginning to end, he won continuously and no one caused much hindrance to him.

Many trial disciples have heard that Feng Haoyu has practiced "Piaomiao Sword", one of the three secret arts of the sect, and want to have a look at the martial arts in Lingfeng.

But Feng Haoyu never used this secret technique.

In addition to Feng Haoyu, Leng Rou's performance really surprised everyone.

Although she did not have a low-grade spiritual weapon, Leng Rou defeated many powerful enemies in Lingfeng based on the skill of sword control and many talismans.

There is a bone-chilling chill on the cold and soft flying sword. If you are not careful, if the flying sword collides with it, it will be covered with a layer of frost and its flexibility will be greatly reduced.

Of course, the one who surprised everyone the most was the little fat man.

The little fat man is only at the ninth level of Qi Condensation, and he doesn't have much advantage in the art of sword control.

However, with the help of the low-grade giant ax spiritual weapon donated by Su Zimo, and with the powerful body-refining technique, the little fat man succeeded in consecutive challenges and defeated many Dzogchen Qi practitioners.

The final battle was still between Feng Haoyu and Leng Rou.

Although Leng Rou's talismans are endless and ever-changing, Feng Haoyu's sword control skills are even better.

With the assistance of wind-attribute aura, the flying sword became more elegant and agile in Feng Haoyu's hands, appearing and disappearing, which was eye-opening.

Before sunset, the Lingfeng competition ended.

Not surprisingly, Feng Haoyu won the first place in Lingfeng!

Lengrou is second.

The little fat man actually got third place.

The reward for being number one in the Spiritual Peak is also the most generous. Not only will you be rewarded with many spiritual stones and sect contribution points, but you can also go to the Spiritual Pill Pavilion to choose an elixir, go to the Spiritual Weapon Pavilion to choose a low-grade spiritual weapon, and then go to the Fulu Pavilion to choose a Zhang first level talisman.

"Hehe, it seems that someone is going to be crushed in the battle between Senior Brother Feng and Su Zimo tomorrow."

"Yes, even Leng Rou and Senior Brother Li's Qi Condensation Perfection were defeated by Senior Brother Feng. Su Zimo's eighth level of Qi Condensation is really not enough."

After the Lingfeng competition, no one was optimistic about Su Zimo.

"This Feng Haoyu won the first place in Lingfeng. It was so easy. He didn't even use his full strength." The white-haired boy laughed.

Wenxuan couldn't hide his pride in his eyes and nodded: "I think people are not wrong. If not, I would not beg the sect master to let Haoyu practice the sect's secret skills in advance."

"To be fair, Feng Haoyu, who has the wind spirit root, is indeed the best candidate to practice the "Piaory Sword"." Ms. Leng nodded.

Wenxuan smiled and said: "Before this battle, I told Haoyu that if you use the sect's secret technique to defeat your senior brothers, even if you win the first place in Lingfeng, you will still lose and you will not be able to convince everyone. .”

"Haoyu is good, he didn't disappoint me."

The bad old man said nothing, with a hint of worry between his brows.

The stronger Feng Haoyu is, the worse Su Zimo will be defeated tomorrow.

As his beloved disciple, he couldn't bear to see Su Zimo suffer such a blow.

"Wenxuan, to save my face, why don't you tell Feng Haoyu and forget about the battle tomorrow." After hesitating for a long time, the old man suddenly said.

As a bad old man, it is not easy to plead for a disciple and say such words.

Xuan Yi, the white-haired boy, and the cold lady were silent.

It's not easy for them to interfere in this kind of thing.

Wenxuan was silent for a while and then said: "The arrow is already on the string and has to be fired. I can't come forward in this matter."

"But… "

When the old man was about to continue persuading, Wenxuan frowned and interrupted with a flick of his sleeves: "Su Zimo defeated Hao Yu twice in a row. Hao Yu is not allowed to defeat him once! Your disciple is a disciple, but mine is not?"

After saying that, Wenxuan left first, leaving the other four people where they were.

The old man was a little embarrassed and sighed.

The crane-haired young man coughed and said, "Don't blame him. Wenxuan put too much effort into Feng Haoyu. Feng Haoyu lost two games in a row. Although Wenxuan didn't say it with his mouth, he must have felt the same in his heart. It’s human nature to be unhappy.”

Xuan Yi also patted the old man on the shoulder and comforted him: "It's okay. It's okay to let the kid Su Zimo suffer some setbacks. His achievements in the future may not be weaker than Feng Haoyu."

"The road... is still long." Xuan Yi's eyes flashed and he said meaningfully.