Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 29: I will avenge the Su family!


Su Zimo and Su Zimo arrived in Pingyang Town one after another.

Afraid of attracting attention, Su Zimo asked Song Qi to put away his flying sword and follow him towards the Su Mansion.

The door of the Su Mansion was closed tightly. Su Zimo's ears were very good, and he could vaguely hear the intermittent sobbing in the mansion. It was very familiar, it was Su Xiaoning.

Su Zimo frowned, took a step forward, used his arms, and pushed the door directly in.

With a click, the beam behind the door broke.


Soon, more than a dozen guards wearing black armor rushed out, their eyes red and murderous. These people were stunned when they saw Su Zimo.

"Second Young Master?"

Su Zimo nodded and led Song Qi towards the direction where the crying came from.

Song Qi's eyes turned around on these guards, secretly feeling frightened.

He could naturally feel that the murderous aura in these guards was very strong. They were all honed on the battlefield and were not ordinary martial arts masters.

Outside Su Hong's room, many people from the Su family were sitting or standing. Everyone looked sad, and the atmosphere around them was extremely depressed and filled with sadness.

"Second Young Master is back." Uncle Zheng and others stood up and said.

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes and asked, "How is big brother?"

Uncle Zheng's brows showed worry, he shook his head and said, "Let's wait a moment, the eldest son is still unconscious."

Su Zimo's eyes glanced at everyone in the Su family, and he said in a deep voice: "You still want to hide it now?"

Everyone in the Su family looked at each other and sighed.

"My father was originally Su Mu, Duke Wuding of the Yan Kingdom, right." Su Zimo said lightly.

The expressions of everyone in the Su family changed, and Uncle Zheng asked in shock: "Second Young Master, you..."

"Luo Tianwu came to see me."

Hearing these words, Uncle Zheng's eyes showed a sudden look, and he sighed: "Luo Tianwu is not a kind person, he is ambitious and always wants to take advantage of the troubled times to become king. He also approached the eldest son and wanted to join forces, but was rejected by the eldest son. Yes. The Su family has a grudge against King Yan, but the eldest son does not want to implicate the people of Yan."

"Your father spent his whole life in the military, and his black armored cavalry were famous all over the world. They galloped across the borders and resisted foreign enemies. They never caused the Yan Kingdom to lose even an inch of its land. The general once swore an oath that he would protect the people of the Yan Kingdom throughout his life and allow the people to have a safe place to live. Being spared the suffering of the war, the eldest son inherited his father's ambition and naturally refused to join forces with Luo Tianwu."

Speaking of this, Uncle Zheng had no intention of hiding anything and continued: "Over the years, the eldest son has often gone out. Under the cover of horse trading, he actually summoned the old Xuanjia troops outside to train and wait for opportunities to take revenge."

"How many people are there now?"

"Five thousand people!"

"Where are so many people hiding? How can they hide it from the spies of Yan and Qi?" Su Zimo frowned.

Uncle Zheng said: "They are all hidden in the ghost village near Yan State."

That village was massacred by a pack of wolves decades ago. No chickens or dogs were left behind, and the surrounding area was deserted. No one dared to live there, so it became the best shelter.

Su Zimo thought for a moment and then asked: "Uncle Zheng hinted before that the enemies of the Su family are Qi practitioners, so what does that mean?"

"Just over ten years ago, there were many Qi practitioners in King Yan's city, guarding King Yan. The plan to assassinate King Yan could only be postponed again and again. The eldest son waited hard for an opportunity, and finally a month ago , there should be news from the royal city that King Yan is going to the southern suburbs for hunting."

"The black armor cavalry can only exert its maximum power in a wide area. If the Qi practitioner is not careful at all, he will die."

Su Zimo nodded.

The physical body of the Qi Practitioners is as weak as that of ordinary people. Once the two armies charge and fight, arrows will rain like rain. The strength of a few Qi Practitioners alone will hardly affect the outcome, and they may even lose their lives.

Uncle Zheng shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that the assassination failed. King Yan is surrounded by not just a few Qi practitioners, but dozens of them! Behind King Yan, there is a cultivation sect as a backer!"

Hearing this, Su Zimo was shocked.

In the world of cultivation, if you want to establish a sect, the sect leader must at least have a foundation-building level of cultivation.

Just listen to Uncle Zheng continue to say: "Worried that the target was too big, the eldest son only brought more than a thousand black armor cavalry and dispersed into the city. As a result, they were besieged by dozens of Qi practitioners in the southern suburbs. They suffered heavy losses. The eldest son was seriously injured and more than a thousand Only a dozen or so of the Xuanjia cavalry escaped back."

Song Qi stepped forward and whispered: "Second Young Master Su, I have a Yuan-Building Pill here. It is very common in the world of cultivation. It has the function of strengthening the foundation and cultivating the Yuan. The eldest son should make use of it."

"Thank you." Su Zimo nodded.

Uncle Zheng said sadly: "Physical illness is easy to cure, but mental illness is difficult to cure. This failure has dealt a huge blow to the eldest son."

"Huh?" Su Zimo frowned and said, "Brother is determined, how could he collapse because of a setback

Uncle Zheng smiled lonely and sighed: "Because the eldest son knows that if King Yan has the support of the Cultivation Sect behind him, there is no hope of revenge for the Su family in this life. There is no greater sorrow than death, that's probably... that's it."

"The eldest son is awake." At this moment, Liu Yu walked out of the room and said with a heavy expression.

As soon as I walked to the door, a strong and pungent smell of medicine hit my face.

Su Zimo turned his eyes and looked towards the bedside. He saw his eldest brother Su Hong lying quietly on the bed. He was seriously injured and his breath of life was getting weaker and weaker.

"elder brother!"

Su Xiaoning, who was guarding Su Hong's bedside, cried out, threw herself into Su Zimo's arms, and cried loudly: "Brother is seriously injured. Brother, can you think of a way, okay?"

Su Zimo patted Su Xiaoning's back, whispered a few words of comfort, helped Su Xiaoning aside, and came to Su Hong.

Su Hong's hair was gray and he was just over 30 years old, but he was already showing signs of aging. His face was yellowish and his lips were chapped. His eyes were looking at the roof blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

My hair turns gray overnight, and there is nothing more sorrowful than the death of my heart!

Seeing his elder brother like this, Su Zimo's heart ached, his nose felt sore, and there were tears in his eyes.

The Su family is burdened with a blood feud, but the eldest brother chooses to bear it alone!

In the past sixteen years, this person has carefully protected his younger brothers and sisters, fearing that they would be a little wronged or harmed, and kept secretive, fearing that they would be involved.

In the past sixteen years, what kind of life has this person lived, carrying hatred alone

In the past sixteen years, has this person ever had a solid night's sleep

For these sixteen years, this man has lived in hatred all the time. How much pain and torture has this caused to him


Su Zimo's lips trembled and he shouted.

There has never been a moment when these two words came out of Su Zimo's mouth as heavy as they are now.

Su Hong slowly turned his head, his dull gaze lingering on Su Zimo's face for a long time, and then he gradually gained some energy. The corners of his stiff mouth moved, and he squeezed out a smile and said softly: "Zimo... you are back."

Su Zimo knelt on the ground, stepped forward and held Su Hong's cold palm, pursed his lips tightly, and tried not to let the tears fall in his eyes.

"Zimo, I can't do it." Su Hong sighed softly.

Hearing these words, Su Zimo couldn't bear it any longer, and tears rolled down his clothes.

This is the first time Su Zimo has cried in eighteen years.

Su Hong wanted to raise his arm to wipe away the tears on Su Zimo's face, but when he raised his arm halfway, he lost strength.

"Don't cry, don't cry. The men of the Su family only bleed, not shed tears."

Su Zimo pulled up his sleeves, wiped away his tears randomly, and nodded.

"Zimo, after I die, take Xiao Ning and the Su family away from here. The further away the better." Su Hong said.

Su Zimo lowered his head and remained silent, clenching his fists tightly and digging his nails deeply into his flesh, dripping a trace of blood.

After a while, Su Zimo raised his head and said calmly: "Brother, take good care of yourself and don't think too much."

There was another sentence that Su Zimo didn't say.

I will avenge the Su family!