Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 211: Scary little beast


The little beast raised his head and nose, and smelled it carefully a few more times, as if to confirm.

After a while, the little beast began to crawl towards Su Zimo.

Su Zimo just sat cross-legged on the ground, which was not very high.

But the little beast was too short and climbed up along the hem of Su Zimo's clothes. It tried several times but failed. Instead, it fell down several times, causing a burst of laughter.

Many supreme elders began to leave.

There is no point in staying here. Although this 'bear' is very cute, it is just a wild beast, no different from the hare or wild dog on the roadside.

Su Zimo didn't care.

No matter what, he will raise this little beast and make it become a powerful being!

What about beasts

He himself originally had no spiritual roots, but now he has embarked on spiritual practice and become a cultivator

The birth of a life cannot be chosen by oneself.

But what kind of path we will take in the future and what kind of achievements we can achieve will require acquired efforts and opportunities.

The little beast stumbled several times in a row, and was covered in dust and dirty. With his eyes closed, he rubbed gently at Su Zimo's feet, feeling very aggrieved.

Su Zimo hardened his heart and said nothing, making no move to help it. He wanted the little beast to climb up on its own.

"Eaaaah! Ea...ah!"

The little beast raised its head, opened its toothless mouth, tried its best, and squealed in a milky voice, which was pitiful.

Su Zimo's heart softened and he couldn't hold on anymore. He quickly stretched out his palm and lifted the little beast up.

Maybe it's because it was just born. The little beast is not big, about half a foot long, and can just fit in the palm of your hand.

Su Zimo smiled slightly, holding the little beast with his left hand, and stretched out his fingers with his right hand, teasing it with interest.

"Zimo, this bear's qualifications are too poor, so don't sign a blood oath with it." Old Man Zao was worried and came over to give him a warning.

Although the power of the blood oath is powerful, the more blood oaths are signed, the power will be weakened, and there is no guarantee that monsters will not kill their masters in the future.

So generally speaking, most monks will only sign a blood oath with one monster, or at most two.

From the perspective of Old Man Zao and others, if Su Zimo continues to sign a blood oath with the monster, his life may be in danger at any time!

Sect leader Ling Yun also nodded towards Su Zimo and said: "This little beast has not yet developed its intelligence, so just raise it casually."

After saying that, Ling Yun turned and left.

When the leader of Wufeng saw Su Zimo with his head hanging down and saying nothing, he thought he was depressed and suffered a big blow, so he couldn't help but sigh and left the place.

At this time, Su Zimo looked down at the little beast lying on his lap, his eyes strange and thoughtful.

At first, Su Zimo thought that the little beast was just an ordinary beast, maybe it was really a bear cub, not yet intelligent, but just a little cute.

But just now, the little beast made a move that made Su Zimo change his mind.

This little beast may not be as simple as everyone says!

Just now, Su Zimo teased the little beast with his right hand.

The little beast's expression suddenly changed, as if he felt something. He put his nose in and smelled Su Zimo's right hand carefully.

Finally, the little beast suddenly opened his mouth, took the fingertips of Su Zimo's right hand, licked it, and changed into a comfortable position before falling into a deep sleep.

This action may seem like nothing.

But there was quite a stir in Su Zimo's heart.

His right hand can be said to be his most powerful trump card, helping him save the day twice.

No one in the entire cave knew the secret of his right hand.

Even Senior Xianhe doesn’t know.

But this little beast had just been born and couldn't even open its eyes, but it felt something and tried hard to come over and grab the fingers of his right hand!

This is no coincidence.

Senior Xianhe is still in the cave and has not left.

Su Zimo looked up and couldn't help but ask: "Senior, do you recognize this little beast?"

Senior Xianhe walked over slowly, stood in front of Su Zimo, looked at the little beast carefully, then shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have never seen such a monster in my memory."

"Is there something missing from the ancient books?" Su Zimo asked again.

"Also a possibility."

Senior Xianhe muttered: "After all, the ancient times are so long ago. In addition, there are so many monsters and beasts, many of which are extinct. There may be some omissions."

After a pause, Senior Xianhe continued: "But when this beast was born, there was indeed no vision of heaven and earth, no rays of light, and no evil spirit. Well... maybe, this is just an ordinary little bear."

As he spoke, Senior Crane bent down and stretched out his fingers, wanting to touch the little beast lightly.


The little beast who had been sleeping suddenly woke up!

Although his eyes were still closed, the little beast was obviously nervous.

As if feeling a strange breath coming towards him, the little beast put his head forward to smell it, and the claws originally hidden in the gaps in his palms slowly came out, shining with a dark and cold light.

What a keen sense!

Su Zimo's eyes lit up.

You know, this little beast was born less than half an hour ago and couldn't even open its eyes.

But while it was sleeping, it could still feel the strange smell and wake up.

Having such a reaction further proves that the little beast is extraordinary.

Su Zimo was a little happy.

"Ah… "

Senior Xianhe was stunned for a moment, then chuckled and said, "This little guy is quite clever."

As he said that, Senior Xianhe stretched out his finger and gently tapped the little beast's forehead as if doting on him.

The little beast hurriedly dodged backwards, but its movements were too slow and its body balance could not be grasped well.

As if realizing that it couldn't escape, the little beast quickly stretched out its claws and hurriedly scratched Senior Xianhe's palm hard.

Seeing this scene, Su Zimo smiled.

This little beast is quite interesting, and it also knows how to fight back...

Just as Su Zimo was about to speak, he found that Senior Xianhe looked strange and motionless, completely frozen in place.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Su Zimo frowned and asked subconsciously.


After a while, Senior Xianhe came to his senses. It seemed that his mind was greatly shaken, and he was a little lost. He said repeatedly: "Wrong, we are all wrong!"

"What do you mean?" Su Zimo looked confused.

Senior Xianhe looked at the little beast hiding in Su Zimo's arms, his eyes filled with brilliance, even a little bit of fear, and he asked uncertainly: "Did this little guy just catch me?"

"Yes." Su Zimo nodded, not understanding what Senior Xianhe meant.

Senior Xianhe took a deep breath and said slowly: "It scratched me."

Su Zimo froze on the spot, and a cold air suddenly shot up his back!

Senior Xianhe's cultivation realm is in no way weaker than that of True Monarch Nascent Soul.

Moreover, Senior Xianhe is a demon clan, and his physical body is incomparably powerful!

Even if the little beast is a pure-blooded ferocious beast, its claws will not pose any threat. Catching it on Senior Crane's body is like scratching an itch.

However, Senior Xianhe actually felt pain!

The most terrifying thing is that the little beast was only born less than half an hour ago!

If the blow just now had landed on Su Zimo, he would probably have made several bloody holes on the spot!