Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 13


After so many things, when Aunt Wei sees Huiming again, she will naturally not be as hypocritical and kind as in the past. Fortunately, Xu has the face of Eunuch Su and Mammy Xu, so she didn't find fault with her. is to choose another way-

Turn a blind eye.

Just like now, when facing Hui Ming's respectful greeting, Wei Shi seemed to have no one like her in front of her, so she just looked directly at Su Jin and raised her head slightly: "Your Majesty said, I am impatient to see people today, not in a hurry. It's all down to business." Apparently, Aunt Wei was no longer as gentle as she used to be towards Eunuch Su, her face and tone were dry, and there was no ups and downs.

However, Su Jin seemed to have never noticed the difference. What the Wei family passed down was an oral oracle, so he got down on one knee in a proper manner, and answered seriously, "Comply with the order." After saying that, he turned around again. He continued to look at the narcissus stone bonsai just now, as if it were some kind of treasure in the world.

Aunt Wei pursed the corners of her mouth tightly, looked up at Eunuch Su's back, and then turned around and entered the hall.

Perhaps it was a suspected neighbor stealing an axe. Ever since Huiming learned from Aunt Wei's "intent to Eunuch Su," when he looked at this look again, he always felt that he had seen something complicated and unspeakable. In comparison, Eunuch Su's back, Qing Jun, who didn't look back, looked like a cold-hearted person with a hard heart.

No, no, this is too disrespectful to Eunuch Su. What's more, with the temperament of Aunt Wei, it should be justified that Eunuch Su is ruthless to her

Thinking of this, Hui Ming lowered his eyebrows and took a step back, shaking his head and throwing these messy thoughts out, waiting for her to take a deep breath and want to take this opportunity to make an announcement with Su Gong, but she saw Su. The father-in-law had already descended the steps and was meeting the two men in python robes.

At this age, the only people who can wear python robes are the only friends of King Rui Xinwang.

Sure enough, after a few routine greetings, Eunuch Su lowered his head slightly and persuaded: "Your Majesty is not feeling well at noon, so I asked the imperial physician to toss it for a while, and just fell asleep, and ordered to see no one, the two princes might as well go somewhere else, and come back in a while. ?"

"I don't dare to disturb the rest of the royal father, but this king still has some errands to report to the royal father. In that case, go to the side hall and wait." The third prince who came back to the queen's direct line was the third prince, Prince Xin, with clear eyes and a face like Qiuyue. In addition, Su Ri's actions are well-known in the palace, gentle and gentle, even to the palace staff, he is soft-spoken. Occasionally being slow is also a lot of burdens, never punishing, and not a single one of them is disliked by everyone.

In comparison, Concubine Xian's son, King Rui, seemed a little rough. Not to mention his strong body, he also deliberately had a full-chin beard. The extremely wealthy Prince Mangpao, but he looks more like a military general honed in the battlefield, which is frightening. Even his character and behavior are more like a straight-forward reckless man against the background of Prince Xin.

It's just... If he is really a rude person with no conspiracy, how can he make such a situation where the two kings are fighting? Not to mention the fact that three years later, he led the army to force the palace... Hui Ming looked at him coldly, but he always felt that King Rui was afraid that he was deliberately making such an appearance to hide people's eyes and ears, but in fact it was rough and subtle, and he was loyal.

Sure enough, as soon as King Xin's voice fell, Lord Rui immediately raised his shoulders and said in a rough voice: "It just so happens that this King has a report to report, so let's wait together!"

Eunuch Su's expression didn't change, and he responded as if he was not surprised. He instructed the ingot beside him to take good care of the prince and sit wide. He took a few steps back, and continued to turn around and guard outside the palace gate.

Although Huiming didn't pay special attention to the open and secret struggle between King Rui and Wang Xin, but in the Qiande Hall, he was able to sense that the tit-for-tat between the two kings was gradually on the surface, and he didn't even bother to cover it up.

Hui Ming didn't understand the affairs of the previous dynasty, but after staying in the imperial court for a long time, he could see some things, just like the current situation.

After all, His Majesty is getting old and fell ill. Even with the rejuvenation of the imperial physicians, he has not been able to recover to the same level as before the illness. Although he is conscious and seems to be able to speak and walk normally, until now, His speech was still slurred, and even his limbs suffered from stiffness and numbness from time to time. He also needed acupuncture and moxibustion every few days to relieve himself, not to mention his energy to deal with the affairs of the state.

And His Majesty's health is not good, and it is inevitable that the government will be faked, and this entrusted person, to a certain extent, also represents the candidate for the Crown Prince in His Majesty's heart. At such a critical moment, it is natural to fight for every inch of land. In the past few days, the prince can't wait to come to this Qiande Hall for eight times a day, on the one hand for "filial piety," more importantly, but also for the purpose of always reporting on the errands His Majesty has sent them, showing his own The ability to govern a country, so that oneself has more weight in His Majesty's heart than the other.

Huiming's targeting between the two princes is already commonplace, and it's not surprising. After she saw this scene in the corridor, she originally wanted to step forward and announce to Eunuch Su, but she looked at Eunuch Su who was guarding the door. But he was a little hesitant-

If she is not mistaken, Eunuch Su's expression seems to be extremely cold at the moment

Eunuch Su was always like an ancient well and a deep pool when facing others, so cold that no one could see the slightest emotion, but at this moment, the bottomless deep pool seemed to have condensed into a biting ice, making people only look at it. Heart and hair are cold.

In fact, although Hui Ming has no other advantages, he is still worthy of being attentive and sensitive. He may also have the eyesight that he must have in the palace. Although it is not obvious on the face, it is often only a few eyes. Can vaguely sense the mood and attitude of others who have not spoken.

Otherwise, the seventh highness in such a difficult situation, she has no experience and no old feelings, but she can surpass the thousands of palace people in the palace and firmly maintain the trust and closeness of the little majesty. Her innate sharpness allows her to see some basic feelings from the performance of the little highness that is very different from ordinary people, so she can find out a suitable method bit by bit.

For so many years, Hui Ming's talent has only been wrong in Su Jin, who made her admit that in her previous life, Su Jin, who was such a gentleman, had covetous thoughts and bad intentions towards her. She was slapped in the face by Eunuch Su who didn't forget to save her life at the last moment, and now she is in a situation where she feels embarrassed and ashamed whenever she thinks of what Eunuch Su sent Yuanbao to pass on to her.

Especially after asking them about their former relationship today! With Eunuch Su's background and talent, how could she be so unremarkable, and even a rustic little palace maid with her bald head shaved

Enough, don't think about shaving your head anymore! Realizing that he was actually entangled in this matter again, Hui Ming couldn't help shaking his head. Eunuch Su was too busy with so many business affairs every day, how could he always remember such trivial matters from many years ago! She keeps it in her mind all the time, but it's just mediocre people disturbing herself, calling herself a big mess!

Even if you think clearly in your heart, how can this kind of thing be done by people? Even most of the time, the more you don't want to ask yourself to think about it, the more disobedient the thought will come up. In the end, Hui Ming still relied on recalling the terrifying scene when he was finally killed by Bai Ling, and finally called himself. In an instant, his heart froze, his face turned straight, and he bowed to Su Gonggong and resigned.

When he raised his head again, Eunuch Su's face was extraordinarily peaceful, and he even showed a bit of concern in his words: "Your Majesty will not wake up for a while, you go and rest for a while, the newcomer has not been picked up, you I'll be errands every day, and learn to be smarter by myself."

When Hui Ming heard the words, he responded respectfully, and he also reciprocated to persuade Eunuch Su to go to the house for a meeting. Eunuch Su did not think she was too troublesome, and still responded in a good voice. Between words and deeds, there was nothing like that A startling coldness.

It is precisely because of this that Hui Ming recalled Eunuch Su's icy cold face just now, and was a little hesitant for a while. Is the coldness she just saw from Eunuch Su's face true? Or, Eunuch Su actually didn't, was she wrong again

The author has something to say:

Hui Ming, who doubts himself: How can I understand Eunuch Su's mind? I must be wrong again!

Uneasy Su Jin: No, no, no, in fact, you have always been right...