Eunuch Su, Eunuch Su!

Chapter 15


"You have a good rest in the afternoon, and you don't have to clean up the rest. If you have time, you can go back to the palace to see Eunuch Liu." Seeing that it was almost time, Hui Ming also stood up, turned his head and said to Lu'an.

Lu'an responded. Although Hui Ming repeatedly refused, he still insisted on taking her washing water and pouring it out. He confirmed again and again that "Auntie" didn't need her to pick up the meal at noon today. His eyes turned into a crescent moon: "Don't worry, Auntie, I'll go after noon, when my uncle will have free time."

Listening to what this means, Lu'an will clean up the house as usual before doing other things.

In the few days since Lu'an came to Qiande Palace, Huiming seems to have returned to the days when she was the aunt in charge of the royal family. When she woke up early, Lu'an had already prepared hot water for her to wash. Anhui diligently spreads the bedding, not to mention the trivial matters such as cleaning the house. In fact, if Huiming hadn't resolutely refused, Lu'an even intended to hand her a handkerchief to wash her clothes!

This kind of thing was not done by anyone around Huiming in the last life, but at that time she was the only aunt in charge close to the little prince. Unlike now, not to mention that she is just an ordinary palace maid, even if she really has the identity of Aunt Wei, there is no reason to call a maid of honor in this way.

Although he knew that Lu'an was attentive to Eunuch Su's reputation, but Huiming was ashamed of it, and secondly, he didn't want to be so arrogant, but he was tired of Eunuch Su's reputation. Adding a bit of courtesy, the few days she took her to the top were also carefully taught, not only the errands on the surface of Si Xiu, but even her experience in dealing with things decades ago in her previous life, and her refined friendships. Both intentionally or unintentionally, they talked a lot with Lu'an.

However, what was different from Hui Ming's original intention was that she gave her all the money, and in addition to making Luan grateful, it actually added a bit of sincere admiration. In daily words and deeds, she became more knowledgeable and diligent.

That's right, the people that Eunuch Su specially picked are naturally not as troublesome and troublesome as Pekoe.

Thinking of Eunuch Su, Hui Ming looked at the sky and stopped delaying, and hurried out the door.

She was going to provide meals for Eunuch Su.

"Oh, why is Auntie so early today? I'm slow!" Seeing Huiming from a distance, Yuanbao immediately smiled and couldn't see his eyes. He immediately bent down and greeted her.

It is said to be a meal, but except today, most of the time, in fact, the ingots are prepared in advance, and Huiming is called Bai Bai's name. Hui Ming has given up a few times. It is also common sense for master to bring water and food, so he didn't say anything more, he just kept an eye on the errands of Qiande Hall, and sometimes when even Yuanbao was too busy to take care of it, he could go and really bring it up by himself as soon as possible. one time.

Fortunately, Eunuch Su was too good-natured to refuse. With her persuasion, the bad habit of skipping breakfast and lunch at any time in the past has really changed a lot. In addition to calling Hui Ming a little more reassuring, Yuanbao It is Le's daily attentiveness, and Ding Dian doesn't mind the trouble.

The reason why Huiming wanted to do this was not only to repay Eunuch Su's kindness a little, but more importantly, it was because Eunuch Su was killed by the rebels in her previous life. Every time she thought about it, she had trouble sleeping and eating, despite the distance. There are still nearly two years left on the day when King Rui forced the palace, but such a major event was not achieved in one day. What happened to Eunuch Su in Zhongzhong, and how much risk he took, Hui Ming had no idea. This is because she knew that Eunuch Su might be annoyed by her behavior, and she had to be brave enough to visit the door often. After she wanted to get acquainted with him, it was possible to inquire about the future affairs of King Rui in detail.

Yuanbao sent Hui Ming into the room, and he didn't bother his eyes anymore, he just said, "Sit down for now, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Hui Ming thanked him and stood at the door for a while. After he got used to the dim light in the house, he carried the food box into the house.

This is an upside-down room at the back of the Qiande Hall. It is only a place for Eunuch Su, Mammy Xu, and other palace servants with sufficient identities to take a break. It is not a real residence, and the place is naturally not big. There is a low bamboo couch next to the wall, and a small square table facing the door. There is nothing else to do with a few small tadpoles. Fortunately, because the place is small, although there is no ground dragon kang, only one brazier is enough. warm.

Eunuch Su sat on the tumbler facing the door. Although the tumbler was low, Eunuch Su did not shy away like others, but carried an indescribable extravagance, like the light in the brazier. It was as if they were all on him, Huiming glanced at him, then lowered his head and stepped forward, put down the food box in his hand, and placed it on the case in front of Eunuch Su, saying, "Eunuch came back early today. ."

"Yes, I happen to have some free time today." Eunuch Su nodded politely, and every time Huiming took out the dishes from the food box and put them down, he would take the initiative to pick them up with both hands, as if she was someone of high status. , I couldn't help being so polite that her servants were generally very polite. When Huiming saw this, he also placed more and more carefully. Even the soup and vegetables were placed four or five pieces of china, but there was no sound at all, only the brazier on the ground made a slight sound. .

Waiting in front of the emperor, I'm afraid that's the rule.

Because of such a serious atmosphere, every time Hui Ming let it go, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart, and then he said, "I saw that my father-in-law seemed to like eating these tender bamboo shoots last time. Bring some."

Eunuch Su went to get the spoon for a while, then looked up at her and said in a low voice, "I'm going to trouble you."

There were no windows in the upside-down room. It was all due to the light of the brazier and the candle. Perhaps because the light of the fire also reflected in Eunuch Su's eyes, Hui Ming only felt that the eyes of the other party were also surprisingly bright. After taking a look, he couldn't help lowering his head again, and sat down on the tumbler beside him.

Eunuch Su didn't speak any more. He just lowered his head and took a few bites of tender bamboo shoots. Seeing that Huiming didn't move his chopsticks, he asked again, "Why don't you eat it? The food is not to your taste?"

Huiming shook his head and said, "I've eaten it, it's fine for my father-in-law to use it himself, don't pay attention to me."

This is a lie. Huiming is counting the time. As soon as the pantry is ready, he brings the food box back. Where will there be time to use it first? The reason why I didn't eat it was not because of anything else, but eating next to Eunuch Su. Hui Ming was really uncomfortable eating...

Palace staff have rules for clothing, food, shelter and bedding, and it stands to reason that the appearance of food will not be too bad. Huiming has never paid attention to what other people will do when they eat, but Eunuch Su is really different. He also uses chopsticks to pick up vegetables. He took the spoon to drink the soup, but Eunuch Su made it, but it was different from others. It seemed that every move had its own rhythm, and he actually looked like a real noble master in the palace.

But thinking about Eunuch Su's life experience, it's not surprising that he eats like a noble master, but with such Eunuch Su, Hui Ming always feels that he should be the one who should stand behind and wait. If you want to sit together, you will feel ashamed of yourself and feel extremely uncomfortable.

Anyway, it was early enough today, so even if you waited for Eunuch Su to eat and then went back, there should still be food in the pantry, so it would be too late to eat at that time. Thinking of this, Hui Ming simply didn't plan to use chopsticks again, thinking about taking a good look at how Father-in-law Su eats.

Hui Ming's plan was good, but Eunuch Su's actions stopped when he heard the words. He looked up at the sky outside, and the light in his eyes dimmed little by little.

With his prudence, he could figure out that at the current hour, Hui Ming decided that there was no time to eat in advance. He clearly didn't have a meal, but he said that he did. Presumably, he would rather be hungry than eat at the same table with him. That's it.

Since it's so unpleasant to come, why can't you have a good meal with so much tossing? Su Jin put down the wooden chopstick in his hand, swallowed the bitterness in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Since this is the case, you are also tired, take advantage of the afternoon to rest, and go to rest."

Hey? Hui Ming was stunned for a moment, Eunuch Su's performance was so obvious, she could naturally see the other party's sudden low and unhappy, but, wasn't it good just now


The author has something to say:

Eunuch Su o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o: Ah, have dinner with your sweetheart! I have to be super careful, be super serious in every move, and be very particular about it! I don't know if she is moved!

Hui Ming =@ =: Uh, the pressure is so great... I dare not move...