Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 237: Extinct ancient life


The gray-robed monk was walking in the forest, tiptoeing, looking nervous and furtive.

The gray-robed monk held a folding fan in one hand and an iron rod as thick as a finger in the other.

At the top of the iron rod, there is a slender pointer passing through, constantly rotating, guiding the direction.

After walking for a while, the gray-robed monk would stop and wait for the pointer on the top of the iron rod to fix a direction before moving forward in that direction.

Stopping and stopping along the way, the gray-robed monk was not very fast.

"Is this old man's Earth Spirit Ruler reliable? It's spinning around but has no fixed direction."

The gray-robed monk muttered as he walked.

the other side.

Ye Ling led Su Zimo through the jungle of the sacred mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Ye Ling twitched his nose as he ran, as if he was smelling something, walking farther and farther on the sacred mountain.

After a long time, Ye Ling came to a huge cave and stopped.

Su Zimo looked up at the entrance of the cave, with shock in his eyes. He opened his mouth slightly and was speechless for a while.

The size of this hole was completely beyond his imagination!

Su Zimo stood in front of the cave entrance, as if he were an ant. Standing in front of the magnificent palace hall, he felt extremely small.

Who on earth dug such a huge cave in this sacred mountain

There are no traces of digging on the edge of the cave.

This kind of method can be called a miraculous craftsmanship!

This cave is so big, what special purpose does it have


Ye Ling bit the hem of Su Zimo's clothes and continued to pull him, signaling to enter the cave quickly.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and couldn't help but look back before entering the cave.

This glance made Su Zimo's gaze freeze and he could no longer look away.

This huge cave is halfway up the mountain.

Su Zimo stood here, condescending, looking back at the sea of bones, his field of vision was naturally wider.

Standing halfway up the mountain, you can vaguely see two rows of stone pillars juxtaposed in the sea of bones. The tops of the stone pillars are almost flush with the mountainside of the sacred mountain. You can see how high the stone pillars are!

The tops of the two rows of stone pillars are curved, moving closer to the middle, and are embedded in a huge and thick beam. The beam is covered with barbs and is several times thicker than the stone pillars.

"What on earth is this?"

Su Zimo's eyes flashed with doubt.

He always felt that the combination of these stone pillars and beams looked like something.

After thinking for a while, Su Zimo had no clue, so he followed Ye Ling into the cave.

At the same time, the Palace Master of the Blood Crow Palace walked out of the Sea of Bones without any danger and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Palace Master of the Blood Crow Palace remained motionless, and after a moment of concentration, he couldn't help but sneered: "You're still escaping! I want to see where you can escape today!"

Following the guidance of the power of the blood curse, the master of the Blood Crow Palace galloped towards the sacred mountain.

Not long after, a figure appeared in front of the huge cave on the mountainside, wearing a gray robe, holding a folding fan in one hand and an earth spirit ruler in the other.

"Hehe, the old man didn't lie to me. Although this Earth Spirit Ruler is a little slow, it finally made no mistakes. I really found it!"

The gray-robed monk looked at the huge cave in front of him, his brows were filled with joy and he couldn't help laughing.

"There is a time in life that must come, but there is no time in life. Don't force it."

The gray-robed monk shook his head, shook his folding fan, and hummed triumphantly as he walked into the cave.

Su Zimo had long discovered that since setting foot in this ancient ruins, Ye Ling's state had become different from usual.

A little excited and a little nervous.

This was the first time such complex emotions appeared in Ye Ling.

When Jihuo Daojun fell, it was not clear whether the Ye Ling came from ancient ruins or ancient ruins.

Su Zimo once suspected that there might be some inextricable connection between Ye Ling and this ancient ruins.

Or you can boldly speculate that Eidolon comes from this ancient ruins!

After all, through observation along the way, Ye Ling's various behaviors are too unusual.

The cave is extremely empty and almost unobstructed.

After galloping all the way, after a long time, one man and one beast finally arrived at the deepest part of the cave.

"This is… "

At the end of the cave, there stood a gray-white oval-shaped thing, as tall as a person!

Su Zimo was stunned and said to himself in disbelief: "Is egg?"

What kind of monster could lay such a huge egg

Su Zimo came to this huge egg and reached out to touch it and feel it.

There are no lines on the top of this egg, which means that the egg was born not long ago, at most a month.

In this way, the strange phenomena seen by many monks a month ago should have been caused by the birth of this monster egg.

Su Zimo carefully recalled all the information about the monster eggs.

After a while, Su Zimo still couldn't find which kind of monster could lay such a huge and terrifying egg!

Ye Ling followed Su Zimo's clothes and rushed to Su Zimo's chest in a few moments. His little eyes flickered and blinked, quite a bit showing off.

Looking at the egg in front of him, Su Zimo frowned in thought.

He always felt that along the way, by connecting many pieces of information together, he seemed to be able to get an answer.

Stone pillars, beams, caves, eggs...

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Su Zimo's mind.

Thinking of this possibility, Su Zimo couldn't help but change his color in horror.

When he first saw the gray stone pillars in the sea of bones, Su Zimo was a little puzzled.

Why are there so many extra stone pillars in the sea of bones

Moreover, the surface of these stone pillars is as smooth as jade. It has been so many years since ancient times, why is there no trace of time left on them

What kind of stone could be so hard

It wasn't until this moment that Su Zimo suddenly realized.

Those are not stone pillars at all!

But... skeletons!

The remains of a once extremely powerful being!

Those 'stone pillars', arranged in two rows, are actually the ribs of this powerful creature!

And the thicker 'beam' in the middle, covered with barbs, is the spine of this creature!

Precisely because they are skeletons, they appear in the sea of bones.

And the cave he is in now should have been opened by the race of this terrifying creature!

What kind of life could have such a huge and terrifying body

It has been dead for so many years. Although its flesh and blood have rotted away, there is no trace left on the skeleton. It is as smooth as jade and incorruptible. What kind of cultivation did it have during its lifetime

Ancient life!

Unexpectedly, the ancient life forms that have disappeared from the Tianhuang Continent are hidden here!

Not surprisingly, the huge egg in front of me should have been conceived by such an ancient being.

After thinking about this, Su Zimo couldn't help but swallowed.


Suddenly, a crisp sound echoed in the cave.

Su Zimo's pupils suddenly shrank.

He saw Ye Ling lying on his chest, reaching out his claws and piercing the huge egg in front of him...!